"I really like using fey as antagonists" GM: >"Did you know that not all fairies are Tinkerbell? Really, they're not all Tinkerbell! They're basically all evil and malicious tricksters, but dohohoho, don't you dare call them 'evil,' they just don't follow puny mortal morality. I know lots about them from a sample size of like two or three cherry-picked 'folk talkes'!"
"I really like using vaguely Lovecraftian entities as antagonists" GM: >"Don't you find it so awesome and compelling how they're so eldritch and inscrutable? They're, like, way above any other lame gods or demon lords or super-archmages or whatever. And of COURSE they exist in this setting, at the same power level and hierarchy! The monsters are great because they make you go crazy and have tentacles!"
Do any other antagonist creature types tend to inspire smug senses of superiority in GMs and Veeky Forums posters?
Jose Bennett
>Do any other antagonist creature types tend to inspire smug senses of superiority in GMs and Veeky Forums posters?
Yes. Any creature ever.
Nathan Allen
'master manipulators', especially when female for some reason, expect them to have a backstory which involves them climbing to power due to being a ruthless genius who's too smart for silly things like honour or loyalty.
Thomas Walker
>I know lots about them from a sample size of like two or three cherry-picked 'folk talkes'!" Annnnnnndd OP is lying out his ass, having never played or heard of Ravenloft in the 2nd edition. 5eniggers need to fucking die.
Lucas Kelly
Spotted the feyfag. Oh yeah, "fae," that's what you call them.
Logan Robinson
It's 'Look how clever I am' in NPC form. They probably get an obnoxiousness bonus from being female because 'nobody expects the woman'. Despite the fact that that's the first damn thing I expect whenever a manipulator is involved. It's the fucking innocent-looking secretly-a-bitch tiddymonster. The way I do manipulators is that they fight the PCs because the PCs are the first people to knock them out of their comfort zone and their egos can't handle it. They HAVE to win! They're a master manipulator! They're THEM!
Joshua Hernandez
fae are little shits that stab your toes and steal your shitty little brothers trolls are modern day fae
Carter Sanchez
>What is the Unseelie court Getting real tired of your shit.
Thomas Murphy
A whole lot of fairy tales are parables in the "Be a good dude, get rewarded/left in peace, be a dick, get kidnapped/eaten/cursed" kind of way.
So I guess Unseelie are dicks to other dickheads.
Or maybe you'll go around claiming that X, Y, and Z monsters are "fae" and would count as "fae" even in, like, D&D or some such shit.
Jaxon Bailey
Nigga, I am not talking about you're contemporary fairytales that made Fey/Fae, I'm on about the ones established in D&D for Ravenloft.
Andrew James
If you don't like what your GM does then GM your own games. If you care about what other people think is fun then get over yourself, you child.
Luis Parker
Fey in D&D, you say. Let us see...
>Pixies 2e: Neutral 3.X: Neutral good Pathfinder: Neutral good 4e: Unaligned (also a PC race) 5e: Neutral good
>Sprites 2e: Neutral (good) Pathfinder: Chaotic neutral 5e: Neutral good
>Grigs 2e: Neutral good 3.X/Pathfinder: Neutral good 4e: Unaligned
>Dryads 2e: Neutral 3.X/Pathfinder: Chaotic good 4e: Unaligned (also a PC race, as hamadryads) 5e: Neutral
>Nymphs 2e: Neutral (good) 3.X/Pathfinder: Chaotic good 4e: Unaligned
>Satyrs 2e: Neutral 3.X/Pathfinder: Chaotic neutral 4e: Unaligned (also a PC race) 5e: Chaotic neutral
The "iconic" fey hardly seem that malicious. Alignments are objective cosmic assessments, seldom "These are evil to humans even though they think themselves good."
Juan Gonzalez
>if you don't like the restaurant, make your own restaurant
Robert Baker
You have a kitchen, don't you? Make your own food.
Joseph Price
>they just don't follow puny mortal morality. Evil is a nebulous concept, but this has been used as a definition.
Landon Hughes
Tell that to the faefags.
Jackson Stewart
So are you a feyfag or a pseudoLovecraftianfag?
Liam Garcia
>5e >objective cosmic assessments The only reason 5e has alignment at all is to please the 3.PFags. It does virtually nothing and has little to no bearing on creature or character. Hell, Detect Good and Evil just tells you if the target is a fey/fiend/celestial/undead rather than their alignment.
