Why does this image bother Veeky Forums so much?
Why does this image bother Veeky Forums so much?
Inb4 300 replies, 8 unique posters.
1) saber hairstyle
2) lorebreaking bullshit
3) Ultramarines
Is Thong Revolution still active?
They’re anti-saberfags.
>Has Sword that could melt entire enemy army
>Uses gun
Kill yourself
Goes against the lore
My wife
Oyakodon soon please
It's virtue signalling
This meme is MUCH older than that
Then it's taken on a new meaning these days. It's like people who want to take down confederate statues because they "celebrate racism", they don't but modern morons can only see things through their own ideological goggles.
Not that I really give a fuck about it, but most of the confederate statues people are pissy about were erected in the mid 1900's for very racist reasons, celebrating people who fought for race-themed slavery. Nothing about the Confederate States of America wasn't steeped in racism and it's just plain silly to argue otherwise.
What actually rustles my jimmies is when those treasonous southern bastards wave their rebel flags around and have the gall to call themselves USA patriots.The blatant irony is unfathomably rage inducing.
I don't like women
What's the issue?
Do you not think an incredibly feminine man could make it in the Ultramarines?
Her power armor is too tight fitting and thus don't leave any space for the power
I mean one could (and they certainly do) argue that Confederacy-worship is a celebration of the “Southern Spirit” that drove an entire region to declare independence at any cost from a tyrannically democratic government system that was abusing its power to electe an executive who ran on a platform they didn’t approve of that just so happened to include probably making the keeping humans as chattel based on their anscestry illegal
It’s the purest celebration of the true American spirit of radical egocentrism
He didn't even run on that platform, he ran on the platform of "you can keep your slaves, but we won't have new slave states"
Okay maybe it was primarily for Jim Crow reasons, but also keep in mind that when those statues were put up, it was right around the time that the grandchildren of those who fought in the war were old enough to seek elected positions of office. At least part of it was to honor grandpappy.
Also, slave states wanted their fucking slaves to count towards their census for their number of representatives in the house which I think even /pol/ would agree is six kinds of bullshit.
>We are going to bring over fuckloads of illegal immigrants to do manual labor we can't be asked to do, they are not going to have any rights ven if they were not wetback immigrants
>But could they count towards the population census as if they were free, property owning, voting men so we can have enough representatives for our states to shut down anything we don't like?
Those statues were cool. Removing them just removes cool things. Thats what the extent of the argument should be.
Nobody on this planet right now was alive when the civil war went down. Those people wave around those flags to remember and celebrate their ancestors. Even the losers are allowed to commemorate their soldiers. And like it or not there was a 'southern spirit' in many of the soldiers and generals worth celebrating. Lee, Jackson and Beauregard. were badasses.
Getting personally offended over something that has literally nothing to do with you is the height of egocentric bullshit. So take your jimmies and shove them.
It is not real. I want to serve the Emperor and purge heretics but every time I mention it in front of the recruiter they start wondering about my emotional stability and if I'm delusional. I just want the bad people to burn.
Oh great, let me get my 3rd reich flags. Both my grandpas served there.
Wehrmacht flags are a thing too you know?
> Putting SoB into SM armor
>grossly misrepresenting the issues that preceded the American Civil War this badly.
Rank bait.
>Why does this image bother Veeky Forums so much?
Is it the lack of the comma?
It's the lack of the comma, isn't it?
>The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery.
>Mississippi... Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world.
>Texas was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery-- the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits-- a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. Her institutions and geographical position established the strongest ties between her and other slave-holding States of the confederacy.
>Virginia... the Federal Government, having perverted said powers,not only to the injury of the people of Virginia, but to the oppression of the Southern Slaveholding States.
But of course, slavery had nothing to do with it.
>ACW was all about slavery!
>no it wasn't
>are you saying slavery had nothing to do with it?
Yeah, there were economic factors...caused by slavery. There were cultural factors...caused by slavery. There were political factors...caused by slavery.
It literally all comes back to slavery. The closest not-slavery-related-at-all reason that any of the Confederate states put forth was Texas arguing that the US government had given them inadequate protection against Indians and Mexican raiders, and even then it was a decidedly secondary issue next to the continuation of slavery.
Slavery was the axis upon which the Civil War turned, and you're not fooling anyone by claiming otherwise, Reb.
>What actually rustles my jimmies is when those treasonous southern bastards wave their rebel flags around
Why? The South has been using the Dixie flag for ages and nobody gave a single fuck about it until the internet turned everyone autistic. Like it was sold in corner stores and nobody cared at all. If you're getting upset about it now you're probably buying into the dumb identity politics pushed since 2010 and need to step back and relax.
Who was a more terrible parent, saber or golden skull man?
Yeah, I lived through the 90s when there was no significant Internet presence, and I gave a shit about it back then, and a good chunk of people I knew gave a shit too. It's just that we thought we were in the minority.
