So what tg-related stuff did you give your girlfriend for christmas?
And what tg-related stuff did she give to you?
So what tg-related stuff did you give your girlfriend for christmas?
And what tg-related stuff did she give to you?
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>Obligatory no gf post
If I had one, and she were into tabletop games, I'd probably get her something like a nice bag of dice or really comfy Veeky Forums clothing. Maybe cook her a fantasy inspired meal and cuddle.
Goddamn, I didn't ask for these feels.
user...Why are you doing this...
wow you're cheap
None because I just run OD&D so we don't need more tg-related stuff. I got HEMA stuff and gave her books.
and here i though the fact that i was sick on christmas and couldent spend time with my familliy was bad enough
she gave me a handjob like she does every year.
Nothing because I gave her a breakup 4 months ago. Now I'm gonna find a nice normie girl to get a blowjob for the New Year.
She got me a bunch of reaper minis.
I gave her a in game "sunsword"
Wooden dice that she overpayed for
A handmade wooden dm screen and a dnd 5e monster manual
She's not into Veeky Forums stuff, but she gave me a custom magic card with a picture of us and some bullshit effect that's not even keyworded, kek.
I don't know why these threads exist, so sage. It doesn't belong to this board.
> Wife bought me Xanthars and a big, new dice bag.
> My girlfriend didn't get me anything...
/spoilt/Because she doesn't exist/nomorespoilt/
Why would you even need that counter?
It's tg related why are you so jaded ?
You're a funny guy, user, I like you.
she doesnt Veeky Forums but she is interested. I got her CAH and an espeon plushie.
Shes not really my gf, she has a partner. I am fucking her though. Does that count?
my gf bought us an erotic card game. ended wth us 69ing.
Hahahaa aah
Ahhhh haha
>real people with girlfriends or wife's do not talk like this
>spending money on what amounts to nothing more than a useless bag of emotions that bleeds for five days every month and complains when you don’t buy it the new Coach purse
>Being this alone
120 buck giftcard at a local gaming store.
She got a new wrist-watch, obiously non-Veeky Forums related.
I got new sailing gloves, obviously non-Veeky Forums related.
But last year she bought a really great board game we enjoy to play, so go figure.
Keep /r9k/ memes for /r9k/, mate
don't be jelly, user. i was 32 yo virgin before i met her.
I paid my bull an extra to bring his friends over to destroy her hole while she allowed me to play star wars with my group.
did these two events occur at the same time in the same house?
Bought her a new bed spread and pillows with a galaxy theme to them seeing as she loves space and she needed new sheets.
She got me several Winsor and Newton Series 7 Brushes for my minature painting.
I fucking love my brushes.
I choose to believe you're just attempting to troll incels and you're not actually this sad and alone.
Oh sweetie, that's so thoughtful.
She doesn't allow me to play with the group in the house and when she has her "me" time I can watch.
I'm a poor college student. If I could afford it, and had someone worth it, I'd be more than happy to take a girl on holiday or get her something really nice like expensive Jewerly.
>I'm a poor college student.
Lol, i'm old, when did it become hard for college students to get laid?
Can't find a girl because I'm not really looking for one. Busy with school and shit. Don't be a faggot.
Ok, I believe your first post now.
I gave her Pandemic, she's a med student.
Her presents for me weren't Veeky Forums-related.
I liked Veeky Forums better when we had quest threads instead of incel threads.
Got her a bunch of Legion of Everblight stuff between the PP black friday sales and the local FLGS putting a huge sale on them to clear inventory.
We're down visiting family though so neither of us has gotten to open each other's gifts yet, probably not till New Years.
me too, I talked like that in my first relationship too
I have never even held hands with a girl for fuck's sake. The only time I have been kissed by a girl was when my younger cousin who had a crush on me gave me a peck.
Stop reminding me of the fact that I am a socially autismal loser who will never have children!
I pray to God every night that frogposting becomes a bannable offense
Some recast sisters of battle for her army.
Money for reaper paints
She got me:
A hand-stitched Beholder plushie / dice bag
Some Alternative Armies minis
non-tg, but some fans for my computer.
>being triggered by a meme
I hope you are coping with your autism senpai.
getting laid and having a girlfriend aren't one in the same grandpa
When they're too busy paining models and developing new settings.
>tfw she's been dead for eight years
We used to get each other sets of dice each year, though.
Some of us aren't interested in just getting laid. I want an actual girlfriend and future wife. Not just some casual hookup.
Too bad that in our hedonistic age where dating is dominated by shit like tinder, finding women who actually have interest in having serious, long term relationships and eventually having a family is pretty hard when you are in your early 20ies.
All these fucking degenerates around me at my university seem to care about, is partying and drinking. They sicken me.
Sounds like excuses, bro
How so? I got a clear vision of what I want, and tons of casual sex is not part of that vision. I am disgusted by the notion of being intimate with people I don't know and trust completely.
It's not that you don't want random tail, it's that there are, in fact, plenty of girls looking for a decent dude.
>O-Other people don't want to settle down and get married in your early 20's!!
Color me shocked, boyo.
>want a pure virgin wiafu
>but ALL women are whores tho
>now I can justify not getting laid
Sounds like the typical sour grapes r9k tango
Not among these fucking commies of my university.
I am basically going like this in my head constantly.
God why did I decide to study political history?
And as I want to do that, you can probably imagine that it isn't exactly easy for me.
Nice strawmanning senpai. I said nothing about being virgin or all women being whores.
