Lizardfolk Drunken Fist Monk Has a natural weapon that is it's fanged maw which REPLACES unarmed strikes if you want to. 1d6+Str, so I went 15 str, 15 dex, and some points elsewhere because I didn't roll so hot. What do you boys think? Flavorwise he's kinda interesting.
Brody Rodriguez
>What future content are you wanting to see Honestly? I just want more slice of life stuff and splats for material goods.
I want ideas for art, armor, property, hirelings, mansions. Guides to building up an economy on your property. Give the PCs even more shit to do in their downtime by nature of spending gold. They had some in Xanathar's, but I wouldn't say no to just 10 straight pages of blinged-up or refluffed weapons and armor with listed prices.
Will I get it? Prolly not, because I can do it already as the DM. But it's nice to think about. It's interesting. Not necessarily optimal, but interesting. What's cool here is that you could very easily dump WIS and use your lizard armor calculation instead.
Be the super-fast bitey monk you've always wanted to be, user. Backflipping over a guy with his arm in your jaws is pretty badass, actually.
Christopher Evans
Is there a single build better than Sorcadin?
Luis Cooper
I did dump wisdom and opt for the armor actually. I went 16 Con, and 15, 15, for the fighting stats. i think a 12 in Wis which you're a hundred percent right will be a bit less optimal. however nailing a flurry of blows feels so nice.
And at later levels it encourages you to fight crowds, and that's some intimidating shit right there.
Anthony Brown
Rolled 3, 5, 4, 13, 11, 11 = 47 (6d20)
My group will probably finish Curse of Strahd one way or another within the next two weeks. To my personal pride, they actually enjoyed it and would love to continue playing with their current characters.
Should I try to write my own spooky campaign for the remaining 8 to 9 levels or just spirit them away to Rise of Tiamat?
Ayden Reed
Maybe you should choose a campaign that's actually good.
John Williams
>I want ideas for art, armor, property, hirelings, mansions. Guides to building up an economy on your property. Give the PCs even more shit to do in their downtime by nature of spending gold. They had some in Xanathar's, but I wouldn't say no to just 10 straight pages of blinged-up or refluffed weapons and armor with listed prices.
Came here to post this. I want whole books dedicated to building a stronghold, mansion or latifundium
Kayden Green
I'm not really knowledgeable about what is good and what ain't - CoS/Fifth marked my return to D&D after 16 years.
Curse of Strahd however was great fun, both for my players and me. Any ecommendations for campaigns after that?
Elijah Flores
I'm thinking about building a tempest cleric/swashbuckler rogue, sneak attack without advantage + divine strike and dashing as a bonus action don't sound bad but I'm worried it won't perform as well as taking levels in fighter for action surge and armor/weapon proficiency
Jordan Baker
If you really want the bonus action dash you can get that from the Orc racial bonus. Or the Half-Orc feat. I fully recommend swashbuckler but it specializes in one on one combat. Can your team support that? Or be fine without a fighter to handle more situations than mono-e-mono?
You boys have good taste, I third this motion.
Samuel Garcia
>What future content are you wanting to see out of Wizards, be it Unearthed Arcana, Adventures, whatever? Plane Shift booklets featuring older planes from previous M:tG sets.
Gavin Ortiz
>lly recommend swashbuckler but it specializes in one on one combat. Can your team support that? Or I am currently the single target dps in our group, but the character failed two death saves in the last battle and is now considering hanging up his weapons so I'm looking into other options, currently we don't have any support, two fighters, a theif, a monk, and a sorcerer, so I'm sort of building a hybrid single target dps support character. Really the dash isn't a huge deal for me it was the ability to sneak attack without having to be in stealth wich would add some damage die t oa character that would otherwise be saving spell slots for bless + healing and other buff type spells.
Brayden Martin
Out of the Abyss is a good one, but it's difficult to run as a DM and your players might not want to spend such a long time in the Underdark. Storm King's Thunder is a great one, but it might not be the setting you're looking for. Rise of Tiamat can be serviceable, but you'll need to do some work and tweak things a bit; it's got some issues. Making your own campaign is always an option, and with the way 5e is set up it's easier than ever. You could also do Tales From the Yawning Portal, those modules are all varying levels of fun in my experience. If you run something from there I'd suggest Tomb of Horror. That could do nicely. Just give a glance over ll of these and maybe try and search for some on your own if they don't seem up your alley. At worst you'll have some ideas for your own campaign; at best you'll have something you can run right away.
