Thanks from Alaska to Mr. AM! I hope you had a great Christmas and/or non-denominational winter solstice celebratory event.
Man I really gotta decide if I’m going to try playing 40k again after 6th poisoned the well, keep sparsely collecting and converting Eldar on the side for hobby jollies, or attempt to liquidate now that Kingdom Death has taken over my hobby life for the foreseeable future.
Blake Jenkins
Danefag here. SS gift from other danefag recieved, thanks.
Hudson Mitchell
I'm so fucking hyped to get back home and convert the shit out of the kits my SS sent me
William Barnes
I'm pretty excited too about my SS projects. I'm going to try and make a nice diorama base for this guy to sit on. I was thinking an old wooden room with a stone floor and skelington arms reaching in through boarded up windows.
What I really want to do is a little framed painting of the creature in the coffin on the wall above a fireplace.
Andrew Cook
>I was thinking of printing off a small pic of a similar gobliny vampire and gluing it to card then carefully painting over it. That will probably work, free-handing is quite tricky, but with a template it becomes much easier.
Camden James
Forgot the damn pic. Pretty cool witch hunter. So grateful to my Santa user. Any advice for trying to do a little painting of the creature?
I was thinking of printing off a small pic of a similar gobliny vampire, gluing it to card stock, thin pva coat then carefully painting over it. I reckon a dollhouse painting or plasticard for a frame.
Parker Reyes
Yeah, I reckon I can do it, I've been practicing my free hand and jewel skills as a primary focus for a bit now. I'm quite liking this guy as a contender. If it turns out not looking like dog shit I guess I could do a few paintings.
Zachary Hernandez
This one is a contender too.
Luke Myers
I rather like this one, very stylish
Matthew Brooks
Danefag reporting in, glad to see you got your stuff user, was scared shitless of our Scandinavian postal service.
Sorry it wasn't all Orkz, but I hope you'll find it useful anyway.
Ethan Williams
Yeah. Also the way he is shaded and highlighted in blocks of colour should make it fairly easy to paint over
Kevin Morgan
I finished my Escher Gang girls.
Help me name this gang, and the psycho cunts in it!
I'm thinking >Riot Girls
Or something along those lines at the moment. The only one I've named is the blue hair chick at the front, calling her "Rain", straight out of the Underhive rulebook.
Their background is they make their money being paid riot girls, tricking plebs into violence and committing the worst mid-riot crimes, then using female victim status to get off easy. The riots are used to damage rival Houses economies. Occasionally though, other houses crack the shits with their "activism" and send out other gangs to fuck them up.
Sebastian Green
Try 'Oldhammer' ? Depending on where you live, there are communities that have yet to move one from 2nd ed.... or sometimes even Rogue Trader. I know there are/have been communities in Australia, mainland Europe and the UK.
Camden Martinez
Siouxsie and the Banshees
Cameron Lopez
>then using female victim status to get off easy. user I don't think that happens in the Imperium... you are going to look like an idiot if you tell that to other players
William Mitchell
just finished my first players for my 2 new blood bowl teams, the Madcap Munchers and the Flaming Phoenixes
Ethan Young
I think you nailed it with "The psycho cunts" tbqhfamalam
Brandon Wilson
Those look great user. I love both the color schemes but the mapcaps (assumedly they are called that becaus they are on mushrooms?) Are my favorite.
John Myers
Benatar and Jett are your champions.
Gabriel Ramirez
>you are going to look like an idiot if you tell that to other players Maybe. Or I just won't tell them that part. Are you sure women don't get treated different on Necromunda? Women get different treatment to men in virtually every single culture.
>I think you nailed it with "The psycho cunts" tbqhfamalam It's a good name, but probably would offend normies.
>Siouxsie I don't know how to say that because I am not an Apache.
Jordan Scott
>Jett Jett's a rad name. Done, that's the girl with the gas cans.
Dont reply to OP unless the reply is very important for the entire thread
Jack Walker
Where could I find some victorian-ish looking miniatures for putting together a gang of bloodborne-inspired monster hunters in various scifi skirmish games?
I have the old witch hunter with bionic arm and plasma pistol and I love him but he's the only model like that I have.
Owen Barnes
Get a grip.
