>Campaign setting revolves around street gangs
>Doesn't really have physical violence
Could this be fun?
>Campaign setting revolves around street gangs
>Doesn't really have physical violence
Could this be fun?
Yes, because all fights are resolved through dance.
I fell like what she is wearing should be considered a hate crime. Am I out of touch? Is this what kids are wearing these days?
Is she a she?
Looks like tits to me.
>*muffled Concept of Love in the distance*
Maybe instead of physical violence, they have turf wars and rap fights? How would that work tho and which system should be used?
>Doesn't really have physical violence
>Has a lot of psychic violence
I'm ok with this
No idea, but if that person was in the kind of prison gang members get put in. They'd be thrown about like a dog toy.
> The Mardi Gras Indians play various traditional roles. Many blocks ahead of the Indians are plain clothed informants keeping an eye out for any danger. The procession begins with “spyboys,” dressed in light “running suits” that allow them the freedom to move quickly in case of emergency.[2] Next comes the “first flag,” an ornately dressed Indian carrying a token tribe flag.[2] Closest to the “Big Chief” is the “Wildman” who usually carries a symbolic weapon.[2] Finally, there is the “Big Chief.” The “Big Chief” decides where to go and which tribes to meet (or ignore). The entire group is followed by percussionists and revelers.[2]
>During the march, the Indians dance and sing traditional songs particular to their gang. They use hodgepodge languages loosely based on different African dialects.[4] The “Big Chief” decides where the group will parade; the parade route is different each time. When two tribes come across each other, they either pass by or meet for a symbolic fight. Each tribe lines up and the “Big Chiefs” taunt each other about their suits and their tribes. The drum beats of the two tribes intertwine, and the face off is complete. Both tribes continue on their way.[8]
>In the early days of the Indians, Mardi Gras was a day of both reveling and bloodshed. “Masking” and parading was a time to settle grudges.[4] This part of Mardi Gras Indian history is immortalized in James Sugar Boy Crawford's song, "Jock O Mo" (better known and often covered as "Iko Iko"), based on their taunting chants. However, in the late 1960s, Allison Montana, "Chief of Chiefs", fought to end violence between the Mardi Gras Indian Tribes.[9] He said, “I was going to make them stop fighting with the gun and the knife and start fighting with the needle and thread.”[10] Today, the Mardi Gras Indians are not plagued by violence; instead they base their fights over the “prettiness” of their suits.[4]
Why would a pretty girl be put in that kind of prison?
This proves nothing these days
Yes. Warriors. But with dance.
>Could this be fun?
But it would be more fun with violence.
Hell yeah. Just run it as meets the Warriors, meets Footloose. A patchwork of rival dance-gangs fighting over street rep and hangouts while teaming up to get one over on the anti-dance establishment. Treat actual violence like Yakuza 1 treated a dude getting a grenade: A huge, crazy deal that means shit just went beyond serious. Theme factions off of dance styles and crazy costumes, crank everything up to eleven, and call it a day.
Biggest problem I'd see honestly would be getting good dance mechanics. They'd need a lot of variability to make different styles of dance feel distinct and fun.
a lot of fashion exists purely to separate people away from the mainstream. Fashion looks weird and bad and stupid on purpose in something that is as often legitimate rebellion as it is empty attention seeking
half the time you ask 'why would anyone wear that', that is exactly the reason why they are wearing that
before you get all 'kids these days' most people wear the same normal boring shit everyone else does. Other people look like idiots on purpose and make the world a little more interesting in the process, for good or ill
it's incredibly tiresome to whinge about 'what the kids are wearing'. If you wanna wear poorly shaped but comfortable jeans and an old ass gamer graphic tee, honestly go for it and have a good time. But don't be a fuckin' dad about it.
>good dance mechanics
Space Hulk has a dancing expansion.
I never knew my shooting glasses from the NRA would be fashionable.
Okay, but look at her. I mean, really *look* at her.
She has to, at some point, look into a mirror and decide:
>Yes, I want to go out today in brown baggy pants, a shiny pink sports bra, black arm warmers, yellow sunglasses and a black unfurled desert cap tied beneath my chin.
>And I want to do this looking as pasty as possible.
Even if the stupid look is intentional, leaving the house like that requires some impressive dedication to looking like a moron.
When I wore a heavy metal band t-shirt, black jeans, combat boots, and a trench coat in high school it was because that was cool! Just because I'm 35 years old doesn't mean- oh, god. It does. I'm old.
Tell me more. I need Warhammer 40k: Dancing All Night in my life.
>getting upset at pretty girls for existing
Now's the part where you call me names to help alleviate your crippling loneliness and then make a new thread on Veeky Forums about how females always ruin gaming groups.
>Found doing the old soft shoe while dusting off my old Dragon Magazine collection we have here this little oddity. A humor piece in the April 1994 issue 204 of TSRs Dragon Magazine by none other than Allen Varney and is intended for the original Space Hulk and the Deathwing expansion.
>The article is 3 and 1/2 pages in length and features a truly absurd cover piece by Jim Holloway depicting marines doing the tango and disco. It details the Space Marine Recreator Squad who, well, dance during battle just to prove they can and humiliate the Genestealers. I kid you not.
>Squad loadout is fairly standard: Sergeant with Storm Bolter and Power Sword, one Marine with Power Glove and either Assault Cannon or Heavy Flamer, 2 with Storm Bolters and Power Gloves and one with a Thunder Hammer and introducing here a new weapon. The Music unit. There is also rules for Deathwing squad loadouts using a 10 point base and how to set them up.