Mason Garcia
My boy I didn't know you were already built! Well if that's the case you could work the cleric thing in now if he's wanting to hang up his weapons. I'd have him discuss it over with his closest party-mates and go with what he truly would choose in this world. Worst case scenario you make another character.
But the Swashbuckler is imo the best rouge because I'm not a sneaky guy. Only exceptions for stealth builds I ever made was a Shadow Monk. Pick up the Marineer fighting style and become Enigo Montoya is one of my party members strats. What weapons are you using? Style of fighting?
David Lee
Thank you, that's a great list. Time to read!
Isaiah Martinez
he was going to use a rapier and no off hand weapon to have a hand free for casting cleric spells, ( I also believe that you can only perform swashbuckler sneak attacks with a finesse weapon) was going to be a sort of hit and run dash in land a heavy blow get away to heal allies as needed with swashbucklers cunning action + fancy footwork
5e adventure set on the M:tG world of Ixalan. The Plane Shift for Ixalan will be out next month and the rest of them are now found on the DM's Guild.
Jackson Smith
Is Storm King really that good? I love the idea of adventures taking on giants and other big things! I don't get much chances to in my current campaign but I think an oppritunity might be coming up as they're hitting high fantasy and good levels now (Level 12)
Hmm, fair fair that's the standard but good route. In one campaign I'm a player in I'm a swords bard and the dueling fighting style is really worth it. Ask your DM if a fighting style can be loot, or other ways you can get it. Otherwise you could actually take a few levels in Swords bard for healing spells, inspiration, and the fighting style. If you're allowed to wear medium armor you can use your chest piece as percussion for drums to be your casting. Or if your dm is benevolent you can ask to use your voice but it's really broken
Zachary Barnes
I was going to shoot for having the character take some time to train with an npc in game to learn the dueling fighting style, if I can get away with it I may have the character steal my previous characters scimitar ( he has a flametongue scimitar with once per day gets 2d6fire damage and can ignite foes on a failed save) though I would prefer getting a lightning weapon for the tempest cleric theme, I looked at sword bard and its certainly an option as well.
Dylan Fisher
I'm looking to actually write a book of vile darkness for my players so they have a full and physical copy.
Obvious things to have include lich rituals, human sacrifice for power, and guides to powerful spells, but I need significant padding for things that are more niche that players wouldn't find a use for but would find interesting (e.g. the proper way to extract a human heart or something).
Please bring me your ideas for powerful but comparatively useless evil magic.
William Perry
So I just extensively looked over the tempest cleric and wow it's pretty fucking baller. Super aggressive, and definitely a good choice. Aesthetic too, so I'm all in. A dex-choice is so off meta and I'm all about that shit. Hence my . Get lightning weapons, thunderclap would be good, and focus on environment control. Really talk with your teammates out of combat on strategies.
Tyler Jones
>intimate details of the soul trade >proper shape and structure of a soul gem >obviously impractical design for a blood extractor >musings on the various anatomies of rare good creatures >correct ways to organize various evil shrines, including placements of relics, symbols, etc.
Oliver Butler
my only wish is that I could get booming blade or lightning lure as cantrips, but I may get the spell sniper feat later down the line just to take them.
Ryan Johnson
Yesssss, the book's knowledge grows... I mean, uh, thanks user.
Connor Gonzalez
>Cultivation and Care for Mind Flayer Tadpoles >Recipes and Sacrifices Known to Bring the Favor of Vaprak, God of Trolls and Ogres >An entirely blank page, titled "Oaths and Curses in Celestial" >Alternative Uses for Trepanning >A page dedicated to observations of trapping a devil in a Forcecage in the Abyss, over the course of a century >A similar page, doing the same thing but through a Gate that leads to the Far Realms, where physics and magic have gone rogue and weird mutagenic shit starts happening
Jaxon Carter
For the Swords Bard I took magic initiate to pick up Booming blade, and Eldritch blast for better field control. Especially with the Mobile Flourish of Swords Bard.
Lincoln Sanders
I want a boggle familiar.
Jonathan Lee
What do you think about playing the opposite gender 5eg? One of my friends (a guy) ALWAYS plays a chick, over many different campaigns and one shots. Nothing super cringe like a slutty half elf sorceress yet, but it just seems so weird to me. He always plays as women in video games too.
Levi Ortiz
He's trying to tell you two things. He wishes he was a chick, and he wishes you were inside him.
