How the FUCK am I supposed to get a job without nepotism...

How the FUCK am I supposed to get a job without nepotism? I have a BSc in mechanical engineering and no way to get inside.

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what is job?

My mommy hired me at her company after I graduated

Haha get fucked idiot

Just buy FUN and you won't need a job.

It's too late to make it the normie way. The newest trend is "Pump Groups". Hop in now or miss the boat...

> engineer without a master
Get back to uni right now idiot.

I was going to but then had a horrible health crisis that threw a wrench in that plan. I need to pay my medical bills and loans.

What happened?

Dude trading firms LOVE engineers because they know you can do quick math. If I were you, I’d apply for firms like Optiver, JaneStreet, and Akuna.

Autoimmune retinopathy that's now turning into lupus.

Dude shut the fuck up mechanical engineers speed 95% of time in front of solid works, he doesn't need a bullshit masters degree which will teach him non of that.

Just apply at some military option and start practicing your cad. Download fusion 360 and learn the CAM feature. I guarantee if you can do tooling and gcode you'll get hired on the spot.

if you got an eng job other than cs then you fuuuucked up money wise. what the flying fuck were you thinking user.

What’s cs?

lol. computer science.

Join a masons lodge OP, quite a few of the old boys from my lodge and other lodge's I know about are retired engineers. I'd imagine some of them still have connections.

computer fucking science. aka money. also happens to be the easiest eng degree by a very, very wide margin at most schools.

Why would computer science be a relevant field when pajeet can code

Okay, let me ask you something that I don't understand.

Someone told me about the freemason conspiracy of an elite group 1%ers inside it.

Another that it'd be a waste of time to become trusted enough to understand this.

because legit companies don't fucking outsource actual dev to india look it the fuck up. count how many indian devs are being paid $100k while half retard state college grads are making 100k + stock options.

don't be stupid

Since you don't have a masters, you're going to become a programmer and suffer the fate of $100k/year.

Start freelancing or something. There's money to be made, and a lot of places let you work remotely. Just keep searching.

come to germany OP

100+k + ~$10-30k signing + $10-50k stock/yr if you know how to interview. ask me for advice, im drunk and it's free tonight.

Too bad the freemason guy isn't drunk cause I want to know why there's a lodge in every town in America and no one talks about it.

You are a fucking tard.

1. Most CS degrees are in callifornia, with inflated salaries and costs of living (you'll make less with 120k in SV and will have a 2 hr drive every day, where as you'd have more take home and less commute in the northeast for $70k)

2. Coding is boring, for faggots, and has no bearing in the real world.

3. People can literally hire pajeets and chess masters from eastern europe to do your same job for $2 an hr on upwork.

4. Google is already developing self coding AI where you can make a program by just saying what you want it to do.

Sorry, would rather make shit and have cool shit like metallurgy and mechanics of materials under my belt and not get replaced by monkey subhumans.

are coding bootcamps like GA good? i've seen some of the coursework they provide their students and it doesn't look like anything you cant learn on your own in a day of googling

What is your reading comprehension?

Ding ding ding

Also the fact that people are going for CS in higher numbers makes the supply bigger aka affecting your salaries. Also pajeets can do your job as well

Godtier EE doesnt have this problem

idk, probably sort of. I did 4 year cs school, lots of that was a giant waste of time with bs, in 4 years you could learn a fuck of a lot more than I did if you're somewhat smart and extremely dedicated.

but for most people the bootcamp will lead to like an 80k job if you do very very well (which is very good). I had to do 3 internships to get fancy 170k total comp job out of school.

I know 6 programming languages, have a strong scientific computing/ applied math background, and have some unpublished ML-related research (got cut short because of health crisis).

How do I

A.) break into the software sector as a non-traditional applicant?

B.) get a job doing something interesting like scientific computing or ML instead of webdev bullshit?

become the host of a children's science educational television program

if you have lupus why even bother working, just get on welfare and wait to die

no, most cs JOBS are in california you retard, not degrees. calfirnia tech recruits at every decent school in the country (public and private).

obviously you know jack dik about programming, cause there's seattle, nyc, austin, etc all with high paying jobs. don't be a sad boi because you're stuck doing shit work for shit startups in delhi.

I've spent the last six months living with my mom, but this shit is driving me crazy. Plus it's fairly treatable with these new biologics, but they're insanely expensive.

Happy new year, free bump

have some impressive shit on github and/or waste a few weeks + thousands of dollars on a (good) bootcamp which will get you connections.

also, just in general, if you think code is going to be written by AI within your lifetime, you have no clue what the fuck you're talking about.

shit takes time senpai. no one starts at the top. nepotism is a part of industry. take a low level position, work your way up. your degree means nothing

your degree = your first job unless you (are a genius/are lucky/have good connections).

This is a simple answer, but it helps a lot. Thanks.

>3. People can literally hire pajeets and chess masters from eastern europe to do your same job for $2 an hr on upwork.

Pole here. No idea about pajeets but average developer's salary is like $30/hour here. As normal city apartment costs only about $150k or $200k for a house it's not that bad compared with SV

the dude you're replying to has no fucking clue. usa dev salaries are on a different planet from even developed foreign countries.

i made $36/hr as a fucking intern, still in school, not even graduated from college yet (in a medium COL city, not east coast or SV.),

Did you get interships while in Uni, I went to a pretty average school for ChemEng, but got some internships every year. Now got a position with Chevron

Dumb pollack blockhead i said eastern Europe, places like czechislovania or urkraine. Poor post communist concrete grey shotholes where u can get a mail order bride

poland is eastern europe you dipshit

yes internships every year, freshman year internship was super last minute (got hired after finals) and it was garbage, i smoked weed in my car at lunch and nobody cared.

after that internship were serious and I didn't fuck around like that.

what you're referring to is the former soviet bloc, not just eastern europe.

