Just read pic related. Good AL book, with a hint of plot Armor at some point but it was still quite fun. Expect fuckeries aplenty, and a hint of "AL are loyal, sorta."
I recommend it.
Just read pic related. Good AL book, with a hint of plot Armor at some point but it was still quite fun. Expect fuckeries aplenty, and a hint of "AL are loyal, sorta."
I recommend it.
I can't read it if you don't share it
Sorry mate, as a matter of principle, I don't share recent books. If I feel the author deserved my money, I encourage others to buy the book. It's the case here. Sanders did a good job, he deserved his royalties.
How much
>I am Alpharius
memeing is in it? Any answer more than zero is too much.
Fuck off moralfag.
Not that much until the end and even then it's very brief.
Ans I return thr compliment to you poorfag. Why should you have something recent for free? Someone worked for that, why wouldn't they get some money for it if it's good?
In the meantime, have another good book.
I don't even care about reading this after seeing what anons say about this book, but people like you need to vacate this website immediately. Straight back to whatever normalfag site you crawled out of.
You realise you don't need to be a cunt 24/7 right? Nothing good comes out of it.
>Fuck off moralfag.
same to you, moralfag
What's your definition of a "Good AL book" because I'm getting sick of AL books that are just like;
>Here's a book about the Alpha Legion
>Lol prankd, it's actually about a bunch of guardsmen or some shit and alpha legion occasionally just pop in to remind the human characters that they're secretly controlling everything behind the scenes
or worse
>Alpharius is going on a mission
>Lol no it's actually omegon
>Lol no it's actually neither of them
>Lol no the guy actually was Omegon the whole time
>Lol no it was actually Alpharius the whole time pretending to be Omegon pretending to not be Alpharius
>B dubs that tremendous loss we just suffered was actually a victory because we just pretended our objective was the thing we told the reader
>Also Alpharius was actually Omegon the whole time
>Lol I trol U
Or the worst of all when they don't even bother with the false intrigue and just go off about how AL is so much better then literally every other legion and they're all cool James Bond like super spies.
Granted all this is almost entirely from HH but still it pisses me off. There's room for such cool intrigue with this legion.
Alphalet legion sucks.
They're not loyal. That's a fact
>There's room for such cool intrigue with this legion.
That's just what they wanted you to think, FOOL!
Disregard this, I was mistaken. Alpha Legion are top guys of unimpeachable character. They know what they are doing, and that's a real fact.
Any further posts by me are lies.
Btw I am Alpharius
DIsregard this, the last part where I said all further posts are lies was a lie. 99.9% of Alpha Legion are substandard soldiers not fit for serving in the guard much less being space marines. It is totally reasonable to let your guard down in any theaters they are operating in.
Worked for Dorn.
>continues to chainsaw alpharius' head
>waaahhh waaaahhhh I'm a poor neckbeard give me things or you don't belong on my sekret website
Kys you plebian. The user doesn't have to give you stuff for free so go salt elsewhere.
and to trigger you more, I'm normie as fuck :^)
Rough plot of the book OP?
>tfw retard tries to defend your point and now you feel bad you have his same opinion
Alphalets BTFO
It's 100% about Legionnaires and it's not about Alpharius, although his double Death at the hands of Guilliman and For is mentioned.
Most of the time it's just SM being operators as fuck and having a good plan, but as I said there's a hint of a plot armour here and there with a psyker that helps them camouflage, but it's still interesting. The Legionnaires aren't pulling bullshit meme tricks basically. More like sabotage, disruption and infiltration.
A squad of AL has to go and fetch a demonic artefact on a demonic forgeworld because a weird machine xenos creature convinces their boss they should work for the "Lord Dominatus".
Tacticool and deception follows.
Faggot detected
He's OP, of course he's a faggot. We're all faggots here.
But why did the ctan deciever dominatus want the daemon artifact in the first place? Surely the secret necron-alpha legion 'alliance' was good enough to help them cull humanity's weak links and keep the Imperiun strong like their true loyalist agenda wanted?
The Deceiver didn't want the artifact. The weird whatshisname did, in order to trap the Deceiver and save himself, admittedly, along with Humanity in the process, but we would have been collateral savings, instead of damages for once.
It wasn't a daemon artefact. It was a Necron Tesseract Labyrinth. The Necron cryptek tricked the Redacted to bring it to the Deceiver that was disguised as the Arch Lord of the Legion. It was done in order to take vengence on the C'tan shard for extermination of his tomb world's people and also to stop the shard from continuing the Pylon project that would have in time sealed the Warp and left reality at the mercy of the hungrt C'tan shards.
>the warp is actually keeping us from getting wrecked from star gods
Are Chaos Gods /ourguys/?
Sure they are.
No user, that's Gork and Mork.
muh m,uhh fee fees
>buying BL books in 2017.
I bet your favorite author is Aron Edgy Bowden.
We need an Imperialfag to give us the proper counter-propaganda wank and restore Imperial Dominion over the fluff to better reflect the tabletop domination.
40k is an Imperium universe, the rest are just living in it (until we burn them in our concentration camps).
>cutting the head off of a hydra
Dorn doomed the Imperium without even knowing it.
Is there a list of all of the AL-related-books?
My current chapter/background is related to AL/Cursed Founding Shenanigans, and I'd love to be able to read them (so as to better understand what I'm doing).
I know so far about:
Sons of the Hydra
other HH books that revolve around the White Scars/Raven Guard
>Shroud of Night
That's another one.
>implying the AL doesn't have an entire legion of Alpharius clones better than whatever Fabius could cook up.
Fuck the Jews in this thread. Here's the book: