With all this AoS faggotry going on and ruining best race, I thought we could have a thread to bring it back to what we all know and love about our favourite ratboys.
ywn be a senior grey seer that uses his slim, nubile, horned apprentices on the daily while on a warpstone dust binge
For all the talk of the Skaven guns being notoriously inaccurate, which faction actually does have the most accurate long rifles and scoped rifles?
The Jezzails seem very effective from range.
Michael Sanders
I was under the impression that jezzails were always the exception to that rule.
Colton Collins
>With all this AoS faggotry going on and ruining best race You're the faggot my friend, because skaven didn't change at all with AoS, other than getting their god into the big four. Please don't spill out of your containment thread.
Camden Morris
skaven arn't real
Andrew Perry
Who gives a fuck about whatever AoS is doing? Skaven are super fun though. ...stilllll wishing that I could somehow think up a decent reason for them to be in 40K.
Jayden Perry
Vermintide portrays the jezzails as capable of making precise non-fatal shoots, just to be malicious little shits.
Ryder Nguyen
>...stilllll wishing that I could somehow think up a decent reason for them to be in 40K.
There have been many glorious threads about that prompt.
Skaven rule the webway underempire that spans across the whole galaxy and collect warpstone from the deepest sections of it. The rats use their webway to launch blitzkrieg waaagh-lite invasions into real space with absolutly no warning.
Finally gives the dark eldar something to actually fight aggainst.
>Dark eldar & Skaven relationship is like that of Israel vs the rest of the Middle East with the dark eldar’s torture utopia city being constantly under siege by a continent of rabid fanatical rats who attack each other more often then they attack the DE city.
Thomas Baker
I thought it was less "inaccurate" and more "unsafe". The skaven have always been the same BS (3 or 4) as humans as long as I've known the game.
Carson Ross
Blood Bowl.
Liam Powell
Best team. My best gutter runner recently bit it recently though.
Nicholas Butler
True, I love to bash skaven skull
Brody Price
Wait, there's jezzails in Vermintide?
I know very little about AoS. Do they still live in an underempire beneath the surface world or do they stick to the Realm of Chaos now?
Adam Long
we webway now
Connor Foster
Best named skaven?
Someone post the Queer Headgiver pic
Camden Perez
'Tretch Craventail' always makes me smile
Jack Gonzalez
Don't. Skaven are beautiful. Do not tarnish them removing them from their home.
Jace Garcia
During the end times Skavenblight got fused with the realm of chaos, existing in both the mortal realms and the realm of chaos at the same time, making it able for Skaven to invade every realm without using Realmgates. Instead the tunnel through the fabric between the realms via “gnawholes”, tears in reality that splits open like a wound.
David Martinez
But their home has been blown up. They need a new one!
Nicholas Russell
You type like a faggot
Jonathan Morris
>elf fucking please explain i think i missed something here
The skaven trailer of Total Warhammer 2 ended with Queek backstabbing a female Dreadlord, but the pose made people joke about Queek accepting to fight in the New World only to get some elf sex slaves.
Landon Evans
The skaven trailer for TWW2 shows Queek backstabbing a druchii dreadlord. The angle makes it look like he is using something other than his blade. Of course it's all lies. Queek's true proclivities are well-known.
Xavier Long
Just saw the trailer. It looks nothing remotely like that. This is people making a shitty meme and then forcing it.
Cameron Kelly
Did you even read the lore?
Andrew Carter
>Not tearing out both your own eyes in dedication to the Great Horned Rat
Do you faggot-things even worship?
Jacob Ramirez
... No it doesn't, Jezzails aren't in Vermintide 1 or 2 you shit.
Carter Wilson
Pardon me, I typed that out poorly. There are a million decent ways to port Skaven into 40k, but as one pretty smart user pointed out to me, there isn't a valod REASON for them. In 40K, their tropes, themes, and identity are all present elsewhere. Orks got both the comic-relief and unreliable-but-powerful tek, Dark Eldar got the body-horror science, and numbers are done better elsewhere. You pickin' up what I'm laying down?
Aiden White
Skaven are redundant in Fantady too since Night Goblins and Dwarfs exist. Almost all Space Marines are redundant. Tau have no reason to exist other than to look cool. They don’t need a story niche, they have an aesthetic one. They have a gameplay niche, high damage horde of disposable troops which you’ll be lucky if half manage to engage the enemy. 40k has no tabletop equivalent, even Guard aren’t 100% disposable and full of self-destructing suicide models.
Whats your point?
Anthony Campbell
I suppose my point is pretty flimsy. I'd just rather 40kaven be actually noticeably different.
Aiden Turner
ywn angrily berate your poor apprentice for his clumsiness you will never grab him by his cute stubby little horns and shove his face in your crotch
feels bad man
Aaron Brown
Anyone have a version of this picture for non-ants?
Blake Fisher
>Ywn convince your apprentice that the only way to greater devotion to the Horned Rat is to present himself before all the senior grey seers in the lair
Yfw you will never crush vermin skull ala vermintide style
Nathaniel Lopez
*blocks your path*
Blake Lewis
>unblocks path
Oliver Bailey
Highest resolution I could find. It's a bit disappointing to see them merged with the rest of the chaos factions but maybe the upcoming RPG will expand their new lore. At least they haven't been squatted. Do they show up much in the AoS novels?
Aaron Butler
Then why does Queek pick up an elf slave that mysteriously boosts local region income pretty much every time he sacks something?