It's that time again, last Game Finder thread of the year!
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
It's that time again, last Game Finder thread of the year!
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
Other urls found in this thread:
>just about anything that isn’t pathfinder or fate
>all but Saturday. Free from 6:30 pm to 12 EST
>no preference
>no preference
>[email protected]
Player, but I've GM'd a fair bit and don't mind helping out every now and then
>System Preferred
Shadowrun 5e
>Times Available (with timezone!)
EST (GMT -5). Fairly flexible schedule, open almost all evenings and on weekends. I'm a uni student, so my weekday mornings/afternoons probably won't be open.
Voice, but if you insist on text I'll consider it
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
I prefer Discord and Roll20, but I've used other platforms.
>Contact Info
Discord: Udib#0431, or posts made here
>Additional Notes
I'm looking to play Shadowrun again, after a 6 month break where I got burned out from GMing. I'm fairly experienced in the system, and if you want help with it I don't mind.
not allowed on Veeky Forums last I heard, try /soc/ I think
To all the GMs in this threead.
If a player LFG approached you and said:
>listen, I'll be honest so you know in advance, I'm bad at finding the exact words to speak in-character in a manner that is at once entertaining and consistent with all my character's personality traits. My characters have three personality traits that I keep visible on a card. I think "What would a [trait 1], [trait 2], [trait 3] person say about this?", and I have no idea for several minutes.
>I try my best and I tend to speak in-character only a few short sentences per hour of game sessions because thinking about what my character would say is a slow and stressful process for me. This is NOT a matter of what my character DOES, but of what my character SAYS. This is NOT about saying NOTHING versus saying ANYTHING, it is about saying MORE and BETTER dialogue than I already say.
>I need to put some thought into my character's dialogue because don't believe that speaking in a narrow set of extremely vague prerecorded sentences like "yeah, what he said" and "I feel bad" over and over and over without any variation would be adequate. You might disagree on that point, I guess.
Would that be an instant deal-breaker?
Sounds contrived and unnecessary, driven by the person's own malfunction than any actual concern for roleplay.
Also, in a game, you are more apt to speak IC to other players, not the gm. Is the player going to ignore when the other players address him? That I would consider a real problem.
>Is the player going to ignore when the other players address him?
I'm sure I would never ignore them, not on purpose, but it would take several minutes for me to think of a response in-character. Would that be an instant deal-breaker?
Depends on whether your time spent thinking is also spent typing up a fairly reasonable, lengthy response.
Type does not have the wealth of nuance that comes from speech, what is so different about standard modes of communication that takes several minutes for a sentence that doesn't really matter?
I don't understand your question. I take several minutes to produce the quality and quantity of dialogue that flows from other players in seconds. If I try to match their speed, the resulting drop of quality is unacceptable. Why did you bring up typing?
Because you keep saying quality, when baseline interaction is anything but quality, and the vast majority of characters will not speak outside of ordinary unless they are in a particular situation.
Fine then, what you call "baseline interaction" is the quality of dialogue I observe in other players, and I am not capable of the same "baseline interaction" at the same speed.
If you came to me with this I'd probably ask you to chill man.
The reality is that most people really do just speak in a narrow set of predetermined phrases in reaction to most things, so I wouldn't get so worked up over quality when colloquial language was create with quantity in mind.
>Pathfinder is what I know, but I'll take a stab at most anything
>Friday/Saturday from 7pm GMT onwards
>Voice or Text
>KidAmn#2804 on Discord
>no ERP shit
No, you sound kind of autistic but I try not to be ableist.
>last Game Finder thread of the year
We'll see about that
I guess it would be ok if they exclusively play characters with low CHA (or whatever the equivalent is in what we're playing) and it's a combat heavy game like D&D so they don't need to say much in character anyway.
Any 4e interest?
As a player or GM?
I've never played but the system itself looks interesting. I could give it a try.
It's not going to matter for DnD and the likes, I wouldn't mind a player like that for those games. Of course you're at a pretty big detriment in something like Exalted or Adeptus Eva, probably would rather not have you for that. You should practice thinking in another person's shoes, take steps to fix your problem. Take a character you know well and just put him in situations you imagine, "what would he do?" kind of deal.
Guess I should do this properly.
>System Preferred
D&D 4e
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Tuesday 4 PM - 8 PM (CST)
Friday 4 PM - 9 PM (CST)
Saturday 4 PM - 9 PM (CST)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
Powerful Black Gangs#0620
>Additional Notes
Will likely be looking to fool around with the system for a bit before running a full blown campaign. So, feel free to shoot me a friend request if you just want to try out 4e to see what it's like.
The offline character creator will be of great use to you. If you don't have it, let me know.
Unfortunately our timezones clash hard. I wish you luck finding players though.
That sucks. Good luck with your own search.
not that guy but I would be pretty ok with a erp game but 90% of them are pretty bad/full of dumbshit
no I don't want to play PF or SF or DnD
Welp, might as well try!