>The Recreator Squad armour it is explained has been specially modified to allow greater wait motion to allow the Marines to perform their lumbering, yet majestic dances. Here it describes the maneuvers that were omitted from the original Space Hulk. Moves like CATCH: for 1 AP A Marine can catch a fellow Marine thrown into one of his forward 3 squares. Or KICK: for 1 AP in close combat the Marine can make an attack rolling 1 die and subtracting 1. They can kick and shoot for 2 AP. Genestealers can learn this maneuver too. Marines can also High Kick for 2 AP. The High Kick has no penalty to the roll, but the Marine cannot also shoot. Or PIROUETTE: where for 4 AP the marine spins and can make 3 attacks, one each at 90, 180 and 270 degrees. These and other moves can be combined for various performances.
>Next is described some basic dances such as the simple Twist and the more difficult Break Dance. Then the rules move on to the 2 Marine dance of PAS DE DEUX wherein one Marine lifts the other and performs a Pirouette maneuver. The daring can use the options for Leaps and other additional maneuvers.
>After this is the explanation of the Music Unit which one Marine must carry. This sophisticated rig combines Holo projectors, music sound systems and broadcasting equipment to allow the projection of lush music and transform via holo the hulk into a dance hall, garden or other setting appropriate to the performance.
>Lastly is a Mission for the Recreators. Troopship Broadway Bound encounters a Hulk and Squad Berkely is sent in to do a performance. The scenario uses the Mission 5 layout from the SH Missions. The Recreaors must deploy the music unit in the room to the lower left and execute a brief dance, while the Genestealers just want to stop the show by killing all the Marines. Squad Berkely is assisted by Squad Kelly for this mission. The Music Unit is represented here by the CAT and uses that items rules for being damaged. If the Genestealers succeed in destroying the Music Unit then the Marines can still gain a victory by telling a Joke in the target room for 1 AP. I kid you not children!
>All in all this is a really strange thing to see. Stranger to see it in Dragon Magazine no less! Even if it is the April issue which is usually pretty strange! Yes. This is a April Fools humor piece. But the rules though make some freakish sort of sense and actually work in how they are set up. And a few of the maneuvers could even prove useful for normal play. Scary huh? I think though the Marines should score points for performing a complete dance combo during the mission. Also forgotten is the Disco Ball! A missed opportunity though was the omission of dances for the Genestealers. They already know the Conga! ahem...
>It is worth looking up if only for the bemusing read and a look at a bygone era before Games Workshops long fall into madness. Well, a diffrent sort of madness...
Came here to post this. Fuck you for beating my to it.
Doing a lot of projecting there, user.
Outside the dumb hat it's not that bad a look, to be frank.
I mean, I'd have chosen a darker top, but the rest is not unreasonable.
This is beautiful.
We must create the rules for genestealer conga. Fulfill the prophecy.
They always will be, user. We'll be glorious together
It would have to have a really good territory control/turf mechanic.
>Even if the stupid look is intentional, leaving the house like that requires some impressive dedication to looking like a moron.
I grew up in the 90s, so believe me when i tell you that no, it really doesn't. I speak from experience.
Honestly, i've seen a lot of people wearing stupider outfits.
If you've ever been to a Loveparade when they still happened in Berlin you'll say the same. You can probably google pictures.
Hell, just go on youtube and look at some music videos from the 90s.
Then remind yourself that those people presumably had fashion advisors and still went on stage/tv like that.
For a few years I played with a 50-something old man who would consistently dress like he came out of an 80s cyberpunk version of V:tM, with sunglasses almost bigger than his face and orange-dyed hair.
He swore he did it to fight fashion conventions and make a difference in the world.
He also dated boys 30 years younger than him even though he was married and had a daughter, tough, so there's that.
Yes, there is a system for that.
What style is this called? This is hands down the worst soyboy fashion statement I have ever seen.
I believe it's called "Ali G" style.
Look up old school graffiti culture sometime, user. It's a constant art battle with lots of competition among graffiti crews and artists with the intent of getting noticed and making some noise: competition without violence involved.
Plus it can get you some fun sessions by sneaking into places and maybe fighting The Man more up close or trying to paint in more dangerous places.
Check out Marc Ecko's Getting Up, it has violence but its mostly graffiti and sticking it up to the police and rival gangs in a urban dystopian setting.
Marc Ecko's Getting Up is kind of hilarious in the violence aspect, considering by the end of the game Trane has murdered a frankly astonishing number of people on his quest for graffiti glory.
At least you got to go subway surfing.
Besides the game being gamey in execution and somewhat cheesy in writing, it's a solid foundation for what it sets out to present.
Also yeah the subway levels are baller.
>Has a lot of psychic violence
Fuck yeah
> Street gangs
> Nonviolent
Your asking the question but you already know the answer.
>Saints Row
Hold up the fuck.
Underrated as fuck
This is the one time MUH REALISM would strike and be alright.
You know nothing about fashion then
Are you dense?
>Is told that this look is intended to provoke reactions
>Still floats
>Still sputters
Calm down gramps.
>57 posts
>no one has posted west side story
Its basically heath goth with a bit of militant/edc cutester going on.
Came into the thread to post this.
Then we must ask ourselves; if it is pretty, do I fuck it?
I thought about it, but doesn't someone get stabbed to death?
Even with the cheesy dance fights
Feel like it'd come down to political intrigue and stealthing.
Game isn't non-violent so much as getting shot is as good as getting dead.
I am fucking using this. It's too perfect.
I haven't seen West Side Story in 15 years but I thought the girl and the boy both died because it's Romeo and Juliet.
I think Blades in the Dark might work something like this. At least in that, if you don't play the tanking class, fighting will FUCK YOU UP something fierce, and so is to be avoided at all costs.
Two words
So West Side Story?