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That's the Veeky Forums way!
If you think things are bad here, just remember: at least we don't have to deal with Tok over here.
Informed opinions are never as fun as parroted memes and secondhand knowledge mixed with guesswork. Everyone knows that.
Yes, but newer jumpmakers can challenge them to take their place
Shut up, you'll summon him.
So what'd be the best way to unite the Earth? I was thinking of creating an alien race that's beatable but that might just end up with us fighting over the technology when all is said and done. Any other ideas?
Just buy enough cult perks that all the religions of Earth worship you.
You're not alone in being the weird one.
For instance, a weird question: Has anyone here tried to do something to the setting just to fuck with them? Like invoke the reptilian conspiracy theories, or suddenly make New Age-esque shit look like it's real, or fucking with Scientology by showing off powers and implying they're just not Thetan enough.
No the council is made up of mostly of backstabbers and people who got there because they had money, not because they have any true skills that would be useful on such a council.
I remember most of that stuff having reasons. People were treating the MC that shitty because he had gotten his family's terrible, everyone rightfully hates Diabolists, and the town needed his family to sell their property so it could expend, which they had refused to do, so everyone hated them even more.
So now that the poll showed that 2/3 of the thread were ok, with multiple jojo jumps, who is gonna make them?
A poll of one tenth of the users in that thread alone means nothing shitposter.
terrible karma*
Nobody, shitposters don't make jumps. Except Val
Don't unite them. No one world will ever be big enough for everyone. There will always be two or more people who simply cannot cohabit. As two species cannot inhabit the same niche, as night and day can never inhabit the same space, so will the world never be wide enough for these people to exist together within it.
Instead, everyone gets their own dream, where the world works the way they want it to. Nobody has to fight over anything. Nobody has to meet anyone they'd rather not have. No one has to eat, or drink, or excrete, or work, or die, or wake up ever again.
>Having biokinesis so strong that you just make the nearest mammal lactate whenever you're thirsty
Irredeemable has a Villain Capstone that allows you to be the Big Bad that everyone unites against. You have to be a big enough threat to pull it off and take the fall when the heroes come to face you in the final battle, but it will make a better, united world.
Hi Madara, how are you doing?
Okay, I made some edits in response to all the 4 AM feedback from last night. I'm in much better spirits now that i have a good nights sleep, so hopefully I can be more responsive.
I'm really not sure what to do with Going to Hell as a Bride, so I just redid the description to be closer to the first version. If enough people still have problems with it, I'll just think of something to replace it. It's no big deal.
I swear to god these perks get longer the more I edit them.
Madara go and stay go.
Can you just change the Bride perk so it doesn't let you change the origin and way any of your powers work? Is that even based on something in the show because holy shit is that fucking strong.
Pretty sure you're thinking of Soon I Will Be Invincible.
Could we get a changelog? I really don't want to have to read through the entire jump again to see the changes you made. Especially not if things are even longer.
Just make a virus that adds people into a hivemind.
>Having so much power over the weather you can make it rain SCP-686
Wait, really? I thought it was Irredeemable. Weird.
So I just know this perk is going to be a sticking point but the Hell Bride perk description makes no sense. You say it can't alter the final effect but the one example you give clearly alters the final effect. Gliding is a very different effect than jumping, even if they have the same distance. You use them in different ways and they allow different things.
seriously dude you gotta change the perk, you are going to go completely insane if you try to handle all the rulings you'll need to do on it
>tfw you never got an invitation to be on the council
>you will always be that one weirdo who focuses on utility and vanity stuff that nobody likes
I'm too sober for this shit.
Depends on if you care about your reputation or not.
Naturally, the easiest way would be to present some kind of outside force attacking them, but hate can only drive someone so far and once the threat is over (or depending on how long it goes on), splinter factions might start arising and put you right back into square one. Another option would be provide a benevolent alien race that offers to share secrets if world peace is achieved, but then that might backfire hard depending on HOW they achieve it. There's always taking the planet over yourself, but that's a new kettle of fish.
I guess what it all comes down to is how do you want to be seen, how long do you want it to take, and how deep of a river of blood do you want flowing.
>Is that even based on something in the show because holy shit is that fucking strong.
Really? I honestly don't see much use in it.
Pretty fast, on the level of bullet wounds healing in seconds.
>I was thinking of creating an alien race that's beatable but that might just end up with us fighting over the technology when all is said and done.