Landon Adams
I find I have better art for females but I feel awkward trying to RP as one
James Fisher
What's it like playing DnD with Arin Hansen? He seems super cringe-worthy during the Dragons In Places podcasts they do.
Thomas Gomez
if its cringey then it gets annoying but if its just normal role playing then its w/e, its a roleplaying game where you can play as a species that doesn't exist why not also rp genders or whatever.
Adam Foster
You're literally going to write a fucking book? How many pages?
Juan Young
You think those are cool get a banderhobb familiar, or better a bugbear.
IMO it's weird, been thinking about trying it but I feel like for me at least it would be hard to be in character. But hey if he's comfortable wearing panties that's on him ya know? It's just different when he's doing it at the table.
fucking got me good with that.
Isaac Smith
Kick him pout of the game if you ever get any actual female players, because I can guarentee his portrayal is going to be patronizingly retarded, but otherwise it's whatever. Let him be some subby beta nu-male. It's awkward, but it's pretty low on the "That Guy" ladder compared to some of the other flavors of That Guy.
Lincoln King
What happens to a familiar if the caster dies?
Mason Hill
This seems most likely
Yeah, I haven't tried before but it seems like it would be pretty awkward, and difficult to do without being really cringy. Personally I have no desire to ever play a female character, it just isn't appealing at all.
Sorry, I don't know this guy
Yeah it is pretty normal role playing I would say, although one character was kinda annoying, an oppresed woman warrior who wanted to prove the men wrong.
Mostly it isn't in your face, you wouldn't even know he is playing a chick the majority of the time. We have a home group so probably won't be getting any new players soon, female or otherwise.
I'm not trying to police what other people play or anything, I just thought it was interesting he played a girl every single time and wondered what others thought
Thomas Wood
depends on the setting. There's nothing mechanically about it in the rulebook though, so by default the familiar survives.
Cooper Thompson
My Chainlock got oneshot by a max damage crit, and my DM ruled that because Voice of the Chain Master says I share senses with my familiar, its specific rule overrides the general unconscious rules, so I could still perceive and talk through the familiar, but not do anything but tell the familiar what to do. Is that legit, or is that just the DM keeping me in the game?
Ryder Nelson
You can't speak through it when you're dead bruh, that makes no sense. Your dm is throwing you a bone, and being a good dm imo.
William Martin
Not sure yet. But I've had pic attached for years not knowing what I wanted to make of it and I'd love to put together an actual book of vile darkness.
Aaron Powell
I wasn't dead, I was unconscious and dying.
Ian Sullivan
Sounds like it was his way of allowing you to still control the familiar and play despite being unconscious. I wouldn't sweat the details too hard.
Nathaniel King
Jesus fucking Christ, where did you even find that?
If you say it was a yard sale, you might want to make sure the people who sold it to you still exist and weren't murdered by Pinhead two or three years prior to selling it to you.
Hunter Perez
fucking awesome
Kevin Hall
Can an unconscious person speak? No, otherwise you would not be unconscious. Therefore you wouldn't have been able to speak through your familiar since you could not speak
Nathaniel Watson
>Can an unconscious person speak? Generally no. But VotCM says you can speak through your familiar as long as you are on the same plane. It's a more specific case, so it supercedes. At least that's my understanding.
Anthony Allen
If you're going to look at it through the lens of specific vs general I would say that "being unconscious" is a more relevant and specific situation than "being on the same plane" so the rules for being unconscious are probably more relevant here.
Charles Stewart
Think of the familiar as like a telephone. You can speak through a phone and have it transfer the sound to another phone, but if you cannot speak then you cannot use the phone. With the familiar, you are projecting your voice through it. How could you speak through the familiar if you are unconcious and unaware of your surroundings? Just because you are able to speak through it does not mean you can speak while unconscious.
Joshua Gonzalez
I'd also love a book concerning strongholds/hirelings/etc, but give it the BG2 treatment: how to build strongholds per class: thieves guilds, temples, lodges, wizards towers, etc. this i think would help flesh out BBEGs lairs too the closest thing I've seen to this is the old AD&D castle book, which is more of a verisimilitude primer
also, I'd really like a book dedicated to encounter building past the 'this is the challenge rating' treatment we have now. and monster synergies/tactics. so little of these things and they are buried all over the core/adventure books at the moment
Josiah Nguyen
It's just a notebook I'm afraid. Bought it at a Christmas market in my uni town. You can get them online, too - I've never written in this one because it's always seemed too cool to despoil, though lamely it has lined pages with sections for the date in the top right which makes it a little less spoopy, unless you call it the Haunted Notepad of Day Organisation or something.
