On a scale of 1 to 10 how obnoxious is it for guard players to hit units with -2?
Austin Rivera
Can we all agree that the Alpha Legion is the most boring legion ever? I think the only positive point about them are their colours.
Alpharius was a manlet too
Dominic Stewart
kek BTFO
Ayden Russell
>Can we all agree Only that your a faggot
Nolan Wright
Most boring traitor legion, yeah. Out of every legion though it's gotta be Imperial Fists
Jacob Adams
>Can we all agree that the Alpha Legion is the most boring legion ever?
That would be Iron Warriors
Luke Sullivan
>Your a faggot Hang yourself.
Carter Johnson
I've been considering buying some 40k stuff (chaos marines) because the game seems fun and I like building plastic/resin models. Is there a single player version? Do I need to blow 300€ on miniatures to be able to play? Is there a specific type of paint you need or do tamiya acrylics work? I'm in Sweden by the way so if anyone has tips on where to buy this stuff please do tell.
Xavier Martinez
Damn i didnt see i maed a grammatical mistoke. Theirs only won person who needs to hung thought n dats u
Michael Jackson
Babby jelly Perturabo fanboy detected
Owen Gomez
but you can put tank treads on your terminators. they are basically the only loyalist marines that I like
Nathaniel Gutierrez
Iron Warriors are great. Only low IQ retards dislike them.
Landon Brown
nvm. I read Iron Hands instead of iron fists. yeah iron fists are boring me to death just thinking about them
Matthew Anderson
>Is there a single player version? Closest thing to singleplayer you'll get is playing one of the video games. > Do I need to blow 300€ on miniatures to be able to play? Depends on the army you chose. You can play Necromunda instead of normal 40k and only need to buy a gang. >Is there a specific type of paint you need or do tamiya acrylics work? Good acrylic paint. GW's paints are alright but way overpriced, there are cheaper alternatives.
Lucas Mitchell
Kill yourself
Eli Bailey
>Iron Fists I think Ferrus Dorn is a great primarch too.
Justin Robinson
just got a necron barge box
should i put together the annihilation barge or the command barge? i'm thinking the command barge for the 12" mwbd and just take more immortals than normal
Aaron Garcia
Krieg is comfy.
Nathaniel Martin
these legion names are killing me
Dominic Peterson
Blood Eaters Best legion
Chase Long
Thanks. Guess I'll start out just getting some minatures then.
Julian Myers
>sloppity bilepiper
Xavier White
krieg a cute
Jaxon Adams
>Implying the Death Scars aren't way cooler
Elijah Perry
>Is there a way I can play a two-player game by myself? Yeah, buy two armies. Otherwise get some friends to all but SC! boxes or something and play some games with real people. Wargaming is sort of a social hobby, why would you want to take that away?
Asher Foster
>tfw selected to participate in the vitae womb program with her
Robert Harris
Anyone wanna give input on a Deathwatch list? It's only 500 pts (and I'll try and add some bits to get it to 750) and I'm trying to roll down to the GW tomorrow to play my first game.
I'd also appreciate if anyone had any tips for for playing a first game.
Brayden Carter
not as classy as the Ultra Lords
Jonathan Harris
>Not Night Guard Konrad Corax is the best primarch
Brandon Jenkins
Waifufag, please go away
Grayson Miller
If I have 2 detachments of 2 different hive fleets can I have a relic in both?
Ayden Mitchell
Christopher Perez
It's a social hobby populated by anti-social people
Isaac Butler
Jason Martin
Nop. You can’t.
Sebastian Moore
I got an Eldar start collecting, and some dire avengers and an autarch on the way. What else should I get?
Oliver Nelson
>Want to look at 360 pics to paint my models >See this But why? Fire Warriors sprues are from 2014. It seems like GW is NOT reboxing them - reboxed kits are marked as out of stock on the GW store. New fire warriors kits so soon? Strange
Cameron Ross
>you haveto be fluffy for tournaments I never mix fleets unless it's for a tourney. All bets are off, I know I will be facing a dude with 2 daemon primarchs and a baneblade spammer.
Nicholas Flores
(You) first
Aaron Long
Just finished "Sons of the Hydra".
OMG THE C'TAN?! The C'tan now called the Shard-born are still operating and intending to exterminate all that exists in the galaxy down to the last star OMEGON might still live?
The novel has a zigzaggy story
William Stewart
It's for anti-social and introverted people to actually get out of their mother's basement and socialize for once in their lives, yes.
Jace Evans
a lighter and a nice fireplace
Levi Jones
That's why I fucking hate this legion.
Nicholas Brooks
So would it be retarded to give a 21st chapter beastmen mutations? Is that a purge worthy mutation like the Flame Falcons or could it be accepted like the Black Dragons?
Josiah Rivera
it was a joke, but yeah you can take relics for both but I think even nids have to pay 1cp for a second relic
John Campbell
She's got military uniform on, she's likely infertile.
Dominic Brown
Hasn't worked for me yet. Maybe next year.
Jayden Fisher
They're still in stock on the US store.
Hunter Cooper
Sebastian Young
I've got plenty of lamps to use for light though when I paint them.
Dylan Sullivan
Honest question, why not just go Space Wolves?