>System Preferred
5e / WoD, but I can adapt to any system if you are willing to teach.
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Saturday from 5 pm to 2 am (GMT -4)
Sunday from 3 pm to 1 am (GMT -4)
Both are just fine.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
roll20, discord. Again. I can adapt to any plataform if you are willing to teach
>Contact Info
Discord: Biscuits#8713
>Additional Notes
Anything is fine!
Why play a tabletop if you're just going to erp? Just grab a chatroom or something. Gming 5 people is taxing enough without a busy right hand.
What happened to the Discord?
there a game finder discord? shit I'd love to join
There was one that used to be included in the OP
Fair warning t can be pretty circle-jerky.
Jerking off midgame is considered bad form.
It turned into /pol/.
>the Gamefinder Discord
Time for another Tabula Rasa thread, huh?
I like this thread.
I want to talk about table top games
>System Preferred
Homosexual Intercourse
>Times Available (with timezone!)
East coast (Nigger neighborhood)
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
For what purpose was this post devised.
Nowhereman go fuck yourself.
Dont dm marcus, thanks
Are you the legitimate turbo-autist that often comes around in these threads?
Fucking christ you brain dead dipshit, slam a couple of beers and see if you're any better.
(in case the context clues weren't obvious enough, slam a beer means you should drink a couple of beers.
i'll run an erp game for you i just need your contact information and your social security number
By "in these threads" you mean game finder threads? Then no, I don't post in game finder threads often. Apparently there are two of me.
Are there any discord servers for roleplaying? I need something like a casual play by post.
We have a pretty good one.
avoid this discord server, it is just shitposting and dolphins
What's wrong with dolphins?
DM MarcusTechTips#5318 for the info
Why do you do this?
Some might want 70% game 30% erp that may or may not happen after the game
saving bump
arcane legions
MechWarrior (clix)
Robotech Tactics
StarTrek Attack Wing
Have army's for others to borrow
Spokane, WA
Going to be working 2nd shift in the new year, so weekends or mornings.
>player flakes claiming they lost a family member
Why do they always do it? They have to realize it's one of the oldest tricks in the book and nobody takes them seriously.
How do you know they were lying?
Because I've claimed similar and I saw them elsewhere.
People either think it's less rude to lie than just tell you they don't want to play your campaign.
In reality, I'd be fine with people dropping out, as long as they told me immediately so I can grab a replacement instead of just dicking around and not showing up for 3 weeks.
Same. Having people tell me they're interested and then go silent for weeks is a pain in the ass.
This, people and especially nerds like taking the path of least resistance but I'd much rather players tell me why they don't like my campaign than just drop it with an excuse or not saying anything.
>>System Preferred
DND 5e. Also partial to shadowrun, but have no experience playing
>>Times Available
Sunday 12pm est - 4 pm est
>>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
No preference
>>Contact Info
[email protected]
>>Additional Notes
I’ve only played a home brew campaign in 2e many years ago. I have gm’d 4 times. Let me know.
>System Preferred
Not picky, but would like to avoid d20 games or things too complicated.
>Times Available
Negotiable, I'm on most hours of the day
>Method of Play
Discord or Roll20
>Contact Info
Give me your contact info, and I'll get in touch. No offense, but I've met some creepers on here I'd rather not bump into again
>Additional Notes
Looking for an ERP. Laugh if you want, I don't care.
Hard submissive girl. Interested in gangbangs, rape, impregnation, and being enslaved. All genders are accepted, as long as they're somewhat attractive and possessing a dick. Not into lesbians. Guy on guy is hot though.
>voice ERP
>I've met some creepers
you think?
I meant text.
Mistake on that part, sorry. I've always done text. I know not everyone out there has the voice of a 900 operator.
I’m gonna throw in I’m good for Saturday’s anytime. Any game please respond
D&D 5e, all extra’s allowed
>Times Set (with timezone!)
Thursday GMT, 8:00pm - 1:00am
5 hour sessions
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord and Roll20
>Voice or text
Text Only
>Additional Notes
Merry Christmas to all, and to all I bring a challenge. In the frozen northern tundra’s, deep in the centre of the world, is said to lay the domain of The Saintly Father, a terrible frozen beast who calls the icy landscape his home. It is however, rumoured to be a treasure trove. A door, embedded in a cliff face at the exact centre of the northern hemisphere, is said to be the way into the horrible demons “workshop”; A place of great horror and great treasure.
One day a year, when the stars align on this centre point the doorway opens. Allowing would be adventurers to raid this place for its riches. Your job, if you want it, is to enter this place and retrieve fruit from a tree that is said to be at its very depths. All other treasure is yours to claim. Brave the Fathers Workshop, and claim the riches within.
Message me if you want in
>villainizing Santa
Man I’d join up , but why 4e?
