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Any Holiday wins, /bgg/?
Previous Thread: Map
Any Holiday wins, /bgg/?
>Any Holiday wins, /bgg/?
nobody in my family committed suicide. that counts, right?
If board games were girls (or boys, if that's relevant to you) which ones would you date, marry and fuck?
Why does everyone in this thread talk about Kemet, Inis and Cyclades like they've played them and then reveal just through their opinion that they haven't played them at all?
The only dudes on a map game I am convinced everyone ITT that mentions it has played is Blood Rage.
So you've played Kemet?
and no I haven't played Blood Rage.
Date Xia as the one who like to have stupid fun, marry Seasons as the nice well rounded girl, fuck Mechs Vs Minions because it's thicc, pretty, yet keeps it simple.
>Any Holiday wins, /bgg/?
I finally got my own copy of Dominion. I know not everyone loves it but it's beautiful to me
Seasons is cool, nice taste
Date Imperial Settlers, fuck The Resistance: Avalon, marry Tigris and Euphrates
Inis and Codenames for me.
Scythe and Five Tribes
Super excited to play them
>December 27
>Still no news about the Kemet reprint
Good games. I hope you have a great time with them, anons.
>Any Holiday wins, /bgg/?
Yeah, I got the Atlas expansion for Mare Nostrum and my Event Horizon KS stuff arrived too.
(Thanks you fuckin' tools at Fedex for lying about where the shipping container was and how soon you'd be getting around to dealing with the issue.)
I got Lords of Vegas and it's expansion along with some mini paints and washes
>I finally got my own copy of Dominion. I know not everyone loves it but it's beautiful to me
I feel the same way about Tanto Cuore (which I also finally got my own copy of). Rock on.
Date Sentient. There's a lot there to like; It's pretty, smart, and isn't lacking in depth. However, on its own, I don't think we'd be good spending whole days together.
Marry Twilight Imperium. It's got a little bit of everything, and a LOT to give in general. It's a blast to be around, even for a really long time, and can engage me on almost every level, sharing both a love of moments of face-smashing action and an interest in well-developed Lore. Truly, a keeper.
Fuck MBP (Or any other huge KS sold on the back of shiny concept art and/or mountains of plastic; Blood Rage, Scythe, Rising Sun, Time of Legends Joan, etc). It's VERY pretty -- not worth keeping, even if it's not really offensive at any point, but once the feast for the eyes has worn away its welcome it's shallow and just not worth coming back to.
I am going to buy the expansion for legends of Andor so everyone in my group of 5 can play. I have some extra money so what other games should I be on the lookout for?
>Any Holiday wins, /bgg/?
A lot. Here in list form:
>5 Doom maps
As 2 marines
>3 games of Summoner Wars (custom cave goblins, custom phoenix elves, custom swamp orcs)
Versus other customs like mercenaries, guild dwarves, and jungle elves
>Pocket imperium
>Hero Realms bosses
As dragon. Versus lich.
>Masters' Trials co-op
>Twilight Imperium 4 for three games as Muaat, Mentak, Nekro Virus
>Xia + Embers expansion
>Ares Project as Kahoum vs Colossus
>Descent with tons of new expansions as OL, somehow.
>Scythe three times: as Rusviet, Crimea, Togawa
>Kemet as Anubis taking primary in Black and Blue.
>Wasteland Express
>Epic with a Drinker deck 4 times.
>Warhammer Diskwars
>Race for the Galaxy
>Jump Driver
>Rune Wars as Waiqar
This is just this month.
Not a present, but when I was over for a family gathering, I borrowed Hammer of Thor, probably permanently. When I asked for it, my father said
>Why don't you want to take a game that's actually good?
And I suppose he has a point. The game is more "neat" than "good", if you know what I mean. You each pick a figure from Norse mythology, (out of a starting stock of 362 available choices). They are not all equally powerful or anywhere close to it. Guys like Odin, Thor, Heimdall, Freyr and Freyja are way, way stronger than other Aesir and Vanir you can play, all those nobodies like Uller and Kvasir and Hod; and even they are an order of magnitude stronger than say, any random Alfar, or a mortal.
There's also the problem that the RAW dictates that random encounters of gods and jotuns and whatever you run into (there's a lot of this) will have their reactions picked by a randomly selected player. Who probably wants to see you lose. So you get things like this.
