Ok so basically the canon truth about Alpha Legion after the release of "Sons of The Hydra" is that
Alpha Legion are still loyal as fuck to The Emperor and see themselves as necessary evil who purges the imperium from weak elements and thus making mankind stronger and more able to fight off against the horrors of the galaxy.
And if they would accidentally wipe out most of humanity/the imperium the chaos gods would all starve so they are in a win/win situation.
Iam totally ok with this and like Alpha Legion more than ever before.
Ok so basically the canon truth about Alpha Legion after the release of "Sons of The Hydra" is that
>Alpha Legion are still loyal as fuck to The Emperor and see themselves as necessary evil who purges the imperium from weak elements and thus making mankind stronger and more able to fight off against the horrors of the galaxy.
Well that makes sense.
Arrogant Alpha Legionnaires who think they are the only ones strong and smart enough to save humanity, by controlling or eliminating the rest of humanity.
Gotta ask user, did the Alpha Legion take any loyalist marines as sleeper cell recruits?
I am also okay with that - Everybody in 40k is stupid but thinks they're hot shit due to their ideology, so that's absolutely in keeping with the rest of the setting.
Though I liked the ambiguity more
Wow Necrons managed to hijack the Alpha Legion.
Why are xenos so good at tricking the AL tards into fighting their battles?
>tfw AL in their new codex basically gets every other codex units for free, or even mary sue'd versions from whatever genetic advancements they have from Fabius and their stolen Emperor Tech, or advanced technology stolen from Cawl, Necrons, or taken from Dark Age vaults.
Damn, that's stupid as fuck.
If only they heard about the whole 'Chaos Gods don't need worship or humans in general' thing
Btw I am Alpharius
Does Alpharius have an epub link?
Unless the Alphas and necrons are behind shit like Pariahs too.
>turning humans into null zone generators who are also rough space marine tier fighters too.
>"Occam was driven by a harsh and uncompromising love of his Emperor. The priests of the Ecclesiarchy might have thought themselves austere and the agents of the Inquisition unflinching in their prosecution of His will, but none had the adamantium faith required to embrace the traitor and carry out the Emperor’s work from within the enemy lines. To be the true check and balance. To fan the flames of heresy and temper the resolve of a brittle empire."
>"Occam said. ‘We are the Emperor’s test. Let our efforts purge the Imperium of the weak, leaving His dominion stronger than we found it.’"
Most loyal chapter turning in.
Years of being laughing stocks have clearly made the Alpha Legion clinically insane. Their habit of screaming just as planned whenever anything happens is even more retarded than fellow laughing stock Magnus doing it.
This guy would make Curze look like the most sane being in existence.
Here we go morons start spreading lies.
That's just one warband called the Redacted. The Angelblade warband for example cared for nothing but to kill Ultramarines.
And here is another factoid about the Redacted. NONE OF THEM ARE GENETICALLY ALPHA LEGION. They are all including the Strike Master dudes who adopted being Alpha Legionaries because they liked what the old Legion was about. That's why the Angelbane hated their guys. They were just nerds larping as Alpha legion marines.
Did the angelbane guys kill the redacted?
Maybe thats the point of the alpha legion, its just a big melting point of the thousands of different human agendas and factions rolled up in one larger 'umbrella' so they shoot at each other less and try to make humanity stronger through their endless schemes.
A simple goal for endless chaos.
Alpharius was a bitch. Remember him shitting his pants in Deliverance Lost when Abaddon was interrogating him for his faggotry?
No, the Angelbane was one of the antagonist of the novel. The Redacted are the protagonist-warband.
Oh that's where I left that.
Is it actually the entire legion though, or just the focus-warband? Because I would imagine their motivations are extremely disparate.
The focused warband.
Makes you wonder how big the Alpha Legion really is along with the other Chaos legions.
>tfw the number of Chaos & renegade marines is easily 10-100 times as much as the Imperials (prior to asspull GW retcons and Primaris secret legions magically appearing).
