>this is a hyperflammenwerfer >it werfs hyperflammen
>What're your tabletop plans for 2018, /swg/?
Play a lot more Armada and pick up the Imperial half of legion. I've never actually gone to the regular weekly Armada nights at the flgs, only out to tournaments, so I'm planning to go hard in the new year.
Bentley Hernandez
>clickety clack, get into my sack >it werfs hyperflammen
Bring me closer, BB-8, I wish to hit them with my lightsaber!
My tabletop plans for 2018 is continuing the D6 campaign a friend has been GMing, continuing my D6 campaign that I started last week, and just generally playing the fuck out of these.
>FFG It's great, but there's noone to play with. I do not intend to play with non-friends.
Elijah Collins
Quick question. Is EotE a good system if I don't want to include force users/sensitives in my campaign?
Noah Morris
How long until we can hyperspace ram in Armada?
Christian Sanders
Yep, EotE barely has rules for force users anyways.
Lincoln Collins
Never, we can't ram Star Destroyers with A-Wings either.
Jacob Scott
Just wait, the screaming rewards that loved TLJ will have their way
Asher Wilson
Xth for orange buttcheeks
Jacob Rodriguez
The point
Your head
Hudson Kelly
>the screaming rewards that loved TLJ >came into the thread to shitpost about TLJ unprovoked
why is it so hard to talk about tabletop games without trying to provoke an argument
what social skill are you lacking, user
Colton Hill
If I want ebin space battles do I get Empire at War or Sins of a Solar Empire with one of the Star Wars mods?
Eli Ramirez
Personally I’d get EaW and download a bunch of mods for it. Thrawns Revenge, Republic at War and Awakening of the Rebellion are all pretty great.
Isaiah Young
SoSE isn't very good then?
Justin Nguyen
It’s grand, I just think EaW is the better game, especially if you’re looking for something that feels like Star Wars.
Gavin Long
SpaDE is a great game, far better than EaW.
Most of the mods for EaW seem to come from eras other than the classic one, and unless they managed to remove the cap on ships in combat its still probably boring.
Kayden Reyes
My problem with SoSE is that I have to build shit up and start with tiny frigates whereas in EAW I can instantly start gigantic battles with SSDs.
Elijah James
Sins of a Solar Empire is better than Empire at War, but the EaW mods are better than the SoaSE ones.
Austin Turner
Pic related, I was ruining Isard's day as Jerec until she decided to retreat.
Jonathan Cruz
And again
>the hunt for the Lusankya
Ian Moore
And done
Isard BTFO
Hudson Stewart
Well that just fucked me in the ass didn't it
Julian Davis
Nevermind I'm about to take down Thrawn too. Such is the power of SSDs.
Lucas Morgan
Come on, can't I just bend the knee to Sheev?
Chase Hill
You know, I think the Force actually *is* female.
It's bipolar and constantly flip-flops between extremes. It can never be stable for long, and it's somehow always out of balance.
It never never really tells you what it wants, it just vaguely implies, and things can go very badly for you if you misread the signs.
The "good guys" are the ones who are sensitive to its needs and do what it wants, but it comes much more easily to those who command it to do what they want.
The Force is female.
Tyler Lee
Adrian Evans
Stop taking /swg/ out of the title you fucknuggets.
Jonathan Flores
Did Paige Tico bully Rose about her weight?
Luis Walker
You know, some people meme about Palpatine's superweapon fetish, but in hindsight, was he actually right?
>Death Star: extremely powerful battlestation, could annihilate an entire planet instantly (something that would've taken "half the Imperial Navy" according to former ImpOfficer Han), attacked by a full Rebel fleet near Alderaan and it literally laughed them off, destroyed only by deus ex machina in the film plot. >Death Star II: Even bigger and stronger, capable of firing more frequently and instantly destroying multiple capital ships with a lightly charged laser, even further impenetrable to direct assault, only destroyed because in a move even Palps didn't expect Vader turned on him and deus ex machina'd the plot. >The Eclipse: Extremely powerful SSDs that singlehandedly could've taken down the entire New Republic navy, impenetrable to direct assault, had superlasers, extremely tough shielding, extremely tough armor, basically the greatest ships ever built. Destroyed because the author ran out of ideas in a move that's still considered one of the lowest points of the Palpclones arc and is still mocked to do this day. >World Devastators: Not even really "superweapons" and a little more down to earth than the others, but still really good. Were more conventional but were still highly efficient war weapons.
