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Personal Alerts * Your Current Rep Score: 42 (100% Positive) * You have 1 new private message, titled 'Yo chummer, my mentor spirit told me to change my tradition. Is that normal?' * Your Chummer > Tools > Options books list has been unchecked github.com/chummer5a/chummer5a/releases * Cloud File Storage: pastebin.com/SsWTY7qr * Running Pure_Mana.BTL...
>Shoot straight >Conserve ammo >Do not buy CGL books >And never, ever cut a deal with a dragon
Magical Traditions Edition Which one have you played? Which were your favorites? Which would you like to play? Any custom traditions?
There's lots of low level stuff your data gets stored in. Whenever you go into a store, that camera is gonna save your face and purchasing habits. Walking in down town Seattle? The drones will probably communicate with one another to figure out the regular path you take and assign it to your broadcast Sin.
Because working to erase anything related to one SIN is a huge endevor. If you have a fake SIN, it's still another identity attached to you, which can be traced. If it's in service for too long, it becomes too hard to track both it and your real SIN
Also, Erased doesn't mean your SIN is impossible to look up. It just means that whenever someone does they get an incredibly bland SIN. It's exists, but it's super sterilized.
Gavin Rogers
So i'm using the newest chummer.nightly (chummer5) and it doesn't increase the gear cost for trolls. Has this been errated or did i not click a setting?
Andrew Robinson
Let's start this thread on a good note.
Brody Clark
Adam Price
This crate came off an unregistered stealth cargo aircraft that crashed or was shot down in the middle of nowhere. My players have been chasing this crate around the world, following a breadcrumb trail of dead bodies and working through a small army of deniable black ops assets to try and retrieve the thing for a very mysterious Mr Johnson. They all really dig it, but what they don't know is that I have no fucking idea who it belongs to or what's in it. Boy are they going to be disappointed when I can't come up with anything compelling enough!
PS if you're one of my players don't read this.
Owen Cruz
Metatype lifestyle adjustment only applies to lifestyle costs. That cost already represents getting all their crap resized to fit their weird inhuman bodies.
Ryan Wood
>PS if you're one of my players don't read this. maybe it would have been smarter to post this first and the rest in spoilers
Joseph Rodriguez
Super-intelligent sapient Devil Rats.
Anthony Phillips
A single enormous chess piece; it must have been made centuries ago. It's a king. Along the way to it, they notice that the various deniable asset teams each had a codename corresponding to a chess piece (bishop, pawn, rook, knight, queen, etc).
This was the culmination of a metaphorical game of chess, using shadowrunners as pieces, presumably being played by dragons for shits and giggles. The players don't get to find out who won the game.
Jeremiah Wright
Dragon Eggs, a weakened Horror, magic spell books from a past world, or maybe a hot drake suspended in amethyst. .
Kevin Peterson
This is the funniest imo. Exactly the kind of bullshit a dragon would pull for shits and giggles.
Jordan Thompson
The johnson actually just wants the container itself. It's made of a super alloy that makes it all but impenetrable. Just imagine the reveal when the give it to the johnson, he opens it... And it's Empty... AND the johnson is happy with that.
Jeremiah Morris
It's to a crate, dummy. It's a Ares's newest transformable, military grade drone.
Evan Edwards
It's not a crate. That's what I wanted to say.
Aaron Gray
It's a bullet the entire container is just one giant bullet you just need to find the fitting gun
Justin King
This sounds like fun
This smells like immortal elf derpity, albeit it would be a cool idea in a different setting.
Adam Cox
I like the way you think.
Imagine the other teams thinking that the PCs have hidden the contents.
Andrew Cook
It's not a chess piece, it's a dragon's butt plug
Jonathan Nguyen
>chess set made of dragon dildos
Aiden Richardson
>Underworld Casino
I'll say, that's still a hell of a gamble.
Landon Reyes
>video games Jesus Christ, get that shit out of there, she could be exploited or objectified
Justin Miller
>Pizza box directly on the bed I think she needs the money so she can buy a dining table and chairs
Easton Gutierrez
flat surfaces are a corp luxury, hombre
Eli Bennett
something tells me those sheets will need to get washed anyway
Juan White
Imagine living in the coffin below Fat Larry, the 350lb chronic masturbator with personal hygiene issues.
