Where else on the internet does Veeky Forums go to talk about tabletop games?
Where else on the internet does Veeky Forums go to talk about tabletop games?
You’re a funny guy
sometimes the company that makes the game has a forum
I don't go anywhere else on the internet but Veeky Forums.
I've tried other places, but it always ends up like pic related. There's always some bullshit karma or up/down vote system, ridiculous avatar restrictions, page-filling signatures, bronies, furries, cults of personality, and other utter fucking nonsense.
At least when I make a post here, it has to stand on its own merit. Nobody looks at my postcount or registration date or makes a snap judgement about me from an avatar or username. They have nothing to go on but the content of my post.
/qst/ mostly. That's where all the old posters from Veeky Forums are these days.
Nice trips, also reddit is just fine. It sorts crap and if you write a good infuriating post, you get updoots and other virtual internet points
I like that comic even admits that Veeky Forums posters talking like the shitheads they are in other places “mysteriously” gets them banned. It’s not that hard to not be a dick shouting faggot every few posts and yet some people struggle.
Well, using your Veeky Forums skills to piss people off with few words really pays off on reddit posts.
You are a sad person.
>No one is being called a rapist on unfounded rumours and getting banned for it
2/10 pic
Damn that comic feels a bit old, 2013-14ish
That’s because every site where the owners go “I believe in an unrealistic interpretation of free speech and algorithmic moderation” turns into a shithole. It’s the same for Twitter and Facebook, those sites are not any better than here - especially not better than Veeky Forums generally is.
The best sites are forums where you get to know the community and fit in, which tend to be smaller forums with human moderators you get along with. Even then because so many sites have regressed how people talk to each other online there’s still a lot of shitty people wandering in.
The Feminist 40k facebook group
It needs updating, yeah
Unironically, Google+.
Despite Google's attempts to gut the service, it's still the best place I've found for Veeky Forums talk. I just come here for the pdf share threads and the shitposting.
neogaf pls go
Serious question doe anyone in that group actually play 40k?
How the fuck should I know I was just baiting
damn nigga that's a good joke
All I know is that aside from the admin (who is probably a tranny), it's all just men.
>a hivemind of castrated herbivore men and 13-year-olds addicted to years-stale memes
No thanks
It sorts by
Veeky Forums does that automatically within a thread
Veeky Forums does it within the board as a whole; but instead of doing it by meaningless upboats, it’s by at least an attempt at content
Everything else is meaningless.
A couple discord groups, that's about it.
But how do you order food and check movie times?
GiTP, ENworld and reddit.
GiTP is the best place in the internet though.
I got warned there for swearing and for having an animated gif avatar.
If they didn't want people to have animated gif avatars, they should just fucking disable it.
I pretend to be retarded on /b/ to make people mad, then I leak my home address, they send lots of pizza and free bibles.
Why would I need movie times? I dont go anywhere except for Veeky Forums.
Sometimes there's a good post but people really can be pussies over there. Or just have bad taste. I'm talking about /r/dnd and /r/rpg specifically. Oh and the whitewolf one too.
But if you want nice people to tell you the thing you did is good, Reddit is perfect for that! They say 'good meme, friend' and you get an orange arrow
But that also applies to Veeky Forums