>Thor has just returned to Asgard from his successful giant-slaying mission, ready to relax and heal.
>He runs into a randomly selected group of (roll) 4 Aesir, Vidar, Baldr, Forseti, and Sif.
>They decide to do their damned best to kill Thor for no reason, because the one selecting their reaction is one of the Evil players.
Once you get past that though, it's really cool, as long as you don't take it too seriously and try to win at any cost. If you're using it as a solitaireish roleplaying simulator for norse mythology, it's actually pretty neat, with a plethora of magic items, a huge cast, rules about fate and prophecy, the whole shebang.
Has anyone play this before?
Not as fun as I'd expected, being a former D&D geek.
It's a dry worker placement cubepushing krautspiel posing as a danger-filled power-behind-the -scenes intrigue.
Yea like those two idiots from last thread saying they need to house rule Kemet because it's unbalanced as if no one during playtesting ever did something that fucking obvious. Maybe the problems is their opponents are fucking retarded pieces of shit.
What about this one?
would not suggest that one.
is a good entry game for many, but it's just a basic worker placement with strong take-that elements and that is a frustrating combination for many people.
Not him, but I didn't buy that game because it has a misprint either in the rulebook or the glory tokens and no official word on what's right
It's a by the numbers worker placement game.
I've enjoyed playing it, but it's pretty forgettable.
>Holiday wins
my KS copy of Dungeon Degenerates arrived on the 26th, I've only heard of one New Years Eve plan from friends so far which is a board game session, so if nothing else more interesting comes up I'll have enough time to get a grasp of the rules and get shitfaced while playing as some escaped degenerate criminal. definintely one of the most aethestically pleasing games I have along with Cave Evil
any KS plastic pusher, since they're all disposable but pretty trash
An Infamous Traffic for one of the highest crunch/play time ratios that I've had the pleasure of playing
Duel of Ages II, though I wouldn't be surprised if it'd be some 18XX by the time I actually get my hands on something other than 1860 and finally get a good weekend to get some sessions happening
This game looks extremely lit, and btw have you read the Clandestinauts?
Xia. it's a fun little romp of a game. I could do short-term commitment to it.
Epic card game or Descent. Has too many personality flaws to commit to for any length of time but can be explosively enjoyable if done right.
Twilight Imperium. She gets better with age, is full of deep and interesting conversation, knows how to compromise, has lots of ways to try new things, has a long-term spirit, and seems like a lesbian to me for some reason.
But why would you want to marry a lesbian user? :^)
Its allright. Pretty easy to explain and more of a gateway feel. Its cool that you can build additional buildings and get something out of them but thats about it.
Anyone p’ayed fog of love ? What do you think of it ?
Wizards respawn at their start, but don't count as kill points if fragged (we use the wizard hat tokens to keep track of frags).
All schools of magic in one giant fuckin' deck.
Mom bought me a used copy of ticket to Ride merklin edition.
>Any Holiday wins, /bgg/?
Every KS is delayed
Every single of them
And some my stuff from black friday still stuck on the sea
What a Steal
24x36" self healing cutting mat; had put it off for years because USPS flat rate boxes work just fine to cover the desk for any DIY type stuff or painting. Didn't realize how nice an upgrade it was to have something designed for it. Also got the Survive expansion, but this year wasn't about games as much as daily usage upgrades
I need to find a game that’s good for my friend we'll call him D. D doesn’t like games like Cards against humanity or joking hazard because the other players might not pick his cards. he likes battle wizards because of the random nature of the game and its tendency to balance out (he does get a little bent out of shape when he gets knocked out in the first or second round.) he got bent out of shape during the batman "almost got him" card game when he was the first one knocked out. All in all he doesn’t handle games where elimination is a possibility very well, especially if he's able to be eliminated early. He seemed to enjoy "Zombies!!!" but man would he get SO bent out of shape about heroclix. I remember playing really simple bruser teams just so he would win and not break his own shit. It was nice to try out different stuff but man did he get angry about losing to things like legion of superheroes.
He's good to try out new games at least once, as hard to look at as sentinels of the multiverse is he's agreed to try that.