I'm inclined to buy another one with a fewer number of pages on to make the BoVD.
Jack Ross
I see the argument. I figured being unconscious is something anyone can do, while VotCM is a specific subcategory of circumstances. I find perpendicular cases like this weird.
VotCM says you can perceive through your familiar's senses as long as its on the same plane as you. This is unlike the normal Find Familiar, which requires you to spend your action to maintain the connection. That wouldn't work because an unconscious person can't spend actions. While you can think of the familiar like a telephone, I've often thought of the VotCM familiar to be more like one mind in two bodies, given the amount of sense sharing that happens.
Hunter Campbell
>Johnny Got His Familiar
Owen Richardson
Your brain is pretty much shut down while you are unconscious. I would rule this means you are unable to perceive anything. With the chain familiar, it is a distinct entity to you, not just an extension of yourself. You can see through its eyes and speak through its mouth, but it still has its own mind and distinct consciousness.
William Gray
There's a distinction between the everyday definition of unconscious and the Unconscious condition. The absence of a "you cannot think" statement is telling, particularly when compared with the verbiage of the effects of the spell Feeblemind.
Hudson Harris
>Haunted Notepad of Day Organisation New favorite cursed item
Cooper Rodriguez
Post fun familiars.
Boggles Pixies Mimics
Dominic Ward
>You can get them online, too What would such a thing be called? "Day planner with face"?
Angel Roberts
>You always feel more organized and punctual when you write in your new, weird-looking little day planner >Sure, the cover has a face on it and is absolutely fucked, but whatever, right? Your mother always told you never to judge a book by its cover >One day, feeling swamped and overwhelmed, you flip to a blank page and pen in "Vacation in the Bahamas," somewhere in the middle of July
>No one is more surprised than you when, in the middle of a particularly placid weekend after the hellaciously busy 4th of July, you find yourself missing a day >And your cell phone has a ton of new, out of focus pictures in it >And you have a very slight sunburn >And you have someone's address written in your day planner, a week from today
Hudson Hughes
Strictly speaking, it's apparently Embossed Scarfed Woman Face on a Brown Leather Journal Vintage Style Notebook Daily Diary Sketchbook Pad Handmade Pocket Book Women Men Children Office Ladies Writing Drawing.
I've found it in the past with "3D face notebook" or "leather face notebook".
Not every player is an autistic creeper. Sure it's a bit off to exclusively play the opposite sex, but even a 50/50 split isn't anything notable.
Jason Campbell
>currently unavailable Shit.
Ryan Taylor
Not to worry user, with these things there's always variations available.
Blake King
I love that they all look equally horrifying.
Michael Perez
Each one is unique as I understand it, too, because they're made by hand. Certainly the stall I bought mine from had different scarf shapes and different looks to them - this was the spookiest one.
Blake Clark
I was let getting at the idea that he'd creep on female players and more that the people who do these kinds of things have a super warped perception of how women actually act, so their portrayals are cringey as fuck. Like trying to watch an upper middle-class white kid act "black" and devolve to just screaming "Nigga!" every 5 seconds.
Jace Stewart
How do I accurately portray evil fey and make the players afraid of making any deal with one?
Ian Cox
If a player can't handle female, how do they manage elf or dwarf? It's all part of role-playing. My current character is my previous characters daughter, and we have a girl in the group. 0 issues, and she's actually rping more than she used to with a girl character in the party for her character talk to, instead of being the only girl adventuring with us.
Brayden Gomez
>how do they manage elf or dwarf
Usually poorly.
It's either "I'm too haughty to be involved in this" or "DORVES."
Brandon Martin
I've been running a homebrew on my players to test things without them knowing.
Anytime they do a skill check, I roll d20 as well and add their modifier. I don't do this if the players have advantage or disadvantage. Instead I simply use the second dice. For every 5 the second dice exceeds the, or fails to meet the DC of the skill check, add one positive or negative circumstance to the check.
Example from play so far: a bard has advantage on a performance check because the rogue is helping him. They are in a tavern and the goal is to create a distraction so that another player can kill a guy and get out unseen.
The bard rolls a 20 and a 2. He has +11 to performance. The dc of the check was 20. The bard passes the check easily, but his second die was under by at least 5, so the pass comes with some complication. In this case it is that the bards performance is so good that more people are attracted into the tavern. They crowd around the doors and make any stealthy egress difficult. They are certainly distracted when player c kills the dude, but getting out is going to be difficult.