The Internet didn't turn anyone into anything, it just allowed us a forum by which we could realize just how many of us there were.
Also, even without that - sensibilities change over time; who knew? But then I'm not surprised that a Reb wants to turn things back to the way they were rather than accept the inevitability of change.
>Like it was sold in corner stores and nobody cared at all
Maybe in Bumfuck Georgia, but you wouldn't see them up North. We had this argument, it lasted four years, we won, that flag is the flag of a treasonous Rebel faction that tried to leave the Union for the express purpose of continuing a way of life that involved keeping about a quarter to a third of their population in bondage.
By the way, I'll direct you to the 2005 Dukes of Hazzard movie, where (in the movie) the fact that the car had a Confederate flag on it unnerved both of the Duke boys and got them both unwanted praise from obvious racists; and unwanted hate from more sensible people. So even back in 2005 (2003/4 really when you consider when the script for the film was written and when it was filmed) it was recognized as a Bad Thing.
Plus the same year a movie called Sahara came out, based on a book that has a scene where the Confederate flag was supposed to be raised by Our Heroes while they're fighting off the bad guys of the movie, an African warlord and his cronies. The scene was cut in an instant and never filmed. The guy who wrote the book, Clive Cussler, made a stink about it and everything.
Point being that this isn't new. Not everything is identity politics; the world existed before you were born in 2010.
>it just allowed us a forum by which we could realize just how many of us there were.
That's actually a really terrible thing since people who would otherwise be well adjusted adults find niche groups that allow them to sit in a bubble and reinforce bad attitudes and behavior. See the Furry community and other weirdo communities that are allowed to prosper, those people would be forced to interact with normal people without the internet and would eventually become regular people. Instead they eschew social interaction with the people around them and sit on forums for degenerates like themselves.
Your group is one of these of course. Without the internet you'd be forced to shut up and act like a regular person. The internet allows you to hook up with other wowsers who want to be permanently offended and so you can REEEE about complete non issues like the confederate flag.
>the world isn't about identity politics
From the excessively tight knots in your panties about a square of dyed cloth, if say you feel that way. Sokay though man - OHMYGODIJUSTASSUMEDYOURGENDERIMSOSORRY while I go faceplate myself for.my microaggression, you can go get your undies unbunched in the nearest Safe Space, Sadiq is staffing it today but he only raped two girls before he came over, and they were lucky to be so enriched by his beautiful culture.
Niggers are going to nig. Getting angry at a flag isn't going to stop people hating niggers for acting like apes.
This. They have the power. The power to stop acting fucking retarded. They won't use it, but they have it.
/pol/ go home
>people have been moral busybodies in the past so it's okay.
Fuck off.
Reddit go home
A mighty kek from me good sir.
Go back to plebbit. Where the fuck are all these newfags coming from who think Veeky Forums is their personal politically correct safespace?
Because the leg armor is totally wrong.
>Maybe in Bumfuck Georgia, but you wouldn't see them up North.
A great deal of people who live in the South are well aware of your stance on our opinions on everything, as well as your opinion of our relevance in the world.
Looking down on people isn't very attractive. That's a great deal of why you people don't win hearts and minds here.
How about the incontrovertible fact that the Union was a voluntary union of sovereign states and the South had every right to leave it if they felt that the good no longer outweighed the bad in the deal they got?
Veeky Forums here, yes slavery was an important issue, but just saying that slavery was the main cause is really reductionist. Just blaming everything on slavery prevents us from truly understanding the vast, complex gulf that formed between North and South.
Hey man, just wanna say, from the frozen heart of the screaming, hysterical SJW faggot stronghold that is the province of Ontario
The South seems cozy as fuck, the people seem genuinely nice, and the way faggot progressives completely obsessed with prejudice and bigotry view your home and your people is the most delicious form of irony I have ever had the pleasure to behold. God bless you and keep you, my friend.
Watch as he hinges that upon slavery as well.
Not that it matters. Only a couple of percent of the population in the South actually owned slaves anyway. There have been historians that claim that upwards of thirty percent of the South was "related" to slavery, whether because they were wives and children married to slave owners, free men who worked for slave owners, actual slaves who were owned by slave owners, and so on.
Which, I'm told, makes them equally culpable for the slavery issue.
>I'll take what cross is on modern German tanks that was on German tanks during WW2 Alex?
I mean shit if southerners are racist because they wave the flag of a country that had slavery 170 years ago why are people allowed to he members of a Communist party, wave a Japanese flag ever or be German? Crimes committed by those groups were far worse and far more recent.
Because academia and hollywood have a soft spot for commies.
He's a leftist. He doesn't put any thought into his positions other than
>m-maybe if I s-say the dixie flag is racists the black people will think I'm one of the good white people
Because it's weebshit.