Help me find a game for my friend this christmas:
D likes:
>battle wizards
>one night ultimate werewolf
D dislikes:
>cards against humanity
>Joking hazard
Your friend sounds autistic.
is he autistic?
Cutthroat Caverns.
Elimination is a possibility, but it's in the groups best interest to assist each other since eliminating a player makes the encounter for everyone else more difficult.
When he was playing Zombies!!! did no one even attempt to fuck him over? Zombies!!! is all about fucking each other over.
My wife got me Next War: Poland. Still trying to wrap my head around the rules.
yes we tried to fuck each other over but i always go easy on him because he's a brat and its hard enough to get this grown motherfucker out to play games.
If your friend loses his shit whenever he gets btfo'd, the solution is to never play a game where player elimination is a possibility.
So, german style, coops, hybrids and no-kill ameritrash.
A solid, but mundane Worker placement for beginners. Needs the expansion to be interesting.
Playing the 4th edition of Twilight Imperium this friday with some high school friends, anybody have any experience with it?
Playing the 4th edition of Twilight Imperium this friday with some high school friends, anybody have any experience with it? Rules wise
I have experience with it but not rules-wise.
Sure, what do you need?
got it for christmas and wouldnt recc it
Oh shit, Me too
>wouldnt recc it
Sup /bgg/ my love for the hobby has been growing
Here are the games I own so far
Machi koro
Out of those for my group loves splendor and viticulture gonna get the expansion for both real soon, what I am looking for is some advice on what games I should introduce to my group we usually try them on table top before we purchase
Camel fucking Up
What does /bgg/ think of this expansion?
ok interested in this heard many good things about it but, is it a deep game? my group loves medium to heavy games that is why viticulture was such a hit
We are actually planning a play test of kemet on table top to see if we like it
is cyclades better or equivalent to kemet?
recommend, what are you? dense?
Anons, who is your favorite designer?
The only one by whom I've played a lot of games is Reiner Knizia, but I tend to like his work. Don Eskridge has done a few I like, and so has Ignacy Trzewiczek, but I don't go out of my way for them.
Cyclades is less about combat. If you skim through both games' rulebooks, you'll see.
I recently found out I own 4 games designed by Christophe Boelinger.
>Dungeon Twister
>Dungeon Twister 2: Prison
>Earth Reborn
Dungeon Twister is probably one of my favorite games and Archipelago is also really high up on my favorites list. Haven't played Earth Reborn--still going through the rule book.
I also own a few games from lesser known Nate Hayden that I really enjoy. Currently in the process of bootlegging Cave Evil.
>Cave Evil Warcults
>Psycho Raiders
>World War 3
Thoroughly enjoy Warcults, waiting for the right group for Psycho Raiders and Freakface, and I still need to print out World War 3.
Also, one advantage to Kemet is that it's playable with 2
A great game. Replaces something like Splendor for me.
>Hey user, I heard you liked board games
>Yeah why ?
>A couple of friends recently bought a new game and wanted to play
>Sure what is it ?
>Card against humanity LOL, its really funny you should definitely play with us
Don't knock it till you fuck it user.
>but, is it a deep game?
It's not very deep. It's a quick family game that is exciting and suspenseful throughout the gameplay. I've taught Camel Up to six people and they all loved it and begged to play it again immediately after the first game. The first time I showed them that the camels can stack on one another, their faces lit up because they thought it was so funny and unexpected
>ok interested in this heard many good things about it but, is it a deep game?
Not really. We don't play it anymore because it seems like it wasn't properly playtested. (Passing is too powerful compared to your other possible actions, and the desert/oasis tiles are useless.)
>Ended up having to play that stupid game all the fucking time senior year of high school
>Everyone I had to play it with was absolutely autistic
>Any genuinely funny or clever jokes always got shafted in favor of "LOL HE PLAYED THE PEEPEE POOPOO GHANDI JEW CARD xDD" regardless of the actual fucking context
I don't miss those days.
For some raisin I am imagining that it's a cute girl saying this to you, so I advise you to play that game with all your might and laugh at all of her reddit references until she lets you smash it. CaH may be corny, but pussy's the best game ever invented.