Nathaniel Green
I would like to see gunpowder and double barreled shotguns. Etc. How hard is it to make gunpowder or stuff that goes boom and shot projectiles. It makes no sense there is no gunpowder. And primative revolvers. Although i think if this would be so...everyclass would need to be buffed. Everythingwould need a buff
Connor Price
Here's a brilliant homebrew for you:
Level 11 hunter rangers can use a big fucking shotgun that can target an area, making a ranged weapon attack against every creature within 10ft of the targeted area you chose. Damage is 1d8+dex unless you have gunpowder expert in which case it's 1d10. Pistols can do 1d6+dex damage and if you have gunpowder expert in which case you can fire another pistol shot from any pistol you're holding with a bonus action for 1d6+dex damage but don't forget you need a hand free when reloading Hand cannons or powerful rifles can be used by rogues doing 1d6+dex+depending on conditions an extra Xd6 where X is your rogue level halved and rounded up. A rogue with gunpowder expert can also use something shotgun-ish maybe even double barreled but this is a non-spread version with two shots a round doing 1d6+dex each and if you hit at least once with the right conditions you get that Xd6 again.
The non-ranged focused martials can use either simple muskets for 1d10+dex damage but only firing once in a round without gunpowder expert or fire twice with extra attack if they use this other weak rifle thing.
Bentley Long
>Implying anyone ever plays non-human races as anything more than a human with one or two super flanderized traits.
Joshua Edwards
Literally why I run a good half of my campaigns as human-only or setting or settings where humans are the only playable race for PCs.
Jack Mitchell
May I get jackalwere as a beast companions? Their true from is that of a small jackal.
Oliver Baker
How do you guys feel about a Mystic/Wizard multiclass?
Eli Miller
RAW, only humanoids can contract lycanthropy. Also, getting a beast companion with immunity to nonmagical non-silvered attacks is probably not going to fly with most DMs.
Hudson Morgan
>multiclassing UA
Kevin Russell
I feel that someone's a fucking powergamer.
Lincoln Green
I've not actually put any real thought into it, I just though that it made sense considering they're the only two classes that mainly use Intelligence. Speaking as someone who's never looked into Mystic beyond glancing at it when the UA came out, would it really be that bad?
Daniel Collins
Let's say you're a Champion with TWF that finally got to level 10, what second Fighting Style would you choose?
>Dueling to get extra damage with Action Surge (stow off hand weapon before taking the second attack action) >Defense for +1 AC or >Give up TWF entirely and choose Great Weapon Fighting
Lincoln Lee
I am a monk my dm is going to give me 3000 gold next session what items should I buy?
Adam Sullivan
Joseph White
Jayden Price
Buy an elephant
James Wilson
Defensive for sure, or mariner if your dm allows it.
Adam Johnson
Archery or AC. Archery depends on how often you need to pull out your bow because there is an enemy you can't get to
Luke Howard
Why is their no fey wild supplement?
Matthew Evans
Chase Turner
what do I do with an elephant
Isaac Jones
Get 385 donkeys.
Become an Ass Man.
Brayden Gomez
>players keep refusing to buy charters from the Flaming Fist >end up in Fort Beluarian on a side quest >manage to get themselves as enemies of the Flaming Fist and by extension Baldur's Gate >every Flaming Fist group they run into and deny the charter, they fight and send one back to Fort Beluarian tied up as a message
Currently they are heading back to Port Nyanzaru before planning another expedition to look for Omu. What repercussions could this have? Animosity from also the pirates that Liara is working with?
William Gutierrez
destroy everything smaller than an elephant.
Andrew Hernandez
>something something forgettable realms
Who cares?
Eli Nelson
I do. That is why I posted. I'm running a module and thinking this through.
Julian Butler
I'm sorry for your lost time.
Adrian Butler
if my players aren't from the world the game is set in does that fuck up abilities like history?
how do you make history useful again?
Jordan Cox
Isaac Phillips
You can still use knowledge of history from your original world and apply it to the one you're in. You may remember a tactic used in your world that might be applicable in this one. If you run into a contraption or a piece of technology you may be able to use historical knowledge to gain insight on how to operate it (i.e. the advantage on the alien technology checks from the DMG).
If a monster is common to both worlds and was a problem in your original world you may be able to remember a few bits of information about its capabilities or weaknesses.
The Historian UA Skill Feat let you use the history skill to buff literally any skill/ability check through the help action, so I think Historian is meant to be a fairly broadly applicable skill.