This is a decent start as this unites the various factions and governments together but you'd have to go a bit deeper than that. Hit the problem from multiple angles. On an idividual level social reform is SLOW remember that, but on the widespread governmental level you could have your people push forward a streamlined, by Perks like some of those found in West Wing Jump, system of government that will be able to take on the fact that The Enemy is manipulating our political shortcomings. Such change necessitates pressure from both the external factor (the Aliens) and internally (the various governments nigh melting down might be enough) to stabilize it for any amount of time you have to make the threat a thing that can and will come back to haunt humanity if they go back to their old ways. All of this is going to need planning perks, I suggest Xanatos Gambit from Gargoyles as a start, and a lot of know-how when it comes to governance, again West Wing but also R-Type is decent at this weirdly enough.
So you couldn't survive things like getting your head crushed?
The perk seems to indicate you can basically turn any of your powers into any other power that is kind of similar. Jumping powers can become gliding powers is one example.
Even the origin changing effect lets you mess around with your powers like crazy. Make them all technological in origin so you can easily replicate and mass produce them. make them all magical so all your magic boosters work on them. Make them natural biological abilities of your race so you get those kind of boosts to them.
Hey, the Scholar capstone that makes subordinates get their comeuppance, would it be more merciful towards minions who were less terrible, or is it indiscriminate? Should I just fanwank something?
I'm split on whether I want to get it, just because of my own personal feelings on "this stuff happens just because" type perks.
Thanks in advance, it's a fun jump.
Don't forget the second effect. You can make any of your abilities come from anywhere you like with the origin change. Nothing stops you from making your powers activate from inside of your opponents or from all directions at once.
Yeah, it has its uses, but it's already 600 CP undiscounted. It's alright imo. Don't think I'd use it though, I like my magic to be magic.
It's not 600 undiscounted. It's a 600cp perk for an origin.
And as I and the other user said, it allows for utterly obscene amounts of customization and upgrade for every single power you have. It is amazingly powerful and will remain so forever and can let you just straight up get new powers or make existing ones almost instant wins.
At least you can filter Tok, and he's not quite Bancho-levels of awful.
You...think that price amount is enough for a power that's like Real Eater but better in every way and with more on top? Have to say I don't actually believe you're arguing in good faith here.
Pretty much, yeah. As the perk states, you won't be able to do anything more than you normally could, no matter how much you change the power.
>get to EU Luke's level with the Force in KOTOR with time dilation
>use the half boost the other two Star Wars jumps grant if you take Force Sensitive background
>Use that one perk from Cognitive Dissonance that allows you to massively boost your psychic abilities, which include the Force technically (going by that one perk)
>use this perk to change the Force to actual magic
>use various magic boosters
Quick Servant's Servant question here.
Was looking at the Grand Servant Scenario, and was wondering, would I need to be a Living Servant in order to support the Servants I'm going to be summoning to help me out with that shit?
Its now at 57% shitposter strawpoll.me
I don't really want to be seen as the one who unites the world, I kinda want to take over everything once it's up and running so I don't have to deal with the initial fuck ups. That's not to say that I won't be working in the background or that the current leaders would be aware of me.
Really not wanting to go through that route, I mean I could do it just with straight charisma perks already but I feel like I'd be cheating myself. It also would be rather boring.
So I kinda need a recurring external threat, that doesn't sound too bad actually. A large part of the current population would need to be wiped out to ensure complete mutual hatred but the end goal could be the destruction of the Aliens homeworld. After that I just swoop in and ensure the alliance doesn't crumple.
You could survive that; we just haven't really seen them take damage on that level. I think Imhotep got shot in the head- while he was still regenerating, no less- in the first movie though, and their regenerative abilities are about on par.
.>Hey, the Scholar capstone that makes subordinates get their comeuppance, would it be more merciful towards minions who were less terrible,
It could, if you wanted. And you're welcome; I'm glad you like it!
Life on the Line (600CP) Discount - High Flyer
You miss your jump and smack hard against the arena floor, cracking several ribs and tearing a tendon in your foot. And yet, you stand right back up, looking none the worse for wear as the referee gives the signal to continue. You now have the ability to not just ignore pain, but also to ignore the inhibiting effects of non-fatal physical injuries as long as you are mid-battle. You’ll be able to charge at your opponent regardless of your broken legs and punch just as hard despite the shattered wrist, but any body part which is completely severed or damaged beyond repair is still unusable, and the injuries affect you in full force the moment the threat has passed. Using this power causes a great amount of fatigue, and you may pass out or not have enough energy to resist a pin after more severe wounds. You can also choose to have the injuries be unnoticeable during the battle, making you appear unharmed to any onlookers.
Mask vs. Mask (400CP) - Discount - Luchador
This mask was passed down to you by your father, from his father before him, and if your opponent wants it, he’ll have to pry it from your cold dead hands.
