I see you're new here. You wouldn't side with the weaklings from the Camarilla would you?
I see you're new here. You wouldn't side with the weaklings from the Camarilla would you?
Other urls found in this thread:
Which side ends up with me jacking off on your tits?
Wait, wasn't she a tacit Camarilla? She didn't sound exactly Sabbat.
She was neither, Baron is anarch title.
>TFW no big-tittied Vampire GF.
Jenette, stop sucking human and Nossie penis and then when they're about cum you let me out!
>tfw no vampire girlfriend that stores the sucked blood in her boobs
*block your path*
Jeanette was Anarch, Therese was Camarilla.
Time to reinstall.
I literally just reinstalled it. Only a few games have that power.
Every time you mention it, someone reinstalls it.
It's a meme for a reason.
Flirting with Jeanette Voerman as Malkavian
Meeting Jeanette Voerman & Flirting
Major spoiler
Vampire: the Masquerade. Bloodlines. Saving both Therese and Jeanette
Goddamn her voice is so sexy.
I think doom and half life are the only games that can do that to me.
Maybe dues ex
It's vtmb and thief II for me
>Goddamn her voice is so sexy.
Isn't she the voice of Azula from Avatar?
>"She's a man-eater, oh-oh here she comes..."
must... resist... urge...
lmao, my first thought when I saw OP's post was that I wish Jeanette would switch to Therese while succing me. You know what they say, great brain think same.
>mfw childish Kindred still believing in their fictitious forefathers
Such primitive superstition you Westerns have.
Belief is a powerful thing. You should not dismiss it so easily.
FNV and EYE for me
So I've been watching Blade and I thought it was weird Pearl was fat. Can vampires in WoD be fat? Seem like their undead metabolism wouldn't allow excess fat.
The original Cathrine.
Fuck me now I have to download it
>inb4 that raptor in the museum basement
VtR has a "race" of vampires who cannot not be fat.
They absorb powers by cannibalism, if I recall correctly.
In general, being turned also locks you into however you were at the time, so it wouldn't be strange to have a lot of overweight vampires around.
Mine's pretty much the silent storm series
If the curse gets fucked up then yes.
There's like 2 ones in canon that were.
Tenta-rape yourself Mingbitch. I buttfucked your cathayan in Santa Monica, massacared your tong in chinatown, turned your mandarin into a dickless husk, and I got a whole lot of 5.56 with your name on it.
The last time that happened "Daddy" got his head blown off
just remember the second half. That kills the urge for me.
Money, right?
>You take a sip from your trusty Vault 13 canteen
>Your legs are OK
should be isolated
>mfw it's been over two years since CCP sold all the white wolf/VtM rights to Paradox
didn't they announce that werewolf game shortly after? two-three years ain't that bad considering that they make game from scratch and its Paradox we are talking about
Wasn't there going to be a Werewolf game?
And I don't mean that failed Vampire MMO that didn't have enough fssh
Never fear, in 2-3 years we'll have another failed World of Darkness game to add to the list.
I honestly can't wait for the disappointment.
I liked her way more than all the other thots.
Not that she wasn't a thot, she was just more entertaining than the others and gave me more mobsters to kill.
I savor it like 9gen blood.
No one remembers the superior game in terms of story.
In the age of social media, how can the Masquerade still be intact?
>Vampires are fake news, dude
People deny real world events with evidence and accounts like the Holocaust, I am sure the Masquerade will be fine.
why wouldn't you play 90' game in 90' time frame?
Is it technically necrophilia even though they're "alive" and moving on their own free-will?
Yes? What part of 'undead' do you not understand?
nO, YoU StOp.
I am waiting for the time I can stop being anarch and become inconnu. Then I'll take some rest, lie in the moon, drink teqilla with AB Rh+ and enjoy.
You need to focus more on the *UN* part of undead duude, it's all g
This. Also, lasombra blood must be in high demand these nights. Not showing on cameras is sometimes a boon.
Says the girl who wants to be a Prince over a whole of two vampires.
Imagine going through the trouble of making a sex video, only to have a film of you randomly humping air until you cum.
>Protagonist isn't reflected in mirrors
>Protagonist is a 8th generation neonate
Clearly, the protagonist had diablerised a Lasombra off-screen.
Recently played this again. Fuck it holds up well.