Got her a bunch of discworld books, a Mind Flayer dice bag, and heroforge mini of her current character.
Granted, her current character is the same exact character she plays in every campaign ever, but whatever. I'm not in those games, so I don't care much.
Easy there incel. You tip that fedora any harder you're liable to break something.
Don't go all "supreme gentlemen" because you can't get a date. I'm in college, living in a college town. All my friends are in steady relationships or considering marriage. None of them are into the hookup thing. Surround yourself with people like that. They exist. In fact, it's pretty much the norm. People don't brag about not sleeping around. You have a skewed sample.
Besides, you can't find a woman by writing them all off and refusing to bother. That's just dumb. Try a dating app, but make it clear you don't just want to hookup. If you keep acting holier than thou and calling people degenerate, you'll be alone. Ignore pop culture and tv, it's a funhouse mirror of the real world.
>Too bad that in our hedonistic age where dating is dominated by shit like tinder, finding women who actually have interest in having serious, long term relationships and eventually having a family is pretty hard when you are in your early 20ies.
Straight from the horse's mouth, you're sourgraping bro.
It's cool tho, I can see how empowering claiming that not getting laid is your choice can be.
>lying on the internet
Pretty sad desu, you don't have to try and impress us
Where in that sentence, do I say all women are whores or that I want a "virgin waifu?".
I mean hey, he can't be an incel if he's a volcel, right?
Don't lump that faggot in with us, thank you.
>So what tg-related stuff did you give your girlfriend for christmas?
>And what tg-related stuff did she give to you?
Nothing. I loathe 'Geek' merch and we have all the books we're likely to use because people that play something other than D&D IRL are rarer than unicorns.
We were broke this year so we both decided not to get presents. Take the pressure off. We spent the holiday visiting with people in the hospital. We had a friend who was terribly hurt a few months ago, and another that was just diagnosed with lung cancer. So we decided to spend the day with them and the other folks around their wards. It wasn't a very Veeky Forums Christmas, but thats ok. I didn't mind.
I gave mine pic related. Every time we've gone to the FLGS she's fawned over how cute it was. She just finished it up last night, and now has a intense hunger to build a whole village
Nothing involuntary about my situation.
If I just wanted to get laid, it would be easy as shit. I am not some repulsive basement dweller.
I simply have standards, and I have simply never met a girl who I actually would consider to be worthy of pursuing. Well, not exactly true, I have met few, but they have all been in established relationships already, thus off limits to me.
Again, just having sex is not hard in this day and age. Meeting someone I'd actually want to have a relationship and be intimate with is hard.
Fuck off normie
I told her not to get me anything.
she painted a little tree on a card and just wrote "I love you" on the inside. It was nice.
Back to your hole, scum
>it's totally my choice you guys
>i s-s-swear
Look bro at the end of the day it doesn't matter because you're not trying to convince us, you're trying to convince yourself. And if you need to believe that lie in order to remain sane then more power to you.
I hope you can find happiness one day.
coach purses are for old women, at least get your girl a gucci bag
Me too. Sore throat, cough, intense stomach pain and inability to sleep- all since Friday. I haven't eaten in days...
No back to YOUR hole
Nah, Gucci is for your top side ho. Prada for the main girl.
Where is she now?
I am simply stating facts.
How is it not a choice, to want to be intimate with someone who you actually love and trust, instead of being intimate with basically strangers you have only met a few times?
You are strawmanning my position because for some reason you resent my views regarding this.
I believe that sex is something that should only happen between people who love and trust each other and intend to stay together for the rest of their lives and have children together.
I have not yet met such a woman, thus if I am to stick to my ideals, I obviously have no interest in casual sex.
>actually loving 3D girls
At her home presumably, waiting for her school to start after Christmas break ends.
She is 10 years younger than I am, and her crush on me was one sided.
My wife got me a hive tyrants, a termagant brood, and a hormagaunt brood. I got her a Fitbit, pajamas, slippers, and a Christmas movie.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, bro
Nice shitpost
>i-i-it's because I h-have high standards, not because I've never so much tried to flirt with a girl
Stop lying to yourself. You've got a chip on your shoulder because you can't get a girl.
Realizing you have a problem is the first step to fixing it.
We bought a core set to split it and some extra ships and stuff
And what did you get your wife's son? What about your bull?
That thing is super-cute to be honest.
an armada core set*
Honestly it is. We're gonna build a scenic base for it and place it in my 40k display. It'll also probably be used at least once with our dnd group as well. So id say i chose a decent gift
I gave her /a/ related stuff and she gave me /mu/. Twas nice.
I got MY son a leap frog tablet and some paint/paint brushes because he's 2. And despite the abundance of cuck porn here, not all of us are ones, stop projecting.
>you are lying because of muh strawman
As long as you project additional features and negative traits to me, instead of just replying to what I have actually posted, we will not be able to have a productive discussion.
Sometimes I like to think that I'm so greedy that I don't have a gf because of that. I'm just really bad with people and only go out when I have to
You have absolutely no evidence to back up all your wild speculation on the sex life of another user. You simply cannot comprehend the idea that sex and women don't have to be the absolute value of a man.
Come on guys, don't leave him hanging.
Nigga, i know what he's been doing with becky. I aint touchin shit
Not normies. Some people, like me, are very open about their sex lives
>MY son
I get what you mean, your wife's son is just as much a son to you as well.
He's on Veeky Forums saying that everyone he meets only care about fucking and don't want love or long lasting relationship.
That's hard evidence he's saying bullshit to not feel bad.
>having gf=love