Mason Torres
Anyone got some pics of tau objective markers, other than the one from chapter approved?
Or even a small diorama, thinking of doing a small squad needing rescue
Wyatt Morgan
>Maybe. Or I just won't tell them that part. Are you sure women don't get treated different on Necromunda? Women get different treatment to men in virtually every single culture. Well, on the other hand there's this whole "Worst and bloodiest regime ever" thing going on in the Imperium, where lobotomising children to make mindless slaves out of them isn't exactly an unusual thing to do. I guess it would be better if they start the riot, then get out as soon as shit hits the fan, but sometimes they do get trapped and have to fight their way outside. Also, being gangers they probably get rounded up and beaten down as soon as the Arbites rush in anyway. Maybe they're using contacts and/or corrupt Arbites to get out?
Julian Martin
lurk moar fgt
Ryder Richardson
Basing question!
So I have generally gone the lazier/safer route with basing, sand + rocks etc. I've done some flocking before but it usually just turns out looking messy, and it sheds like crazy (I just use PVA glue like I do for the sand).
Any tutorials out there for getting good looking ground cover?
And if I'm doing some sand areas and then flocking too, should flocking be applied over any sand or should I keep the flock to just clear areas of the base?
Isaiah Thompson
What does /wip/ use for sealing their minis? I sometimes wind up with shiny guys and want to avoid that
Thanks, that doesn't look too bad, but I wasn't looking for a tutorial on acid-pool terrain bases. Just some light ground cover, scattered grasses and shrubs and such.
Ayden Ortiz
My personal method is to sand and rock the base before priming, then after giving it a wash and drybrush to bring it to the color I want (and doing touch-ups with Valhallan Blizzard since I always prime white), I flock and tuft over the sand base, trying to avoid the rocks obv. I personally like the results of this sort of layered basing, pic related has been done as I described with a light dusting of snow on top of the flock.
Brayden Ramirez
Just use some GW technical paints for the earth and some static grass. If you want fully grass plains style looks I suggest flock base with some grass tufts and rocks.
Lucas Hill
Reposting one of the chameleon metallic paint test webms again. Find the rest here or on the instagram in the filename. It's only the first set of two. I'm considering ordering the other set and doing the whole thing again. Would there still be interest in it, or is enough stuff out there by now?
Isaiah Ramirez
Assembling dark eldar scourges. What weapons should they have? Blasters, haywire, heat Lance, splinter cannon? What about the solarite?
Luke Long
the meme meta combo is 4 dark lances or 4 splinter cannon and default solarite solarite should probably be default as 5 or 10 guys in close combat will die anyways, though if you really want to a blast pistol is always nice.
Thomas Stewart
Dark Lances on jump infantry? How does that work?
Jordan Moore
>Anyone got some pics of tau objective markers, other than the one from chapter approved?
Here are some I saw in WIP several months ago. They even light up with converted tea lights!
Matthew Cruz
Here's what's inside of .
Daniel Ross
Got started on some guardsmen converted from GSC Neophytes, heads are Victoria Miniatures.
Opinions/Ideas? Also, what paint scheme should I use? I was considering doing one based on E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy with black armour with gold trim and grey robes, but looking at the models i'm not sure it fits.
Ayden Barnes
It's a playlist user, there are other tutorials in it. And the guy has quite a lot of basing techniques. When in doubt though, you can always put down a texture paint, drybrush in the colour you want and add some tufts or static grass.
Levi Morales
Those are pretty much airbrush only, aren't they?
William Rogers
you camp them in a building and snipe multi wound models
Camden Robinson
You could go with some WW1 based scheme and it would look pretty good.
Mason Torres
You can apply them with a normal brush as well. The one review that was posted here did that originally, I did it on a different model when the paints arrived. They are thin enough to be used straight from the bottle, the first layer is kinda like applying a wash on a black undercoat. A little bit can be seen, but not much. It takes 6 to 8 layers to get decent coverage with them when using the brush, depends on the colour as well. Using an airbrush makes the whole affair a lot faster, but isn't neccessray. My precisions isn't that great, so I will be applying them with a brush for models that only need them in a few places. Eventually I will get to painting one, but I'm still caught up on figuring out a coloursheme.
Ian Gray
Just finished this part, really happy with how it turned out.