Blake Bell
Imagine living in the coffin WITH Fat Larry.
Adrian Perez
Imagine Fat Larry living in you because you're his coffin CHN
Aaron Sullivan
imagine BEING Fat Larry
Leo Price
>pure_mana.btl Does manipulating mana and casting spells have a sensory 'feel' that can be recorded? Other than the product of the magic, like heat, sound, etc.
Josiah Adams
>imagine BEING Fat Larry There must be BTLs for that
James Hall
Well, people can feel spirits passing through them, or spells being cast. And IIRC Background counts can be felt as unease by mundanes, not to mention their effects on awakened.
But then again in The Complete Trog they mention that pure mana is great for trogs and lets them live as long as elves. Where do you find such places? Australia? Himalaya? Awakened Lands? Nope, Congo
>captcha: close ring Sure: (R,+,*)
Juan Watson
Why does the fucking osmium mace exist? Just why?
Colton Price
Oi chummers. I have a question. What is the point of the clinch action? Isn't it better to just just punch the guy for 15-25P (sometimes with extra effect, like disarming or knocking down) instead of giving him some shitty -3 to dicepool? Maybe if you can throw him off the building, but still, it seems extremely unlikely.
Joseph Rogers
why not?
Adam Miller
Sometimes you don't want to murder the guy.
Jeremiah Lee
There isn't any. Either punch him in the face or subdue him to put him into a more-or-less impossible-to-beat grapple that renders him completely unable to take any physical action.
Those are situations where you'd want to use Subdue instead. Grapple, apply Stun until unconsciousness. There really isn't any reason to ever use Clinch.
Gabriel Watson
It reads like what grappling should have been.
Jason Richardson
Burning Edge.jpg
Logan Wilson
Does anybody have any experience playing on /r/Runnerhub? What's the community like?
Austin Nguyen
I've been playing there a little bit, mostly due to lack of other options.
I mean, it's reddit based, so don't post like a /pol/tard if you don't want to get banned and have to play on shadownet, which is full of furries, and there's some pretty blatant favouritism, but you can probably make it work, and the runs are more a black trenchcoat focus then pink mohawk (not that mohawk doesn't happen)
Brandon Sanchez
But is that feel something that can be positively identified on an ASIST recording? I guess I'm most interested to know if casting a spell has a physiological sensation.
Jace Reed
>Consider making a character >Come across the chargen wiki
Some of these I can understand. Some of these are fucking bonkers.
Jonathan Sanders
Wow, if I wanted to join a corp...
Alexander Gomez
holy shit care to post some gems, because I'm not gonna read all that shit
Owen Gray
>After 20 runs, you are allowed to actually use half the non-corebook options.
20 runs? Jesus christ, that's a full year (Assuming 1 planning/footwork, 1 run) to play a metavariant.
So this is just going to be 'Oldfags who put in the stupid amounts of hours with PCs they don't actually want to play in order to get to the PC they wanted to play'?
Lucas Barnes
>Banned Positive Qualities:
>Better to be Feared than Loved (from Chrome Flesh). >Community Connection (from The Complete Trog). >Erased (from Run Faster). >Friends in High Places (from Run Faster). >Revels in Murder (from Chrome Flesh). >Trust Fund (from Run Faster).
>Banned Negative Qualities:
>Alpha Junkie (from Cutting Aces) >Amnesia (8 Karma level) (from Run Faster). >Bi-polar (from Run Faster). >Big Regret (from Run Faster). >Borrowed Time (from Run Faster). >Code of Honor: Avenging Angel (from Hard Targets). >Consummate Professional (from Assassin's Primer). >Data Liberator (from Data Trails). >Day Job (from Run Faster). >Designated Omega (from Cutting Aces) >Earther (from Run & Gun). >Elevated Stress (from ''The Complete Trog). >Emotional Attachment (from Run Faster). >Faceless (from Hard Targets). >force of Chaos (from The Complete Trog). >Hobo with a Shotgun (from Run Faster). >Hung out to Dry (from Run Faster). >Impassive (from Hard Targets). >In Debt (from Run Faster). >Latest and Greatest (from Data Trails). >Leeroy Jenkins (from Data Trails). >One of Them (from Chrome Flesh). >Pie Iesu Domine. Dona Eis Requiem (from Run Faster). >Pregnant (from Bullets & Bandages). >Tough and Targeted (from Chrome Flesh). >Wanted (from Run Faster).
