Each of the Chaos Gods represents the most prominent aspects of human nature.
What aspect of human nature does the Great Horned Rat represent?
Are people less excessive in AoS?
Each of the Chaos Gods represents the most prominent aspects of human nature.
What aspect of human nature does the Great Horned Rat represent?
Are people less excessive in AoS?
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The horned rat represents skaven, because there's more skaven than the other races and because writer inconsistency.
>Not Realizing that the Horned Rat is just modern representation of a Copyright Friendly Malal
The Chaos Gods aren't just representations of human nature, they represent the emotions of literally every single species in the universe, like how Slaanesh is more connected to the Eldar due to their super orgy birthing her. Great Horned Rat represents the collective scheming assholery of the Skaven.
Shitty writing
I love The Big Cheese, but he's really just aspects of both Nurgle and Tzeentch's portfolios viewed through a rodent-shaped lens.
The Great Horned Rat embodies Revisionism, Hurt Feelings and Violated Safe Spaces.
The Horned Rat embodies Skaven perspective of Chaos. He is Nurgles pestilence without the sense of belonging, Khornes violence without honor, Slaaneshi excess without pleasure and Tzeentch scheming without hope. In short he combines the worst of the worst characteristics of the Chaos gods just like Skaven are meant to represent the worst traits in humanity.
And GW fully acknowledges that, at least Jervis Johnson does. Btw, Hashut is a mixture between Khorne and Tzeentch.
>Slaanesh is more connected to the Eldar due to their super orgy birthing her
Thats the 40k explanation.
How was Slaanesh created in fantasy?
Without Slaanesh do the Elves need waystones anymore?
The horned one represents backstabbing and general faggotry.
Also being kicked in the dick by a snake.
>by a snake
That was really great. Good stuff.
>Each of the Chaos Gods represents the most prominent aspects of human nature.
Sigh...wrong. The Four are shaped by basic, fundamental emotions in almost any sentient life.
The Horned Rat is a god, but much weaker than the Four owing to him being a more sophisticated concept - that is, skavendom. Most gods work like this, being better defined and weaker as a result
No one knows where Slaanesh came from in Fantasy. The big four probably predate the Old Ones. The elves of the Old World do not need way stones (until ET lore 40kidified the setting), though they make use of standing stones to direct ambient magic towards the great vortex.
Snakes have vestigial legs.
Only some, and if you're telling me my ball python could kick something with her spurs, you're retarded.
I wish they had kept him separate from the main Chaos pantheon. As you said each of the big four embodies some sort of emotion but the Horned Rat is really only the god of the Skaven. It doesn't make any sense for a non-skaven to worship him or to seek his blessing.
Tbh a canon, codified pantheon of lesser but still notable chaos god-entities to expand on Chaos as a faction and to provide different mechanical and fluff angles would be a great idea, which is why GW will never implement it.
The Great Horned Rat represents Skaven vices, not the vices of men. The reason he replaced Slaanesh in the Great Game is because the Skaven embody excess. Excessive breeding, excessive expansion, excessive cruelty, excessive infighting, excessive experimentation, and so on and so forth. The Skaven don't question whether they *should* do something, only if they *can*.
marxism, wouldn't call it "human" nature though
he represents the average behavior or muslims and africans.
Horned Rat is nihilism at its core, seeking to destroy for the sake of destruction. Four of the five types of clans seems to have an obsession with rampant growth that leads towards absolute disaster.
Only Eshin clans seems to avoid this aspect. My headcanon is that Eshin have been assasinating the bad eggs and preventing skaven society from destroying itself.
What would be the mixtures between other Chaos gods?
No? They're obsessed with creation regardless of repercussions. The destruction comes as a consequence, often unforeseen, of said lack of perspective. Skaven are "wtf were they thinking?!" - the race.
Tzeentch and Slaanesh would be Zussavin, that takes pleasure in undoing plots.
Khorne and Tzeentch would be Hashut, as it embodies the brutality of industrious complexes.
I dont like this idea and prefer the minor chaos powers to have bonds to emotions, like Necoho, who is powered by doubt.
Khorne+Nurgle would most likely be the embodiment of Battle Brothers. The kinship that is gained through combat with another man either fighting against them or with them at your side. Real Bro tier god. Khrone+Slaanesh would just be Slaanesh but with more Murder Fucking and less regular fucking.
> human
Wrong. Horned Rat represents skaven nature as much as Gork and Mork - ork nature.
Well put.
4 hybrid-portfolio Gods would be cool, but entities that just... are kind of their own thing are essential IMO to stop the Pantheon from just becoming a list of Pokemon complete with elements, you know?
I feel like reading old old WD shit or whatever that mentions Malal also talks about a chaos god that is literally the reason why CSM put spikes on their armour. Some kind of God of blades that doesn't quite fit into the portfolio of any other god would be a good example.
>inb4 it'd be a khornate vassal because if you wrote it right it wouldn't be
Thats what I said. The skaven clans are obsessed with forms of extreme rampant growth that will inevitably leads towards absolute, irrepairable disaster. Diseases that leave no rot. Industry uncaring for sustainability. Breeding without a care for survivability. Warring without a care for their soldiers. Eshin clans are the only ones that avoid this.
