>Steal a jewel.
>Kill the whole army.
Is that the usual reaction of the tomb kings?
>Steal a jewel.
>Kill the whole army.
Is that the usual reaction of the tomb kings?
I thought it was more the reaction of the lizardmen
steal the gold - s'all good
steal the pebble? You won't have any ancestors
Depends. Some Tomb Kings are more reasonable than others. Some will just kill the person who stole the thing.
It wasn't about the jewel. It was about a bunch of chucklefucks camping out on their front lawn and breaking into their house.
Could you just chuck the jewel back to them? Wouldn’t they bugger off then?
Also of the lizardmen and the high elves; it's a trait of master races
Yep. Unless you're a bretonnian doing it to save a a fair maiden.
my lord once loved, too
>buy an item that has gilding on it which includes a part of a nehekharan coin melted down
>be invaded by genocidal tomb kings
>Army turns up outside your castle
>Heirophant steps out of army and starts reading out your charges
>He’s speaking fucking Classical
>Univeristy didn’t prepare you for this shit
>Start rooting through treasure vaulra
>Your son took the pinky ring in question
>Is up in Middenheim negotiating a trade deal
>Splutter our broken apology and try to stall for time
>Heirophant says something about your baseborn accent
>Asks to speak to the actual lord of the castle
>Sigmar preserve us
Depends on the Tomb King but most don’t want you to fuck with them. Some do give gifts if you do good to them though.
I read this too. This made me like the Tomb Kings.
What is this from?
WFRP Old World Bestiary
That's beautiful. Too bad Tomb Kings are no more.
They kill your army not just because you stole from them, but because you attacked their pride by doing something so. They don't slaughter your men simply to retrieve the jewel, they do it to make an example out of you.
I mean, what are they gonna do? NOT kill dark elves?
What happened?
Now in convenient one-image!
>Not kill dark elves.
>not repenting before your true king with kneeling and begging.
Thanks Razim!
You're stealing a jewel, you don't want to die? Don't steal the jewel.
You sure those tomb kings aren't related to dwarves?
Sounds something a typical dwarv would do.
one of them are fighting over a single Dwarven coin
Great work.
Rip benny
gosh, dwarf autism is so adorable
Tell me about it.
They were actually there to steal some magic shit. The one Shade taking a gem was ultimately not really important.
>They touch the stone, breaching the nap so you start an exterminaton crusade
Tomb Kangs
>They break into your land and try to take your stuff to boot, breaching the nap and your hospitality, kill everyone
Nah Lizardmen only care about what's written on the gold, As long as you dont steal some gold that has some prophecy or other important thing written on it they dont really care.
Someone enlighten a casualfag: where do the Tomb Kings fall on the "Old Ones v. Chaos" conflict? Do they hate Chaos? Are they indifferent to it? Is there any bad blood between them and the Lizardmen?
As far as I know Tomb Kings are more a faction dedicated to itself.
They mostly stay outside of the "Order Vs Chaos" loop and kinda do their own thing.
They do hate vampires though
It's not about the jewel. It's about sending an overused quote
Actually lizardmen would probably fuck you up for stealing gold as it's usually reserved for texts & sacred shit they want to last. take the ornamental shit.
No, the usual reaction of the Tomb Kings is to follow you home, kill your grandchildren and their children, and burn your home to the ground (this actually happened to an Empire army that smashed a few statues)
So yes. The Dark Elves got it pretty standard
Chaos invaded once and actually defeated Settra in combat. Once Settra regenerated he went full autism and with The combined might of all the dynasty’s of Khemri, launched a massive genocidal campaign in the chaos wastes. Chaos gets BTFO and every last coin that was stolen is recovered.
They hate Chaos, Hate undead, Settra wants to rule the world with a Tyrannical fist.
Basically, the Tomb Kings would be the villains if they weren't also in a world with chaos, orks, and vampire cunts. Instead they're the reasonable, based assholes
Tombkings are definitely isolationist, although given the choices they will go order due to chaos not only being looting fucks, but they fuck up the land in the process doing so.
not to mention this reprise attack took place a century (centuries?) after the initial chaos invasion and the only one still alive was the Shaman because warp fuckery
>Hate undead
As in they hate the Vampire Count faction or hate undead creatures in general? Because there's some obvious problems if it's the latter.
