So I just picked up some Warp Talons for my new World Eater army, is this good to make them more World Eatery or fluff wise is the box itself as good as they get? I generally like to make my models as close to that faction as possible and have no idea what World Eater Warp Talons look like.
Justin Johnson
A painter at GW
Brayden Carter
Oh... oh my god this explains too much.
Feel like I got a rush to my head, like I stood up quickly.
Aiden Fisher
That is the warp overtaking you.
It is a good pain.
Daniel Long
Question: I'm currently building my imperial fists, I have the Dark Imperium stuff, 5 extra hellblasters, an old cybot and sternguard vets. I also have a 5-man kill team.
How would I outfit the sternguard vets and kill team? I would assume melee? Especially the kill team, they have so many options.
Jaxon Hughes
Well, this is Tzeentch, isn't it? It's supposed to give you a headache when you look at it. Her other stuff is more restrained not by much
Leo Martinez
His sword is broken
Luis Butler
Why haven't you joined the Greater Good.
William King
>Female marines when? N E V E R Make plastic Sisters and Chaos Sisterhood.
Adrian Garcia
I wish they hired her to record painting tutorials. Duncan is a legend, but the show could use more presenters.
Kayden Scott
I have an interesting challenge. My Biologis admech I've been posting occasionally is halfway through a major refit, stripping stuff and rebuilding stuff and having new stuff in many subassemblies. In the next couple days a lot of it was going to start coming back together with the requisite amount of paint on it. Then suddenly an old gaming buddy announces he's back in town and his new Covens army wants a scrap, and Deldar pouncing on a weakened army at exactly the right moment is fluffy as hell so I'm taking him up on it tomorrow.
Do you guys want me to do a batrep even if it means that most of my units are grey, primed or half-stripped? It's pretty much the nadir of my army aesthetics at the moment, most of it has barely progressed from pic related.
Also, I need to make a list to fight Dark Eldar with half my army out of action or needing to be speedbuilt at the store. I have:
Dominus, with another unbuilt 10 Vanguard with 3 Plascals and Omnispex 10 regular Rangers w/ 2 Omnispexes, 4 extra Arquebus rangers.
3 Kataphron Destroyers with grav and phosphor 2 Dakkastelans and their Datasmith 1 Dunecrawler with half-stripped legs, but functional. Can pick Icarus or Neutron 1 Dunecrawler with fully magnetized top half but legs still on sprue, which will probably be my primary quickbuild focus before the game. Grey, but what can you do.
I'm thinking I go Battallion, take the Domini if I can get them built or the Enginseer and 1 Dominus if I can't, 2x2 Arquebi squads. Bring the Elimination Volley and try to shoot some down with Ignore Cover given that a 20-Fulg stygies alpha strike probably won't accomplish much even with a kitted buffbot HQ against Deldar since they'll just take the single loss before darting away from the 3++ block and ignoring them. Use the Dragoons and Infiltrators to try to harass. Icarus Crawlers or Neutron for possible Pain Engines?
Nicholas Sanchez
Carter Harris
Sit down, be humble.
Alexander Taylor
>Do you guys want me to do a batrep even if it means that most of my units are grey, primed or half-stripped? no
Angel Jackson
Aiden Wright
doesn't even look like marine armour anymore
Robert Jackson
It's 2017 and GW still struggles with female faces.
Jordan Martin
Anyone that skins an eldar and wears them is okay with me.
Alexander Cooper
But seriously nice art, but I still claim eldar armiur from DOW3 was best.
Bentley Morris
what rifle is that? FN FNC?
Jordan Cook
How should I outfit scourges? all splinter cannons sounds good, but I only have one. The sergeant can't take a heavy weapon either, right? I don't want to use dark lances because I don't want to put up with the shooting penalty
Aiden Thompson
It's the new amazing Primigenius marines, created by the returned primarch Sanguinius! Aren't you happy?
Camden Jones
Tell me what the price of a mile is.
Hudson Hill
I like them i helmets more.
Luis Collins
As high as needed/
Owen Cruz
Heat Lances
Austin Rivera
Did you see the reaction to peachy on here? It would go terrible and you know it.
Nolan White
That a boy, user.
Easton Brown
This again...
Fuck off to reddit. This isn't a board to go around asking "Whats this list like" or "How do I build X Veeky Forums" Seriously starting to hate you people, use your own fucking brain for just five minutes you dumb shit.
Hunter Perry
'Bout tree-fiddy
Alexander Sullivan
I have no idea what you're talking about
Mason Morris
pretty good Sabaton song?
Ayden Ramirez
$40. Now do you want it? I have other buyers...
Jackson Rodriguez
>Sternguard 2x Heavy Flamers everyone else with Combi Flamers and use as crowd control/anti-deep strikers. >tfw at 8 inches range you put out 2D6 Heavy Flamer shots + 8D6 Flamer shots + 8 or 16 bolter shots.
Benjamin Wilson
Adrian Johnson
>craftworld an sheat
Ian Kelly
What crawled up your ass? If you're going to tell him to fuck off at least direct him to the /wip/ thread.