Andrew Peterson
Would they work better over a white undercoat with a brush? You did post some with white undercoats in the other thread, but airbrush again.
The results on white undercoat would be the same with a normal brush, as they are with an airbrush. The colours react with their background colour just the same. For the ones that show up on a white undercoat, you'll see results faster though. For the ones that don't, only the week shine.
Aaron Walker
>really happy with how it turned out. and so you should be, that's some pretty epic armament going on there my man
Mason Cook
something like pic related might look nice if you wanna explore camo as an option
Jacob Torres
Victoria miniatures
Cooper Gonzalez
how did you make those flowers on the elf's base? fucking lovely!
Jack Price
Your /pol/ is showing user...
Tyler Thompson
>tfw your bits, bases and recasts all send shipping notices on the same day Truly blessed times we live in
Jeremiah Carter
shoo shoo get that weak bait outta here
Dominic Ward
Too memey, they just need to tone it down by like... 40-50%, I'd love just some chat and discussion but it just boils down to fucking memeing and
OHHH ho ho wouldn't it be great... to have like... a million titans LOL
I'd hate to paint a million Titans LOL
Just... guys, you're all adults 30+ ... just... tone it down, please
Ryder Lopez
It could also be his Paradox autism
David Rogers
Im still painting wholy assemled models but i wish id be confident enough to do as you did. Looks great.
John Garcia
Nicely highlighted and clean, good job
Jaxon Clark
I like those bases, how did you paint them? Looks like something shinier than Leadbelcher washed with something dustier than Agrax?
Anthony Hernandez
I'm just getting into the actual tabletop aspect and got these for Christmas & my birthday.
Besides glue, what else do I need? The 2 brushes are Small layer and Medium layer. I also haven't decided on a color scheme yet so I don't need paint lists.
Lucas Campbell
Those are the "Grass tufts flowering" from Noch, a company specialized in rail transport modelling
Army Painter also make them, but if you want to make them yourself, get some grass tufts, add white glue on the top of each little grass and put some colored foliage on it
Camden Sanders
If I want to paint black clothes can I just use pic related and start highlighting it with dawnstone or should I also put two thin coats of abaddon black?
Luke Gutierrez
The outcome would be identical, but dawnstone is a bit light for a 1st black highlight. Eshin Grey would be better followed by Dawnstone.
Cooper Nelson
Ideally, you'd need a brush cleaner - it's about a fiver at a craft store (e.g. Hobby Lobby or Michael's) and it really helps keep your brushes clean and pointed. A small palette would be helpful; I use an old Testors one with dimples the size of my pinkie, I find the round white ones too big for me since paint dries out too fast. You can also make your own out of old lids for sour cream/yogurt/etc. One warning: That paint kit might not have all the paints you "need"; I got one for the Skitarii and it was missing the blue for their eyes and energy, the bronze for their highlights, and the black for their clothes/tubes. Don't forget to thin your paints to keep them nice and smooth.
GLHF, Tau looks pretty cool and I'm sure it'll be fun to paint.
Easton Martinez
You wwant glue, clippers, some more cheap brushes to destroy them, a hand drill with 10 drills and 2mm magnets - you really need them to magnetize your crisis suits. You can get all this stuff from aliexpress for really cheap (about $1 for 3 brushes, $4 for a hand drill and $1 for 200x 2mm magnets)
Elijah Collins
You need a tool to remove the mold lines. A hobby knife would be the cheapest, but if you can spend the money get the Citadel mold line remover so you don't cut your fingers. Also when you get your paints get something to seal your models when you are done painting, you can get either spray or brush sealers. You should get more brushes too because you will destroy those fast and you will want to experiment with different types/sizes to find what suits you best.
Brody Long
>hand drill and magnets I don't think these are "required" for someone first starting out - magnetizing is a hassle sometimes. I also wouldn't cheap out on brushes since they can cause lots of frustration. Honestly, I use a regular exacto-knife for mold line removal rather than the tool.