No, I was doing undergraduate research. It was really promising and I was going to switch over to an applied math program for grad school, but it all got ruined when my health fell apart. I was also involved in a lot of engineering extracurriculars though, some of which were really successful.

I was thinking about studying this and my dad is a big boss at a billion dollar company that needs chemical engineers.

Do you like it?

>Jane Street
lol good luck with their interviews

jane street is fucking brutal, I got rejected 2 days after applying and I was an ex google intern.

if they give you the offer fucking take it, and you'' never need to dick around on /biz again.

I hired PHP developers on Elance (precursor to Upwork) several years ago and the rates seemed to start at $12/hour for Indian developers. Couldn't find cheaper.

Thanks for the help Veeky Forums.

dude you're fucking terminal what are you mad at us for

go volunteer for charitable organizations or something

couldn't find cheaper but you could of found better.

not saying you needed better, or should have gotten better.

depends what you're going for / what stage of product you're on.

EE is good right guys? Im still in uni and have no idea what I should be doing or searching for. Is a master's really needed?

yes it's good, you can get software jobs at similar rate as cs grads. just study leetcode a lot.

This. I'm a ME graduate and masters mean jack shit. I could basically do the work required after high school: cad fast, over dimension everything, known how to dimension a real drawing. Your math proficiency and you're experience level is kind of out the window if you can't apply your skills. Just apply to junior positions and you will start getting answers. If you're not spagett and actually a decent human being it's too fucking easy to get a shitty drafting job.

>coding has no bearing in the real world
Literally kys

It's never lupus.
Network, faggot. I had the same problem until I went to a networking event and told the HR guy I could program in HTML (LEL). Got hired as a webdev and then mad a diaganol move to fullstack and now I'm a manager of my personal finances specualting in crypto all day at night using polyphasic sleeping techniques so I get more hours on the 24/7 exchanges the rest of the chumps who "want to be a millionaire by 2018" but don't have what it takes to really make sacrifices for MAD MONEY.

>polyphasic sleeping techniques
How many hours do you sleep?

I realized that by being more active and keeping myself entertained I could easily cut down to 5-6 hours of sleep. I might be interested in adding a series of timed naps

2 hours :DdddddddddDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

There's a constant glow of euphoria that takes over your consciousness, but you absolutely HAVE to take your naps ON FUCKING TIME. Or the next thing you know you're driving the down the freeway, cock out, spunk sliding down your face, doing 105 in a 50.

Damn bro, that's impressive.

>polyphasic sleeping techniques
>aka, how to fuck your shit up by aging 10x faster and getting alzheimer's in your thirties

Can you even provide a single piece of literature to back that up?

I've met people who have lived years awake longer than their peers because of their sleep schedule and they were fine.

Bow to the Jews

for the love of god join some kind of group that meets in real life and be social
wtf would a company want to hire a engine nigger who cant work with other people ?

Checked. Nigga, search up Puredoxyk and the /r/polyphasic, these niggas got it down to an ART. But most of them are LARPing, including that one memo guy shilling against polyphasic sleep, so take it all with a grain of salt until you've verified it personally. And don't try Dymaxion because it's literally impossible.
More time to spend while you're young. As I see it, when you turn 50 you're on your way out. 60, might as well be dead. Time's a tickin and you never get it back. Unlike money which can always be made later. But time, oh no boy oh boy, that shit is the most sacred resource there is. Use it well. The only people that need lots of sleep are creatives and atheletes.

But besides the philosophical shit, we just don't understand sleep yet. Researchers only know that sleep deprivation can fuck up a lot of things, but there has been only one (real) study on polyphasic sleep where the researchers went out of their way to tailor the subjects' sleep to polyphasic shit instead of just depriving them of sleep and messing with their schedules. It's wack. But it follows the postmodern adage: "Nothing is true. Do what works for you."
Important thing is you find what works for you.

I have a Msc in Mech Engineering and been working for 5 years.

Thinking of offing myself i just can't fucking work a 9-5 desk job it's soul fucking crushing. Besides it doesn't even pay well and i have to live in this hell where i am surrounded by fucking JAVA developers NU MALES who make a shitload of cash in their pijamas by "developing" phone apps.

Lol u dense motherfuckers, CAD drawings and dimensioning is technician work, you are basically being exploited.

Of course without your masters degree you are nothing more than a glorified technician so they might as well blast your butt.

Lmao having a disease and still wanting to be wageslave
Start a your own business fag, you would get necessary money for your treatment 100 times faster

Aerospace Engineering in the UK or US?

Recently graduated and seems like people are getting paid way more in America for what I'm doing

Also anyone who's lived in both where did you prefer to live?

>creates profitable business in one quarter

>2. Coding is boring, for faggots, and has no bearing in the real world.
hang yourself far far away, nobody will miss you

just day trade cryptod

Eh, so what do you do on a daily basis? Sure, you could work towards calculations or supply chain. But realistically the guys become cad slaves and the girls project "managers". I'm definitely overqualified for drafting, and that's why I'm taking another route.