Good Ol' goyf edition
>Comprehensive Rules
>Current Modern Metagame
>thread q
How was your Christmas my dudes
Good Ol' goyf edition
>Comprehensive Rules
>Current Modern Metagame
>thread q
How was your Christmas my dudes
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And so the time has come for the big one. The one they'll remember us for. The successful claim to our rightful and final destiny.
The time has come for Modern General to build...
Modern Energy
>How was my Christmas
Didn't get anything magic related from family but my friends and I had a playmat secret santa.
Ended up getting unlucky and the guy who pulled my named didn't buy anything. Ended up getting the playmat that was meant for him instead from his secret santa. Thought the gesture was nice but I'm not into loli stuff.
Should I buy a playset of goyf soon? He's gone down a lot but is he looking to shoot up again or keep going down ?
You fucking brew it, im brewing counterburn (Eccentically UR delver in a way)
Although i will lend a nugget of an idea
Try throwing a phyresis onto a Voltaic brawler
We can all agree Tarmogoyf has been completely outclassed by DS, probably forever.
So why is it still so expensive?
>inb4 DS gets banned to shake the format up
I started brewing this because I wanted to play eight 2 mana draw 2s in a modern deck, but the korlash/dimir house guard + palace siege interaction is pretty dank.
Doomfall has also been great, but geth's verdict is kinda underwhelming. I wish chainer's edict was modern legal, as it would work great here. Some sort of black four mana mana sink would be great too.
Why not torment of hellfiire?
What are you even drawing to with the draw two's? 4 and 5 mana spells you can't play yet? Bad removal and discard that isn't good anymore? Value isn't any good if the cards you're drawing are bad. The single read the bones gave me a good chuckle, just in case you don't have enough card draw right?
timebro from old thread with 4x Temporal I actually enjoy Telling Time a lot, it's a sweet minmax and works really well. Like you said with Remand not being satisfactory, Remand actually gets even worse if you factor the anti-synergy with the Miracle mechanic, so in a list such as yours Remand isn't appealing at all (however, I've found Delay to be the perfect alternative 2cmc countermagic in such lists, perhaps replacing the sideboard Remands)
Snapcaster isn't neccesary; many lists forgo it entirely.
Anyways dope list my dude, the only suggestion I have is to test a Gemstone Caverns, by far my favorite of the utility lands (and to try out Delay over Remand in the sb), otherwise 10/10 deck keep taking those turns my dude
You need to play this vs a real deck just once. Then you will rightfully trash this pile. after you get cranial plated to death take a LONG hard look at your hand full of 5 mana do nothing spells and shitty cantrips and ask yourself " is this really how I want to spend my time??"
The draw twos do several things.
1. Find Korlashs
2. Prevent flood after ramping
3. Create consistency by seeing more cards
4. Act as 2 for 1s in grindy matchups
Because of the diversity of decks in modern, it's valuable to run catch alls and ways to find them if you're a control deck, and collective brutality and doomfall combined with the draws do that.
So far I've beaten GDS, grixis control, mardu pyro, and jeskai. I've lost to a hardened scales meme and burn, which makes sense.
The deck isn't good, but the curve is not nearly as retarded as it looks.
It looks that way now, but we all dream of shitbrewing with Korlash, and black just might have the early tools to get away with such shenanigans.
Such dreams are on par with the Torrential Myriad-hulk and should be encouraged, lest they flounder.
Speaking of which, should we limit the Gearhulk clonetrain to just Gearhulks?
It doesn't matter how many 2 for 1's you have when the only threat you have is 4 mana trash. Why would you just lie about beating good decks? Do you have something to prove? I doubt this shit could beat temur energy.
I'm not lying, and korlash isn't even really a threat. He's a ramp engine.
Amulet bros, assemble. I missed modern at my LGS this week because of the holidays but next week I'll be back on the normal Scout version instead of the shitty Lotus Bloom version. Fuck that thing.
>should we limit our shitbrews to cloning gearhulks
I mean you retards are going to do whatever but I along with any sain player advise against it.
So I have been play testing with 3 scouts and 3 blooms and have loved this split. Scout is just faster then the bloom while the bloom lets you keep a lot more sketchy hands (like all tap lands in the opener) so I like them both for different reasons. Playing 3 because I don't want to draw either after it's time to cast titan
I might be willing to try that. Bloom was definitely good for some stuff. How much room do you have for utlity/flex slots? Are you playing any explores?
heres my current list i have been running. imput would be good to hear i don't think anything from this deck is set in stone besides the amulets and titans, so i am having fun making small tweeks.