With this perk, you find your physical combat and analytical skills are greatly improved when you are fighting over something or someone with great importance to you. This scales with how much you value the object of the fight, so an object with some sentimental value may cause you to occasionally notice openings in the opponent’s attacks and hit for slightly higher than average damage, whilst your true love’s life being at stake would cause you to see and capitalise on almost every mistake your opponent makes, hitting for well over twice as hard as what you’d usually be capable of.
Starting on perks for the Lucha Underground jump. How do these seem?
Then it sounds like you want to go the Sidious route then. Run both sides and set it up where you're running the show in the end.
Truth be told, that was my sloppy attempt to figure out some way to replicate the various unnatural feats that certain characters achieve in a specific two-part episode. Like holding sugar cubes and flowers in their mouth without them getting wet, or how one guy leaped miles into the sea by imitating an airplane. I was kinda trying to imply that you could emulate that by just changing the aesthetic of your powers, but it clearly backfired.
I'm worried that just the false backstory effect wouldn't be able to keep up with the other capstones, so I'm probably gonna cut my losses with that perk. Upside of having weird perk names is that you can change the effects at any time.
It's not actually longer, it's almost half the size of the last version when accounting for the change in font. That was just me being self-deprecating.
Off the top of my head:
1.The Drawback "Why Were We Born?" Was added and made mandatory with the purchase of free buddies.
2.The jump was overall slimmed down, with many perks just receiving more concise wording, as well as a shift to Arial font.
3. The Maid Cafe was slightly buffed to receive a staff by default, and be generally more hands off than before.
4. Word of God received a limit on the induced loyalty effect.
5. Mass Production model was nerfed and lowered from 400 to 200cp.
6.Tell Me. Tell Me. Tell Me was raised to 400cp.
7. A World Without Humanity was raised to 600cp.
8. Destroy Me, to Protect me and In Your Sleep, You Are Dreaming have switched places.
There's probably more, but these should be all the major ones. I may update the pdf in a bit with an actual changelog.
While I'm at it, how do people feel about the bulleted purchases? I formatted this way to be tidy, but it may be easier to read of I just put spaces between purchases instead.
Personally I'm not sure why people are having so much trouble with GtHaaB other than it having a very large amount of leeway. My personal major quip about it is, as it is currently written, you can make any effect you have into an innate effect now, instead of (as an example) cybernetics or magic you could just source everything off from your soul or Qi or something. Maybe clarify that a little
Gliding and jumping are both, in this example as I've read it, 'moving across a distance' the origin of that movement changed jumping into gliding but the movement achieved, the final product, isn't changed. Though I agree that the Perk is going to lead to either "Fanwank" or madness inducing rulings.
>Don't forget the second effect. You can make any of your abilities come from anywhere you like with the origin change. Nothing stops you from making your powers activate from inside of your opponents or from all directions at once.
Actually I think the end result thing does stop that. Like say you have the ability to catch shit on fire via a flame thrower effect. You can change the origin of that effect from your hand to your mouth so you can have your fire breath, or the other way around if you're a dragon hidden as a human I guess, but it is still an efffect that catches people on fire from the outside via a flamethrower effect, cause that was it's final result.
Pretty much, except I want to do it because it would create a stronger civilization in the end. I mean imagine what a true Technocracy could accomplish.
Jumpers who have traveled through time, Who was the most interesting person you met?
I think this is the big problem with the perk. It depends entirely on interpretation.
You can go "it is still an efffect that catches people on fire from the outside via a flamethrower effect" as your interpretation but my own sees that the jumping to gliding change has already shown that you can completely change the process of how you arrive at the same result, so "setting someone on fire but creating a fireball inside of them" is still fitting the changes here.
It has so much variability and so much potential power from it and so few guidelines, with the few guidelines that exist being as vague as possible.
I think if it has no real basis in setting, you need to just change it entirely. Because the range of effects it gives are far and away beyond just changing the aesthetics of powers.
Instead of just leaving it as the false backstory effect, why not make up a new second effect for the perk?
Changing jumping into instant teleporting to any distance within that limit but I also control my speed and orientation also works. I'm keeping the max distance and adding better control doesn't matter, since the gliding example already shows you can add stuff beyond what is normally in the power.
Turning the ability to jump far into great teleportation is a pretty big buff.
I'm the guy who pointed most of those out last thread and I'm pretty happy with the changes you've made to that list of stuff.
The bullet points look pretty good too, tidies it up even more after the slimming down.
>great teleportation
Only if you had the ability to jump anywhere in the universe before.
I already said any distance within that limit. Not no distance limits.