And if you follow the maybe-maybenot idea that Palpatine was gearing up the galaxy to save it from the Vong attack, the superweapons probably would've worked. The Death Star would've probably been able to severely hinder the Vong, and its shape and size might've allowed it to slip by them under the guise of a moon or small planet. The DS2 probably could've been a gamechanger. And we know from experience that SSDs were one of few things that could terrify and destroy the Vong en masse. However, again, all of this is provided you follow a theory that's never been proven to be true, but also never proven to be false.
Jeremiah Gutierrez
>Assigning gender to the genderless. Check your privilege CIS scum.
Parker Evans
>Uncaring yet extraordinarily powerful and influential force that men fight and die over and it itself expects this of them.
Austin Sanders
Hey, he might just be French.
Jaxon Parker
I imagine Sheev wasn't doing it out of the goodness of his heart, but because the Vong were a rival. Can't rule the Galaxy if if it gets fucked over by alien invaders.
Isaiah Gray
Are SSDs a superweapon?
The Death Star was definitely dumb, Tarkin Doctrine a full retard. SSDs are where it's at, though.
Juan Baker
She's been dead for a whole year now, anons. Let's try to have a nice thread in her memory, OK?
Jason Reyes
>presses F
Sebastian Barnes
>CIS scum
Hey he might sexually identify as a HMP droid gunship
Matthew Moore
I like it to think of it more like "if you only knew how bad things are" and that he knew a lot of what he did was bad, but that the Vong would be way worse and society would have to be prepared to live in shit for a while to beat them and resurge afterward, and that turned out pretty true. The Vong turned out worse than the worst the Empire had ever been and the mostly NR galaxy was mostly unprepared for the horrors they faced.
Jackson Nelson
The Eclipse probably was. Literally made to be a fleet in and of itself coupled with a miniature superlaser. Even with their captured SSDs and much larger fleet the Reps were like yeah this thing will completely wipe the floor with us.
Christian Roberts
Poor Carrie. Getting back to acting with the sequels along with her drug habit pretty much killed her.
Parker Bennett
I would like to see you try to force me, republic shill
Nicholas Thompson
I always kinda liked the classic "darkside is a hell of a drug" take, he may have been working from semi-true motives but the darkside started making him lose sight of his initial goals and motives
Jack Adams
The Eclipse made sense from the perspective of the Emperor trying to retake the galaxy. It was the strategic equivalent of a tactical nuke designed to nuke entire fleets when the Rebellion/NR had become a more conventional force.
Ryder Martinez
EU characters mocked this idea right in the Imperial Remnant's faces
Noah Sullivan
Yeah and I am a rebfag but let's be serious they are biased
Austin Gutierrez
Daddy Mandalore, why do the Jedi hate us?
Anthony Jackson
But his father did not respond; he merely vibrated. It had been seventeen days since the last war. His father had only scant hours left to live. Without an armed conflict - and soon - he would fall into catatonic shock, and expire.
Andrew Fisher
>also never proven to be false nigger that's not how proof works
Oh, I umm... heard one of the other Houses was planning a change in leadership maybe we should start some diplomatic action with our blasters? There's also this weak sector along the Outer Rim, if we attack there someone is sure to respond.
Hunter Richardson
>Jedi killed all the Sith >Sith kill all the Jedi >Chosen One kills the last Sith and then dies, leaving one Jedi and one Sith (Luke/Snoke)
Sidenote: is that balance?
>Kylo/Rey appear, both super strong >Kylo succeeds Snoke, Rey succeeds Luke >Force users across the galaxy begin waking up (broom kid)
there's a good story in there, somewhere
Angel Stewart
Kinda wish Carrie had died before TFA started filming. She was pretty shit in the new films.
David Bennett
She improved a bit in TLJ. Definitely phoning it in/still coming off the drugs pretty hard in TFA.
Charles Garcia
>She improved a bit in TLJ. Only because her character is unconscious for a good chunk of it. Old Carrie Fisher played a corpse well. RIP Carrie
Anthony Taylor
Oh fuck off. The Last Jedi is the first good Star Wars movie in 30 years.
