All the races supposedly evolved naturally, there's magic but it's not prevalent, and the places in society that the races occupy is pretty basic and obvious.
and what really pisses me off is I've wanted a modern fantasy movie for ever. And not one like Harry Potter or Dresden where there's magic but it's a secret world, I wanted a world where the fantasy races and magic were fully ingrained in the world. Which is what Bright is, which just pisses me off even more.
Modern Fantasy is still in it's roughest stage in the West. That's why the standards for it are so low that people are willing to eat up poorly written and conceived modern fantasies like Bright or Dresden.
In the next 5-10 years though, we should finally start to see some stuff that doesn't completely suck, likely by ripping off ideas from Japan. We already have big shot western directors and producers stealing ideas from there.
Liam Turner
we wuz warlords n shiet
But joking aside, the writing was some of the most hamfisted bullshit I've seen (and I didn't even realize it was Max Landis until halfway through the movie) and they did absolutely nothing interesting or noteworthy with the premise and setting that the movie took upon itself.
Massive missed opportunity, one of the least imaginative and most poorly executed movies I've seen for a while. It would be on the same level as Ghost in the Shell with ScarJo except at least that has the excuse of being a shameless Hollywood cash grab.
tl;dr yes the setting is shit. Also fuck Max Landis who sold the script alone for 3.5 million dollars.
Jaxon Perez
When you find the producers that are willing to fund a film that requires completely rewriting history based on the world always having fantasy races in it your desires will be met.
Though I imagine if such a setting were made it would just trigger people, because if crossbreeding can occur there'd be no reason for 85% of the population to be whatever race is a blend of those fantasy races.
Jeremiah Collins
This is why western media can't implement fantasy in a modern setting. They cant shit out lore, or describe how the movie's world works.
The movie was an OK movie. Nothing incredible but still the closes will ever get to a Shadow Run movie.
Samuel Ramirez
I liked the movie mostly because Jakoby was actually a fun character, but I will agree they definitely didn't do enough with the premise.
Dylan Williams
>there's magic but it's not prevalent
No this is exactly what makes it awesome. Call of Cthulhu has the same “problem” but it’s the rarity of magic is what makes the setting do much more compelling when you actually encounter it.
Wyatt Sullivan
This really isn't a reason. Most fantasy settings come with shit loads of backstory anyway. There's no difference between a medieval setting and a modern one in terms of lore. It doesn't have to take place on Earth, it could be it's own world, just in a modern age. Also, 85% of the population would not be cross breeds, cause we don't even have that in the real world.
I don't know, I just hate the "Only special people can use magic." trope
Liam Collins
Im sure everyone using magic will make the setting better.
I mean, when everyone could use the force in star wars it made the prequels amazing.
Nathaniel Adams
Chase Baker
Fundamentally rewriting history to include prevalent magic is a goddamn project. Better to just gloss over shit and add monster girls like /a/
Michael Martin
Magic is a universal force, with the right knowledge anyone should be able to use it, like magnetism
Jose Howard
Hudson Davis
Everyone can read a physics book. Only a handful can comprehend it, less so can do anything meaningful with it.
Jackson Moore
In a way that might even be more interesting. A world that's genuinely different from the real world is basically, well, a different world. A fantasy setting that just happens to have modern technology. A world regonizably ours, but with maigic added, feels entirely dofferent. It's a different genre. The combination of familiar and fantastic is what makes a modern fantasy setting, in my opinion, and that combination requires the world to be familiar enough.
Michael Clark
Yeah but that's a limitation of inelegance which can be overcome with study. It's not "Oh, looks like you were born with the special magic gene, only you and people like you can do magic cause you're so special, you special snowflake you."
Brandon Scott
That is not a real explanation. Whether magic is a force like magnetism depends on the setting, and arguably not everyone in the real world has wht it takes to understand things like magnetism. Magic could well be closer to truly creative artistic expression, which isn't something that can easily be taught or learned.
Zachary Smith
Becoming, say, an Olympic athlete requires natural talent. People with talent still need to put in the effort, but an average person just can't do it, no matter the effort. It's fine for magic to be like that. Maybe everyone can have a sixth sense or some shit, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with only special, talented people being able to make a meaningful use of magic.
Chase Davis
Sure, we agree on creative artistic expression, but if that was the case, not anyone can paint a master painting but anyone can draw a circle, so by that logic, anyone should be able to pick up a wand and perform the absolute most basic of spells.
Aaron Hernandez
Once you get to the point everyone can do it, you reach a point you must explain why it is not used.