>be me
>finaly found a job in a game/hobby shop near me
>tought I was gonna help customers choose which game they might be interested in and discuss some cool stuff
>turns out 3/4 of the time my job is to explain the rules of CoH and other meme-games
life is hard
>finally found a job at a game/hobby shop
Come on. Aim a little higher, user.
What are your opinions on Dungeon Degenerates? The people who've made it seem insufferable and they keep spamming the shit out of me on instagram with just garbage products, but I like the aesthetics and the sword and sorcery. Also their miniatures are made by Thunderchild and I'm huge fan of his.
>Not Suitable for Squares!
>co-op game
What about ovals?
Only if they're stuck in the '80s.
then why play with him? It sounds absolutely terrible having to go easy on people for fear of their temper.
can't say I have, but I'll take a look into it
kind of hard to say as it's a three-way split between Nate Hayden, Cole Wehrle and Jim Felli. really curious to see how Brett Murrell's new game Westhope is going to develop into and whether he's a one-trick pony with Duel of Ages II or not
mah nigga, still need to get Freakface and do a PnP of World War 3. glad to hear that you're enjoying Warcults though and that my shilling had reached someone
haven't played it yet as I'm working over the holidays (by choice) but reading the rulebook when it was posted a month ago gave me a lot of hope that it'll be a co-op worthy of staying in my collection, and initial impressions from other people on BGG seems incredibly promising
I can see where you're coming from and I don't disagree with that assessment, but it's refreshing to see something different than the usual KS marketing that doesn't personally bothers me and I grew up on hardcore punk through my teen years, so I have a soft spot for that brash style, I don't follow them on Instagram so I don't see whatever they're spamming. my copy came with a free issue of their magazine, and it gave me a good chuckle at the very least
I like to keep the non-co-op/co-op ratio in my collection to 10:1, so it has to be something that interests me greatly otherwise I won't give a fuck about it. Dungeon Degenerates passes for me, one day I'll have the balls to pick up Magic Realm but that'll probably be years away
There is no reason to keep a ratio of co-op games in your collection. All co-op games are mostly the same shit anyway. If you have 1-3 of them, buying more is just pissing your money away
false, Hanabi is completely different to Flash Point, which is completely different to Shadows of Malice, which is completely different to Kingdom Death: Monster, though I will admit that Hanabi is one of the few co-op games that actually requires multiple players. by your logic all worker placement games are mostly the same shit, even though we both know that's not true
Sure, whatever makes you feel better about buying those activity kits than actual games.
Any activity with a) formal rules and b) win/lose conditions is an "actual game", you mongoloid.
>pussy's the best game ever invented.
Spoken like a true virgin.
Yea, everyone knows ass is truly the best. Eventually, we will evolve penises long enough to penetrate from ass to mouth, but it's a shame I won't be there to see it.
Because i love him, okay? Hes my friend and while ive been re-evaulating things lately i just wanna play games with him
you will feel like being atop the mythical city on the hill
10/10 best dominion expansion
Anyone play Charterstone? Saw it at the Geekery last week and thought it looked interesting.
>Any Holiday wins, /bgg/?
A friend picked up Mice & Mystics for me. Will be breaking that out for the next time we all meet up. Also found Joking Hazard at the salvation army, new, for $4. Now I need the expansions, shit was fun.
Picked up Cottage Garden, Sushi Dice and Hero Realms for various friends.
>24x36" self healing cutting mat;
I got one at work. It's great for getting details with a razor blade for the bulletin board and shit. Use it a lot.
I wish I had a friend like you, user.
that and intrigue are the best ones. That said I find dominion not really worth it
I can get this new for 40 bucks. Is this a good deal?
my group loves avalon and deception murder in hong kong. i wanna get gifts for people. im considering one night ultimate something. which one is the best/why? or suggest an alternative. pls n thank u
you can... got an email or discord unique ID?
If you're looking for something a little more party style id recommend spyfall. ONUWerewolf is the one that gets recommended most often but I havent personally played it.
You might look at the 'Dark Moon' game - it was originally designed to be a BattleStar Galactica lite style game of bluffing and deception without the same game time requirements as the actual BSG board game. It plays 3 - 7 and has been a lot of fun with my group.
Got Gorechosen from gf. Amazed she could find it since it went out of production in September.
I'm no miniature fan, i just have glue to stick stuff together.
