Pardon my ignorance but are Imperial Guard tank commanders allowed to order themselves or is that not a thing?
I remember there being a lot of hoopla about the issue but I don't see it mentioning in the FAQ.
Adam Thompson
how hard do u think it'd be to remove the red scorpion insigna on this badboy?
Austin Thomas
Yes, they can in fact do that, retarded little girl.
Zachary Bell
the clause that didn't let them order themselves was removed in the change from the index to the codex
Lucas Phillips
Levi Hill
Your opinion of the best looking army, and why you think so - go!
Cooper Sullivan
My dudes look great. Best looking army, bar none.
Colton Cook
exorcists and word bearers. Literally doom the armies.
Michael Bailey
other peoples dark eldar
Kayden Edwards
It would be extremely painful
Jaxon Lewis
meant for
Jayden Baker
Jack Hill
>best >can't have storm cannon >only a budget twin-AC
Lucas Morris
Alexander Gonzalez
Advice on this 1500 point admech list? Tooling one up for a local tournament. Plan is to creeping advance the majority of the army while infiltrators and electro priests are used to alpha strike big threats.
Evan King
Ork players - How good are Nobz? And what is the optimum way to run them?
Noah Wilson
Sebastian James
Put them in a 'naut.
Oliver Phillips
The modularity of the DE plastics line is still unparalleled - even by the SM line.
Nathaniel Miller
>not just bringing a regular leviathan if you want that waac crap >not just bringing him for the sheer fun of having a leviathan for an HQ choice
Connor Diaz
William Garcia
>having fun >in 40k >while playing Absolutely disgusting
Asher Gray
>best = caacfaggotry
Nathan Foster
>not willingly falling for the GW meme of playing narrative games with your friends using power points
Luis Hernandez
What level do you guys think is "table top standard"? Base coat and a few layers of color?
Jose Turner
>table top standard Does it look good from 3 feet away.
Hunter Ramirez
Those bikes are absolutely gorgeous. Almost makes me want to start a DE army. Shame all their infantry units look like shit, with the exception of Hellions maybe.
Owen Price
It's gonna vary from person to person but for me, base coat, wash, and some minimal highlights, mostly because I think the 'Eavy Metal method of highlighting literally fucking everything is too gaudy for 40k.
Levi Taylor
this it doesnt matter if you can do it with a basecoat and 1 layer or if it takes 50 layers, just has to look good from between a yard to a meter away.
Luis Morales
Base coat + Wash + Highlight + some sort of decoration for the mini's base. At least 3 colours on the mini excluding the base. Anything below should honestly not be allowed for playing games. It is extremely easy to do and not doing at least the above is just laziness.
Blake Scott
3 colours
John Turner
if you're decent with a knife not too hard, just be sure to clean it up with some sandpaper
Juan Hughes
I had just bikes like a display piece (while playing eldar), and then Ynnari happened and i could bring them in my regular list. Not anymore tho cos have to have Ynnari HQ after FAQ. Maybe i should get one of those sleazy japanese figurines and convert it into avatar of ynnead.
William Williams
How should I pose my redemptor?
Elijah Diaz
Huh, so my girlfriend is tabletop standard.
Colton Davis
I don't do highlights, it's too hard and my hands are too shaky. I end up smearing it all over my model and it looks like shit.
Evan Robinson
Have they put out a generic Ynarri HQ yet or is it still just Yvraine, her manslave and the Yncarne or whatever?
Mason Reyes
Brace your elbows on the table, take a few slow breaths and get a good tip on your brush. I mostly stick to edge highlights anyway though.
Noah Peterson
yeah the jetbikes are amazing models.
Ryder Sanders
If you changed armies or sold off and started a new army - what army did you start with and why did you change to your new one?
Dominic Johnson
no good from 2 feet? I'm sorry user
Luke Baker
nah, should I edge highlight?