Dylan Reyes
>Code of Honor: Nationalist >This quality is allowed for UCAS only.
...what? You can't play a Japanese or Elvish Nationalist...they are basically the two most nationalistic groups most runners will encounter.
Wyatt Peterson
This is some fucking bullshit. Why does reddit ruin everything?
Jackson Hill
>Social Competence >Runnerhub characters are required to have basic social competence. This is considered to be either 4 dice after penalties when rolling Etiquette, or 6 dice after penalties when rolling Con. >Yes, this means you will have to spend skill points to make up the difference if you take a negative Quality that gives you any kind of dice pool penalty to either of these skills, such as Uncouth, Paranoia, or Liar. >Prejudice [Specific] and Favoured [Specific] do not count when determining if a character has a high enough dice pool to meet the social competence requirement. Common Prejudice/Favoured do count as normal, however.
As far as I can tell, every game that takes place in /r/Runnerhub takes place in Seattle so they add "foreign nationalist" to their long and vague list of "cheesy" things.
Brayden Lewis
Reminder that Yekka panders to them. We need a Chummer that's truly reddit-free.
Brayden Hughes
>Day Job (from Run Faster) this one I can kinda understand. Since you're not playing downtime this is free karma for all intents and purposes
Samuel Powell
Or make your own successful living campaign and then I'll pander to you too! >Mitsuhama Akiyama >Disclaimer: Since this is an assassin drone styled to look like a young child, there is a lot of potential for usage that is simply inappropriate in a large, shared community such as Runnerhub. Therefore TD reserves the right to retroactively deny any purchases of this item in cases of such inappropriate usage.
Jose Hall
>Shapeshifters >We are ignoring the errata that gives them Regeneration, which they are supposed to have.
...you make people do 20 runs before they can play a shapeshifter...and then they don't even regenerate.
>Metasapiants >Naga can't be played >Pixies can't be played
>Infected >Only ghouls can be played.
>AIs can't be played >E-Ghosts can't be played.
...why the fuck do you have your '20 runs before you can play a snowflake' rule if you then proceed to LOCK OFF ALL THE SNOWFLAKES. Either just say they can't be played OR lock them beyond the stupid previous play wall.
Aaron Rogers
No thanks, fuccboi. Don't pander to Reddit, don't take any Reddit submissions, and don't let any Redditors work on Chummer.
This, of course, includes yourself.
Jaxon Phillips
>Restricted Gear >This quality requires explicit CCD approval and may be denied without further comment. In general it is more likely to be approved when used for flavorful gear that ties well into a character's background, whereas attempts to simply use it to maximize a character's power are very likely to be denied. Either way, CCD always has final say whether the quality may be used or not.
>Asthma >Asthma is not compatible with Allergy: Pollutants, or similar cases. This is subject to sheet team approval.
>Bad Rep >No longer allowed at chargen Characters who had this quality at chargen prior to 4 September 2017 are grandfathered in and keep their rep. A reminder: You do not want this quality. Bad Rep = Bad News!
>Code of Honor >Custom codes of honor are not allowed at chargen. If you would like to take this quality in character creation, you must select from one of the already defined codes of honor in the books (Like a Boss, etc.)
>Dead Emotion >The chosen emotion requires explicit sheet team approval, and the player should work with the sheet team to figure out how it affects the character and then note it on the character’s sheet.
You'd think this would be on the banned list.
>Pacifism >At the 15 karma level, you are unable to directly facilitate violence at all - including paying for violence to happen or helping someone else procure the means of committing violence.
This too.