>Khorne and Tzeentch would be Hashut,
Jervis Johnson said that in the same interview where he confirmed that Horned Rat is a mixture of Nurgle and Tzeentch
>like Necoho, who is powered by doubt.
Necoho is my Godfu.
But here's the thing, Gork and Mork are not Chaos gods
Self importance, the individual above all, the community as a tool, the extension of one's will over all parts of one's surroundings. Selfishness pure and simple, to the decay of everything else. The Great Horned Rat is for the individual who tunnels through everything, focused on one single objective and cares not for the harm done to those around, behind, or in front of them. He's Malal with a larger portfolio. The differences from the other gods are in the subtleties rather than in the broad strokes. Tzeentch's mutations are gifts in of themselves and to be treated as such while for the Rat the mutations are a way to differentiate ones self and to hinder or put down rivals, to prove superiority at a glance. The Rat wants growth, regardless of the consequences.
In short, the Rat is self absorbtion to the point of ignorance of all other matters. The only concern is of the individual in spite of the society built. It is not manipulation of things like Tzeentch or total destruction like Nurgle but a complete and total blindness from being buried in the muck for too long. It is why those who can tunnel further up into the light are praised (from an outside perspective at least, no Rat worshiper would ever admit another was truly better than themselves, simply luckier) as they rise above the mire that all Chaos worshipers are buried in. Its why the priests are called Seerlords.
The Great Horned Rat wants the advancement of every individual beneath him so that he may stand atop their shoulders above his fellow gods.
Both universes are a part of the same multiverse.
>No one knows where Slaanesh came from in Fantasy.
That's a lie. A fantasy scholar witnessed the birth of Slaanesh in 40K.
>The big four probably predate the Old Ones.
That they do.
Brilliant! Makes him seem like the personification of pride and arrogance.
They are part of Chaos regardless.
All gods in the fantasy setting are just aspects or parts of the Chaos Gods. Results of the intersecting spheres of the gods. The Skaven was born from the intersection between Tzeentch and Nurgle.
That's the lore and any moron saying otherwise in the thread is talking out of his ass. Furthermore, it's implied that the Horned Rat created the Skaven, not the other way around.
Uhh... No? The Horned Rat is entropy, the end of all things as the universe winds down.
What if the Horned Rat is actually a female?
On that thought why are there no female identifying chaos gods? All of them are dudes, even slaanesh.
>All gods in the fantasy setting are just aspects or parts of the Chaos Gods.
>Ulric's actually Khorne, you guys! Honest!
Good post.
Entropy is solidly within Nurgle's portfolio, and user you're linking to has given perfect justification for what is essentially a matter left to individual interpretation by fans of the property in absence of concrete definition by the writers.
Posting sources because you all are worthless.
>Do you want the 'real' answer, on the answer as perceived by an educated inhabitant of the Warhammer world.
>In real terms, as described in Hordes of Chaos, all gods are but aspects of the four Great Powers. Think of four overlapping circles within a larger circle. The large circle is Chaos, or what we refer to in the rules as Chaos Undivided. Within that are the four Great Powers. Where they overlap, there are concurrent and conflicting entities which bear portions of the vague consciousness of the Great Powers. Any lesser god will be a dot or smaller circle overlapping the diagram across the relevant Greater Powers. The example of the Horned Rat is a good one, as it is obviously dominated by Nurgle, but does have elements of Tzeentch in there as well.
>If you are talking about perceptions of the inhabitants, then they are unaware of the above (or driven mad by it if they find out!). They are aware that there is a large pantheon of gods, includig the four Great Powers. To them, each is distinct, although some may have different names for the same gods, for example, the marauder peoples have many different names for the Great Powers, and some may even have several names for the same Great Power.
-Gav Thorpe
>The entities that shifted part of their consciousness into the world were of many kinds and dispositions. Some were benign, others less so, and most were insane or mindless. But all were creatures of the void; all had their roots in the Chaos stuff that composed their own realms. As only part of their being could enter into the world, some manifested themselves as true Chaotics, creatures of whim and change, whilst others entered as single-minded personalities encapsulating harmony and stasis - Lawful entities (Law being but one possibility amongst the multiudinous possibilities of Chaos).
-Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st edition:
No they are not. All this "all gods are aspect of the chaos gods" is nonsense and makes less sense since the chaos gods feared the other gods like those from Ind.
Cool headcanon, too bad was debunked by the End Times.
According to the lore, he is that or just a spawn of Khorne.
It's been confirmed by the authors of setting in interviews and seminars. So please be a tard somewhere else. This is a thread for loremasters.
Nurgle is not strictly entropy, but rather inevitable circles of decay and renewal. Entropy is decay without renewal.
Why are Chaos fans so self-absorbed? Everything's about them. Everything.
Ooh, our warriors are the best. Our weapons are the best. Our lore is the best. All the gods are actually our gods. We will and always will win, even when we lose. It's all so tiresome.
