>The main villain of the campaign has the power to fuck with hit detection.
How do you balance this?
The main villain of the campaign has the power to fuck with hit detection
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+- to AC or its equivalent.
Play a class or have an ability to do the same, ie divination wizard, lucky feat.
Roll twice, take whichever one the villain wants
Also, he could have a mirror image + invisibility like effect, where people see his "afterimage", but can only hit by leading their shots to where the hitboxes are.
Take a pag from jojo's book.
If you are going to make up a complete nonsense power for your bad guy to have, don't bother having it make any kind of sense. After all, if you wanted it to make sense, you wouldn't have picked something that stupid.
Have the PCs defeat him through some contrived chain of events that makes his power suddenly not good enough to save him. If you pull this off correctly, nobody in the campaign will truly understand what they even did to win the fight.
Not be detected or be hit.
>hit to any location is converted to nutshot
You don't, he's the main villain. Why would the main villain play by the rules or adhere to balance?
I don't play videogames. What do you mean by hit detection?
It's what determines if something hit you or not.
You don't, then.
Perfect attacks/defense are what made Exalted bad.
Really? It wasn't the 100+ pages of tedious and autistically specific charms?
time travel.
Strap a car battery to a shield and wear it on my back.
He can only do so when in basic melee range and has relatively minimal health.
Well played.
Wait... What's that?
A nerf?
And the Dead ringer too!?
That was only to it's long range potential. Not to it's close range potential.
Your nerf won't save you.
>*Laughs in Über*
Neither will your crutch watch.
Dammit. I just got reminded of how a few days ago I got stabbed just as I popped uber. Fucking spies
the villain can only be off from the chosen hitbox area by about 6 inches by a personally activated attack(so a bonus to targeted part regardless of weapon used). knives and guns yes, machine guns dps bonus, landmines and claymores no, they must be thrown at least and not stationary. Example: grenades can redirect all whiffing shrapnel that miss the head by a reasonable amount can be converted into a headshot. this makes direct confrontation and wide open areas a bad plan.
BUT anything that had blocked the hit cant be converted through, such as shields and walls no wallhacks or even windows can get around this unless you are a super physics genius that can calculate the trajectory after the blocked hit in realtime(super computer super saiyan god super saiyan fast). thus a defensive approach is best plan. full armor is bad unless you have holes were vital areas are, so partial plate is best since the hit on armor can only be redirected on the armor or not at all.
simply put, its user can turn being hit into a miss, but it still has the ability to be hit with abstract though/tactics (he always bumps his personal headshot box to the left, aim left instead of his head). opponents misses can turn into hits. but a successful hit to something cannot be converted to another part or target. thus is the limits of 「Hey Man, Nice Shot」.
>Gives a speed boost on activation.
>*Laughs in Schandefraude*
>hit detection
Go back to /v/
How else am I supposed to say "guy who can change whether or not he actually hit" without sounding like an ass?
Give him a limited number, like Legendary Resistance (3 guaranteed saves/day for the creature).
Alternately, give him an amplifier of some kind that he can't protect at all times that gives him something like a +5 bonus to his attack rolls, but the party can hit this amplifier to break it or disable it for a set number of turns or rounds.
What if he's only able to give his minions specific alterations to their hit locations? Say, he can put someone's head two feet to the right, but they still have to put their food in the hitbox to eat it, their voice comes from the hitbox location, and they have to walk through doors sideways to avoid banging their heads into walls or other physics objects. Same would go for hurtboxes; enemies would have to orient themselves differently just to point their weapons the right way.
That way players could learn by downtime research and observation how each villains' hit detection has been altered before confronting them.
Sim: records about the power and any work to hide it. Detections work on everything the power touches which allows longer detection ranges; like trying to find a magic city versus a magic needle. The power will overshoot past normal, then finally return to normal each time it is turned off; villain has to safe each time to see if it's extra bad for him.
Also, depending on how it works, one might be able to use something like a paint-bomb or flour to illuminate hitboxes, since it could only stick to things which have hit detection on them. That could quickly illuminate which parts of an enemy can and cannot be hit.
that seems cool, it rewards figuring out quirks and and change dramatically even after you know what the main gimmick is.
that. that is how more players need to think. working with what they got instead of relying on bloated stats.
What is displacer beast for $200, Alex?