If everyone can use it, why did your people evolve past cave people who can summon fire and meat? Why has there even been a conflict with nature unless you make the planet magical, in which case how is the planet not beyond what you can design? How can there still be strife, conflict or loss when you have everyone able to manipulate the fundamental forces of the universe?
This comes with having to describe where the magic comes from, how it has shaped history and what can people born after the first arch mage actually do besides be in an eternal struggle to catch up with people at the finish line?
Lucas Morgan
Now you're just arguing limitations. Sure there would be some people who are naturally more adapt at magic, just like there are people who are just naturally adept at anything, but that doesn't mean that Olympic level runners are the only people in the wold who can run, anyone can run, the Athlete just trained their body to do it better and longer.
Andrew Cruz
This. I watched Bright yesterday and liked it, but the more I thought about it the more I realized that I liked Nick, not the film he was in.
Oliver Ross
It kind of impressed me how much I hated everyone but Nick. Someone in another thread said it best, I think, when they said that the filmmakers actually succeeded in making a Will Smith character completely unlikable.
Dominic Lopez
>Sure, we agree on creative artistic expression, but if that was the case, not anyone can paint a master painting but anyone can draw a circle, so by that logic, anyone should be able to pick up a wand and perform the absolute most basic of spells.
not if they lack the fundamental physical (or spiritual) ability to do so. it's less like lacking talent and more like lacking a limb or organ. a guy without a brain isn't drawing any circles just like a guy without a soul can't use the warp in 40k.
Josiah James
How's that 'saying it the best' when Will Smith's character isn't completely unlikeable?
Ryan Cox
Ok sure, if someone is 'mystically disabled' they wouldn't be able to use magic. Ok, whatever.
Asher Cox
the movie got ruined by the heavy as fuck ham-fisted allegorical messages; >RACISM IS BAYUD! >WE WUZ WARLORDS N SHIET! >THEM PRUTTY WHITE BITCHES GOT ALL THE MUNNY! but yeah nick was the only good character in the movie, admitingly got a chuckle out of will smith beating a fairy to death with a broom
William Taylor
To be a firefighter, you have to pass a series of physical tests. To become a missleman, you have to pass a series of psychological tests. Kids can't always grow up to become anything they wish.
Austin Carter
>This is actually a pretty boring setting no it is not just because you didn´t like it as it is. Do your fucking movie or fanfic or novel or whatever the fuck you want, don´t be a fucking whinning pussy, i`m tired of scum like you on Veeky Forums, fuck you.
Michael Bennett
yeah, you hate it, some other no, get over it, pussy
Carson Ramirez
go to /tv/ faggot, what the fuck are you doing here talking shit about a fucking movie??? get the fuck outta here, faggot
Jason Cruz
wtf is a panahu?
Isaiah Cook
Polynesian walrus-people maybe?
Isaiah Gomez
MFW someone uses swaim's face for anything ever
Luke Collins
>More Elves than Dwarfs
that's dumb, the ratios should be reversed
Kayden Scott
Did they ever show a dwarf? I don't remember seeing anything but humans, orcs, and elves with one centaur cop.
Asher Morgan
One of the orc chiefs mentions that he used to have block parties with dwarfs and that they had BBQ's on their lawns. They sounded like they were going for hispanic vibe
Anthony Morris
If physics allowed you to command the elements and control time and space a lot more people would bother studying it.
Kayden Jackson
The statistics are really weird and feel clunky, but we don't really have any historical context into the how or why they are, so who the fuck knows.
There could be entire countries where fantastical races are the majority and this is all just poor immigration rates or something- Canada could be absolutely fucking loaded with Centaurs for instance or Giants. Without any compare and contrast, though, yeah, these numbers feel off.
I'd still like to see the infographs for every race though.
Levi Jenkins
through some googling, i found the chinese myth of the panhu. they are dragon dog shapeshifters, and basically look like dog kobolds.
Nicholas Gomez
this would have been an amazing movie if it was directed better
Kayden Jones
It was a buddy cop movie, directed by the same guy who did a much better cop drama called End of Watch. If you like buddy cop movies you're not getting anything you haven't seen before, the fantasy bit is just a gimmick that never fully gets explored in favor of your usual shtick you get in this kind of movie.
Jacob Turner
I'm not talking about the movie, I'm talking about the setting, faggot.