Only Nurgle has a well-established gender (father, grandfather, etc). Slaanesh is a hermaphrodite, elves prefer to refer to it as a woman. Khorne is usually assumed to be male because his aspect is associated with masculinity, but he might as well not have a gender. Tzeentch either has no gender or, more likely, cycles through genders.
>Entropy is solidly within Nurgle's portfolio
>Undying and eternally scheming, this cunning deity patiently awaits the day of the Great Ascendancy, when his children will swarm across the face of the world, devouring it from within. Entropy is his mantra; decay is his stock in trade. All things must rot, figuratively or literally, and the Horned Rat and his offspring are the worldly reality of this simple truth
Taken straight out of "Children of the Horned Rat."
Covard craven that sides with the "winning" faction that also happens to be the evilest cunts of the setting.
Eat a dick while reading this ()
No, it wasn't.
Only Asuryan, Isha, and Pale Queen were confirmed to be mortal fugitives who ascended to godhood. The rest of the gods (other than the Icarnates) are of unknown status.
Even then these mortal ascendants stole their power from Chaos.
Entropy is not even decay, although decay is one of its forms. In the literal sense, funnily enough, entropy is the proportional growth of chaos as opposed to order. Thus, entropy should really be in Tzeentch's domain.
Roleplaying games are thankfully not canon.
Why are non-Chaos fans so pathatic that they go deaf, blind, and dumb when confronted with the fluff. You are like beaten dogs.
>he chaos gods feared the other gods like those from Ind.
This guy is especially retarded.
Fantasy more so than 40K suffers from an ignorant fanbase with guys running around wih wild headcanon.
Khorne+Slaanesh is canonically Khaine.
Slaanesh is the dark prince and the dark gods are constantly referred as brothers.
They are clearly male.
>Taking lore wank in a book about Chaos seriously
>Taking the statement "every other god is like a mere portion of these god's true power" as "those gods came from the Chaos gods."
They're not saying Morr is an aspect of Nurgle, user. They're saying Morr is only a fraction as strong as Nurgle. Different beings with different power levels.
Why is that? What's wrong with the roleplay books?
>while reading this
Reading what, your lies?
The quote is specifically about chaos gods in the first place, and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st edition is about as cannon as the result of sticking a pen into your butt and wiggling it over a sheet of paper.
Slaanesh is She Who Thirsts, and the dark gods are constantly referred as powers (gender neutral)
She is clearly female and the rest genderless.
No, thats really old lore when they were trying to hype up chaos. Besides drawing power from magic doesnt make all gods an aspect of the ruinous powers.
>What's wrong with the roleplay books?
Awful lore: overexplanatory, boring, contradictory, written by nonames and likely unknown to the GW studio designers
Yo retard. Two authors of the lore outright tell you that gods come from the Chaos Gods and to the Chaos Gods will return.
>>Taking the statement "every other god is like a mere portion of these god's true power" as "those gods came from the Chaos gods."
Wow what twisting and misreading of the text. You are scum.
First of all the Warhams RPG is there to show that the them of Chaos being all was from the start.
>The quote is specifically about chaos gods in the first place
It's about all the gods, you lying prick. You have Gav explaining it in his post. Goddamn you are delusional.
slaanesh is a xhe if anything or anyone is.
>girl tzeentch
hot tbqh
Actually I misrembered the wiki. Brahmir was horrifying to the followers of the chaos gods, not the gods themselves.
Not really since the End Times lore confirms that the Old One stole the power of Chaos to shape the world. The Winds of Magic orginally belonged to Tzeentch as aspects of magical might.
But I kind of like The Horned Rat being described as raw corruption and entropy.
>Eshin clans are the only ones that avoid this
They are implied to be the most scheming and murder-prone of all
Of course you did. Typical fantasytards are always this way. To your credit at least you are honest.
Like the Emperor did in 40k I might add. Warhammer is really about the righteous forces of Chaos trying to reclaim their power from craven usurpers and their minions.
I know, right? Chaos did nothing wrong.
Good thing Chaos won, right? I think we can all agree that Warhammer Fantasy ended on a high note.
A high note of this I guess.
>Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st edition is about as cannon as the result of sticking a pen into your butt and wiggling it over a sheet of paper.
WFRP 1e defined a lot of the Warhammer background, numbnuts. It was written by the main GW studio and the same team that wrote Warhammer 3rd edition a year later, including Rick Priestly.
The only way it could be said to be 'non-canon' is that parts have been retconned later, just like everything GW has ever published.
Still it was very prototypical and derivative, seen in the Broo to Beastman transformation.
First and second edition WFB were certainly prototypical and derivative, but third edition (and WFRP 1e) was the first edition that was recognisably Warhammer. The setting did evolve a lot after that, but 3rd edition was a watershed for GW.
Well, I guess thats true, but still things changed since then.
Atleast in AoS the gods are not part of the powers of chaos.
Carnac: The Thread
rat god dosent have enough of a unique portfolio to replace one of the existing four.
it was a bad decision
check the hat, the hat doesnt lie