I've just started reading the jump, so this might still be beyond everything else, but how about something for being able to slightly ignore or fiddle with the laws of physics on a personal level? Like doing both of those things you mentioned, the first by making your saliva incapable of actually sticking to things and the second by ignoring a bit of gravity so you're lighter while still letting air pass under your arms and push you up, as examples. One of the 200 CP Perks for Drop-In in Soul Eater does something like that, if you'd like something to look at for inspiration.
Friendly reminder that if you aren't willing to put up with thread's shitty behavior towards you 24/7, you give up all rights to be treated as a human being and will have your jumps replaced regardless of whether people like them or not. And it's all your fault, because how dare you not like getting abused over an internet hobby.
Then you shouldn't have called it "greater teleport", because otherwise people will think you mean the D&D one. Being able to teleport anywhere you'd be able to jump (so no teleporting indoors), while a buff, isn't an all too big one.
Probably not. As a Grand your mana supply is probably ridiculous compared to normal standards even if you only have rank E, and Independent Manifestation means you don't need mana to support yourself.
Meanwhile if your working with Chaldea they have a system for supplying energy to a lot of Servants. Which would further decrease the issues of supplying them with the needed energy.
What is a Spiral power equivalent for machines?
My jumper is no longer by any definition alive, and therefore needs something for unliving creatures.
The Force work for machines?
Hell, what supernatural energies only work for fleshies?
I didn't call it greater teleport though. I just said it was great teleportation. It's not my fault you're so obsessed with DnD that you change words to fit your obsession and ignore words that indicate it is not that.
Also you're full of shit if you think being able to instantly teleport anywhere within a few miles, as often as you like, while fully controlling your speed and orientation, isn't an amazing buff to just being able to jump a few miles. Speed, control, manoeuvrability. It's all light years ahead of being in the air for a few minutes after you jumped once.
On the subject of the Bride it's pretty solid it just has so much room for customization, and so few hard rules of what it can or cannot do, that some guys are wanking the wording of the perk to Hell (Pun intentional) and back without even thinking of the examples you've given very clearly.
A better way to put it (IMO) that you can change the aesthetics of your powers and abilities on the fly, which some people would pay through the nose for, instead on top of the ability to magic up a factual backstory.
Either that or, going by , go the route of saying "you still can't achieve end results that the original skill, ability, or power couldn't manage on its own" to cover the hole there.
I'd appreciate that you didn't outright lie about my arguments, given I've only used the examples the author himself has given.
Hell, even your suggested fix doesn't actually work with the example the author has given of how the perk works, so get the stick out of your arse you arrogant tosser.
Who still has arachnophobia as a Jumper?
>Also you're full of shit if you think being able to instantly teleport anywhere within a few miles, as often as you like, while fully controlling your speed and orientation, isn't an amazing buff to just being able to jump a few miles. Speed, control, manoeuvrability. It's all light years ahead of being in the air for a few minutes after you jumped once.
The teleport would take as much time as the jump/glide would, so it's not as good as you make it out to be.
Being able to disappear from existence for a few minutes is just a different buff to the power.
Yeah, that's probably a better way to handle this.
You guys are not even wrong about this, but there was some debate on whether people wanted it to stay or not last thread, so I kept it in to test the waters one more time.
If you want something with canon basis, the original idea for the Civilian capstone was a perk that would let you imitate the functions of mundane vehicles through pantomime. There's at least one canon example of a character doing exactly that, seeReal talk, that's exactly what I thought of doing at one point, a kind of limited cartoon physics, I think I scrapped the idea because I was worried that I couldn't make clear enough rulings. Pretty much the exact thing happening now.
Why should it? That's not a limit specified in the perk text. The only limit specified is that the max distance remains unchanged. I can't imagine your gliding would need to work at the same speed as jumping. One because it would be impossible to glide that way and two because gliding would let you alter your speed with the added control you had.
Is the only way to get Tiamat in Grand Order to do the scenario?
I've only quoted one person in question other than the author himself, good user, and that person was expanding upon why the Glding = Jumping example was adding to the end result. So if you feel guilty about something that is on you.
I think, whether you think the perk as is is good or not, it would be better to have something that is actually based in canon rather than entirely made up OC.
Are there any places apart from Worm where you can get Panacea-level biokinesis and biological insight? I'm a little stumped because it's probably too strong a power for PS238 (at least straight away), and afaik the hivemind jumps (Zerg/Tyranid/etc) only on your offspring/creations, and I'm not sure how much knowledge of others' biologies you can get.
Maybe Animorphs, but I don't remember whether that was restricted to the transformations.
