Its been a while.
Post dragons, or dragon related things! Wyverns and Hydras welcomed in this thread.
Its been a while.
Post dragons, or dragon related things! Wyverns and Hydras welcomed in this thread.
I like my dragons apocalyptic
This thread is going places.
Early 20th century urban fantasy? Yeah, mine too.
Its been a week
Look, guys, could you quit buzzing my mountain when I'm trying to get some sleep? I can barely get forty years in nowadays, the last guy had a viking on his back blowing a ram's horn for Yorkl's sake
What's more likely: A chromatic falling for that pure metallic tail, or a metallic falling for that "bad" chromatic rear?
I prefer my dragons common and weak, but with larger and more frightening relatives. Like the relationship between house spiders and giant spiders.
Both are fair game, but I'd give the edge to bad dragons
I was desperately trying to avoid that pun. Oh well.
>the dragon has a crippling fear of humanoids, after seeing her parents killed by adventurers as a hatchling
What if they're the same species, but they take a really long time to mature?
That's also a good idea, and they could serve different purposes in the ecosystem as they age.They spend twenty years in a lizard-like niche, thirty five years as a small predator, Forty years at coyote size, fifty years as a large predator, and by 145 years of age they are basically untouchable. The adults lay hundreds of eggs in the sand to account for infant mortality, sort of like how sea turtles do.
This is realistic, because for square-cube law reasons, there's a limit to how big an egg can be, or at least the chick inside. Ostrich eggs are pretty much the limit. Even dinosaur eggs were surprisingly small.
>The adults lay hundreds of eggs in the sand to account for infant mortality, sort of like how sea turtles do.
This is a cool idea, but IMO two things lean against it.
First, we often talk about dragons hoarding loot because it's runaway mate competition where you develop and decorate a lair as a sign of fitness and for caring for young. You lose that if you have r-type reproduction.
Second, what's the point of intelligence and a lair and all that power if you're dumping your offspring into the wind? Dragons are way overpowered compared to their prey and competitors. Yeah they compete with one another, but again one obvious area of competition is child-rearing.
IMO it's better to just have other lesser species. Draconids can just be a lineage alongside mammals, reptiles, and dinosaurs/birds.
Fucking japan makes the stupidest shit.
A dragon is an amalgamation of predatory forms mostly resembling anything that might have hunted and eaten our ancestors in the last 60 million years. A giant fire-breathing bird-snake that lives in a dark underground lair. A dragon is the embodiment of all of mankind's primordial fears and it is guarding the things that we want the most, i.e. treasure and a virgin princess. The hero who voluntarily confronts the thing he is most afraid of is the one who stands to gain the treasure... or get eaten.
So trying to come up with biological motivations and explanations for a dragon or indeed any mythological creature is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, and having "common garden variety" dragons which are not scary or threatening kind of undermines the point of a dragon. It might as well just be a regular snake or a lizard at that point.
I like how this image has been posted quite a bit around Veeky Forums without anyone realising it was literally draw by a furry porn artist. Good shit nonetheless.
>english major crap
Hey, hurry up with my latte, ok? I haven't got all day.
I'm going to be making my 2nd campaign soon and I want to make a Dragon villain but I want him to be unique with his origins. Suggestions?
I don't know about you, but I'd be surprised if anyone that has been on Veeky Forums, or just the internet in general for any real length of time doesn't immediately peg that as somebody's fetish art.
Still a cute animation though.
I'd make him an eastern dragon for starters. Don't see those get used often at all, let alone as an antagonist.
In my campaign the BBEG is an ancient dracolich tyrant with a fragmented phylactery. A bunch of magical 'assassins' are running around stealing bits and pieces of it to revive him.