>tfw thats why loyalists normally have a good kill ratio against chaos marine mooks because those are the battles they win only
>tfw the imperium is turbo fucked because the renegade marines with its superior numbers, tech, and warp/chaos/captured-xenos tech have been gobbling up huge chunks of the Imperium anyways.
That's not the whole of the AL though. Angelbane and his followers were 100% traitors.
Occam could be seen as deluded and trying to justify himself by putting himself one higher ground when disagreeing with the current Imperium's core tenets. Doesn't mean him committing the atrocities he did were justified.
Guilliman didn't go up and purge the Imperium all of a sudden.
We don't get any confirmation The Redacted are representative of the whole of the AL. It's pick and choose whatever interpretation you like.
Funny thing is, do we know where Occam is from? His chapter? Maybe I missed it but I didn't see it mentioned anywhere.
LADIES CONTAIN YOUR ORGASMS. Ultra is the most loyal and the best evar legion. Add the holy twelve to alpha and you get XIII.
It's just a prank bro.
>the number of Chaos & renegade marines is easily 10-100 times as much as the Imperials
How the fuck do you figure that?
>f only they heard about the whole 'Chaos Gods don't need worship or humans in general' thing
I'm assuming the source of that is some Black Library fucking tripe?
Any leak for the novel?
>Arrogant Alpha Legionnaires who think they are the only ones strong and smart enough to save humanity, by controlling or eliminating the rest of humanity.
Sounds like the Emperor's MO. Alpha Legion the most loyal, indeed.
Really? A Primarch was cowering to fucking Abaddon?
>Alphas as the most loyal Legion
Based off how many chaos marines die in the books to imperial marine protagonists and other sues.
Alpha Legion memeing is awful
>not knowing that more than half of all ultras including primarch are actually alphas.
You are playing straight into Alpharius's hands with this post.
Isn't the whole point of the AL that after Alpharius got the chop no one actually knows what they're fighting for? They're supposed to be like Anonymous, they think they're all working together in a game of 4d chess but actually they're disparate bands out creating their own objectives with no agreed strategy. That's why they love crusades so much, it gives them a chance to use their skills for a reason. Until they get bored or frustrated, then they break off and do their own thing again
Except that viewpoint is subscribed to by literally one guy and a handful of renegades from other Legions. The actual Alpha Legion as depicted in any numbers hates the Imperium and goes around trying to destroy it at all times.
Yes and the Lion is a traitor and all the dark angels heretics
Too bad for the Imperiun that since the split of the Alpha Legion, there are literary hundreds of different warbands with different goals, and all are dangerous. At least when the twins primarchs were still alive, they could keep them in line.
That is just what they want you to think OP
We don't. We just know that he isn't a real Alpha Legion guy. He studied the history of the Alpha Legion and wanted to be one and so he was
I want this to be true. We are rumoured to get 2 Primarchs at some point in the new year, so here's how I want it to go down, IC:
>Luthor and Lionell fought each other during the Horus Heresy. This much is known, but it has never been made abundantly clear who's side they were on.
>Lionell comes back and takes command of the Dark Angels, leading them on a crusade, deep into the heart of Chaos Territory.
>Dark Angels engage Alpha Legions in a brutal conflict, during which time, Azrael notices something is off. Lionell does not join his sons on the front line, he keeps on making strategies with subtle flaws that are clear only to the most tactically sound. These flaws are constantly being exploited by the Alpha Legions.
>Lionell finally takes to the field, the two armies stand across from each other, Alpharius steps forward, and calls for Lionell to meet him for a duel, 1vs1 to decide the fate of this.
>Lionell easily kills him, only to find out that it's a fake.
>The REAL Alpharius appears, along with Cypher, and approaches Lionell, Cypher handing Lionell his sword.
>Lionell smiles and turns to his sons and reveals that he was a traitor the whole time.
>Watching this from The Rock's bridge, Azrael turns to see Luthor has made his way to the bridge. Azrael's instinct is to kill Luthor, but then realizes that he had been the loyalist all along.
