This is a write-up from an Only War campaign me and some pals have been doing. I’m starting at our fourth session, so it might be a tad confusing. I’ll see about an abridged write-up for the first three, as there’s plenty to cover. For now, all you need to know is C Squad is from the 227th, who are defending Cadia from Chaos forces during the 13th Black Crusade. They were tasked with defending a hamlet called Goria, and have just been pushed back by an overwhelming assault.
Commissar Gravius was not having a good day. First, the archenemy had staged an all-out assault, then, his own troopers had failed to adequately hold the line. This might have had something to do with the amount of field executions Gravius had doled out for preliminary failure, but a man with a hat as impressive as his doesn’t need self-awareness. After the hamlet fell, a pair of cultists had come to take him prisoner.
So he’d field executed them, too.
The day was turning up.
In a building across the street, Yuriy the Ratling watched a commissar’s cap poke out the window of a blown out building. He shoved his spotter, Misha.
“Hey Misha, that’s the commissar.”
“What? Where?”
One would need to be blind or oblivious to miss the giant hat poking through the ruins. Unfortunately, the one thing Misha was, was oblivious. This was not the ideal trait for a spotter.
“Over there.”
Misha looked everywhere but the commissar, as he stepped out of the ruins, dusted himself off, and started strolling towards the enemy lines, bolt-pistol in hand.
Another cultist appeared around a corner, snatching watches from dead troopers. Commissar Gravius turned, and prepared to field execute him, but before he could, the man’s head exploded. After pondering whether his powers of execution had increased overnight, he realised the shot had come from behind and above him. He waved. A little ratling hand popped out from above a sniper’s hide, and waved back.