// 60 Maindeck
// 8 Artifact
4 Amulet of Vigor
1 Engineered Explosives
3 Lotus Bloom
// 13 Creature
4 Primeval Titan
3 Azusa, Lost but Seeking
1 Walking Ballista
3 Sakura-Tribe Scout
2 Courser of Kruphix
// 5 Instant
4 Summoner's Pact
1 Pact of Negation
// 27 Land
2 Forest
2 Gruul Turf
1 Slayers' Stronghold
1 Boros Garrison
1 Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion
4 Simic Growth Chamber
3 Tolaria West
1 Vesuva
1 Cavern of Souls
1 Khalni Garden
1 Selesnya Sanctuary
4 Gemstone Mine
2 Grove of the Burnwillows
1 Temple of Mystery
1 Radiant Fountain
1 Ghost Quarter
// 7 Sorcery
3 Explore
4 Ancient Stirrings
// 15 Sideboard
// 1 Artifact
SB: 1 Engineered Explosives
// 4 Creature
SB: 1 Reclamation Sage
SB: 1 Ruric Thar, the Unbowed
SB: 1 Thragtusk
SB: 1 Hornet Queen
// 4 Enchantment
SB: 2 Leyline of Sanctity
SB: 2 Hive Mind
// 3 Instant
SB: 1 Slaughter Pact
SB: 1 Pact of Negation
SB: 1 Kozilek's Return
// 1 Land
SB: 1 Bojuka Bog
// 2 Sorcery
SB: 2 Bonfire of the Damned
What the fuck do you even ramp into? A bigger Korlash? You must be lightyears ahead of me my friend. How the fuck does your deck even win a game? What does a win look like, please tell me. And how is maybe ramping from 4-6 on turn 4 by tapping out a "ramp engine"?
You do know grandeur only works if Korlash is on the battlefield right?
Nothing of value was lost.
Ban leylines and relic of progenitus.
If storm can't have ponder/seething song/rite of flame, there should not be free/1 turn answers to storm
Its the same price Snaps and Lili. Why are they so expensive?
You aren't ramping into a big threat, you're ramping into card draw. In the game's I've won the turns have kind've gone like this.
1. do nothing or iok
2. removal or hand disruption
3. removal or hand disruption
4. either korlash with grandeur, removal, or tutoring
5+ Chain draw spells together using the extra swamps, while casting removal or hand disruption. Eventually either korlash/house guard + palace siege or just a big korlash gets there.
tldr The korlash ramp is used to draw cards which are used to cast more interaction, draw more cards, and eventually grind the opponent out of resources until a large korlash takes over the game. It's an engine similarly to how veteran explorer and moderately large mana cards is an engine, except the card advantage is gained just by casting card draw spells.
just echoing truth that shit nigger.
get git
plz no more (you)s for this guy. he wont listen to reason and will keep on shitting up this thread if we respond any farther.
Looks alright. I don't really like courser. Bonfire is an odd sideboard choice too, but other than that I like it. A 3/3/3 split seems good, although i like 4 Azusa.
delusional. I don't think you've ever played modern.
Someone in the previous thread told me to hold off on Zendikar Fetches because they're extremely inflated right now. What's a good price range for them? Also for Celestial Colonnades.
It's kind of funny desu, he's like a monoblack version of Rev for 15.
>fifty shitters at every LGS: "This is a budget brew I've been working on!"
>it's exactly a Saffron Olive deck, card-for-card
Literally die, fakebrewers.
You're the only one shitting up this thread
>I can't possible understand how a critical mass of removal, card advantage, and hand disruption could ever win a game
Except that "ramping into card draw" doesn't actually win you games and the mediocre cards you can draw into if you even get to that point are sub par by modern standards.
With faggots like these I ALMOST wish we had $$$$$$$$$ back in the general title.
>using shit IoKs
>not playing superior whire version
When will /based esper/ have its time to shine?
not that guy, but the question of what to ramp into doesn't really matter; so long as you can get the deck to function, you can find the proper wincard that synergizes most with the deck (or default to the ol dumb fireball spell)
One angle to consider is maybe Heartless Summoning to ramp out Korlash, and if you have Summoning you can build around it further perhaps with stuff like Crypt Ghast, Magus of the Coffers, maybe Solemn Simulacrum or something.
Idk man might be neat, good luck with the shitbrewing
I think the only one that is unreasonable right now is scalding tarn. Misty/Mesa/marsh flats for 25-30 seems pretty reasonable to me, catacombs are a little more because of b/g/x rock decks. even though tarn is the most played, $60+ seems a little excessive, I wouldn’t want to pay more than 45-50 for them
When Tron leaves the format Esper Draw Go will reign supreme. All decks will bow to Esper Draw Go.
