any ideas for more grots? i want to field about thirty, but the one gretchin kit only has ten unique models.
Jason Parker
Nth for wholesome Tyranid GFs
Kayden Robinson
gnoblar with greenstuff guns/random gun bits from your box.
Sebastian Powell
When will games workshop faq sly marbos point cost
Jeremiah Edwards
Mth for cute Tyranid sluts
Grayson Kelly
Also acceptable
Ethan Jones
I actually like the way the new nurgle models look.
Jack Long
Why is that plaguebearer happy and full of life? They're suppose to be monotonous droning shits. Why is GW fucking up their own lore so badly?
Jace Thomas
>Chaos Sisterhood You have no idea how fast i would purchase codex and models. Why can't i have anything fun >inb4 horny 13-year-old fuck you, i want cool females in armors doing badass things
David King
Alexander Peterson
Based on feedback for my previous list went and updated my potential list based on what I have and was given for Christmas for what to build for. Now featuring more Synapse, HVC, and Venom Cannons.
Super Heavy Auxiliary Hive Fleet Jormungandr Barbed Heirodule, 2xBio-Cannon, Massive Scything Talons
Split up the unit of 6 Raveners into two units of 3 to allow for better reaction to how things are playing out on the field. Swapped the Rippers and Trygon Prime out for Carnifex's and another unit of Tyranid Warriors.
Nicholas Evans
>Our favourite has to be the Sloppity Bilepiper, a miniature that sums up the repugnant jollity of Nurgle perfectly. Armed with a set of jolly gutpipes and a marotter (crafted from the remains of the previous Sloppity Bilepiper), these Heralds are the victims and carriers of the Chortling Murrain, a disease that causes its victims to laugh themselves to death. Sloppity Bilepipers cavort and joke with Nurglings, Great Unclean Ones and Beasts of Nurgle (but not Plaguebearers, who lack a sense of humour) and strike horror into the hearts of their mortal foes. From the Article, Fucking Read user
Jason Hernandez
Post awesome conversions! So I can kill my self while looking at cool stuff
Aaron Cook
Reposting from the previous thread Looking at this, which would be better:
Mars + Cawl -Double canticle rolls -Wrath of Mars -Slightly adjust canticle rolls -Shooty bonus
Graia + Domnius repairbot -More repairing -Refusal to Yield -Steel Mind -Can probably work another Icarus Array Onager Dunecrawler into the list with an adjustment or two
Not really sure how good the Graia Refusal to Yield is, but I assume Steel Mind is pretty good. Also having an additional Onager sounds great. But not sure if Cawl's rerolls would be a solid contender for an entire Onager.
Overall I guess the army is decent, just gotta figure this last part out before I start buying stuff.
Jaxson Scott
I like the way gargoyle swarms look. Tell me how to use them effectively.
Joseph Gutierrez
That one in particular got a disease that made the guy laugh themselves to death. Other plaguebearers don't like it in particular and keep being morose but nurglings, beasts and GUOs love him.
Mason Gray
Hello posting for new thread
>Grabbed a Start Collecting Skitarii box and I’m coming confused shitless where to go from here. I forgot you had to pick out weapons and shit for your guys unlike the DI Ez build Death Guard I grabbed. If I want to play just this box this weekend, what’s a good way to kite them out? Idk how to magnetize. I’ve asked this before but I’m still completely clueless. Is it worth it to assemble my models, try out different forgeworld tactics and then paint? Stygies seems fun and I like the paint scheme
Ryder Gray
You failed.
Isaiah Myers
Something nice.
Daniel Brown
I''m set on making chaos marines out of primaris, to scale with cultists (or daemons). but the questions is chaps; Do i paint em Iron Warriors, Alpha Legion or Word Bearers
Lucas Flores
Its, uh... dice+6d20 in the email field...
Dominic Cruz
>Demons are coming y'all >M-maybe Slaanesh Comebock? >CHOO CHOO IT'S THE NURGLE DICKSUCKING TRAIN I really wonder if GW's obsession with Nurgle comes from most of the studio identifying with it.
Josiah Cook
hydra dominatus
Easton Price
Yes or No if it’s reasonable like two pistols or a powersword and a harlequins kiss?
Jackson Martin
Iron Warriors.
Because caring about 'muh truescale' is still the most autistic branch of this hobby.
Evan Reed
This is still nurgles year for a few more days we can start getting crazy then.
Noah King
Do it if you can faggot!
John Cruz
At this point I would rather they did not. The shit show models they would make for them is horrifying to think about.
Ayden Barnes
Fast Screening units, or backfield nuisances.
Easton Price
I can, but the model looks so much cooler with a sword
Colton Roberts
Lorgar did NOTHING wrong.
Fuck the Imperium. Fuck the Emperor.
Charles Howard
But nothing! JUUUUUST DO IT!
Alexander Hughes
Isaiah White
Seriously these guys are one codex away from being a viable 40k faction, what doesn't GW just do it to get some grognards back what do they have to lose at this point.
