What's wrong with not roleplaying?
What's wrong with not roleplaying?
If both your buddies and the GM play the game for the mechanic aspect: nothing.
On the other hand, not roleplaying on a roleplaying game session makes you either a less-than-mediocre player or a munch-kin.
Because an unwillingness to roleplay is indicative of either low investment or low intelligence. In regards to the former refusing to roleplay one's character demonstrates low investment in the campaign as their inability to give their character a place in the world suggests they don't give a shit about the game other than showing up. Either they find roleplaying awkward or they're apathetic to it but such players essentially waste a GM's effort and drain their motivation to host a game for a player who won't meet them halfway.
In regards to the latter, a refusal to roleplay suggests that the player in question has low creative intelligence and an inability to employ lateral thinking. Every single powergamer or rollplayer I've ever played with may have been able to put together an effective minmaxed character but when it came to solving puzzles, strategizing or talking to people they couldn't come up with a solution to save their lives. If you cannot roleplay you are most likely stupid or autistic.
To summarize, refusing to roleplay suggests you're either too dumb to play a ROLEPLAYING game or you simply don't give a shit and therefore shouldn't be playing in the first place.
this but unironically
If you're just gonna play it like it's a vidya you might as well just actually be playing vidya.
on my table everyone does a pretty good job of roleplaying except this one guy who comes with his brother. i don't expect much from the group but he is either has some anxiety or some disability because he only contributes in battle and even that he does poorly.here is a list of problems
>plays only variation of Ranger/Rouge multiclass
>always plays silent type character so never gives any input
>can't make a decision when presented with a choice
>only fights long range, if enemies get in close with him he is fucked
>can't do basic math, his brother has to count up his damage and to hit
>constantly forgets his own feats
>does the same tactic over and over again
i don'e want to hate the guy, but he just infuriates sometimes
>What's wrong with not roleplaying in a roleplaying game?
nigga you serious
Absolutely nothing.
I'm autistic and role-play like a mother fucker; it's my favourite pastime, in fact. It ruffles my jimmies whenever someone suggests that being autistic means you can't talk to people properly. Just because I can't naturally empathize with other people as well as some doesn't mean I can't understand those same thoughts and feelings on an intellectual level if I try.
He's entirely right, though, irony be damned.
Because then you just have a game. Why not play like a wargame or the 4e adventure system boardgames or Dominion or something.
he was ironic? that sounded legit
In a ROLE-PLAYING game? Literally it's the one thing you can do the most wrong in.
It's fine to be bad at mechanics, some people just don't have a head for it. Some people are bad at some videogames or understanding movies or whatever, but they can still enjoy it for the visual spectacle. Hell, it's even fine to not be GOOD at role-playing; if you're making an effort and actually trying to do so, then the worst you're doing is making people cringe when you're trying to sound intimidating and just come across as lame.
But to actively not roleplay, in a game genre where that's 2/3rds of the title? It's as bad as playing a videogame without any video; pointless and defeating the purpose of the whole medium.
Nothing, you can just find a different hobby.
>all these autists
There's nothing wrong with being a roll-player, IF that's what your group wants to do.
>all these autists
>nothing wrong with being a roll-player
Haha wow
Nothing is wrong with not roleplaying, if you are not playing an RPG. If it's a wargame, card game, dungeoncrawl, nothing's wrong.
RPG isn't synonymous with pretending to be someone else, it just means you're playing a game which involves choosing a role.
Your role can just be "a paladin" and not "Faglord Goodguy, defender of the weak". This is why World of Warcraft is considered and RPG.
>world of warcraft is considered an rpg
Go back to /v/
Not necessarily. An rpg is any game with the capacity for the player to create their own character whether it be in literal gameplay terms or in backstory terms. WoW allows character creation in terms of both mechanical creation and in creating your character's personality and past. Roleplay servers exist on WoW for a reason after all.
MMORPG isn't quite the same as RPG though in my opinion. They're similar and based in the same place but they aren't the same.
Its boring, why not just play a videogame if you only care about the crunch?
well I can't properly shitpost after this, you have your answer OP
It is better that there is a "quarantine option" than to force people of different needs into other groups.
Because not roleplaying an RPG is like tasting a movie.
>What's wrong with not roleplaying?
Technically, there's nothing "wrong" with it.
You're free to play the game how you want.
But as pointed out well, it displays at best a shallow investment into the game.
Again, shallow isn't necessarily wrong unless a deeper involvement is expected.
If you are not going to roleplay, go play vidya games and stay out of real ROLE-PLAYING games.
You should take this faggot and bring him back to /v/. And stay there.
I will also argue that player shyness is an aspect of not roleplaying. It's easy to just sit around and wait to perform a skill check or roll an attack and still feel like you are playing. It can also be intimidating to start RPing around a group of stranger or even friends depending on group dynamic
nice meme