With that in mind, did I do good by buying Shadespire instead of Descent? Wanted some fantasy action and something appealing to the eye, and they both fulfilled that role.
So, I'm curious. What games, that are out of print, are worth the price being asked for on the secondary market and what games are clearly not worth what's being asked? Also what asking price absolutely baffles you?
>Chaos in the Old World on eBay going for $150+
Enjoy the game well enough, but wouldn't dream of paying anything over $60 for it
>Warrior Knights on eBay going for $69
Thoroughly enjoyed the older edition and would consider buying it at this price
>one guy asking $500 for Cave Evil
The going rate of $250-300 is already steep enough, but this is just ridiculous
It is very forgettable and not worth it on its own. If you are willing to get the expansion, then I can confidently recommend it.
Cyclades is one of my favorite games and I think it is one of the most interesting DoaM games ever created. However, you need to be okay with bash the leader and tabletop diplomacy. The game is won and lost through the auction and smart play, so you need to be very smart in how you deal with the other players and be very opportunistic to gain the upper hand. You will also hear many people complain about kingmaking and/or dominant strategy (Pegasus card). Those are the suckers that cannot place themselves in a position to not lose the game (possibly Euro cube pushers who were attracted to this game due to the auction mechanics). You cannot achieve anything in Cyclades in a single turn, so you must treat it like 5-player chess and plan multiple moves ahead.
All of the One Night Ultumate games are all pretty much the same, though I personally find Werewolf to be the best. It's simple and easy to get into, and the Daybreak expansion can add some fun new roles. The theme is also the most accessible for new players, too. I found the other ONU games to have some needlessly complicated roles in the base game.
You might also want to check out Sheriff of Nottingham.
>Cyclades is one of my favorite games and I think it is one of the most interesting DoaM games ever created. However, you need to be okay with bash the leader and tabletop diplomacy. The game is won and lost through the auction and smart play, so you need to be very smart in how you deal with the other players and be very opportunistic to gain the upper hand. You will also hear many people complain about kingmaking and/or dominant strategy (Pegasus card). Those are the suckers that cannot place themselves in a position to not lose the game (possibly Euro cube pushers who were attracted to this game due to the auction mechanics). You cannot achieve anything in Cyclades in a single turn, so you must treat it like 5-player chess and plan multiple moves ahead.
To be honest getting ahead isnt get you that far. If you play with more than 3 players the other players will block you hardcore. Initially you will have a major power spike and if you get a couple of buildings before you suddenly get a killer turn where you take everything you can close the game out early. But otherwise its extremely difficult. You will always pay a premium for your god, you need to constantly replace your ships on the seas because of harassment, etc. Meanwhile other players will stack up on priests making them able to bid more and more, get ships for trade routes, get horns from apollo and get 3 philosophers for a pocket metropolis. Everyone will drag you down and whne you think everything is ready the guy spamming apollo will suddenly have 30 gold ready to go. Especially if he has 1 island. Hell Ive had someone stack up 50+ because no griphon came.
Most games end for us where 3 people are almost winning in 2 different ways (needing like 1 building or 1 philosopher or 1 island) and then finally the stalemate is so complex it cannot be blocked and someone wins.
Its a fun game but I found the extreme blocking to be almost unsurmountable if you cannot force a victory quickly
Why do so many people hate Blood Rage? I played a few games with some friends over the weekend and while it certainly wasn't my favorite game, I enjoyed it decently enough.
I found some of the cards to be annoying (basically the one that steals rage from other players) but I don't see anything bad enough to explain the huge amount of hate this game seems to draw.
Don't get it. Just wait for next year's new games. Also, just wait after the expansion comes out in english and see if it fixes the character balance problem.
YOu fucking SlUT
Because it has a shitton of unclear rules and text and interactions and an FAQ that could encircle the Earth
kickstarter plastic pusher that got top 10 BGG
>Because it has a shitton of unclear rules
I didn't really notice that. I mean there was a few times my group was unsure which combat card takes priority over the others, but it wasn't too bad.
The FAQ isn't too bad, either. The game is generally easy for me to understand. It might be because Betrayal at House on the Hill was one of the first games I played when I first got into the hobby.
alright homie, i just wanted to invite you to come play games with us but if you dont wanna then dont