I wouldn't worry about trying to be 'original'; doing that always results in either absurd crap or something so contrived it locks down your options. It's okay to pull on some tropes, just don't outright copy-paste Dracolax the Evil from Fantasy World 2: The Fantasy. Pick some traits you want -- in my case, I wanted a dragon that wouldn't be known until the very end, and I wanted a dragon that could be categorically evil (new players; don't want to mess with their moral compasses just yet). Once you've got a rough mind-sketch, just flesh out other aspects of your plot and setting until everything falls into place. Doesn't need to be complex; the plot doesn't need to be an Ace Attorney game.
Go with what's natural. Without meaning to be cliched, the players' journey to killing your BBEG is what will make them memorable.
using this shitter as the main villain for my campaign
Im a dragon. AMA
Are any of the dildos correct?
Are you a pretty dragon?
Question for you guys, in a campaign I'm participating in the DM told us one of the villains is a dragon the size of a mountain. Tell me, is this correct for a low magic setting and we're starting at lvl 3? Because it's setting off all sorts of alarms in my brain. It isn't even the BBEG for Pelor's sake.
It depends
Mountain ranges that are actually dragons, or dragons that coil around mountains and stuff like that are pretty standard fantasy/mythology fair.
Even in low magic settings stuff like that can work as background details or things that happen far away that affect you.
If he's actually planning on sticking to low magic rather than upping the powerlevels or something you probably won't be fighting it, particularly if he's telling you about it upfront it's more likely a chekov's gun or some other plot element you're going to have to find a mcguffin to prevent from waking up or something along those lines.
But you never know, people are crazy. There's no such thing as "correct" anyway. If it's fun it's right.
He fuck off I thought he made a decent point. Dragons are huge, terrifying fuckers that're far older, smarter, and rarer than we can ever hope to be. Why not keep them that way?
Go home Jordan Peterson, the magapedes are dead
Do you think that different color dragons would decorate their lairs differently? Like how a certain species of bowerbird will only collect blue objects will a red dragon only hoard the reddest and shinest things?
>the BBEG transforms into a dragon for the final battle
>chooses a gold dragon for maximum power
>doesn't realize that the spell also transforms the mind
>the dragon instantly regrets everything she did as a human
>surrenders immediately and asks if she can do anything to help you fix things
what do?
Snuggle, cuddle, protect.
>without anyone realising it was literally draw by a furry porn artist.
What on earth makes you think that? First thing I did when I first saw it was look up the source in hopes lewder art by the same guy.
Regardless, it's still cute and a bit hot which makes the best dragon art
Find a way to make the spell effect instantaneous so it can't be dispelled
Failing that, at least permanent and find a way to make her resistant to dispells/antimagic
After that waifu, maybe see if I can get her to indulge in her evil side every now and the to spice things up in the bedroom
What do Veeky Forums think of fat dragons?
Given that fafnir himself was a reflection of extreme greed, it would work well if it's played seriously.
If it's just fetish shit, or lolfatty, then it would probably be best to give it a miss.
best dragons let you rub their tummies
prove me wrong. protip: you can't
Eh, a bit chubby at most, I like me some hips on my dragonesses, but too much is just not appealing
Or do you mean not as a sex thing?
Same answer, reptiles store fat in their tails and to a lesser amount hips and thighs, to actually fat fat a dragon would have to be massively overweight, in bad shape, and/or probably not able to do much
Prefer to rub them from the inside personally
Horns or Tail?
What about this guy?
Not sure what you're asking but
a man of refined taste, I see.
Not too bad/10
You draw him yourself?
Belly looks a bit oddly wide but that may just be the angle of the pic
Friend drew him for me.
I wish I could draw well.
I get a lot of art from different people in different styles.
Ah, that's a nice pic too though
Still, I do prefer my dragons with a bit less of a belly but it's cute
I can tell by just the artstyle that it was furry. But the image itself isn't overtly sexual so I don't really care.
Id rub his belly, outsude first then inside.
that tail though, i would kill to snuggle it
You fuckers are making it weirder than usual on this board.