Connor Peterson
Kek. Sounds like someone is stingy here.
Michael Wood
The entire planet
Hunter Parker
Alright, that sounds like a plan.
Robert Butler
Should have been a necron.
Sebastian Clark
Success breeds jealousy
Luis Edwards
lore question
if i were to say "well that was chaotic"
would that cause warp fuckery?
Sebastian Lee
>implying old ones weren't independent women of colour
Alexander King
Xavier Robinson
What? I just wanted a bit of guidance? Seriously man whats your problem?
Anthony Rogers
I need good choices of Helmet and Torso from Anvil for my guard. Suggestions?
Dominic Bailey
still not the most autistic poster to ever grace /wip/ Here's looking at you Church-user
Aaron Gomez
No, the warp isn't voldemort
Oliver Miller
Colton Walker
No, thats not the point retard. He wants his fucking hand held rather than figuringn stuff out himself. Its pathetic.
He can fuck off to Reddit for all I care
A bit of guidance? You want us to tell you what to buy? Sure, buy them. Blue tac them to your fucking talons. Happy now? Did that answer your question? No? Then you see how assanine that fucking question was.
Hunter Rodriguez
why are you so angry? is there stuff going on, perhaps at home or work, that's upsetting you and you'd like to talk about? I'm here for you man
Mason Sanchez
I want you to accept that and wallow in your suffering knowing you will never see them in your lifetime.
And I want you to rant and bitch for years after Sisters of Battle get plastic minis, refusing to buy them non-stop because they aren't female marines.
not realizing you could do a little work and make them exactly that.
and when you are finally dying from some terrible disease in your old age, I will be there to consume your bittered soul as you die, knowing that your inability to just go out and get some third party minis and customize your own stupid army instead of begging a company to do something for you.
you lazy shit.
Austin Gomez
Is it worth it playing Catachan if I'm only interested in Marbo? Would people be mad if I used my regular Cadian sculpts?
Samuel Sanchez
Easton Parker
Take your meds dude, they were prescribed for a reason
Matthew Ramirez
Is there a chance he's right?
Grayson Lopez
Not him but I’m getting more bitter each passing year.
The only good thing that has happen this years is that I sold the fucking huge house. Empty rooms and empty tables did not help.
Jace Brooks
50/50 either he is or he isn't
Matthew Sanchez
Gone but not forgotten.
Adam Garcia
that's not how that wor... oh never mind
Bentley Murphy
Ignoring this austist, can anyone clarify my question? What would World Eater Warp Talons look like? Like normal warp talons or shall I add these extras? Or got a different idea?
Kayden Ward
Hudson Wright
What was his point?
Ian Reyes
Gonna need a quick rundown
Easton James
Square bases > plastic sisters
John Garcia
ill cut you
Austin Bell
Friendly reminder, they said early next year.
Andrew Ward
>user posts knight in /wip/ >someone points out that the base looks like it has a tiny church on it >others agree >user spergs out about scale for the rest of thread
Sebastian Perez
An user who used churches for his knights to stand on. I think. No this is right.
Landon Flores
A GW officials too.
Adam Martin
No, honestly fuck off. See, no one wants to help you.
Because you shouldn't be posting here. Now stop same-fagging and leave.
Aiden Lewis
So January 2018.
Wyatt Hughes
I always forget how big titans are.
Jonathan Morales
Demons codex? That is like saying the sky is blue
Zachary Foster
>but for an extra $35 you can make your boring Cadians look kinda cool with our resin accessory pack from forge world
Oliver Howard
Please neck yourself so there is no chance for your autism to spread.
Luke White
Makes the Imperator look like a child.
Nolan Adams
Jason Torres
What scale is a Leman Russ?
Henry Howard
Wait is that a titan church?
Xavier Sanchez
Cadians? With those helmets I'd make Hua Yuan.
Angel Evans
I see Forgeworld just makes bootlegs of what other companies are doing except they managed to make them look even more rough and misshapen.
Colton Ross
28mm heroic.
Samuel Jones
Is this as large as Dreadoughts ever get?
Also, which one of these is the most powerful of the bunch?
Blake King
Knight church. There is only one thing I know that surpasses it. The might Churchnought.
Ryan Rodriguez
Worth it! Especially if you kitbash a bit to extend the bits over multiple squads.
Ayden Fisher
Don't be thick
Adam Perez
like normal warp talons c'ept painted in red and with Khorne motifs on them
Jaxson Lewis
That's comfy.
Man snow is comfy.
Mason James
Stop shitting this board up with your hand holding faggot. No one is helping you because this isnt the place to be asking you stupid shit.
Thomas Sanders
Aren't those the Chinese Cyberpunk guard? I'd love to see someone make a proper army of them.
Julian Foster
Yeesh, this img is brutal.
Liam Baker
Lorgar did nothing wrong
Can't wait for him to make his triumphant return and be way more powerful than any other Primarch.
Reminder that his latent psychic potential was higher than anyone's, and he's absolutely tapped into it by now, as well as having the undivided boon of Chaos.
Andrew Long
The Telemon is the biggest, and therefore since it's the biggest it's also the most powerful