How are they going to get players to spend money on both paper and digital?
How are they going to get players to spend money on both paper and digital?
Put some code on the cards that allow them to use the paper cards on the game.
Just take a look at Pokemon.
Will Wizards do this? They seemed pretty hellbent on copying Hearthstone's model.
So, there's a code for the contents of the whole pack? I dislike how that interacts with drafting. You get the code of each pack you open, but not codes for the cards you end up playing with. S3ems awkward. My first thought was having a unique code on each card, next to or replacing the collector number, but WotC probably doesn't want to print each card with a unique code.
The way Pokemon does it is that the code gives you a randomized pack whose contents are different from the physical pack
unless its a code for a box set that contains specific promo cards, then you get those specific cards and the randomized packs it includes
Oh, I guess I misunderstood. That's p. cool. Why isn't WotC already doing this for MTGO?
That doesn't help collectors son.
Paper and two kinds of digital
>Why isn't WotC already doing this for MTGO?
They probably think the can get away with making people pay twice purely because it's Magic, or that their online and paper players are separate demographics so they aren't overly worried about the overlap. And to an extent both might be true.
i hope they take card game fatigue into consideration. after hearthstone just about every major company made their own ccg. printing an additional booster code on each of their physical booster packs is a great way for wizards to separate themselves from most of the competition and tie players to their paper product as well in case arena dies one day.
>Good at commerce
See, if you're too poor to buy the video game, then you can buy the oh wait
Here is what will happen
>Gotta spend money twice AND works like a more jewy HS
>Then artifact releases
>99.9% of player base who has an inch of skill moves to glorious Artifact
They've sent out surveys asking what we'd pay for packs that had them in them. It is generally assumed that they have it planned but don't have exact details, such as if they'll increase the price of boosters, how much you get from the code digitally, and what set it's going to start with. If they're trying to hit a home run, they should be putting them in Dominaria. But we'll see.
What's artifact?
Valve's Dota-themed approach to hearthstone that everyone hated when it was announced because it wasn't HL3.
But that i'm somewhat excited about because hearthstone is fucking awful and I really like the Dota """"Lore"""" as shitty as it is.
>They don't realise that the lack of overlap is because most people won't pay twice.
People were btfo because it wasn't the unannounced new heroes.
They started out perceiving them as separate markets and then entered into a business model that reinforced the status quo. It's a chicken and egg problem.
Oh man that seems like a great idea! It'd encourage sales of both platforms and promote both products! Good thing Wizards is averse to money, success and positive player reactions so we have no chance of seeing such a great idea being implemented by Wizards.
I want to know how they're going to convince players to trust them this time around. Aren't there like 4000 different online MTG card games? Consumer confidence in Wizards' video game products must be completely gone by now.
MTGO was released in the nineties, so they've been doing it for more than a decade
The 2000s is not the nineties.
Every one should know how greedy these mobile games are. Yet lots of people complaining in the forums for there last game.
As of now an Arena booster gives you one rare, two uncommons and three commons. And you can have more than 4 copies of a card unlike DotP where you could only have as many copies of a card as you could play.
They're gonna make it "easy" to get boosters so that you don't realize you're wasting your time, but almost impossible to build a deck off of winning boosters because other people actually bought boosters and now they're impossible to beat thanks to NWO.
There's also no trading in Arena, so your 5th Entrancing Melody is even more useless than it is on paper.
you're a straight retard, theres a crafting system in arena that just not enabled yet to use your extra copies with