What? You wouldnt rub a dragon's scaly hide and lay down to snuggle and rest with him while he mumbles incomprehensible dragonspeak in your ear before he lays his head on your chest ro use you as a pillow for the night?
I bet you like 3d girls, dont you, faggot.
Dragons are not for sexual
You have clearly not seen much of the fanart from that series
And I want to keep it that way
Translators note: this is japanese for dump it all please.
I had a story in my head a while back about a red and silver dragon who are rivals, constantly skirmishing and shouting insults at each other while nursing weird feelings they each try to deny.
Finally comes to a head when they battle one day, and at some point their violent wrestling match turns into frantic groping and kissing and neither is quite sure what's happening but that they both like it.
>tfw want to post some stories but too autistic and shy to do it
wish i could be pic related.
I'd read it
Why not user?
We are all anons here and no one can tell that it's you if you do
Besides, they can't be that bad, I thought pretty much the same thing before I started posting and people seem to love mine
What about a story of a behir that hatches a plot to remove a dragon from his territory by sending farmers to feed their fattest cattle to the dragon, fattening it up until it needs to sleep it off, then coming along and devouring the dragon while it rests and is too weak to fight back?
What's a behir?
In my head they're both male
On another note, can I get some art of dragons actually using items or wearing clothes/armor/jewelry? Most art has them naked with only natural weapons despite them probably having tons of powerful enchanted gear to make use of.
do people really like human and dragon,
cuddling, slice of life, lick-kissing?
>the female dragon demands that the neighboring villages give her young male virgins on a monthly basis
dragon quest art always gets me rock fuckin' hard.
those goddamn curves on the monsters, it's fucking fat/vore fetish stuff when it comes to their lizard creatures for the most part.
That thicc fucking tail tho god damn I want to just wrap myself around it and never let go.
This is a canon story.
There was also one in the Draconomicon about a male great wyrm black dragon who tried to breed an army into existence by mating with literally every single female thing in his swamp, sapient or not, to the point where by 'now' most every form of life from crocodiles to dinosaurs to a lizardfolk tribe are half dragon because he's been breeding with them all for centuries.
Weight gain isn't quite my thing (except in the context of vore), but I'd still check it out at least
Third best option but still good
>Most art has them naked with only natural weapons despite them probably having tons of powerful enchanted gear to make use of.
Always felt the same way
Of course
Lucky guy
based on dream I had but:
>at river
>sunny day, its beautiful outside
>chillin out, sitting in lawnchair drinking a beer
>dragon bro is playing in river, splashing around and catching fish at rocky area
>get roared at every time he catches a fish, think he's offering me some but I'm not eating a raw fish.
>suddenly loud splashing and sounds of struggle
>look, he's got a really, REALLY big fish
>like, what the fuck is this thing even doing in here
>it's the size of a fucking person
>he carries it over to me, slowly lumbering on his hind legs, careful to not fall or drop it
>he stops right next to me, he's looking right at me
>he gives the fish a few licks, then begins to devour it whole, head first
>he doesn't break eye contact, his tail swishes from side to side
>as he finishes it and is swallowing, he leans in close to me and presses himself against me
>he presses his snout against my face and breathes out a little smoke from his nostrils
>awkward moment, he's right up in my face, making a soft growling-like noise
>he presses his snout against my face and gives me a quick broad lick, then grabs a beer and wanders off, drinking it, before curling up on the grass in a sunny area and resting
I don't know what to think.
I've got more encounters with this guy.
its by the way.
Well if there's any interest I'll start cooking up some ideas for the story. I kinda feel in the mood to write something so I guess I'll give it a shot.
I'm thinking they're both young adults, silver dragon lives alone in his parents old lair, they both died heroically in some great war and left him alone in a big echoing grand hall. Red got kicked out of his home when he was old enough to fly, mom told him to piss off and find his own place to live so now he's living in a cave in the silver's territory and the original plan was to take over his lair for himself.