Juan Taylor
>tfw have over 5000 points of IG but havn't got the guts to actually play a game yet
Carter Johnson
Yeah we do. But that other guy said I couldn't take a relic on my other detachment. Which one of you are correct?
Camden Garcia
Alpha Legion is a fucking mess.
Lincoln Flores
So was the Spire of Dawn set for AoS. It was sold out online in EU but in stock in US and other countries. Few weeks later it was sold out everywhere and OOP
Isaac Wilson
Where do you live user?
Christopher Ross
>Any thing that is interesting and fun is STUPID
Easton Parker
Try and get more frag cannons switch autocannons for lascannons
Gabriel Morris
I bet none of that is actually confirmed. Give me the spoiler rundown user, I'm never gonna read it.
Michael Bell
I don't know what rule he is referring to but I haven't seen one that says that
Jackson Sullivan
Everyone's fucked. Maybe.
Benjamin Baker
i feel this user. Im honestly worried that i would be slow cause i would be new to actually playing and i dont wanna fuck around and waste someone elses time.
Grayson Sullivan
Nice tldr. So nothing happens
Isaiah Wilson
It's not really that much of a mess.
The Arch-Lord of the Alpha Legion that some speculated to be Alpha or Omegon turned out to be the Deceiver. He manipulated the Alpha Legion for many centuries to forward his plans After an epic battle in which the C'tan shard absolutely wrecks face, it is captured in a pokeball The main hero escapes the planet as it collapses on itself by the C'tan rampage. He intends to ask the imprisoned Deceiver about the whereabouts of his liege primarch
Oliver Sullivan
Because of two reasons. A, I am personally not a fan of the "VIKINGS AND WOLFS" theme that they have going on. B, I find that horns are easier to paint and decorate over fur.
Now if horns are indeed just too big a stretch then I'll just turn them into a chapter focused around hunting.
Sebastian Scott
You can summon after disembarking.
Brandon White
They never stop making the alpha legion xeno cucks. First the cabal then dorn now this. haha. Fuck AL
Michael Davis
We were all new and bad at this once. Just dive in head first and go with the flow. Reflect on what you did once it's over and make sure you remember the rules regarding the shitty situations you wound up in.
then play again
Nobody except for the absolute spergs will give you a hard time for being new
Sebastian White
>absolute spergs Yeah not like there's many of those who play 40k
Levi Lewis
I'm trying to cobble my old Orks together into something resembling an army. Any feedback on this list as a starting point?
Ayden Watson
I've never met someone who would be upset at helping a new player learn how to play. Most players are pretty friendly, despite what Veeky Forums would want you to think.
Mason Hernandez
How do you export pngs user? I have android.
Grayson Morgan
Dorn is a xenos
Hunter Torres
But what if I'm the absolute sperg?
Evan Rivera
Traitors by definition are cucks. In the case of chaos marines they are either chaos cum dumpster or Xenos cum dumpster
Andrew Flores
As in what, a super swole eldar?
Jaxon Gonzalez
if a chapter is secretive enough about their flaws they can possibly get away with anything ala blood angels and their sometimes even more fucked successors. Maybe if you had it so that some were hit harder than others? so that you could have at least a lore reason for them to be interacting with some other form of the imperium. baring that just make them loyalists declared renegade.
Alexander Harris
Then watch other people, and then try to learn from them.
Jordan Taylor
Seek out other sperges and create a nuclear reaction.
Ryder Watson
You should make 2 outrider detachments instead of the one patrol. 3 koptas, hq, boyz 2 koptas, hq, bikes 2 cp extra for just rearranging your dudes
Nathan Edwards
Cameron Powell
loyalist are by definition cucks. To the emperor and now guilliman.
But getting played by xenos. Not even Tzeentch. Its just pathetic.
Camden Russell
exterminatus worthy, beastmen mutations are tzaangor-tier impurity
Angel Russell
find a nice non-sperg who will treat you like a human being. As long as you aren't an absolute cunt people will tolerate mild sperging
Cooper Bennett
Hmh, alright, how do other renegade chapters fare? I know the Blood Knights kicked ass and took names until the day they died.
Josiah Nelson
To be fair, the loyalists got played like fiddles in the novel What do you call someone who gets cucked by a cuck?
Justin Hernandez
You should make them. Anyone who disputes your loyalty must defeat you on the table top.
Ethan Fisher
A good friend of mine got Tau for Christmas and he wanted to do a 1500pt game against the new Primaris Marines That i received. How fucked am i? ++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Imperium - Dark Angels) [95 PL, 1491pts] ++
dorn is really the moustache which is in fact a secretive species of xeno which in turn controls the primarch which in turn explains his autism!
Justin Hernandez
>How fucked am I playing a top tier army against a low tier army Unless he's spamming commanders and drones you should win
Oliver Bailey
I'll ask again since it wasn't answered in the other thread.
Do Imperial Knights work as a stand alone force, or are their points costs too high and model count too low to justify taking more than a couple of divisions as part of a guard army?
Chase Williams
That sounds fun.
Brody Sanders
Those guys were dead in the first chapters. I am talking about what came later.
Gavin Sanders
I only use the desktop version, and it's just got a Save Img button. Sorry.