Adrian Barnes
A bloo bloo bloo bloo I cant enjoy anything without making it into something else first bloo bloo bloo
Jackson Barnes
Yeah, they enjoy it cause they want to be the 'special snowflake' who get's to be magic.
Jordan Bennett
(not) everybody can understand calculus, lots of people have aversion to maths even though is perfectly reasonable they could
perhaps magic just interacts with people in wierdly predictable(from a certain perspective) way
Evan Watson
worse than that user, Dwarves live in FLORIDA
Ryder Torres
"Florida Dwarf arrested after allegedly punching girlfriend over chocolate chip cookie, report says"
John Walker
That's fucking stupid. There's no mountains there and it's all swamp. It would make more sense if it was lizardmen who lived in Florida
Isaac Nelson
it's pretty simple really, there are jewish communities in Florida
Nicholas Butler
There's Space Mountain
Gabriel Brown
I don't like these stats, but am too autistic to not make my own version
-Humans: 50.4% -Orcs: 14% -Dwarfs: 8% -Goblins: 7% -Gnomes: 4% -Satyrs: 5% -Ogres: 3% -Centaurs: 2.5% -Elves: 2% -Merfolk: 1.8% (low cuz of ocean pollution) -Minotaurs: 1.5% -Giants: 0.5% -Vampires: 0.3% (Killed upon discovery) -Other magical creatures: Fairies, Pixies, Dryads, Nymphs Ents, Banshees, Skeletons, Trolls, Ghouls, Wendigo, Dragons, Kraken/Sea Kings, Manticores, Unicorns, Great Eagles, Gryphons, Pegasus, Golem, Great Tortoises, Yaoguai, Thunder Lizards, Great Elks, Giant Boars, Phoenixes, Giant Bats, Chimera, Hydras, etc. of course this is just the U.S.. there'd be a lot of regional stuff too (varanas monkey-men in India, foo dogs in China, Coatl's in Mexico, Domovoi in Russia, Sphinx in Egypt, etc.)
Daniel Peterson
I just want to tell someone, I laughed at "we gonna titty-bar-gunfight die," but I wish Will Smith would stop breaking character in movies.
Jason Martinez
How can Will Smith break character when all he plays in each movie is Will Smith with a different name?
Xavier Ward
In After Earth, he did a great job of playing a block of wood.
Levi Perez
Well, he needed to convince us that it was his son he was acting opposite.
Eli Miller
>Trigger Warning Entertainment What did they mean by this?
Connor Collins
This movie made me really, really want a shadowrun movie
Also why is everyone bullying will smith
Henry Powell
Because he’s black
Ryan Carter
William Nguyen
Physics does let you do that though
Jayden Bell
Don’t you assume his head cannon.
Aiden Cook
Having played with a person who played a pixie in a campaign once it was hilariously fucking therapeutic for me.
Angel Morris
No idea but I got a chuckle out of it for some unexplained reason.
Bentley Jenkins
It's not a quest, so it's Veeky Forums related.
Brody Carter
>wanting pseudoscientific magic
Fuck right off
Jace Ross
How would you describe magic?
Caleb Robinson
>Modern Fantasy is still in it's roughest stage in the West
Ian Thomas
itt retarded fucking nazis
go back to
Carson Martin
>they are basically cutebolds
Hunter Johnson
Have you ever heard of tolkien?
Christian Hill
Agreed, it's extremely overused and lazy. If a peasant can become a fighter by practicing fighting, nothing prevents him from becoming a magician by studying.
You can train yourself to do both of those from the blank slate. The only exceptions are people who severely fucked on a genetic level, and those are minorities.
Everybody can understand calculus up to a certain level, just like everyone should be able to get at least simple magic in modern fantasy. Obviously only people who study real hard can get to Fireball, Timestop, etc, just like how there are relatively few GREAT artists, salesmen, scientists, etc in our world.
Owen Hughes
One-note autism is silly. "Magic is special" is hardly overused. Either you're just being an idiot or you genuinely don't consume enough fiction, contemporary or otherwise. Maybe it was overused fifty years ago.
Matthew Young
You getting mad at someone else's setting because you think it's boring is on you buddy. Suspending your disbelief a bit is a hallmark of fantasy writing. It's not like we know much about the world's history in the first place, short of Jirak and the prophecy. Like fuck off. Go shit up wbg or something with this garbage post.
David Torres
fucking elves, i knew it
Jace Miller
I liked it. If magic was real, then of course the would outlaw it and keep it for .