Yes, slavery, the economic and political crux of the south, was important.
So was, as I recall, the north's emerging domination over the south due to population changes related to the industrialization of the North and the stagnation of the south.
The southern states had the choice to radically overhaul their entire way of life, forever be the bitches to the north, or secede.
The north used violence to force them to pick the first option.
And it was the right thing to do.
But, yes, it was more complex than "southerners wanted slavery".
>But muh memes!
Stop embarrassing yourselves.
Because it's stupid weebshit.
>why are people allowed to he members of a Communist party, wave a Japanese flag ever or be German?
None of those groups made oppression of someone else a founding part of their respective nation/ideology, whereas forced bondage of Africans was a building block of the Confederacy enough to kill others for it.
>inb4 some cuck goes ackshually
I'm given to understand it's less about cowardice and more about misunderstanding the role of a government, and thus politics.
Government's not supposed to manage morality or take stances of moral issues. You can seize your representative by the throat and campaign against candidates who make decisions that you don't like for moral reasons, but that's your prerogative as a voter and a person. You'll be relatively alone, as most of his ilk are finding themselves, because no one wants to go to war over every little niggling stupid thing you care about, and certainly not for years at a time.
Government is supposed to handle the stuff that you, as an individual, can't. Government is supposed to wage or stop wars. Government is supposed to make sure that corporations aren't dumping toxic waste that makes the frogs gay and the water burn a bluish color when you drop a match in it. Government is supposed to make sure the roads aren't being hounded by Dirk Hardpeck and his band of drug-addled fuckheads.
When you have government making laws about calling people by their preferred pronouns, or letting corporations write laws about keeping copyrights for longer than the expected lifespan of your current populace, or making decisions to import a variety of people that routinely cause problems wherever they go, you have a government that's overstepping its bounds and failing to serve the people.
Because you've got a government that's making moral decisions instead of political ones.
look into the Nullification Crisis. Andrew Jackson took military action against a state that tried to succeed. This can be seen as the time when the precedent was set that states can't leave the union.
>the Nazis did not make oppression of someone else a founding part of their nation
>why are people allowed to he members of a Communist party, wave a Japanese flag ...
>None of those groups made oppression of someone else a founding part of their respective nation/ideology
Who are the wealthy and the Ainu?
To wit, a number of those "moral decisions" are based on promoting and safeguarding public health, which IS a gov't priority.
Abortion, for instance, is the biggest fucking non-issue ever that only gets traction because of the holdover restrictive religious elements present in America. I find it silly that it is seen as a gov't issue to restrict it when it is an individual's choice alone, and not an easy one, at that. But American's gobble that bait up whenever it's dangled. Sex ed is another one that defies belief.
>make sure the roads aren't being hounded by Dirk Hardpeck and his band of drug-addled fuckheads.
Sidequest for next game.
>Germans are only defined as Nazis, a group that Germany as a whole have repudiated for almost 3 generations
Kill yourself.
The issues with the wealthy is a problem the world over, more to do with the greed of people, not a particular people. As for the Ainu/Urghur/Native Americans, that is a battle still being fought.
>The issues with the wealthy is a problem the world over,
I hadn't realized you were retarded. I'm sorry, I'll just bow out of this thread now.
>Government's not supposed to manage morality or take stances of moral issues.
Wrong. It is one of the fundamental purposes of the government to ensure the integrity of the state it rules and prevent the subversion of the fundamental elements of society like the family unit and the healthy upbringing of offspring.
I really, really hate of this "muh small gubmint" meme emanating from the colonies.
American Politics is my favorite traditional game.
user was obviously referencing the Nazis when he mentioned Germany in , No-Nuts.
>Maybe in Bumfuck Georgia,
Ah, northerners. The Confederate flag thing wasn't just about virtue signaling, wasn't it? No, you're just angry that there was and still is no such thing as "Northern Pride". You see the thing about the south us that it takes the bloodiest war in American history to make us do what you fucking smog-huffing northerners want. Even after you kicked our ancestors' teeth in, they still didn't let you hurt their pride, and they passed that pride down from generation to generation. They never gave into the shiteating and self-loathing culture of the north. They still refuse to be like you even to this day. So keep being a moralizing little shit, the folk of the south will still do as they wish.
>To wit, a number of those "moral decisions" are based on promoting and safeguarding public health,
A number that is less than the number of moral decisions that have been made by government for the past couple of decades, at least.
And yet, if we didn't dictate your policies for you, you wouldn't be complaining about what a small role our government takes on the world stage.
I want my government out of your backyard as much as you want it out. Unfortunately, I don't get to make that decision.
I for one am pleased that this thread turned into a Never Change rather than 400 posts of saberfags and MUHreens shrieking autistically.
That's how I feel too user at its point
I have actually thought about making an small army of primaris chicks.