Nolan Robinson
Trying stripping thats a good trick
Tyler Butler
What if I'm not pretty enough to strip
Thomas Price
who knows user
Jason Lopez
where are these legs from? so much better
Aiden Taylor
Is it supposed to look so pockmarked
Isaiah Ramirez
Someone on here converted it, I'm not sure. yeah I assume its battle damage. Well then user try ebay
Asher Hernandez
ur retarded
Jonathan Jackson
Make him wave
Nicholas Cooper
Depends on the army but generally: spray undercoat a specific (two thin) layers for each of: armour any specific standout colours (ie, marine pauldrons, cadian guard shoulder parts, eldar gemstones) gun casings and other non-armour but still metallic parts leather and accessories metallics like imperial eagles, exposed metal gun parts all areas neatened up properly At least an all over wash if appropriate for the model, preferably two, one for metallic & one for armour/leather/accessories base done with a GW terrain paint or sand that is properly painted then drybrushed, or green flock. transfers done as appropriate
Jaxon White
John James
That seems way too much. That's more like display standard, not "get your dudes on the table so you can play with them" standard. 90% of people would never play a game if they needed to have their minis painted like that.
Hunter Mitchell
"You are already purged"
Xavier Perry
He did get dubs though. Maybe we should raise our game.
Sebastian Brown
This only applies to the easier armies. nids, orks, generic marines, necrons, guard. For the more most aesthetic armies like Eldar, Tau, Specific marine chapters, Sisters, Mechanicus, then you should do them properly with 2 colour edge highlighting and shading like duncan intended. These armies look awful when done to just "tabletop" standard. The likes of Custodes, Deathwatch, Grey Knights, Thousand Sons, Knights/Titans, Inquisitors, Special Characters like Gulliman/Primarchs, superheavy vehicles and Harlequins shouldn't be played unless you can paint them well above tabletop standard.
Aaron Murphy
drink your paint water you snob
Sebastian Green
>For the more most aesthetic armies >Tau
Juan Hill
To be fair to him, cutting corners on, say, a green tide ork army would probably take the same time as going balls out on the paint job of a deathwatch/custard army. Skimping on the painting of a 20-30 model army just smacks of being lazy.
Dylan Smith
I just want to play with my dudes, painting is boring
Wyatt Parker
If you cant be bothered to paint them, are they even your dudes?
Oliver Hernandez
So is rolling dice and pushing dollies.
Hunter Smith
damn this hobby sucks
Christopher Rogers
agreed, painting can be pretty tedious. Modelling and converting is the funnest to me
Colton Sanders
No that's the most fun part. Driving the neckbeards before you and hearing the lamentations of their women
Wyatt Cook
Has there ever been an instance of a Daemon World being purified and re-settled? Or are Daemon Worlds lost forever once they've fallen that far?
Mason Bailey
A daemon world exists in the warp so it's pretty much fucked.
William Taylor
Ask hive fleet Kronos
Connor Young
Those are some “women” I do not wish to hear ever lament. Not even a little. >their women >of the neckbearded ones Heretic!
Austin Collins
They used a good chunk of the Onager Dunecrawler legs, it looks like to me. Parts from the Onager were used elsewhere in the conversion, like the head.
Anthony Parker
They actually get pulled into the warp itself...? I thought they were just exposed to huge amounts of warp energy.
Oliver Turner
I like playing, but i never finish any conversions because i keep on adding shit, so i can never start painting
I only play grey tide because of this. Cool looking, converted my-dudes grey tide, but grey tide nonetheless
Robert Phillips
>go to yard sale >Some dude selling his dudes >They're completely fucked >Missing bits and gnaw marks from dogs >Spray painted gold >"It's the Imperial spirit!" >mfw
Joseph Jenkins
This is old lore I'm going off but I'm pretty sure Daemon worlds were only found in the eye of terror. I'm guessing they're also found in the new tear across the galaxy from the fall of Cadia.