Bonfire was a meta call because my legs got swamped with human tribal a month ago and Thalia's lieutenant would put everything out of range of k return. I am trying the coursers as card advantage but I can see your point of not needing them I just wanted more stability vs aggressive decks
Korlash is just shit, he does to path, terminate, and push if you don’t have the mana up to regen. if your plan is to play a bunch of discard and removal powered by draw 2s you should be playing planswalkers like some of the lilianas and maybe ob nixilis
Esper probably has the best chance of actually going over Tron of all the variants (other than those U/W seas builds), the 2cmc countermagic slot is weak (nice logic knot for 15 there) but I'm sure esper charm helps a lot, and field of ruin might be better than gq in such a deck so that's a nice lil buff
I totally agree that squelching leeches is a shitty win condition, and the only reason that he works as the win condition is because there's no reason to add more when one is already there. Usually the first korlash does die, but I haven't had any trouble finding more The one that kills them is usually only cast after the opponent is empty handed. I'll stop replying after this because I think I've already put too much effort into explaining how a bad deck works, but the point isn't to have a nifty MBC deck with korlash as a cool wincon, it's to use korlash and ways to find/recur korlash to create card advantage.
As someone who's played Esper draw go extensively, you couldn't be more wrong. Firstly the manabase for EDG generally can't support GQ/FoR in any significant amount unless you put them in the board, so no land interaction for you. Secondly, outside Logic Knot, Cryptic etc. we really don't have much way to deal with walkers since the deck is pretty focused on creature removal (path, push, verdict) and we either end up in a position where Tron just runs the bombs until we run out of counters or we get caught with our pants down. Thirdly, even IF we can hold of all of Tron's bombs we can't close the game quickly since most of the wincons (Collonade, Secure the wastes, WSZ, walkers) are pretty slow to win the game and aren't very good vs Trons answers. Esper Charm generally doesn't do a whole lot since they have shit cards to discard (eggs or redundant Tron pieces) and the draw 2 is only as powerful as what you're drawing into which in this matchup isn't very strong. Lastly you forgot that no deck goes over Tron since Tron is the king of the lategame, the UW seas builds do a decent job at holding it off with the disruption (Gqs+Crucible, seas etc) but even then sometimes they fall short.
I always consider the miniNightmare body to be more of a really shitty backup option (like hardcasting Simian Spirit Guide) with the main focus being on the Grandeur activation, still shitty prospects I know but the deck idea is fun. The Swamp-ramp creatures all having synergy with Heartless also seems sick
Such a shitbrew needs more pieces or some dumb specific win card to actually function well, but building that still looks fun
As Foretold ended up being real with the right shell.
What is the next breakout card of Modern that hasn't yet found a home?
Good evening gentlemen, quick question
I just packed a Chalice of the Void (MPS), which sits at $145
A guy from my LGS offered to trade $75 and 2x Chandra ToD
Knowing that I will not play the Chalice, do you think it's an OK deal ? Sorry if this isn't appropriate for thread, just thought you modern players would know
I dunno man FoR is a colorfixer, sure you won't have Charm mana up but I could see a FoR mainboard not being all too clunky.
So long as they don't Ulamog on turn 4 you should be able to hold off the first few threats but yeah eventually the dead cards accumulate in hand and they eventually wear you down. Jeskai goes under Tron, U/W holds em off with Seas, but I think Esper could theoretically actually go over Tron assuming a) the list is light on stuff like push/wrath in favor of exile and b) the printing of generic 2cmc countermagic that you actually want to run in draw-go (Knot being the best but not without diminishing returns. The fact that something like Disdainful Stroke can be a powerhouse speaks volumes to how bad the options are)
I think there's hope for hard control not being a joke matchup for Tron but it'll take some help from WotC
Swan Go exists.
You'd lose like 10$ (more like 15-20$ if you believe the chalice to be worth more and the chandras worth less)
Chalice = 145
Chandra = 30
30+30+75 = 145?
Chandra is worth roughly $25, but chalice is imo very likely to be reprinted, although the effect that a reprint would have is unknown. I would only go for it if you think that chalice's price is going to tank, as Chandra TOD is only worth ≈$25 currently.
I get that I would be losing 10$ if we're talking pure math, which is fine since I'll get to play Chandra for a few months. Maybe I should've phrased it better : am I taking any risks trading the MPS for this ? Would there be any reason for me to "put aside the fun of playing Chandra tomorrow" and hang onto it ?
I have no clue if it will tank or not, but what I do know is that I'll never play it myself. Chandra on the other hand I will play the shit out of until October.
Chandra has a lot of printings. Masterpiece Chalice has less printings.
Masterpiece Chalice looks dope.
Chalice being banned would suck tho...