Here's another one, because why the fuck not.
>chest and downward pinned under his belly
>he's towering above me, triumphantly
>can't get out from under him
>decide to rub his belly
>he likes that
>he pulls his tail and wings close to him, while lowering his head down to me
>licks my face a few times, has me completely trapped
>opens his maw wide, then bites down on my left arm
>doesn't hurt, surprisingly
>gently stroke his scaly neck with my free hand
>can feel him gently gnawing on my arm
>suddenly he tugs and my left arm feels cold
>realize I don't have a left arm anymore
>still doesn't hurt, oddly
>he devours the arm in a few bites, then licks his maw and looks at me with a wicked grin
>proceeds to do the same to my other arm
>he is loving this
>his tail pulls closer to me, I feel him push my head up a bit and keep the softer underside of it behind my head
>he yawns a bit, then stretches out, laying down on me
>I pass out with his soft, warm underside pressed up all over me
>both young adults
Seems about a good range for this to happen, don't really have any major suggestions right now though
Yes please
>find dragon bro on mountain
>he's hurt, his leg has a nasty gash
>tend to his injuries
>tell him it's going to sting when i need to disinfect the wound
>he hisses and softly clamps down on my shoulder, biting, and drawing blood
>try to ignore the pain and keep tending to his injury
>get him cleaned up and bandaged, tend to myself
>he looks sorry, then tries to get up and hobble away
>he can't walk on that leg, just sorta stumbles and gives up, laying on his side
>try to help him up, he wants to go rest near the ledge outside
>wind up getting underneath him and helping him by letting him hobble/hop while I carry him
>we get to the ledge, he begins trying to lay down
>wind up getting lain upon, have to crawl out from under his belly
>he shuffles and adjusts himself when I try to escape from the sides
>start crawling out towards his head
>make it about half way, he then lays flat and pins me down
>feel him roll to the side and scoop me up on his arms, pinning me against his chest
>he begins snuggling me, licking my face before securing his head against my chest and belly, rumbling happily
>he curls up around me, using me as a body pillow, and begins resting happily
>the injury was superficial and he was just faking being unable to walk
The nerve, I swear.
so cute ;_;
>Eating parts of someone but no pain/blood
I find that way, way hotter than I should, does the POV character get his arms back though? or does the dragon go for a second course after their nap?
Cute, and yes
I can't be mad at him.
>camping in the mountains
>its a cold, clear night, the moon's out and the air's pretty quiet except for the crackling of the campfire
>dragon bro waits patiently, sitting on his hind legs watching me cook
>make a large pot of noodle soup with carrots, onion, and rehydrated meat
>have to ask him to back up at one point because he got to hovering over the pot and I didn't want him drooling in it
>serve myself a bowl, motion to him that the rest is his
>proceed to enjoy soup carefully from bowl while he ops to just lift the pot off the fire and stick his whole head in there
>he winds up licking the pot clean, lets out a satisfied burp, then moves over to me and starts licking my face in appreciation
>haha, just kidding I wanted your soup too.
>spills some on me by accident, looks at me with a mix of "whoops" and "I got that." then begins licking me
>wind up getting pinned under one of his paws with him growling at me, licking my face slowly and a weird look in his eye like he's thinking about hurting me
>doesn't, winds up laughing it off and laying down, his head on my chest.
>get a glimpse of him looking at me with that weird look, he winks then turns his head away from me
I woke up after that. I woke up laying on my arm and it had gone numb, so it was a bit of a scare at first. I get dreams about that dragon on occasion. They're usually pretty good. I should learn to draw and doodle them as lineart comics or something.
>be laying down on a grassy hill on a sunny day
>cloudwatching with dragon bro
>he doesn't quite understand, but goes along with it anyway
>he points at a large cloud and says something I can't understand
>I point out a cloud that looks like a bearded person
>we wind up just resting there quietly, watching the clouds pass and the occasional bird fly by
>i look up at him, he's starting to doze off
>reach over and start playing with his face, rubbing it like it was clay
>he pulls his head back and lets out a soft sigh/roar, then lays his head back down.