What kind of pleb can't understand how King Crimson works?
I don't think detection is the word you're looking for.
Fucking with "Hit detection" makes it sounds like he changes his enemies ability to perceive that they've been hit. Make the players think they have more HP left than they actually do.
> King Crimson
> works
Consider the following sequence of events:
1) You approach guy A.
2) Guy A hits you, bruising your face.
3) You hit Guy A in retaliation, bruising his face.
4) You walk away.
Let's say that I used King Crimson to remove actions 2) and 3) from existence, while keeping 1) and 4) intact.
If King Crimson works via "cutting out a piece of time, and then gluing the remaining pieces together", as it is described to be, then logically, both of your faces should still be bruised, even if the fight didn't take the place.
In JoJo, however, the equivalent situation, by analogy, ends up with the Guy A's face being bruised, while your face is miraculously untouched.
I'm surprised there isn't any Hit memes on time skip since his makes even less sense in abilities.
He says that he doesn't stop time, but he clearly does, and him storing time lets him be at different dimensions?
its more like "remove 2 and 3, but keep in the part about him getting bruised afterwards, i liked that bit. BUT i dont want him to remember how it happened or even getting hit so i can be smug."
fucking timefags wracking their brains, when time travel itself doesnt even make actual sense
Its rewriting cause in many ways, plus it can see 10 seconds into the future to know what's going to happen BEFORE they actually happen. Thus it can pick and choose cause
Thus the guy punches you, giving you cause to punch him back. Then KC removes the time where he punched you but leaves in the one where you punched him. The cause for you to punch him back is removed, but not the effect of your fist into his face.
Someone pulls a gun on you and empties it into your head rapid fire. KC removes the time from when the bullets are all fired and stitches it back in with the time where they're're holding a dry gun. Thus from their perspective they go to shoot you in the head with a full gun, pull it out and....*click* *click* *click*. It's not completely unlimited, but only something even more broken like Gold Experience Requiem could really do anything about it.
The problem is that if KC leaves in the part where you punched the guy, the guy should logically remember that happening, except that isn't the case in JoJo.
For example, let's say you didn't punch the guy, but rather cut him with the knife.
The guy should still remember the moment being stabbed if you leave in that time period, rather than just suddenly realizing he has an open wound like it works in JoJo.
It just works. Literally. People who claim to understand how KC works just have selective perception.
>People who claim to understand how KC works just have selective perception.
Rather, people who claim that KC works as described in JoJo have selective perception.
Mixing and matching causality is easy to understand. It's just that the whole thing falls apart under close scrutiny.
Be faster than his reactions.
i think you fail to see the problem
I think you fail to see the solution. Be faster. Can't fuck with shit when he doesn't realise you've just cut his head off.
How are you going to cut his head off if his hitbox is already where you don't know it is?
being fast isnt the problem (even though we are pretty much going for humanly possible here), its knowing where to hit and not to be before he decides. the main schick in jojos is tricking your opponent despite the advantage they have. otherwise its a guessing game, and the casino is heavily rigged against you.
>the villain spends his entire day just shifting his hitbox around
Literally hit the enemy before he even knows he's about to be hit.
See, the thing you're assuming that was never said is that he has to reactively change it, and it doesn't remain changed.
Then he isn't fucking with hitboxes. Hitboxes are permanently changed, and it's just as hard for him to hit the enemy as it is for the enemy to hit him.
Make where you have to hit to deal damage where his model was 2 turns ago.
>isn't fucking with hitboxes
>. Hitboxes are permanently changed,
Explain to me like I'm retarded how that's not fuckign with hitboxes
Okay, pick up a pen. Hold that pen out. See how it fell? See how you needed to hold it to keep it up? Okay, now imagine you happen to have an ability where gravity doesn't exist around you. You let go of that pen and it doesn't drop. You aren't consciously doing it, it just happens. You yourself aren't fucking with gravity, you can't just alter it at will, gravity is fucked around you.
With the access to BIG AoE attacks. Like, BIG. That work from a distance.
This is the kind of guy that you just nuke from an other continent.
I didn't say it's just changed withouut him doing it, I said you're assuming he can't change it and keep it that way for however long he feels like.
>he feels like
Exactly. A conscious element is required.
>Perfect attacks/defense are what made Exalted bad.
They were great in 1E.