>The Dark Angels on the ground that don't defect get slaughtered in Drop Site Massacre 2.0
>The Dark Angels retreat to report the news
>The Dark Angels rally togetherr a massive fleet of as many chapters as they can muster and launch another Crusade to kill Lionell and The Fallen. Chief among chapters being the Space Wolves and Guilliman bringing his Ultramarines.
>The forces meet again on another world.
>Guilliman manages to force his way through the fighting with the aid of Logan, Papa Smurf, Azrael and Luthor.
>The Primarch and his Chapter Masters square off against the 2 Primarchs and Cypher.
>It is a long, gruling battle with injuries and retreats on both sides, eventually, it's Luthor and Logan vs Alpharius, and Guilliman vs Lionell.
>Luthor and Logan manage to kill Alpharius, only for it to turn out to be a fake. However, by the time they have figured this out, they are so badly wounded and fatigued, that they aren't able to help Guilliman as Lionell manages to pin him to the ground.
>As Lionell prepares to drive his blade into Guilliman's heart, a blade is driven through Lionells chest from behind. It's the REAL Alpharius.
>"I didn't want to give it away here, but The Imperium needs Guilliman right now."
>Alpharius sends out a "We've been rumbled" Vox to his soldiers. Those that remember their way turn on the Fallen and those Alpha Legions who have been under cover so long that they have forgotten that they are actually loyal.
>Lionell, badly wounded, but not going to die, retreats into the Warp with the help of Cypher.
>Alpharius informs Guilliman of everything that has happened, but, unfortunately, the Alpha Legions still have a large stock of his blood, meaning that they can keep making as many Alpharius clones as they like.
>Belasarius voxes them and confirms that this was all a part of The Emperors plan, as he reveals a brand spanking new Chapter of Pre-Heresy colour Alpha Legions Primaris.
>but it has never been made abundantly clear who's side they were on.
WUT? What exactly about pic related is not abundantly clear?
Wtf ...
T. Every deluded slave of Chaos ever
Just because you believe a thing about yourself doesn't mean that thing is true, snakey boys
Fucking plans within plans
Schemes within schemes
The perfidy of Tzeentch is rank here
This. That's the "truth", The Alpha Legion isn't one thing. It's the perfect emblem of Tzeentch. No one knows what anyone is doing anymore.
>yfw they are literally just replacements to keep the Ultras from becoming braindead idiots and actually hold the chapter together from its braindead codex worshippers.
>tfw Alpha-infiltrators are too busy trying to save their Sicarius glory bound retards from killing themselves from idiot fanatical combat to actually betray the imperium.
God imagine being an Alpha trapped babysitting a bunch of loyalist retards.
this is gay even for dark angel slash fiction
>This much is known, but it has never been made abundantly clear who's side they were on.
Perharps until the HH started. Now we know that the Lion is 100% loyal, there's no doubt anymore.
there's plenty of doubt
30K AL can do exactly that with shit from the other legions.
Does anyone have a download link?
Brilliant. I truly enjoy this plot twist.
Why couldn't the Night Lords do this?
No. We've seen what pass through Lion's head.
There's no doubt anymore
You need to be a especial kind of retard to think that attacking the Imperium is actualy helping the Emperor
one dude =/= legion
Thats what I was basing it off of. But imagine a sued version, where they get upgraded elite versions of those same unuts along with loads of stolen tech like that primarch dna to make entire companies of alpharius clones riding around on titan-sized vortex land battleships or other dark age bullshittery.
Since they are so sue and can outdo everyone.
It's not on the /40kg/ mega yet.
Tell that to the Inquisition who does that on a low level and is actually in charge of "purging the weak" in addition to the actual threats.
that is just fucking retarded
why GW ruins everything
So if they are purging the weakness of the Imperium... The Dark Angels are purging the weak elements of Chaos as well?
There's probably an equal number of loyalists, renegades, chaos worshipers, and plain nutjobs in the AL
>not one person mentions that there is a planet full of Alpha Legion surrounded by Alpha Legion ships and it all gets blown up and the Legionnaires get killed by C'tan power
Book was all about kill 'em all.
More like helping it breed.
Fucking Dark Angels started their own scattering of the Fallen, and now the guys they were hunting for ended up making their own Legion sized force despite being hunted for 10000 years.