>wait a moment, do it again
>he licks my hand and lets out a faint hiss, watches me for a moment, then rests again
>i wait until he's got his eyes closed and his breathing is heavy
>start doing it again
>his paw shoots out and snatches my arm
>he starts to get up, growling loudly
>he rolls me onto my back and then lays down right in front of me, and starts tugging on my hair and ears with his paws, chuckling to himself
>he stops after a while and then resumes resting, looking smug
>grab his tail and pull on it, trying to pull it away from him
>he begins thrashing about, trying to pull his tail away from me
>this goes on for a while until he decides to just tackle me
>winds up laying on me, gets comfortable, and rests, knowing that I won't be able to lift him off of me and he can get a nap.
>>get a glimpse of him looking at me with that weird look, he winks then turns his head away from me
Good news, you're delicious
>I woke up after that
Pity, but these are still lovely
Of course
more, because fuck it.
>on snowy mountain
>stuck in an opening in crag where the blizzard can't reach us, but pass over us instead
>dragon bro is shivering, he's cold
>he tries to rub up against me for warmth, but nothing
>tell him to wait there, go and snap off some tree branches and limbs, enough to try to make a fire and have some more for fuel
>struggle to make it, firesteel aint doin' shit
>he grabs me and pulls me back, then lets out a spit of flame and lights the fire
>we huddle around it, trying to get warm
>I'm okay, he's still shivering
>take out reflective survival blanket and make him lay down next to the fire and cover him in it
>it's too small, but it's the best I can do
>try to keep him warm by rubbing his scaly hide, having to stop occasionally to go add more wood to the fire
>blizzard eventually stops, I'm exhausted
>collapse in the snow, roll onto my back, can see the starry night sky
>he picks me up and carries me in his arms up the mountain
>eventually get to a large cave
>there's a fucking hot spring inside
>whole place illuminated by some unseen light, it's misty and comfy as fuck inside
>he winds up slipping into the water and finds a place to roll onto his back and rest against
>he motions me to join him
>strip down and get in
>feels wonderful
>swim over to him and climb onto his belly
>snuggle up against his chest, resting with him in the warm water
>feel him gently stroking me with a paw a few times before he relaxes more, reclining a bit and sinking a little more into the water
>wind up having to climb up a bit more to keep my head above the water
>his stomach rumbles a bit
>he moves around, looks at it, then at me
>he noses me a bit, then licks my face
>he thinks about it a moment, his maw opening up slightly, before he looks away and returns to relaxing
I don't know if i should be relieved or offended.
If the thread is still around later, should I post more? I still have a few more left but I need to go work on some stuff.
Well, better than my dreams.
Pic related.
>I don't know if i should be relieved or offended.
>If the thread is still around later, should I post more?
If you're up for it I think I'd enjoy hearing more
postin from phone before I leave the driveway but
>the time he let me ride him
>the time we fought and hurt eachother
>the time he actually ate me
>the 1am sleep paralysis christmas eve visit
Which should I do first tonight?
I'll into more when I get back later tonight. Peace!
I am writing a game about dragons arguing, currently. Pic related is a picture someone drew of one of my dragons given this description:
Emett: Cioran-style hatred of life, wants to end human race because he's an anti-natalist who believes human life is only suffering and worse than suffering. Depressive. Black
My vote is 3rd or failing that 4th, 3 cause that's my fetish, 4 cause it sounds interesting
Thanks for the stories!
Real neat looking
Makes me think more of a sphinx/half-dragon sphinx though
Rolled a character for an upcoming campaign who's betrothed to a gold dragon but hasn't actually met him yet; any suggestions so that it doesn't end up being cringy as shit?
What is your character like?