Seismic Loam usually runs one of those as an extra mini Seismic
>lose one card to turn your lands into shock
This card so bad it wouldn't even be playable if it said any card. This card's only home is combo.
I had moderate success at my LGS with it and Loam back when Twin was around since Twin couldn't save their creatures from it.
Just ban the fucking tron lands and people can stop bitching about Chalice.
it actually reads
>lands in hand are now shocks
which makes this card read
>1G: draw 3 shocks (with dredge3)
will there ever be a set with a Soviet aesthetic? I think that would be baller
Only if there's room to replace all soviets with PoCs.
Nah they're commies, that has to be enough right?
Lol, wut?
>replace all soviets with PoCs
South American juntas are purest form of communism.
I like how you want a Soviet aesthetic because you know the themes have been covered set after set at this point.
>He's never won with Factory beats while your opponent tries to keep you off Tron you don't even have
Lmaoing at you my dude
>The leaders are all evil and need to be overthrown!
>Everyone, revolt!
It was the story of Amonkhet and Kaladesh. It's like the only two plots Wizards have at their disposal are giant world slaying monsters who get beaten by the protagonists, and Occupy Multiverse.
I don't know dude, I just think shit like this straight up looks like a magic card.
tfw no futuresight 2 where one faction is futuristic with spaceships and lasers but with 70s AD&D scifi aesthetic
wrong pic.
Fucking ban storm and unban ponder and preordain
i just want my cantrips back.
He's playing a postban list. imho factory has been a decent replacement for tower, almost better even in some situations.
>future sight
Am i the only one that wonders if they'll bring back fortification? it seems like a very interesting mechanic to expand on.
I fucking hate that thing, but if it had fortify cost 2 I could see where it was going and it's actually pretty sick
I hope so. Equipment and vehicles show there is still room to explore artifacts
Do you think it hurts Maro's feelings when people act with great excitement when Garfield is leading a set instead of him?
MaRo can go get fucked.
The fact that it had fortify cost 3 probably killed fortifications for good
Fun fact, the original design for Fortifications, forts with special abilities that creatures could attack to destroy, was what became planeswalkers.
Excuse me what?
It was on one of his DtW podcasts.
IIRC, on Ravnica, since the whole plane was buildings, they wanted to make buildings part of the play via Fortifications. Creatures being able to attack the Fortifications directly to tear them down was a design they tried, but there wasn't room in the set with all the guild mechanics.
Then when they decided to make planeswalkers, they realized they already had the design they needed.
LOL at the absolute state of magic.
>I don't agree with you but I'll defend your freedom of expressiong your opinion
>we're the good guys, we want acceptance of diversity, that's why you're not welcome
There's no hope for the western civilization anymore.
Not clicking.
Most energy cards are a bit weak for modern, so harnessed lightning is too slow, glimmer same problem.
Pummeler is basically energy infect so no go there. You probably end up playing aetherworks marvel into emmy/ulamog/ugin, but since there's no boseju for artifacts, you're weak to counterspells. You run stirrings since there aren't any good tutors for marvel. Now you don't want to get your hand clogged with your payoff cards so you may want to be able to cast them, so i recommend playing the urza lands. But since you're playing tron lands you won't want to be doing too many colors, and you'll want scrying and map too. Perhaps a support colour in black, for removal and sideboard tech. Though even in two color, with the scrying and maps you probably don't need the attune with aether anymore since you're low on basics already. And at this stage, why are you running marvel in a tron deck that doesn't use any energy cards? You should probably replace those with a better artifact like wurmcoil engine.
There you go. There's your GB tron list.
Here's a good example of one that topped a GP.
It does a lot of cool shit too, the thing has warmed up to me
>SJW's are killing magic
I really hate this meme. Maro and the retarded R&D team are doing a good enough job killing magic without muh sjws. Most people I play with barely read the fucking flavour text of cards let alone think about the deep political implications of having a black person riding a fucking dinosaur or whatever.
Stop letting Maro get away with their absolute garbage game design. The reason mtg is 'dying' is because nobody wants to play standard aka magic the tappening, and wotc stopping new players from playing modern by refusing to reprint staples in the main sets.
Thread question:
Most of my groups presents to one another were EDH related but I got roommate a bunch of stable mountain for his modern deck and he ended up getting me the last Gideon of the Trials I wanted for my mainboard.
That's not a question
Thread Question:
want modern playing gf
Look at the OP
"how was your christmas my dudes?"
>not superior old money legacy Gf
step up
Why not TRICKBIND the Storm trigger?
Thread Question:
Do NOT tell me how to live my life.
>tfw no gf to lose at magic to and punish later doggystyle
Damn right