Can’t it be 5e?
>Can’t it be 5e?
We are seeking one or two more player
Estamos buscando uno o dos jugadores
>System Preferred
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Costa Rica Local Time
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
In Real life
San Jose
>Contact Info
[email protected]
>Additional Notes
We play on sunday
Jugamos los domingos
>coastal niggers wanting to get together
That's how you get robbed and lose all of your internal organs.
Desperate bump
>System Preferred
Werewolf the Forsaken 2e
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Saturdays only, start time between 7pm and 10pm EST
voice is a must
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
no set method yet
>Contact Info
>Additional Notes
we are 5 - 6 players looking for a ST for a game of WtF and are mostly beginners to either the storyteller system or Veeky Forums stuff in general. I would ST but my schedule is about 2 hours later than the other players. not confident in my ability to ST getting up early, not a fan of making the players stay up later in their home time zones or miss things to play but have no problem getting up earlier for an ST as a player. We all have at least one character sheet done, decided on a region/location, and have ground rules set [excluding mages and the other splats that could kill the less powerful splats at character creation] Join the channel and ask around for more information.
why dont YOU run 5e?
4e is some good shit... shame i cant join
Down for running WOD games.
>We all have at least one character sheet done, decided on a region/location, and have ground rules set [excluding mages and the other splats that could kill the less powerful splats at character creation]
But this shit? You don't get to do this shit and then ask someone to run it for you.
Looks like we found the magefag who compulsively inserts their unkillable npc magewaifu into every game
But really, there's literally nothing stopping you from popping in and asking us to change things for your ST needs as long as most of us can agree on it
My waifu are Vampires, thank you very much.
But a WOD game is defined by the city it's run in. That's always how WOD games have been. The group doesn't pick the city then go looking for an ST, for shit's sake.
Until your ST decides what story he or she wants to tell, you cannot choose a region, nor make characters. The "ground rules" was icing on the "no thanks" cake.
>System Preferred
Magical Burst 4.0
>Times Available (with timezone!)
11 AM to 11 PM central standard time
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>Contact Info
Discord is NG00010 #1097
>Additional Notes
No ERP blah blah you fuckers know the drill by now
But will there be ERP?
I'm gathering more people for one but it's PTU and includes poképhillia, inter-species impregnation and consensual sex in the missionary position.
Any interest?
>Magical Burst 4.0
Depends. What is PTU? And do I get to be selective with my partners?
Are you the madmen from /cofdg/? I have no interest in NuWolf but I wish you the best of luck finding an ST.
Also that other guy has a point, most GMs will have no interest joining a group of strangers who are going to tell him what kind of game to run.
Pokemon tabletop united.
And I'm not 100% on whether the'll be non-consent, not really a rape guy but depends what players want.
Color me interested.
Contact info?
In bed on phone and don't remember the discord number. Will post tommorow.
Alright then. I look forward to it.
>this entire post
All of these fetishes hit me in the groin really hard in a good way, but I’m too much of a self conscious fuckwit to do ERP. Also I live with other people and I don’t want to creep the living fuck out of them.
>System Preferred
Dungeons & Dragons (4e or 5e)
>Times Available (with timezone!)
Mon-Thur: 7pm - 2am PST
Fri-Sun: 11pm - 4am PST
Voice is preferred; can Text.
>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
Discord, Fantasy Grounds or roll20
>Contact Info
Discord me at Maskain#0643. I check notifications regularly.
>Additional Notes
I ran 4e a year back, but converted the game over to 5e due to player interest. Still DMing that campaign (semi) bi-weekly. My experience playing is limited as the games I've been in broke down after a couple sessions, but I've kept that torch lit with PbP in the interim.
I accidentally said "voice" when I didn't want to.
If you're into all this, I'd really like to join you.
C'mon baby, just try it with me once. ;))
>We all have at least one character sheet done, decided on a region/location, and have ground rules set [excluding mages and the other splats that could kill the less powerful splats at character creation] Join the channel and ask around for more information.
Oh boy, this sounds like a trainwreck already.
>We all have at least one character sheet done, decided on a region/location, and have ground rules set [excluding mages and the other splats that could kill the less powerful splats at character creation] Join the channel and ask around for more information.
Oh nevermind, it was just bait.
>I have a genuine question
Is anyone interested in playing Way of the Wicked as a ERP game? And is anyone willing to run the adventure path with lewd elements?
>we are 5 - 6 players looking for a ST for a game
yeah, no
>>System Run
>>Times Available (with timezone!)
>>Method of Play (Skype, IRC, roll20, etc)
>>Contact Info (Discord group)
>>Additional Notes
Tune down your sense of shame. Player numbers is very limited.
>No mention of ERP
>No mention of ERP
>it needs to be mentioned
It's fucking MAID. It's got an object that is a fucking vibrator and 3 "costumes" is the maid being literally naked.