Lots of pacing issues and plot holes, plus character inconsistencies between various points in their character arcs, keep it from being great. I'm pretty sure you can cut the entire Canto Bight arc from the film and it'd be not only better, but no more confusing for the omission.
But it's still a really good film. The music and visuals are great, probably because this is the first Star Wars by an actually skilled director since George replaced all the talented people who worked on the OT. The core emotional arc between Rey, Kylo, and Luke works really well and everyone involved gives great performances. The action is really fun when it counts, like the opening with Poe or Luke's short but sweet duel with Kylo, despite the pacing dragging a lot during the second act.
Overall, I rate 86/100 - better than anything *since* the OT, but weighed down by too many plot and pacing problems to be on the level of the originals.
Levi Perez
This is already stale.
Jayden Hughes
stop it, it never works on anyone but me
Logan White
Williams phoned in the soundtrack in this one really bad too. It was literally generic music without any memorable piece like the Prequels or OT had.
Isaac Sullivan
I prefer a small space ship star wars. What are good space ship for that feel? I'm thinking in basing it in a AU mostly based in legends.
Elijah Martin
No. Not only is Snoke not a Sith (that's a very specific tradition of dark side users, which Snoke never was a part of), but Balance is no Sith/minimal dark side presence.
Christian Martin
No, that's not balance because there being sides at all is imbalance. Completely wiping one side and then forgetting they ever existed so that there's just "the force" is balance. The Sith were the ones who broke out and created the imbalance, so they're the ones who have to go.
Gabriel Ortiz
Can't go wrong with a CR90
Carter Kelly
-dreadnought heavy cruiser -arquitens command cruiser
Ryder Thomas
Phoning it in implies he had talent and chose not to use it for ease. At this point I think we can say John should probably be put out to pasture before 1/4 of his work on the series being mediocre turns into 1/3
Isaac Watson
make the new jedi order upset the balance by trying to take over the new republic and rule as a force theocracy because democracy can't be trusted to keep the darkside down.
Connor White
Dude give him a break. He is 85.
Jayden Taylor
>he is 85 hence putting him out to pasture
Gavin Campbell
I was thinking for the pc to be mercs for the New confederation of Sistems (NCIS, searching a better names if anyone can think one)while dealing with the hutts and pirates, the biggest ship would be the Munificent-class star frigates of they employess and Dreadnoughts. Any interesting non aligned capitals for them to run from? And a few corvettes and the like as hit objectives.
Gabriel Baker
What's the lifespan for Neimoidians?
James Garcia
Flamethrowers and flamers are terrible weapons
Cameron Ross
>What're your tabletop plans for 2018, /swg/? I want to play more x wing games. The closest LGS to me is 1.5 hours away but I'd like to drive up more often for games and store tourneys
Christian Stewart
Not in Battlefront 2
Dylan Bennett
Do you think it'll be necessary to pre-order Legion?
There's usually plenty of Armada, but Legion is a new game so it's probably harder for FFG/FLGS to anticipate demand, I'd think.
Sebastian Morgan
The greatest weapon in the universe is not a ship or a laser or a bomb or a battlestation. The greatest weapon is the faith of the people. Loyalty. Devotion. Belief. Admiration. The things won from the people are what will keep you in power. The people are a crop worth investing in. Worthy of feeding. Worthy of listening to. For what they can give you in return solidifies your reign.
Luke Adams
Especially in Battlefront 2
Lucas Ramirez
>For what they can give you in return solidifies your reign.
Tyler Scott
Does anyone have any SW themed baits? I can't seem to find one.
Lincoln White
Are you implying that John is neither mischievous or combative with that photo?
thats pretty cool holdo but faith and hope isnt going to help us when that big ass ship is about to fuck our ass
William Campbell
That's why you build your fortifications and weapons platforms into civilized planets so that any strike against you causes your opponents to lose support.
Julian Carter
So a friend and I have been thinking of making a visual novel with starship waifus...I know this should technically go in Veeky Forums but their star wars general seems to only really care about SWTOR, and you guys are definitely the most well-versed dudes in SW starships I've ever seen
The problem with that is Jim on Corellia couldn't give less of a fuck about John on Alderaan. His problems aren't the other guy's. People are normally selfish and won't give a shit unless it's their own home being attacked.