Jaxson King
Making a Shadowrun 4e Archer Adept. Are there any interesting arrow options in books other than Arsenal/any qualities I should make note of?
Kevin Young
For a team without a dedicated hacker, what's the best way for the street sammy to secure their gear against hacking? Aside from dropping 10k on a Fuchi X7.
Anthony Scott
I am a shit minmaxer, but internal router? Fariday himself?
Elijah Ramirez
While still using wireless, sorry. I mean, there's the stealth dongle too. But that just stops anything tiny from noticing you.
Noah Thompson
How important are weapon mounts on the team transport? I'd rather slam another landing rack on the thing and let the other guys shoot out windows and doors and shit.
Tyler Hill
HImitsu with a program carrier module, loaded with smoke and mirrors. Run silent, and you got a sleeze of 10, which helps you from being noticed.
Landon Peterson
Provide something of use before you start flabbing your mouth, null-human.
Its actually sensible. Its basically three tiers of stuff. tier 1 are the basic races tier 2 are the stranger ones, that you don't want to run rampant and thus lock them behind a wall tier 3 is the utter shit like pixies and vampires that always gets played by utter kanker (except AIs, fuck you for not allowing AIs).
Hillarious on the one hand On the other hand, its an online community that attracts the poor souls that don't have any groups in their area and the shitheads that nobody wants to play with, eg our resident neoteny-fag.
Some of those scream "that guy", some of them aren't really suited for constantly changing GMs. No idea what is wrong with bi-polar and some others. Not even as bad as uncouth, which is allowed.
Biggest problem of this thing are faggots like Bamce. Disallowing "restricted gear" with cries about >muh powerlevel is also basically only giving magerun a wankjob
But then again >Bamce
Brayden Torres
Can you bolt program carriers onto commlinks? Thought it was decks only.
Landon James
>Get a good commlink, install Program Carrier module, Sleaze Dongle, and the cyberprograms Virtual Machine, Smoke & Mirrors, and Stealth. (Alternatively, skip the Sleaze Dongle and buy an EvoTech Himitsu commlink which comes with Sleaze 5, but has low firewall and data processing) >Set up the commlink as the master device on your PAN, running silently. >Buy a Nixidorf Secretar, turn the wireless off, and plug it into your master commlink. >Tell the Secretar's agent to constantly use Matrix Perception to look for matrix damage, or an abnormal number of marks on your master commlink. >When the agent detects either of these things, tell it to turn off the wireless on your master commlink.
Mason Sanders
I forget the exact page number, but you can hardwire one in. if the comlink gets bricked the program carrier is completely dead.
This dude has the upgraded version of what i said.
Daniel Hughes
>Its actually sensible.
Not really. It's a bit of a stupid double standard to say 'You can play weird stuff after 20 because we trust you then...but not enough to play the majority of the weird stuff'. Either you trust them or you don't...and a Vampire will be less disruptive on most runs than a blind, visibly rotting ghoul.
Jace Jenkins
You say that, but look carefully, *all* the infected are banned except for ghouls. No vampires for you.
Michael Reed
Most of these qualities are just common sense things that you don't want in a game. It just looks weird because this stuff spelled out to every random autist who wanders into the subreddit hoping to play a globally-famous pregnant loli pornstar raking in 50k a month with lofwyr as a loyalty 6 contact.
Adrian Thomas
Someone check that Pat isn't responsible for it.
Jaxon Nguyen
With all the restraints it feels like I'm being pigeon-holed into only 2 or 3 viable archetypes with the only differences being superficial at best. Even as I browse the character submission subreddit a majority of them are just street samurai.
William Morgan
I think the point is less trust, and more just some of the stuff doesn't work when you'll have a thousand naga's and pixies running around seattle
Juan Rodriguez
I think that's just because street sams are straightforward enough and lots of new players start with that. Or they die the most frequently, one of the two.
Ryan Wood
That...was my point. They are banning stuff that's less disruptive to runs than some of the stuff they've left in. Vampires can pretend to be a human, ghouls are rotting stinking blind monsters that are shoot on sight
Carter Thomas
Yeah, but when everybody is generic human/elves there is nothing that stands out about one person or another since all their equipment/builds/backgrounds will be so similar as to render their differences negligible. The only ones who will ever get anywhere will be autists who do nothing but whale out the runnerhub and those who are particularly adept at sucking off GMs.