They are ornery because they were supporsed to be fully resurrected with golden bodies, not come back as a mummified husk
Which Chaos Champion was that?
With "Chaos" I highly doubt you mean the whole Chaos dessert.
Mostly vampires but also They aren't exactly fans of being corpses, it wasn't intentional.
Settra's rule is absolute, but its also glorious, and safe for the people under it who don't piss him off.
Settra is a blood thirsty arrogant douchebag and a tyrant who kills anyone for the slightest dis-respect, failure, or opposition.
He also just happens to be a very good administrator, kills anyone whose corrupt or inefficient, and brings his people prosperity. Very much a Dr. Doom figure
So a priest king, a lizardman and dwarf walk into a bar. They spend the next three centuries fighting over who has the most grudges to avenge.
>They spend the next three centuries fighting over who has the most grudges to avenge.
Also the bar tab, which begets at least 6 new grudges
Saurus' don't drink. When they aren't fighting they're the tribes hunters
Tomb Kings are mummies, they do sometimes drink but they can't taste it and it just pours through their ribs
The dwarf drinks all their drinks for them and passes out
>The dwarf drinks all their drinks
That's going on the gold tablet.
>in their drunkenness, the dwarves knock over and break a relic in charge of the local leylines
Tomb Kings can be nice sometimes.
>Saurus' don't drink
But skinks prepare the famous lustrian wine; do they drink it all by themselves?
it's just cactus juice man
>cactus juice
It'll quench ya!
tks are wood elf tier isolationist
There's a dwarf tomb kang. He's part of Khalida's kangdom. Apparently he was found abandoned as an infant.
Anti-Chaos imperialist
They have and still do fight wars with autism lizards, who they view as inferior.
>given the choices they will go order
Yeah, their own brand of order
Is the Empire's language the 'common' of WHF?
Well to be fair Druchii are Jerks and were probably up to more nefarious deeds
Your average Saurus is going to try to bite and chop up any non-lizardman they see more often than not. Trying to steal gold of any sort would not help with this.
There’s nothing quenchier!
It is in the Empire.
The southern half of it, at least.
It's telling when you're ranked as close friends with Kroq'Gar's army and he still opens any diplomacy with "I've killed many other warmbloods like you"
I'd just leave the policy at "Don't touch anything"
>I'd just leave the policy at "Don't touch anything"
Not even that spot on his nose where he likes to be scratched?
I wonder why gotrek never understand it.
If you try to boop his snoot, you probably not getting your hand back.
At least he isn't Nagash.
But he's so cute...
Only an army? Come back when someone steals a REALLY REALLY shiny jewel.
Don't do it.
Can I at least boop a skink?
Go ahead. Skinks are sluts.
What if I boop a Slan in his belly?
Does anyone have the short story where a Tomb King prepares a banquet for a foreign dignitary, yet forgets what you’re supposed to do when the food is served?
Who is the bigger sociopath; Krok’Gar or Durthu?
Durthu. Kroq'Gar don't actively seek out genocide of everything that isn't lizard.
I think his lines get a bit bugged sometimes. I've gotten that line from him while Very Friendly. And playing as Mazdamundi.
But I must boop the snoot.
It took place roughly a decade after the initial chaos raid, as it took Settra that long to regenerate. We also don’t know how long it took him to muster his forces, which were ALL the armies of khemri, so factor in that time. It was long enough that by the time the Kangz got there all 12 of the original mauraders had become chaos lords or champions leading vast armies.
The text says across the entire length of the northern lands, so make of that what you can. Settras invasion force was pretty much every army of khemri, the largest city in nehekara. We’re talking dozens of not hundreds of dynasties worth of skeletal legions going to war. A force like that would easily number in the millions
God damn it Vulkan do not boop the snoot
Do not boop that man eating lizard.
>Waking up to being burgled
>Not going apeshit and releasing Khemri-Prime to sizzle their chav mates in the carpark.
Thats it
>They do hate vampires though
As everyone should.
[Prolonged bird noise]
Best meme I've seen in a year.
I'm laughing so hard, I'm at risk of getting fired.
thank you.
please make more.