>not built on the impression of people
Hahaha, I'm sorry, how many people has Stalin and Zedong killed?
Literally millions. But they werent real communists so its okay.
But that wasn't oppression, user! It was LOVE.
That doesn't make it right, though.
Something seems screwy about your analysis here, bro.
As I recall it, one of the things that made up the economic situation in the Northern states was that they had unions that were preventing the industry from making cabinets and chairs and other items at the absolute rock-bottom prices that were still being achieved in places that were under the control of the British Empire of the day.
So you had better quality of life for your union-run workshops and union-run factories. Cool, great, but the items were a bit pricier, which wasn't good for your Average Joe in the Southern states. Your Average Joe didn't have slaves, but he did work about town and farmed and got by as best he could... at a lower cost of living because he wasn't getting paid as much as the Union Man in the North.
So he bought imported junk from the British Empire-run factories. Cupboards and tables and chairs and so on.
The North found itself fanny-flustered because they were being undercut a situation that's repeating itself now, except we're apparently just transitioning into a service-based economy instead of a manufacturing or productive one, which is going to straight-up fuck us in the long run because the South just wasn't buying from them. And so, they lobbied to have tariffs put in place, so as to encourage the South to start buying from them again.
The South complained, got nowhere, and found themselves forced to either buy from the North or make their own junk.
So they started making their own junk, outside of factories, and the North started attacking the only available target left, which would hit the wealthiest elements of Southern society and thus free up the most funds: Slave-owning plantations. After all, without the bountiful food and cotton, the South's economy would be just as crippled as the North's, right?
And that led to the rest of what you describe here, more or less.
Communism is a pretty broad concept, and at its core is a pretty innocuous thing that many people find desirable: the striving for a classless society. Everything else is baggage. Arguably it can't be done, and Marxist-Leninist states have historically been extremely brutal, but it's entirely within the realm of possibility for communists to simply be naïve and incorrect. Hell, it's even possible that communism can work and the right conditions and approach just haven't come along yet.
As for Germany and Japan, there's a difference between Germany in general and the specific instance of Nazi Germany. Likewise, there's a difference between Japan today and Imperial Japan in WWII.
Why is king arthur in a space marine suit?
Because of Slavery
Lancer Artoria is my waifu
>saber class using a ranged weapon
Hitler did a lot wrong, but the USA, USSR, and UK committed much worse crimes againt humanity
>fem-marine thread
>it devolves into politics
Just post babes in armor dangit. Or argue against them. Just stay on topic. Make a new thread if you want to bitch about political topics.
I think that my problem with fem-marines is the fact that they are either always drawn in an anime-esque art style that it completely clashes with the the tone of the entire setting, or are made to be so butch and mannish that you can't even tell that they're women at all.
all these whiners about weeb-this and waifu-that.
The only real problem with this is that she is not wearing a helmet. And yes, it is also a problem when it's named male characters.
Your in a battle against fuck-knows what, chemical and biological warfare are a thing, thought they were smart about this war thing
lets give you this, when are we going to start killing the blacks in black communicates then? Their culture seeps in criminal worship and their family is nothing but a ploy to get money from the government. And their immoral way of life is spreading, according to you it's the duty of the government to stop this. now what?
>woman space marine
>entire thread about slavery and politics of the confederacy
Don't you love Veeky Forums
Yes, continue being just as ignorant and set in your ways as those who criticize you. Glorifying the south as a region is exhibit A on you having your head up that nonsensically prideful ass. Northerners, as if anyone nowadays except a regional moron like yourself would describe a group as such, replaced your misbegotten *pride* with education or faith in god and work that doesn't involve enslaving other human beings.
The duty of YOUR government because ours never imported slaves or allowed massive immigration.
The first point I'm meh on myself. If the girl is anime, but the whole picture is drawn anime style then it works. Fanart is fanart and every artist just draws differently. The second point I'd argue is probably the whole point realistically speaking. They're bio-enginered super soldiers, not tavern maids.
What if they aren't drawn in a battle? Everyone's gotta eat.
we alredy have the sisters of battle, making any femmarines is not only redundant it shit on the entire canon so far including the sister of battle. The order would't even exist if female Astarte could be employed by the Ecclesiarchy in the first place. women in something similar to power armor sure, female space marines no fuck off.
>Golden skull man
Nobunaga? But to answer the question, saber, easily. All it took to save her life and her kingdom was just acknowledging mordred, and she was too stubborn to do that. If that ain't the pinnacle of terrible parenting, i dunno what is.
That Crisis sowed the seeds for the Civil War and pretty much everyone ignores it. Before the crisis no-one really thought much about federal overreach but Jackson's extraordinarily stupid policies made everyone suddenly think long and hard about just what role the federal government should have. Unfortunately no-one had an answer for the question by the time of the Civil War and so forever afterward the federal government has been unquestioningly supreme over the states.