They can in oWoD. Dunno about Requiem because I hate the changes they made and I want nothing to do with it, but in Masquerade a human stays the same in death as they did in life. Embraced with a beard, you've got a beard for all eternity. You can shave it but it'll be back the next night when you wake up. Same with being fat. There are a couple fat vampires. Moncada, one of the top dogs of the Sabbat, was supposed to be really goddamned fat.
Played it recently, was a Samedi, had allot of fun being a walking corpse dressed up as a pimp.
Yeah it's a very good game that got overshadowed by Bloodlines.
Thinking of the sewer level is usually what does it for me. But fuck, what a great game.
I'm probably going to download bloodlines again tbqh.
Nothing wrong about it, it just saddens me that people completely ignore Christof's adventure.
both were great. I'm unironically looking forward to this happening
None of you guys actually like those treacherous usurper Tremere, right? Also, the Tzimisce are your true friends!
Tremere have a qt3.14 player model. All Tzimisce have is a pompous asshole who goes down to half a second of burnination.
It was such a letdown. I pumped myself up fo this fight, and then he just died before I could even make out his combat form.
That raptor scared the shit out of me, fucking sneaking around corners.
The Masquerade couldn't maintain itself in a "realistic" setting, anyway. The scale of the conspiracy is too huge.
Though this is somewhat mitigated by the fact that oWoD isn't just "our world, but with supernaturals". It's more corrupt and more dangerous. Meaning that people are more used to strange disparitions and the likes, and that supernaturals have more tools of control.
I thought the point of being surrounded with weaklings was to make sure they don't take your power or make for good cannon fodder.
Come now Jeanette, you're smarter than that.
They have help.
Among other things. Grey DeLisle. Her voice is pretty exciting.
>tfw never played it
>game looks old
>the bimbo does a weird things to me
I knew real women were my weakness, but can the developers stop making virtual waifus? I'm not going to buy your game, I'll just fap to Jeanette.
What a slut, I prefer her OL sister.
Jeanette > Therese
Catherine > Katherine
Viconia > Jaheira
It's easy user, stuck up office ladies are never the best and people who prefer them are likely to have authority figure/mommy issues.
You've made a powerful enemy this day, sign.
>stuck up office ladies are never the best
When I came to Veeky Forums today I expect shit taste, but not this much shit taste.
>people who prefer them are likely to have authority figure/mommy issues
Here we go with making up mental illnesses. What next, Madonna-Whore "complex"?
>stuck up office ladies are never the best
So you don't enjoy morphing them into your liking?
>game looks old
What kind of a reason is this to not play a game? Are you twelve?
I personally know people who liked DX:HR, but refused to play the original DX because "the graphics look bad". I can't fucking imagine what these people are thinking.
>Are you twelve?
I was five when the game came out. I feel it's completely different era, similar to when you play Mafia, LA Noir, games set in the 50s. It's like a time travelling machine and has nice comfy feeling to it.
>I love strong women that put career over family and end up shriveled, childless and bitter feminists
This is you
You could just have said "yes I am twelve"
*tips fedora*
>bitter feminists
But what if feminists are my fetish, user? What then? WHAT THEN?!?
>Implying they can't families and careers at the same time
>Implying taking care of the household isn't the sacred duty of the wife(male)
Can Caine survive being in the sun? He can't die no matter what right?
Rosa is best girl and you can't prove otherwise.
Reporting in!
Just kidding, I haven't played Deus Ex because I don't play on pc and I'm not interested in the gameplay at all.
This, and I don't even know why.
Your loss, DX:HR is a very good knock-off of Deus Ex, but it is still a knock-off.
A couple magic anti-Vampire nukes and concentrated sunlight from super-techmagic mirrors barely took out Ravnos so im betting no
I'm immune tho the reistall meme! I have it installed.
Doing my first playthrough now. maxing strength and manipulation
For me oWod always had a 90s feeling to it, not just due to masquerade being more difficult to maintain in late 2000s and beyond, but for the other themes also. The gothic-punk setting, the coming of second millennium etc all fit into that time period. I also prefer cell phones etc being in their infant state, makes a lot of things difficult and forces kindreds to move their own asses instead.
I wish they did a 20th revision to the lore in general, not discard it mind you but to fix every contradiction, plothole. Becketts Jyhad diary tried to do that to a certain extent but stil.
Anyways one can dream right?
Deb is the best girl
You can't even be sure Deb is a girl.
I think she is pretty much a `she` but there is a possibility of her being a vampire too. I don't know, listen again how she brushes off Gomez's theories about vampires existence. Compared to the other weird stuf she ignored her tone and pace had changed.