David Nguyen
Oh shit, is that you demiplane of dreams user? Still, not the unseelie courts brand of Fey though.
Levi Reyes
>Ravenloft is all D&D You fucking wish.
Adam Smith
Exalted taught me how much of assholes fae can be.
Parker Fisher
>It's the fucking innocent-looking secretly-a-bitch tiddymonster.
So what you're saying is, nobody will REALLY suspect the smug-looking, openly bitchy loli.
Adrian Gonzalez
Kobolds >WAHAHAHAHA, I read Tucker's Kobolds when I was fifteen, now every weak monster in the book acts like they're trained commandos backed by Rube Goldberg machines! This is what you get for underestimating me, dad!
Liches >They're the greatest monsters, whose entire lives are dedicated to their arcane studies and totally live forever, no matter what. Also, introducing this before you guys are ready totally isn't revenge for the time Dave used two spells to skip the dungeon I spent a week making.
Lycanthropes, or any of their flavors >Furries are people, too.
Eli Cook
>setting based around breaking the usual expectations of DnD has usually neutral or good beings acting evil instead
You don't say
John Ortiz
Human Antagonists GM AKA Babby's first introspection.
Josiah Watson
I certainly will be avoiding this due to having multiple innocent tiddymonsters. Seriously though if the GM is having the odd one out be the master manipulator they aren't doing things right.
Jaxon Wright
Thing is, Tinkerbell in the original Peter Pan is perfect for fairy representation. She isn't evil, she's actually a really nice girl. However she can only feel one emotion at a time so if she's angry, she won't stop till some fucker is dead. It's why she tries to have Wendy killed, she's jealous and that means Wendy needs to go, forever.
You meet a happy go lucky sprite in the forest who's all happy to play games but then you acidentally hurt it's feelings and find yourself waking up naked, lost and alone. Accidentally a whole fae taboo and find you made an enemy for life. However if you get out of there and come back a few days later when it's calmed down, it won't even be angry at you anymore.
Dominic Martinez
>Also, introducing this before you guys are ready totally isn't revenge for the time Dave used two spells to skip the dungeon I spent a week making.
So retool anything they saw and bring it back later you dumb shit.
Nathaniel King
>not having your evil genius be hobbled by her good intentions
Nathan Watson
If I present a smug enemy, I always make sure the players have an opportunity to completely and utterly humiliate that enemy, and I always make sure that enemy handles it very poorly. The payoff is literally the only point in having smug enemies, and if there's no payoff, then fuck off.
Jaxon James
OP's post was less about enemies who are smug and more about enemies who are usually used by a smug GM
Ian Baker
Let's not forget the lichfag who insists that the written rule "such as rings, amulets, or similar items" includes non-solid objects like "a glass of water dumped into the ocean", or outright non-objects like "another lich" or "the concept of love", because the phrasing "such as [...] similar items" means "literally everything" and not "similar fucking items in size and composition to a piece of jewelry", and how there's totally no rule saying a lich can't have billions and billions of phylacteries at once. You try to explain to him that a glass of water stops being a glass of water when it's dispersed in more water, for the same reason the standard metal box phylactery and virtually all magic equipment stops working when ground to dust, but he just goes RULE ZERO RULE ZERO IT'S MAGIC IT DOESN'T HAVE TO MAKE SENSE.
This is probably the same person who insists that the written rule "Off topic; all images and discussion should pertain traditional games such as board games, paper games, war games, and card games." includes video games, movies & TV, comics & cartoons, anime & manga, literature, music, real life history, real life science, tropes that appear in various media, [>a thing happened], and blatant fetish bait, because the phrasing "traditional games such as" means "literally everything" and not "any kind of traditional game as long as it's a traditional game".
Connor Nguyen
>don't you dare call them 'evil,' they just don't follow puny mortal morality. Of course I'm going to judge them by my own standards of morality. What other standard would I use?
Gabriel Clark
I'm more angry at the lichfags insisting that lichdom is just free immortality with absolutely no drawbacks, no matter what the setting rules say.
Jaxson Ramirez
what's the fucking point anyway if you just want to live forever? why not just use permanent polymorph on yourself?
Aaron Foster
I agree with your general sentiment but "fey" is as much a bullshit neologism as "fae" when applied to fairies.
It's alright, you probably meant to say fay.
Liam Nguyen
Some people take the Veeky Forums skeleton memes a little too seriously.