Zachary Bell
I also have a mechanicus standard grey - would it do the trick? >The outcome would be identical Why are they not named same then? I mean both spray mournfang brown and pot mournfang brown are called mournfang brown - yet we have pot abaddon black and spray chaos black
Not that guy, but desu I find it easier to do several sub-assemblies, paint them up untill they're pretty much done and then glue them together, only doing the finest highlights on the assembled model. On the other hand, Space Marines are easy mode most of the time anyway. On a somewhat related note, how does one lightbox? I got mine today, but the results still look wonky. By that I mean fucking awful. Can't see one goddamn highlight on it. Their protective dustcoat might not help either but...
Evan Morris
I use my Citadel mold line remover and exacto knife about 50/50 to remove mold lines, but for somebody who is new I would recommend the Citadel tool because they are going to stab themselves a lot with an exacto knife if they are just starting out. He should still get a drill to drill barrels, they are cheap and it's a very easy thing to do.
Eli Bailey
Mechanicus standard grey would be fine too. As for naming, Chaos black pot became Abaddon Black and the spray stayed the same old Chaos black for some reason. There are no differences in shade or hue, they are both black.
Gabriel Collins
Chaos black and Abaddon black have a different finish. It's not that much, but if you have to clean up parts of the black, it can show and give you a result you might not want.
Charles Morales
>I don't think these are "required" for someone first starting out - magnetizing is a hassle sometimes Man, if you play T'au you really need to magnetize your shit. I started playing tau about 3 months ago and I learned it is wise to magnetize even the fire warriors just to make painting them easier >I also wouldn't cheap out on brushes since they can cause lots of frustration Nah, I destroyed my GW brushes in a week. Yet, the shitty aliexpress brushes are doing fine and you really don't mind throwing them away and buy the next set for $1. I mean - I just want to have my dudes painted, not to win the Golden Demon
Ethan Nguyen
recommend me a hand drill user, i had the citadel one for a while but it's a piece of shit.
Connor Jones
You need neutral light from as many angles as possible. It seems as if you only have light coming from the top which makes a heavy shadow on the bottom half of the mini, and washes out most highlights.
>Minotaurs my brethren
Elijah Ortiz
Depends on the glossyness of the prime vs what you want. I'd use an almost black to layer (something like vallejo german grey), use abaddon to shade and do grey edge highlights. Mix a bit of blue into the grey, looks nicer, depending on the army of course.
Isaiah Evans
Good to know >Chaos black and Abaddon black have a different finish Then I will try to paint metallic parts as clean as I can and I will see If I need to use abaddon black to cover some mistakes
Nathaniel Brooks
Well, the lightbox came only with two LED strips, but I do have some more lying around somewhere. Just a bit worried that it might become too bright, I guess. Will post results soon.
Dominic Barnes
I use the Army Painter drill. It's $12 and comes with several different size drill bits.
Zachary Gomez
>stabbing yourself while removing mold lines I can't conceive of how; you're scraping with 0 force, and I don't know how you do it, but when I scrape, my point doesn't even naturally end up pointing towards my anatomy.
Tyler Lopez
I have tipped my brush in tea for the very first time. Am I the true hobbist now?
Dominic Butler
Followup, my 'Bulldozers' (Heavy Weapon Team w/autocannon count-as)
Owen Walker
Larry kills everything he fucks. Barry fucks everything he kills.
Adam Watson
Well, I guess it is a bit better. I just added one on each side, at the bottom. I guess that's good enough.
Parker Ortiz
Shouldn't they be on 60mm bases?
Kayden Hernandez
Now get a new mug of tea and don't waste your paint on your mug instead of a miniature.
Michael Myers
I tried it, but there was a lot of wasted space and I was sitting on a pile of these without any good use for em. We play measure-to-model anyway, so it dosen't matter.
Joseph White
Pretty nice. These are pretty much exactly what I was thinking about doing. Thanks for showing me what they'd look like.
Brayden Martin
my brothers!
Thomas Lewis
>Get the Stormraven ready, we've got some heretics to hunt!
Noah Barnes
Thanks user! It seems to be a pretty popular conversion after chatting with some folks on here, and i'm pretty happy with how they turned out.
I dread painting them though, theres so much detail in there.
Jeremiah Green
Can I use citadel paints with airbrush?
John Foster
I accidentally used my paintwater as a chaser once. Drinking while painting, never again.
Brayden Powell
There is the Citadel Air line, but I guess if sufficciently thineed down, you could also use the regular ones. But take this advice with a mountain of salt, I don't use an airbrush.