Daniel Hughes
Mind you, that doesn't quite work. They are allowing Centaurs and those are basically unheard of in Seattle because cities are simply not built to work with them.
Karmagen guys are also a lot rarer it seems, since you need to have played 5 runs with your throwaway mook before you can make a karmagen character if you want to play one.
Leo Nguyen
Adding onto this, depending on the level of trenchcoat your group plays at you might want to have a second mode where it first only alerts you of matrix shenanigans to deal with at your discretion. Since a formerly broadcasting commlink going offline in a public place is a red flag for security.
Jacob Howard
Love those fat tats.
Adrian Powell
So real talk: Is shadownet that bad? Because /r/Runnerhub just sounds like a slog. Furries are a small thing to tolerate.
Logan Thomas
More like experience. And no, there is no double standard in there to ban all he metakanker that is only taken for the dice pool bonuses anyway.
Ethan Turner
You know how Runnerhub has all those rules against having tons of special snowflakes? Shadownet broke off partially because they wanted to play their snowflakes without consequence and ERP all over the place, pick your poison I guess.
I think vampires are banned more for not having to deal with essence drain in players, and a belief that certain things are very much more powerful options.
John Campbell
Cameron Butler
>And no, there is no double standard in there to ban all he metakanker that is only taken for the dice pool bonuses anyway.
Dryads are there.
Jayden Thompson
Kanker? That's not a term I'm familiar with.
Brody Smith
>And no, there is no double standard in there to ban all he metakanker that is only taken for the dice pool bonuses anyway.
Right, Ban Elves and Ban Orks! The are just taken for stat bonuses!
Ian Powell
>Kanker? That's not a term I'm familiar with.
It's an old way of spelling cancer.
Evan Young
I thought it was a misspell of wanker at first, then just assumed a similar meaning.
Alexander Price
Also the Dutch way of spelling cancer.
Leo Kelly
What's wrong with vampires?
Gabriel Lopez
Do all dwarves have beards or are there clean shaven ones too?
Luis Bailey
Yes. You are absolutely not allowed to shave your dwarf's beard. You just can't.
Gavin Russell
You see this is why I come here. I wouldnt have known about the beard rule without /srg/. CGL really needs to edit their shit better and make this stuff more obvious
Parker Perry
Some people are really burned by playing WOD in the past. Honestly, vampires are pretty fine and give you a chance to bring in my favourite security group, Parashield. Parashield get a lot of people laughing at them for being the 'Paracritter Security' group but they are the guys who bring all the specialist toys for taking on weird stuff. Wood Pulp Rounds? Got them. Silver? Got it. Hellhound handler and his 6 kamikaze-fueled pets? Check.
Elijah Miller
They have great capacity to cheese due to their ability to steal essence, turn to mist, and regenerate their wounds.
Josiah Rivera
They are hell on dumb security. Basic goons with rifles are not much of a threat to a combat specced vampire. They go down like a tonne of bricks to spirits/smart security though.
Jaxson Rivera
Not something covered directly in a book, but many awakened creatures are allergic to wood, silver or iron, which are easy and innocuous to mold arrow heads out of. Serrated tips and a Bleed-causing aimed attack are great for hunting man or beast as well as the most reusable type. Stick and Shock + Static Shafts can disable pursuing vehicles with electricity damage during a getaway.
Elijah Sanders
To be fair, that's basically an unofficial houserule in our games as well. If you can't handle 4 fucking dice -- note that isn't ranks -- in Etiquette, how the fuck is your character competent enough to run the shadows?
Nathan Hill
Good point on the special arrowheads. Wood and Silver are easy to do (And re-usable in many cases even if the shaft isn't).
I'm thinking about mounting some sensors (In particular ultrasound, since it's omnidirectional) on some arrows so I can fire them into locations and get a good look at it without opening my face up to return fire by poking my head around the corner. You think that would be reasonable?