Cooper Morris
Man, Tom Bombadil seriously does not give a fuck does he?
Austin Russell
Lorgar's the deamon prince of_______...
Colton Thompson
Same reason why Lizardmen aren't a thing in 40k.
Matthew Lewis
Do these things still exist?
Charles Lewis
Being bullied
Benjamin Peterson
Steampunk sucks dongs.
Bentley Cooper
I didnt know that i was a Chaos God.
Ethan Walker
Locking yourself in your room and crying
Grayson Nelson
Lazyness on GW's part because there is also a precedent for them too, if I was right they even said that if you wanted to represent the decedents of the old ones use lizardmen.
Anthony Peterson
without using the word cog can you explain why these are 'steampunk'?
Wyatt Butler
I too want angry berserker women. It’s like 24/7 pms
Colton Wood
>mfw CSM don't even have new models >shitty elephant tusk terminators >death guard doesn't count >mfw no face
Xavier Campbell
Jayden Long
>herald >created by anything other than Nurgle's Rot
My point stands.
Xavier Butler
>shitty elephant tusk terminators Now I agree that the line is outdated but lets not shit talk best terminators.
Dominic Powell
>boo hoo my favourite faction isn’t getting updated right now
Aiden Barnes
Just kitbah some out of the Horus heresy terminators
Samuel Roberts
He said cool conversions. Marines need not apply Why do they have tusks?
Camden Price
The great debate - base sizes Is pic related legal since this heavy weapons team comes with 25mm bases in the GW kit? Or does it have to be 60mm base to avoid tournament tier autistic screeching? You are a tournament official. What do you say?
Juan Johnson
>GW putting off updating the daemons that are the hardest to sell to/around kids
Wow, how shocking.
Nicholas Cox
I am rather bitter
Carter Flores
That one guy one the left looks like he’s in the middle of waving to you.
Hudson Ward
Copper/Brass everything, clockwork mechanics, and steam based contraptions.
Austin Turner
>Why do they have tusks? Either they put them there or they grew out of them because the warp.
Parker Roberts
Its how they're sold by GW, so its legal.
Noah Edwards
What are the best melee weapons for a harlequin troupe?
Matthew Edwards
What was their endgame?
Jaxon Gonzalez
It doesn’t really matter until Weapons with damage 2+ hit them, where they should be treated as a single 2W model.
Lucas Thompson
Rubber chickens, with a honky horn for pistol damage.
Alexander Green
Because they thought it was cool or living in the Eye grew them on there and they can't get them off without surgery.
Christopher Jackson
I can't wait until GW kills him off for real
Worst character ever.
Charles Jones
>Marines need not apply (You)
Alexander Perez
Minecraft. Notch was the first among their race.
Liam Turner
>they can't get them off without surgery And no one is willing to do that because this guy is the only doctor around.
Robert Powell
Cease this
Luke Bell
That’s never going to happen, buddy. GW wouldn’t provoke a backlash that hard.
Justin Sanchez
Jacob Scott
I thought your point was about that the Plaguebearers were too happy. If it was about GW not caring about there lore in general. Well then i am sorry that you chose the lore from a company that just poured out a bunch of better marines.
Nicholas Smith
Xavier Morales
New Marbo doesn't have a points cost, user is wondering when/if GW will release it
Christian Murphy
In the NL trilogy Deltrain their techpriest repaired some salvaged Salamander terminator suits. When the scooby squad saw their fixed suits for the first time, they were covered in tusks and spikes. The dark mechanicum appear to have an autistic fetish for them.
Caleb Howard
If that's the line we are following, they should just scrap the pointless remaining 30% that's every other faction that's not imperial marines. Pretty sure Chaos can deal with using the same kits again and a significant portion of xenos are playing marines anyway and would just buy those then. Imagine the savings if you don't have to support all those lines anymore.
Jacob Cooper
I can't tell if he is eating the paper on the bottom or if he is spitting it out.
Jose Foster
>so butthurt that has to come to /40kg/ for validation
Don't mind me, just using my official GW Mortarion.
Camden Long
Man these new Nurgle models are just goldmines of good reaction images.
Noah Ward
when did Nurgle get so interested in documentation and math?
Ryder Hall
you can paint your alpha legion marines any color you want, alpharius
David Smith
Should have gone with this look instead.
Bentley Gray
nurgle, then?
Oliver Thomas
Jace Hall
You're missing my point, GW's audience majority is kids. Cant sell titty models to kids user.
Angel Turner
>best terminators. picket fence elephant fagets
Wyatt King
I don't have a problem with that? am I ok to use this as a warlord, it's an offical GW model
Jacob Wright
And thats fine. For Epic, which is what it was made & sold for.
Landon Anderson
Yes its the better looking one.
Dominic Flores
Hey guys, can someone please comment on my painting skills? Check out my InstaSlam: