>Dwarves = Mountains
>Elves = Forests
>Humans = Plains
>Orcs = ?
Dwarves = Mountains
Desert /badlands
wastes or badlands
And merfolk get Islands.
Savannah plains, tundra, rainforests etc.
Pretty much any landscape with aggressive wildlife.
I see what you did there.
In the Sovereign Stone series orks are seafaring pirates with water magic.
this man gets it
>Orcs = ?
that's literally it - Orcs have no divine or natural homeland, which is why they are so keen on nomadic raider lifestyles.
Humans = hills, orcs = plains.
cool picture
Orcs live in filthy swamps and holes or dwellings they've taken from other races (sewers, shitted up dwarf forts).
>Humans = Plains
Wait, so what do halflings get ? And centaurs ?
The islands, man, the islands.
Because seriously, "Viking Orcs" practically writes itself.
In an old supplement about various non-human religions they had a creation myth that answered this. All of the Gods got together, and decided to draw lots to determine in which order they would pick the relevant homelands in which they're created races would live. Gruumsh got third. Coralon the god of the elves went to him and through a combination of trickery and flattery convinced him to pick last. So all the other gods chose homelands for their people. Then it was time for the Orcs yes, and there was nowhere left. Realizing he had been tricked, gruumsh took his spear and stab the tip into many different lands. Wherever his spear stabbed, plant life would die, animals would sicken, and the entire area simply became unlivable. He then declared that that is where his people would live, in the places where the week races could never survive. And just as they had stolen a rightful Homeland from his people, his people would take everything they desired from their softer Neighbors in the pleasant lands.
Say what you will about the system and it's Developers, but back in the day Dungeons & Dragons put some decent effort into building their back stories.
Halflings get to live with humans and centaurs are not people.
Halflings get the rivers. No clue about centaurs.
Haflings get very lush areas with lots of small hills, centaurs from from the steppe
But how do we know? It's not like anyone has ever simply walked into mordor to confirm.
Orcs = Swamps.
>that's literally it - Orcs have no divine or natural homeland, which is why they are so keen on nomadic raider lifestyles.
They're basically Mexicans, historically speaking.
Orcs would have loved to live in the forests or the mountains, but everybody hated them, so they must live in the swamps, bogs, mires, and volcanic marshes because no one will tolerate them.
I think it was one of the D&D books that said that was part of the orc creation myth, how the gods all teamed up against Gruumsh when declaring the lands for their people, to ensure the orcs would have no land, so instead Gruumsh gave the orcs the might to conquer them all.
And some versions of it say the goddess that blessed the orcs with the ability to impregnate any female did it for similar reasons.
that's what eagles are for.
Halflings don't exist in most settings
That explains why most settings are shit.