So, are there any powers that, given a captured Thor or Loki, would allow me to turn my human minions into Asgardians through copy and paste, for example?
>being afraid of spiders even as a Jumper
>not being the spider as a Jumper
Look at this pleb.
Night-unlimited free, cheap and clean energy. Better food production techniques. Introduce these through the internet and some research circles, and let people just work with it. You have just stopped 99% of wars.
Now, you can just give cancer, heart attacks and Death Note accidents to troublesome elements like active terrorists and dictators (although with these you may risk the country breaking up and devolving into a civil war). I would say that once everyone gets to have a good life-style and emigration stabilizes, most racists bigots and religious problems will dilute over time. Who needs religion when you can explore space and find that there is nothing out there but ourselves? What use is there to hate others when you aren't really competing over anything?
You could also leave the seeds for biological immortality, or at least remove most aging problems that could expand life expectancy in to centuries.
Easiest route would be the God-Emperor one, though.
I can kill spiders now and I'm still afraid of them, being able to blow up the solar system hasn't changed anything.
I'd prefer the vehicle perk being added on, yeah. It'd stop these arguments and likely make a lot less stress for you too.
>What is a Spiral power equivalent for machines?
Spiral Power. I don't know why you think a machine can't generate it. So long as it can take part in the cycle of evolution, it can generate Spiral Power. Beastmen can't because they're sterile and therefore evolutionary dead ends, but a sapient machine could be capable of self-replication, Von Neumann-style. Even if that's not the case, they're sterile as well for some reason, the fact that they could self-modify should count them in.
Probably, yeah. But you should totally do it. I mean, there are plenty of different humanities in different worlds, but how many Tiamats will you find?
Body Mod build talk, who /athlete/ here?
It's meant to imply armored targets, or if you hit a non-fatal area.
Also you can make your lightsaber look literally however you want it to. You could make the hilt out of wood and have a black & white blade for all I care.
Nah, I'd imagine you'd need to channel the teleport spell for a few minutes, while still being in reality, before it can go off. Depending on the distance you want to travel of course. You should still be able to move while doing that though.
>You are unable to change the final effect of the ability, being able to jump miles could become the power to glide on the air, but your max distance would be unchanged.
Reading the perk again, I don't think you'd even be able to turn jumping/gliding into teleportation. It'd make the "final effect" flat out better, while the listed example is practically the same.
Being able to play merry hell with physical law, as long as there are examples of such things happening, sounds radd but I think just thing mimic the functions of things might be a more concret Perk.
Spiders are our friends, user. Embrace the spider.
The final effect is just that you moved a distance. Teleportation, jumping and gliding all have that as the final effect. The mistake you're making is confusing the process with the final effect.
If it worked as you said, you shouldn't be able to turn jumping into gliding either. Gliding the same distance as you can jump is outright better because you have much more control over gliding than the practically zero control a jump has, at least once you leave the ground.
Would she even want jumpers company?
Bodybuilder here, athlete (male) a shit.
>The Force work for machines?
Well, if no one has any issues with it, I'll probably just go with my initial idea.
I'm pretty sure I scrapped that idea after I realized how broken the Investigator capstones were, and I was worried that it wouldn't be able to match up. You think it'd be more or less on par with all the other stuff?
I would weigh in on all this teleporting business, but I can only see that making things worse, and I can't even keep up with how fast that argument's moving anyway
I think you should put it in and if people are unsatisfied with the balance, they'll point it out. I can't say much without knowing the exact wording of the perk but it doesn't seem immediately unbalanced from the core idea.
Why is Force Crush 600 CP? Isn't it just a slightly more sophisticated form of using TK to squish the enemy?
>Also you can make your lightsaber look literally however you want it to.
Awesome, thank you!
>You could make the hilt out of wood and have a black & white blade for all I care.
Must resist the sudden impulse to do so...
>turn yourself into a Ganmen
>install a Lambda Driver
>put Getter Rays in yourself somehow
>install a Green Lantern Power Battery in yourself
We need a jump for the era Darth Talon is from fo we can companion/waifu her.
Don't forget a GS Ride
But jumping and gliding both involve kinetic velocity changes. Teleportation doesn't, unless you have some special inertial reference frame (which shouldn't exist in many universes, it's non-existence is an important part of relativity). So if the ability is defined as "move a distance using momentum", then changing it to teleportation doesn't work. I think the real issue is the specificity of the power's terms. At what point do we decide that a certain aspect of it is essential to what it is? After all, everything in a physical universe is defined by motion, if we were to boil every physical power down to "move a thing", then every power would be equivalent to every other, and that sure doesn't sound right. There needs to be some minimum level of abstraction, but where do you draw the line?