Nathan Walker
and of course, the are led by an elf
Connor Campbell
Was pretty annoyed the dark lord didn't have a name. He was just "dark lord"
Dylan Reyes
In unknown armies, technically any human with average Soul stat (a hodpodge of empathy, charisma, creativity and mystical attunement) can do magic, however, they must fulfil any of these conditions to attain some sort of paranormal powers:
1-Use elaborate rituals which most don´t work, aren´t really cost effective, and sometimes are just traps laid by demons to posses you.
2- Be crazily obsessed with a particular item or dogma, whether it be porn, democracy, self-mutilation, money..etc.. Think of crazy cat lady levels of obsessed.
3-Follow an archetype, that is, try to mold your image to mimic a particular aspect of human nature: the Mother, The Warrior, The True King...etc.
Justin Reyes
That's the classic-est fantasy there fucking is. He means "urban" fantasy where it's modern people and tech but with magic and/or fantasy races.
Wyatt Roberts
You are the kind of jerk who sits down to play in a well written custom campaign and tries to tell the DM how his own world works. All because muh-headcan on.
Go neck yourself in the good of all that is creativity.
Austin Sanchez
That may have been me user. I keep saying that it might be human, might be real or good characterisation but will smith is not a character I want to see or be exposed to for the entire film. We see him try to balance his beliefs, what a good person "should" think and his attitude toward the new weight of negative attention and just comes off as another racist nigger.
He seems to hold genuine hostility for Nick, from blaming his partner for getting shot. He is all too willing to suspect racial issues, constantly berates the orc and yet still has the gall to tell his daughter that all are equal and holds himself like some kind of good person for resisting the movie's attempts to kick Nick out. It's just not a fun character and the resolution comes from a line or two and a limited improvement in his actions
Tyler Carter
Adam Butler
On the other hand, just seeing an opening credits montage like the Watchmen movie but historical events altered by magic existing instead of altered by superheroes existing would be amazing.
Adrian Jackson
The setting establishing graffiti at the beginning may have actually been the best part of the movie.
Cooper Rogers
>you genuinely don't consume enough fiction, contemporary or otherwise. Perhaps, can you recommend modern fantasy settings where magic is potentially available to everyone? I'd like to get some inspiration.
??? I think i've never saw such a random reply before. Can you please explain where your assumptions came from and how are they related to my post?
Adam Clark
Not him, but the fact that you went >I don't like that idea, this is how it really works and blatantly ignored the setting that was being discussed.
Thomas Gonzalez
Who would make better cuisine in the Bright setting:
Elves, because long history of art and culture and beauty and zip-a-dee-doo-dah?
Or Orcs, because they so often find themselves actually working in so many kitchens as displayed on-screen during the movie?
Evan Myers
Are they being judged on flavor alone? Or is presentation, technique, and creativity also a scoring factor?
I can see orc being more of a Drive-ins, Diners and Dives type food. Elves seem more like they would consider themselves too good for TV so why give out their cooking secrets on camera?
That being said elves would destroy orcs at iron chef.
Eli Campbell
>How can there still be strife, conflict or loss when you have everyone able to manipulate the fundamental forces of the universe?
I'm pro-rare-magic, but this I can at l;east see existing due to competing ideologies. I mean, it would be even worse than any conflict we have had in history. Shit, maybe some factions have been written out of time because they didn't develop defenses against it fast enough.
It's fucking magic, if you make it ubiquitous, make it interesting for fucks sake.
Joshua Rogers
Food critics would prefer food cooked by elves, the layman would prefer food cooked by orcs.
Julian Jackson
It'd be like comparing French cooking to southern style barbecue. The French might be technically more quality to a foodie but the orc cooking will be a crowd pleaser.
Anthony Williams
Somehow I picture elves timing out in cooking challenges.
Like all their food takes something to the tune of 3 days to make, but a mortal will orgasm themselves to death at the taste once it's done.
Ian Perez
Still better than the new star wars
Evan Allen
I see Veeky Forumss Honeymoon phase is over
Sebastian Brown
I can get on board with this. Their meat seasoning one would take days some to make.
Bentley Wright
Damn straight.
Benjamin Perez
Can you imagine how long an apprentice elven chef would have before being allowed to even touch the utensils?
Months of meditating on the various temperatures, grilled (no pun intended) over the minutiae of how the metalwork int he cooking ware influenced, however so subtle, the flavors of the food, they would need to know how each and every item was forged and developed, so they can truly understand their purpose, and therefore use.
Great chefs of men and dwarves are born and die as the elves train their young to truly appreciate the fine craft which is cookery.