Blake Jackson
Excellent. So they act. They kill civilians. They are the villains. I am the hero. I unleash the swarm of drones from my manufacturing facilities embedded like a tick deep in the planet. The planet is saved. Those who see themselves as being idealistic rebels can shoulder the ever-heavier burden of being seen as despicable, child-murdering terrorists. My support soars. Taxes pour in.
Henry Gomez
Loses of both deathstars were not due to it being bad idea but to retarded command.
First went on mission without any screens protecting her and great commander Tarkin underestimated enemy so space wizard could destroy it by plot magic.
Second was emperor fault. If fleet decided to strike at rebel fleet then Imperial Navy with aid of death star would destroy rebel forces before Han would manage to get shields down.
In both cases death star took part in space battle which is outside of it's role. It's role was to hyperjump into system, aim at planet and hyperjump away. Any combat should be undertaken by navy that will disengage as soon as possible. In that usage it renders enemy fleet useless as it can either surrender or watch it's world be destroyed caus death star does not need to win space battle it just needs 10 minutes to reorient itself and fire.
Jace Cooper
At the beginning of the first Star Wars, given the nature of the mission, the people in command of that fucking Star Destroyer should've turbo-lasered the escape pod with the droids in it.
Grayson Green
The DS2 battle kind of makes sense from the perspective that Darth Luke was a weapon worth risking the battlestation for.
Brandon Thomas
Neither canon nor legends mentions lifespan, in such cases I usually assume it to be roughly the same as a humans
>What're your tabletop plans for 2018, /swg/? I'm trying to run a game set during the yuuzhan-vong invasion, playing with a sort of cherry picking of both canons to have a nice big selection of involved factions
Liam Thompson
Acclamator-chan: I have the best hyperdrive around here, user-kun!
Imperial-I-chan: Don't listen to that old hag! My turbolasers make me the superior, b-baka
Aaron Hall
>Darth Luke was a weapon worth risking the battlestation for. But was he worth risking the Empire for?
Blake Gonzalez
It's the reliable continuity of the sith order at stake, Vader was pretty much a write off at this point, so.. yes.
Anthony Watson
Here are my ideas on how to fix Jedi and the force after being inspired by the excellent TLJ. For one thing no uniforms. Why was Obi wearing robes? Because he lived on Tatooine where it is hot, dry, dusty and windy. They should dress in a manner suitable to their environment, preferably what everyone else is wearing so they don't stand out.
They don't own a fuck huge city sized mega-block on the planet with the highest land prices in the galaxy. They have a base of operations there because all the news goes through that planet eventually. The base is about 30 miles from the Senate in sub-basement of the Grand Library. They don't actually own the sub-basement or the library, they were just allowed to live there by a Head Librarian centuries past and never moved out.
They don't all carry light-sabers. Only the Knights do. The Scribes can cripple mega-corps with well placed letters to well placed people and quote legal precedent for days. In matters of civil conduct they will fucking destroy you and make you wish the Knights had done it clean and quick with a light saber.
They aren't centralized and don't have a hierarchy beyond the local temple. They all listen to the ones on Corisant but they aren't obligated to listen and have in the past quite often told them to go fuck themselves, politely. It's typically one Master to a temple.
Due to the decentralized nature of the Jedi doctrine varies quite wildly. Sith is a dirty word for an order another order thinks has gone too far. Typically only emo teens with questionable taste in music and fashion call themselves Sith. Exception being the extremely rare actual Sith who are pretty dangerous but self destructive creatures. One notable exception in recent history who was EXTREMELY dangerous and built an empire.
Jackson Gray
Probably not, but that's isolated from the tactical risk to the battlestation of pulling punches against the rebel fleet.
Nicholas Rogers
>nobody took my last bait so let me pull out a different user's post lightly edited to be more controversial
just stop, user
Gavin Harris
So after no one took your bite in /co/ you try your bullshit here? Begone to /tv/.
Elijah Foster
Watching R1 while I clean up Christmas stuff.
Where do Shoretroopers rank in your Trooper Aesthetic Hierarchy? Because the more I look at them the more I like them.
Owen Bailey
Overly specialized extraneous role Gundam design / 10.
Jaxon Martin
Actually this pasta originated in a non swg tg star wars thread.