ITT: We post Meso American Characters/Protraits.
Meso American Fantasy
there is zero way that loincloth isnt hiding a gigantic jaguar penis
Are jaguarboys okay?
i like the outfit, but what the fuck is up with those giant slabs? they had actual weapons that actually looked cool and unique. what the fuck is up with giving him giant unrealistic plain looking stone cleavers?
wrong continent
Maybe. What's up with his leg
got eaten by the crocodile that became the world
we wuz native american
Real talk, avoid inspiration from faux-Mesoamerican sources like the art in this thread and instead just go to the source material. This fakey stuff is really bastardized and doesn't accurately depict much about what the different civilizations of the region we all about.
>The Dresden Codex is the oldest surviving book from the Americas, dating to the thirteenth or fourteenth century. The codex was rediscovered in the city of Dresden and is how the Maya book received its present name. It is located in the museum of the Saxon State Library in Dresden, Germany.
>The book received serious water damage during World War II. The pages are 8 inches (20 cm) high and can be folded accordion-style; when unfolded the codex is 12 feet (3.7 m) long. It has Mayan hieroglyphs and refers to an original text of some three or four hundred years earlier, describing local history and astronomical tables.
Some of it is good for getting the imagination going, but I just think that actual Aztec/Maya/Inca/etc designs should get more appreciation since there is a lot to work with.
What about this?
ok i'll post some
idk if this counts. also sorry my first post wasnt character art. unless you wanna pay a big stone snake....
I mean, it's anime garbage and everything is wrong and based on the shallowest understanding of the ancient Maya. But I guess that's the point? Even from this short clip I can tell their is some kind of weird culture bashing going on.
Check out the Codex Mendoza for examples of the really crazy costumes warriors would wear. This book is a record of taxes and has pictures of the tribute, so we know what many Maya soldiers would have looked like.
Also, everyone always gets the pyramids wrong. They were never painted solid colors with barely any decoration, they were covered in murals and sculptures that don't get preserved over time like the stone foundation does. Luckily the largest pyramids are built on top of older, smaller ones and sometimes those are preserved better than the outer layer.
wow okay going into this i thought i would have more to contribute, but i can mostly just find mesoamerican monsters or other kinds of native american character art, but not much mesoamerican character art. sorry.
There is also a ton of maya vases that depict all sorts of shit that are just easily available online. It's sad that these kinds of sites are readily available and totally unused as inspiration/reference.
This is a cup for drinking chocolate that depicts people playing a ball game. There were a bunch of ball games with different rules and ball sizes. Some were beach-ball sized but made of solid rubber, sometimes with a human skull at the center (as depicted on some other vases, but not skull-balls have yet been discovered). Sports were an important part of the religion, too. They would have real games, but also ritual mock games for propaganda purposes.
Which tezcatlipoca is that supposed to be? If it's the black tezcatlipoca, where's his peg-leg?
>furfags and peders
Yeah great thread thanks guys
How accurate is that Mel Gibson movie?
While some art assets are kind of accurate, the Maya depicted are not realistic. It's based on an outdated understanding of the ancient Maya. Before we discovered their use of canals and other intensive agricultural techniques, slash-and-burn farming was thought to be the only option, and their is a hard population limit based on how much food a section of rain forest can produce before the soil loses it's nutrients. So it was thought that nearby farmers would sustain a small population of priests who resided in the pyramids. Turns out they could feed a lot more people, there were kings and some queens, and everything was a lot more complex. Also, Maya cities are often depicted as being surrounded by jungle, but core samples taken from nearby lakes suggest the surrounding area of a city was heavily deforested, so it would be difficult to just stumble upon a civilization on accident. They also had trade networks between cities, a merchant-class, and farmed toads for their hallucinogenic excretions.
Hey, I'm trying to help.
Forgot the detailed link to a paper about how inaccurate Apocalypto.
And also another great resource for ancient Mesoamerican stuff.
This Tezcatlipoca is more accurate.
Ass not fat enough.
Holy shit, Huemac sounds like a real patrician. A fan of thicc women, big asses, and getting laid with deities and sorceresses.
What a fucking legend.
I want to FUCK the strongest man in the world.
>loves this big ass
>fucks bitches
>fucks traps
what a player