>The main villain of the campaign has the power to fuck with hit detection.
>How do you balance this?
How though.
Is this villain making bullets curve around him, or confusing people so they can't aim, or exists on a different plane of reality so bullets pass through him, or?
Yes, and looping back to the original point: in order to be "faster" than him changing it, you'd basically have to attack him from the past or or future or something. Which isn't faster so much as having a counter ability
>How else am I supposed to say "guy who can change whether or not he actually hit" without sounding like an ass?
By telling us what you see happening.
Like, I still have no idea what he's actually doing.
I think he meant kinda like these
Nope, because you attack him before he's even realised you're there.
You are failing to grasp the concept of "keeping his hitbox changed"
even if you go for a headstab, there are like eight other spots it could be ASSUMING he is limited by another head space in a 3x3x3 cube. you are ROLLING THE DICE without knowing jack shit no matter how much a speedster you are unless you can hit ALL THE PLACES, then he wouldnt really be a challenge because you overwhelmed him.
his hit and hurt boxes could be all over the fucking place while yours are where ever the fuck he wants before you know what your going to hit and where at. you have to know his deal first.
the hit and hurt boxes are all over the place and YOU CANT SEE THEM OR WHEN AND HOW
This. Its fairly easy to describe KC's function and use-case. Does it make perfect sense in all scenarios? No, but neither do most fantastically unreal nuggets of bullshit. Most cool ideas like that break down, and most break down faster than KC.
Following steam hitboxes, it works with how much the server is compensating with damage falloff and ping.
Therefore, if a PC is moving at a rate slower than the highest movement rate of the villian, they leave behind what are after images in adjacent spaces that a villain can attack as though the PC's were present in.
So in effect- it's like that effect you get when you're in a changing room and two mirrors are facing one another, and now have to be conscious of the reflections to survive.
Additionally, quickturning/moving around is also a danger as the hitbox may not adapt in time, and despite changing directions, you may still on a technical level be viewed as in the same place, meaning attacks that would miss due to reaction have a 50% chance of going through, irregardless.
So, basically, it's a matter of not trusting your safety unless you're two steps ahead opposed to one.
This is probably the worst if the enemy is sniping you, because of sniping being more of a thing of prediction, quick reflexes and just waiting for people with predictable movement to move into the villians sights.
Unrelated, but these are entirely due to how DS2's rolling works. Rather than just using I-frames like the other two games, your hitbox is actually slower than your movements, and is rooted in place for a split second when you first initiate a roll. Leveling Adaptability speeds up your hit-ghost.
It's more time-fuckery than hitbox fuckery.
yeah, but im going by looks, not whats actually going on under the hood. i know ds2 was messed up as far as the series goes.
also there are no i-frames irl. THATS WOULD BE A COOL STAND POWER THO. brb making vidya theme enemy stands with things like hitstun and i-frame powers. actually did one earlier for hitstun, where the user gets to hit consecutive hits easier due to the slowdown, but only slightly and makes the most using uzis. but i guess its kinda dumb because the solution is dont get hit but bad guys are suppose to be op.
To sort of bend it back to relevency, perhaps that could be a way to use what OP suggested in a way that isn't so gamey and contrived; the BBEG is essentially viewing movement as a dimensional spectrum, making it easier to hit things.
ha, like donnie darko streams you bump around. but i think op meant how each of us would explain to balance it. so what you proposed sounded like either be a quantum physics wizard insight/goggles or have some kind of unnatural control of your own fate.
I guess to balance something like that, you could have the BBEG be blind, and can only see these streams. Therefore, in order to limit his attacks, you have to move as little as possible.
Tell him I fucked his mom and to fight me IRL not online and see what happens?
then it seems more like a motion base reptile monster than a irl life hax guy.
maybe running around to mix up the lifestreams making it harder to predict, since he is still a person with a limited three dimensional vision. a playbook misdirection, then a sneak attack can be done.
It’s literaly just video editing: the superpower.
>second CW crossover
>reverse flash shows up
>but he’s got Tom cavanagh’s face
>”wait how are you alive you died like twice because of time shenanigans”
>”also why aren’t you the blond guy”
>I know, time travel is so confusing, isn’t it? Don’t worry about it. Also I look like this just to fuck with you
Name the stands after vidya.
>this is the power of my Stand, [Red Dead Redemption]!