Samuel Allen
I want to paint and join tourneys to show off my converted dudes, but i cant stop building crazy shit
Help me, tg
Evan Martin
The setting is too grimdark for reclamation or redemption
Dominic Flores
With new Ynnead bullshit everything is possible.
Except the thing that it was born for...destroy Slaanesh.
Adrian Watson
Leo Murphy
What even is that plastic miscarriage on the left?
Lucas Sanchez
Wanna build an expensive (Points wise) Tank Commander.
Should I go for: Plasma Gun and Plasma Sponsons or Punsiher with Heavy Bolter Sponsons?
Jason Morales
When written down it sounds like a lot, but for an ork or nid army you can speedpaint using it. Orks Spray - Whatever your favourite light green or light brown primer is. Try a few different out until you figure out your favourite colour. Or just keep mixing & matching to produce different shade of ork. Armour - A non-silver metallic (Brass, Copper, Bronze) Standout Colours - Brown, red or black. Leather - Browns (Rhinox, Zandri Dust, Doombull Brown, Skrag, Steel Legion, Mournfang). Weapon casing - Red, Brown, Black again, or just do the whole weapon in a silver metallic Metallics - Pick a silver colour. Wash: Nuln Oil or Agrax Earthshade are the obvious two, but there are green shades you can try. Base: Light green then flock, or grey then sand/rocks and a lighter grey highlight. For basic boys this will massively cut down on the time, you don't need to waste time highlighting the muscles & weapons for 100 regular boys and you can spend more time on the bigger models you have. >ps why the fuck does the GW site always default to fucking japan where it doesn't have like 50% of the citadel range
Xavier Bailey
lol same
Samuel Rogers
It destroys daemon worlds, not purify them.
Anyways, I am reading the new Alpha legion novel. It has a renegade Mentors tech marine who successfully combined Imperial plasma weaponry with T'au tech resulting in his warbands plasma to shoot at a higher range and utterly eliminating the overheating and exploding.
Why didn't the Imperium do this during all the time they have known the T'au?
Luis Ortiz
yeah yeah. but Tau armies have a lot of large vehicles & battlesuits, and their schemes are always a lot neater and well defined than the likes of Orks & Tyranids, the base colours are usually lighter colours as well with a lot of fiddly bits that makes errors & mistakes show up a lot more.
Jacob Roberts
go play a vidya game then. why even bother getting into 40k if you're not going to do it properly?
Xavier Smith
Because aside from the odd nutcase like Cawl, most techpriests are anti-innovation. They believe most technology has already been invented by humanity and they just need to find the right STC to make that a technology a reality.
Austin Collins
Daily reminder according to Divas who is a guardsmen veteran from the novel "For the Emperor, T'au tanks make Aledari tanks look as crude as Ork tanks.
Mason Morris
Parker Walker
Take pask with a battle cannon, lascannon, and plasmas.
Thomas Powell
That's not a daemon world.
Luke Russell
I haven't collected anything in a few years. Whats the cheapest army to build for normal size games? Everything seems crazy expensive even compared to what I remember
Isaac Parker
I like the tabletop game. If GW sold preassembled, prepainted units I'd buy them in a heartbeat. Honestly I feel like it's kind of jewy to make people assemble their own figures for what they cost. I've got plenty of fully colored, fully assembled minis that cost a third of what some of GWs stuff does
Jordan Long
If you go with an elite army like 1ksons, Grey Knights or Harlequins then you wont need to spend as much.
Problem is though that elite armies are kind of shit this edition. It's all about hordes.
Jaxon Williams
Does Chaos fear the Tyranids? The Hive Mind seems more powerful than any of the chaos gods
Elijah Rogers
Hive mind doesnt really really work like that that since is has pretty much nothing to do with the warp, aside from the shadow ofc but thats all it is, hence the name
Zachary Hill
I thought the Hive Mind operates through the warp. That's why it blots it out when the fleets arrive. It's like making communication impossible by spamming every frequency on the electromagnetic spectrum so it becomes impossible to discern between transmissions and white noise, except in the warp