Could it work as a setting?
Could it work as a setting?
Hell ya
Well it's literally just medieval England with rodents, so yeah.
I never got to read these books as a child, would they be worth reading now?
No, which is unfortunate, since as others have indicated, it's just medieval England with rodennts.
But like, seriously, you can't have animal people in a game anymore without attracting the WRONG kind of people.
I doubt they'll be a challenging read, but they're probably still entertaining.
Isn't there a Mouseguard game?
this. there must be a splatbook already
Don't be stupid of course you can.
There are far more well adjusted furries than there are well adjusted weebs.
>this propaganda again
It has no magic. So no.
As systems Mouseguard if you are ok with Flame Circle, or maybe IronClaw?
There is a third medieval furry critter Rpg but I can’t remember the name.
It would totally work.
Most furries just want to play beastfolk races and that's that.
ALL weebs want to play their ridiculous over the top animu concepts and act like the main character.
You mean the people who get overly hostile and accuse anything being remotely related to talking animals to be pure furfaggotry and nothing else? Yeah, they're pretty annoying.
I didn´t even know the books, but I know there is an oficial game.
He's not wrong. Beastfolk races are mostly a matter of aesthetics, but playing an animu is a matter of behavior and mannerisms. I'd much rather have someone playing a wolfman like a regular guy than someone playing a 4000 year old uguu loli catgirl sorceress who constantly acts like like a fucking retarded creep "because It's like my ecchi comedy animays!"
The virgin weeb
>has only had sex with a pillow
>pale, doughy body from sitting in front of his laptop all day
>thinks he's superior because he browses /a/
The Chad furry
>has had sex with hundreds of women in fox suits
>regularly exercises to keep himself as fit as a predator
>has made several strong friendships on decades-old furry forums
Forgot one
>plays absolute garbage RPGs like Exalted and MAID
>plays patrician games like Mouse Guard and Ironclaw
just play the one ring with animals
I'm going through the books right now, listening to the audio books when I'm commuting/doing work I don't have to pay attention to. They're alright but fun listens. Very simple but full of cool NPC and encounter ideas though.
Reminder that an official video game is in early access.
Not very hard reads, but still good.
Feels like very classical Arthurian-type stories but with animals. And less murder. But still a good amount of murder.
Mouseguard is a very specifically designed system. It captures the pace and gritty feel of the comics extremely well, but it wouldn't really work for Redwall's high adventure style.
Honestly, you could do Redwall in just about any system that can handle regular- to pulp-level characters. Redwallers don't get special animal powers or anything unless they're birds, and once you get past the first book, character size isn't an issue anymore. They're really just furry humans. On top of that, while the setting has mysticism there's not really any magic. You don't have to worry about spellcasters or the like. So, just grab your favorite universal rpg and have fun.
Fun, light reads. They get rather formulaic, though. I'd grab the first three or four off a "required reading" list and let that be the end of it.
>women in fur suits
Those were not women, sorry, you didn't smash puss at that furcon. you're prison gay, like most furries.
Did you think tits really feel like crumpled newspaper mounds?
Unironically, Ironclaw is exactly what you're looking for.
>I'd grab the first three or four off a "required reading" list and let that be the end of it.
I think the earlier books are less formulaic simply by dint of being first. I think you can read straight through the first seven books and get the most out of the series:
Redwall (some things in here end up being non-canon)
Mariel of Redwall
Martin the Warrior
The Bellmaker
Read Outcast of Redwall to learn why Jacques views on Goodbeasts vs. Vermin essentially hamper the series. And I'll always recommend The Long Patrol because I fuckin' love the hares and a book full of them is incredible.
Other than those, I think you're hit and miss and run into a lot of repeated themes.
>Mouseguard is a very specifically designed system. It captures the pace and gritty feel of the comics extremely well, but it wouldn't really work for Redwall's high adventure style.
>Honestly, you could do Redwall in just about any system that can handle regular- to pulp-level characters. Redwallers don't get special animal powers or anything unless they're birds, and once you get past the first book, character size isn't an issue anymore. They're really just furry humans. On top of that, while the setting has mysticism there's not really any magic. You don't have to worry about spellcasters or the like. So, just grab your favorite universal rpg and have fun.
Are...are you me?
Because this is the same advice I give in every thread where someone suggests Mouse Guard for Redwall.
>anime-ish (aside from some art)
It's 2017, this meme should be stopped.
Haven't seen this picture in a while, only noticed now that they're standing on a partial red velvet carpet.
Not a bad list at all. I would even go so far as to say one could skip Redwall. It's a good story and Cluney is a good villain, but it was a case of Jaques dipping his feet in the water and figuring out what he wanted to do. Skippable in the end.
I just checked the mirror and I'm pretty sure I'm not you. Ultimately, though, how would I actually know for sure?
Oh, I have an idea. I'm going to spend some time touching myself in strange, unnerving and uncomfortably arousing ways. Let me know if you get turned on while crying.
>Oh, I have an idea. I'm going to spend some time touching myself in strange, unnerving and uncomfortably arousing ways. Let me know if you get turned on while crying.
Ah, the return of the "Why" boner
With a vengeance.
Only reason I'd read the first is because it sets a few things up and ties directly into Mattimeo.
Is the jelly and raw Steakums cock sheath doing anything for you?
True. still, you could get the same just by reading a synopsis, too. It's not a bad novel, it just feels clumsy and off in retrospect.
True. Allusions to humans, naming the sword Ratdeath...