At least the Dark Angels have their pseudo legion and soon their primarch and xenos helper race and the Fallen has their Imperial & Chaos contacts along with Cypher and a primarch-level Luther along with legion strength.
So I guess the Imperium gets a minor net gain of somewhat part time loyalists that kill xenos while not stabbing each other in the back.
They are like a simplified Alpha Legion who just don't care.
Did the Alpha Legion really fight itself though? Because maybe another difference between them is that the AL have communication channels and traditions that allow let say Daemon Prince AL along with sleeper cell Loyalist AL to chat on regular coms and coordinate their schemes without murdering each other.
Yeah I know Omegon hit a cell of AL early, but that was like one instance.
>is a planet full of Alpha Legion surrounded by Alpha Legion ships and it all gets blown up and the Legionnaires get killed by C'tan power
To be fair that happens in like 70 percent of all BL's stories.
The protagonist faction also gets wrecked by whatever apocalypse they were trying to stop or escape and said planet then blows up or gets raped in the warp.
Shut the fuck up dogfucker
You can also go fuck yourself
>Wants to turn the most interesting Traitor Primarch Loyalist
>Wants to turn the least interesting Loyalist Primarch Traitor.
Confirmed Traitor.
>tfw too intelligent
Remember him getting out-plotted and murdered by Dorn of all people?
From a true Istvaanist perspective helping Abaddon's forces to attack Terra is the best thing you can do for the Emprah.
anyone have shroud of night?
>Rumored to get two primarchs
>Alpharius and Omegon
Admit it that would be pretty funny.
Really only the Alpha Legion could perform mental gymnasics of this degree.
They are like That Kid who always found bullshit excuses why he won even if he clearly lost.
>I'm immuuuuuuuuuune!
Reminder of the Alphic Hydras regiment.
Omegon's dead, babe.
Haha yeah, silly me ;)
Thanks, you are pretty cool guy.
I guess this disproves that user a few days back who says his dad at Nintendo says BL authors write details in their books specificly to disapprove annoying, inane memes.
If the Alpha Legion are closet loyalists, then one of the loyalist Legions must be closet traitors.
Which is it? And why isn't it the Dark Angels?
Are you a retard? He was talking about the Lion
>Which is it? And why isn't it the Dark Angels?
Too obvious. It's the Space Wolves. The reason they continually raise shit with the Inquisition and Ecclesiarchy is because they're being manipulated by the Dark Gods. Every 'innocent civilian' the Wolves 'rescue' from the Imperium's essential purges carries the taint of Chaos to a new world, weakening the Imperium as a whole.
But the Inquisition is helping the Emperor.
They're not killing the "weak", they're killing the traitor and heretic.
This protagonist's warband =/= all alpha legion
>Tfw Leman Russ being a Khornate Daemon Prince rumours are actually true
Russ and Angron could compete to see who's the dumbest of the traitors
and apparently still everyone forgets that its confirmed by the author that Alpharius died in Praetorian of Dorn.
when did Luther reach "primarch level"?
>chaos marines
>better tech
Yeah. Horus was sitting there but Abaddon was playing "bad cop" asking about how Corax escapped Isstvan and Alpharius was shitting his pants. Chapter was from Alpharius' POV also. Sad how this clown is considered in the same class as Russ, Angron and Sangy
It's been a while since I read Deliverence Lost, but I recall that Alpharius was feigning freight and submission to please Horus and Abaddon for his own purposes.
Welcome to 40k!
To top it off the retarded lore is the best part about it.
Chaos fights chaos jist as much as they do against loyalists
It's not just the planet. The MC's sergeant, and his sorcerer, and his assassin, and his warpsmith, and his shipmaster, and his ship, and his cell and his followers and his World Bearer Acquaintances are all killed. The MC is the only survivor throughout the entire book.
But wait! What about everyone else? The entire Angelbane warband is dead.
A lot, and a lot, and a lot of traitors kissed the ground and said goodbye to the universe. It's actually really hilarious. Xenos, not even once.
Ass blasted Dork Angel detected