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Good times
tok > everyone else
Tok's a great guy
We love you Tok
The well has been poisoned.
>ftw your cute loli sister will never get the friends she deserves
Rolled 4, 6 = 10 (2d6)
for you my love
Red seems the best choice since green doesn't say 'truly happy' just 'happy' and I'm not sure any one could be truly happy Satan was going to do something bad to their soul so there for he can't actually do anything bad with it. Unless the person in question was into that.
Drink deep, user l. Embrace the toxins.
Is the author of that one dead to the thread? If so, anons could literally fill up the friend block with their builds.
That was the idea, but nobody wanted their sister to be in that section.
Take blue pill and become Buddha
punish x 2 50
Mock (heads)
That turned out pretty good I guess I turn into a magma man that melts his bullets and then mock him.
>satan changes your personality so you knowingly "enjoy" the fact that you don't have a soul anymore
truly a fate worse than hell, even though you'd be going there anyway
You're spelling zbg wrong. Or draed, I also will accept your undying love.
get that weak shit outta here
fuck off
eat shit
Who the fuck are you
One every minute, huh? Real subtle. No (you) for (you)
get off my board owlshit
>Fem-Satan Waifu
i hope your mother dies in a fire after catching aids
why do people even like this piece of shit
Calm down
Holy fuck, this thread is shit. Start posting CYOA
shut the fuck up and stop defending namefags
Celt isn't a namefag, you wretched fuck.
Why people suddenly started to hate on starry knights? Is this some weird discord conspiracy?
People in general have generally just been very shitposty over the past few days
It's just one samefagging faggot
One guy is spamming 12 year old tier insults at it for attention.
I’m confused. Where’s the CYOA? This is just a fucking map and some made up names.
holy shit
the writing is even worse than your stuff, tok
Do not question reddit
that's the point A5 can't author for shit
People claim that summer makes no difference to posting but my opinion still is that the thread qualities nosedive hard during holidays.
1-3 years
Baka-nii public Onii-sama private
Hateful Friendly
Popular Autistic Genius selfish Haughty Rebellious
Waking up Insulting Stalking
Restaurant The theatres A bar
Similar Flat
Noble Regular
Athletic Fair Fashionable
To shape you up / To never see you/ To be with you
Onee derelict
Serial Killer
>Inland Panormus
I claimed it faggots beat it
It does have number 1 at bottom, I guess Tok just didn't bother posting the other pages
It's a WIP that was posted exclusively on the Discord until the lurker who posted under Tok's name sent it here and called it "Reddit OC"
Gray on busy background is a crime against humanity but I guess it doesn't matter much if it's only title
Wouldn't make any sense, we helped him make it. What would we gain from shitting on it now?
This is incredibly shitty.
Isolated Rock Dunes because why the fuck not
Posting someone's unfinished work? Really? Truly you're a loathsome wretch, though I suppose even that is too high of praise for you. And then, pretending to be another to hide behind their bad reputation, such a cowardly tactic, lurker.
"made up"
>2015/16 had Demon/Angel roommate
>2017/18 has Starry Knights
What CYOA was the best of the late 2016 and January 2017?
I'm only like page 30, what did you do to trigger the autists? One of the waifus admits that she once held hands with someone else?
>Starry Knights
Samefag went mad (for attention)
And it probably doesn’t have anything to do with the author or cyoa in particular
Where's the fucking mods when you need them.
Someone's samefagging real hard.
Wow. Posting someone's unfinished work? You should be ashamed of yourself. But then again you seem to lack shame so do us all a favor and just leave for a few months.
Dickscord is closing confirmed
I personally think that either A. teenagers are here because school is out for christmas break or B. some user has went insane.
Become a Guardian
Binding: Possesion
Aura: Intimidating
Manifiestation: Physical
Form: Inhuman
Characteristic: I'm an beaked suit of armor that occasionally glows red and smokes.
Focus: Offense
Offensive abilities: Storm manipulation, Fire manipulation, Thousand fists, Explosive, Critical strike, and Challenge.
Defensive Abilites: Danger sense, and Escape
Specialized abilities: Extended influence, Place ward
Advantages: Consequence free (free) and Fortune
Charge: Marie Violet
Well I hope you like the direct way of problem confrontation, as I posses all the subtly and refinement of a sledgehammer,
Going with Love. People as a back-up, I just don’t think I have the attention or diligence to do that one decently
I'm a bit unsure how Kingdoms and People are supposed to be separate. Like, compared to any other Maker, how are things supposed to work if these two disagree?
>One of the waifus admits that she once held hands with someone else?
theres literal whores in the bunch, namely Nero and the one with the music
Mystery Boxes to follow
TokHaar here, I understand why someone would want to be me, but there's nothing in that CYOA for me. Let me lay down the law of the land and I will show you a proper build.
>you seem to lack shame
I lack shame? It's the coward hiding behind my name who doesn't deserve to be here.
But, if you'll take a look, I don't deserve to be here either
Odd Moonstone
>Want to play but the only sacrament you like is saddled with a boss and a job unlike the others
Team Edge
Fluffy End
>Begins as a Bloodborne piece
>Turns into what-is-this-shit right after
>The weapons are not even done that good
You had one job. ONE. JOB.
>liking anything other than eternal comet
>not going full skeletor here
what a sad little pleb you are
People explicitly has to play well with the other makers. Kingdoms determines broad groups and divisions.
If they disagree harshly, you'll watch People's inviduals struggling and failing to live up to the groups that Kingdoms created.
>want to play cyoa, is pretty and interesting
>remember all the hidden fail states
>best quest for my build is a Skyrim rip off
Oh well
>Wanting to go insane
>implying a not-so-slight case of megalomania isn't worth absolute power
Family Friend
Baka-nii/first name
to fuck you silly
plump lips/good smile
>the knights are actually called starry nights
why do this.
There's some temptation to go full edgelord by taking Maker of Hate and turning my element up to MAXIMUM POWER until all groups are hellbent on the genocide of anything 'other' (and will subivide and turn on themselves if they are ever 'triumphant'). There's also a good deal of temptation to take Chaos, because frankly things are gonna be shit if that job is done poorly.
But I'm not enough of an Edgelord, and I think I can work with other Makers, so I'll take Kingdoms to better shape the course of mortal history. Ideally, I'll work closely with Heroes, People, and Chaos and only a little less closely with the others
>Not picking temperance for the cool sword and for rina's waifu route
What a faggot
>waifuing rina
>not laheera
the only faggot here is you
>Choosing laheera as your mentor instead of motherfucking lich hitler
Holy shit, someone actually made a build for my CYOA in one of these threads!
I intended the three boxes at the top to be the first set of options, but I appreciate your thoroughness. Guess I went too abstract with it.
>Become a Guardian
>Astral Bond
>Intimidating Aura
>Physical Manifestation
>Masculine Form
>Huge, Extra Limbs
>Defensive Focus
4 Offensive, 4 Defensive and 2 Specialized
>Challenge, Thousand Fists, Water Manipulation, Breadwinner
>Sanctuary, Strengthening Suffering, Danger Sense, Get Behind Me
>Space Manipulation, Shapeshift
>Bond, Fortune
>Eloise, 'cause she's waifu material