Unsure what I want to play in my next campaign, but its between being a crossbowmen or a gunslinger, you can post characters with bows to just to add to the thread
Character Art - Crossbowmen, bowmen and guns
So someone explain to me again why there arn't more fantasy settings with guns? Oh yeah, because they all mindlessly copy Tolkien that's why!
Jeez calm down man, no need to get mad
Do any of you have images of demons?
Preferably burning and/or made of metal
stealing this guy
I need art for a female tiefling Cleric, her demon ancestry was a succubus and she had the looks that would go along with it. But she is dedicated to morality and chastity so she dose everything in her power to reduce the sinful thoughts she might cause in others
>Crossbowmen, Bowmen, Guns
>character art
>Can scroll through it in 10 seconds
Ho boy, I know what I'm doing for the next 10 minutes or so.
>this one's my favorite in my collection
tiefling cleric tax
>Pathfinder = Guns
>Warhammer Fantasy RP = Guns
>7 Seas = Guns
>D&D = Guns
>L5R = Guns
Wtf are you talking about?
>she is dedicated to morality and chastity so she dose everything in her power to reduce the sinful thoughts she might cause in others
I hate to bring this up but... vaguely feminine humanoid silhouette in burqa?
Think more nun less burqa
A very milf and unintentionally sexy nun
Say Hello to my friend, Bianca.
Goddamn, Black Survival? Didn't think anyone who doesn't speak in Moon Runes played here.
Looking for male space knights
Sad to say this, but I just found that on the internet.
Is it a good game?
It's... complicated.
It's a survival "12 dicks in an arena" game, but it's surprisingly not shit.
You start with one default character, and there are easily 25+ others with different playstyles. It's a little grindy, and there's some "well the game is free so wait 5 hours between rounds OR buy this (((revive))) to play NOW!" going on, but other than that, it's fun.
It's actually a point and click affair, but the mechanics of "fight, craft, and survive" are all there.
It's free, and it's on mobile and Stream EA, so it's worth a try.
Adrianna is best girl
>tfw no fat tiddy nomadic riflewoman to go innaplains with
I’m thinking of running a kill six billion demons style campaign. Any characters that seem like they would exist in that universe (fancy demons especially) would be greatly appreciated.
previous thread:
Does anyone, by any chance, have pictures of halfling arquebusier?
This is the closest one I have
That's a flute you dolt.
It is a loaded weapon when this bard steps up.
Um, that's a flute, not a rifle or arquebuse, unfortunately.
What a cute girl!
Here's a link to my 700+ images dropbox, enjoy.
It's showing empty.
I'm getting the same thing. Tried it in different browsers.
>What a cute girl!
You should see some of shipping I've seen.
and some of the lore videos.
Right? Little messed in the head though, sheltered upbringing combined with unrealistic parental expectations do that to a kid.
also, more Gwyndolin pics please. I've got a player that doesn't play Dark Souls and is courting a Gwyndolin-like High Priestess of the Moon. Boy, won't he be surprised!
I'm looking for Middle-aged Half elf Brawlers who look like they should be dads
I know it's oddly specific, but work with me here. I offer this picture I picked up ages ago in trade
Fuck, wrong folder.
Here it is, I swear.
Dunno about the "Brawler" part, but here's a half-elf who looks kinda like a dad
>flatwoods monster
fucking nice collection man.
I'm some fag who writes a dozen different scenarios and owns dozens of GURPS splatbooks because I want to run through every conceivable genre, so I tend to hoard a bunch of different images.
Thanks. Good shit in here.
You're all right, dropboxanon
I tend to update it pretty regularly, so It might eventually grow up to maybe 1,000-ish by the time my basic Dropbox runs out.
Spare the others. I am ready.