A dragon gets really drunk one day

>A dragon gets really drunk one day
>Seven dog generations later, the kingdom experiences an unexplained rise in dog sorcerers
What happens?

dragon passes out in a field, and some doggos help nurse his hangover
dragon takes them under his wing

lots of mage hands cast for good pats

>What happens?

A D&D 4E adventure.

They were all good boys.

The End


Is that a samoyed? What is wrong with his ears?

Maybe he's a mutt.

Also, you forgot to take off trip


Local necromancer gets boned when his skeleton army loses its thighbones to an army of doggos

dog casts "Find Familiar" gets a 10 year old boy
all the other dogs who have toads or pseudo-dragons are envious.

As a St Bernard owner I can confirm that's what happened

Well, in the MTG story, I imagine that is how Wasitora was made, only with Bolas as the dragon and Cats instead of dogs.

Maybe the sorcerers weren't originally dogs.

You have a very good dog on your hands

Mate, there's a fucking reason why Kobolds are Dog/Lizard hybrids.

Once upon a time, a Red Dragon Ran low on Bolds due to being a fat !notbara fuck and eating them on top of getting them killed in repelling invasions, some he got dogs, used polymorph and had them integrate with the remainder population.

I can safely say that that is a good dog.

There are suddenly many dog sorcerers

So let's say he impregnated one lady doggo and she had a litter of 6. 3 girls 3 boys.

Each of the boys could impregnate several females each year, and each girl has a litter of 6 as well. Even assuming each boy only has one litter that's 36 2nd gen dracodogs. 216 3rd gen next year with an additional 36 added into the 2nd gen. 4th, 1296. 5th, 7776. 6th, 46,656. 7th, 279,936. Plus all the extras in the next few years. And we're assuming every litter is 6, and every male dog only has once litter per year (so the number could be much higher.)

Now, I'm just a simple country hyper chicken... But that's a fuck ton of sorcerer dogs.

Please give that good boy a little kiss on his lil' head and say what a good boy he is

Also I believe dogs go into heat when they're about 6 months old? And they could possibly have two litters a year. Some breeds can have like 15 puppies too.

Time travel and shoot the vampire doggo with a silver bullet before she begins her reign of terror.

>tfw you were the good boy all along

That's a hell of a lot of neuterings too

Spay and neuter your dragons, folks.

It's a Great Pyrenees

Stealing this, thank you.

>Spay and neuter your dragons, folks
I'd like to see you try

>This what really happened to Bob Barker