Here's a good doc with a bunch of names and pictures of characters I've compiled. I'd think it would be fun for you guys to go through, pick one or a few you like, and comment about it, by filling in backstory, or just something about them!
If this sucks, I'm sorry, just trying something I haven't seen done before.
You'd probably be far better off making your own and maybe asking for inspiration or feedback. I'm not really inclined to make anything up for random names, titles, and various pictures I've seen in character art threads.
Jaxson Peterson
Thanks, I was trying something new here, feel free to sage.
John Nelson
OK OP so you named this one >Senator Creyaht Dhamure Amirite?
But she's wearing a military dress uniform with a stylized flower theme (bars and epaulets) that looks kind of Asian or South American in style to me. The earring also looks like it might be a decoration, rank signifier or have a military theme too with the two bars.
So basically when I read this I was thinking about senators and whether senators would still wear military dress and/or use military titles. And I find a world where they do the former but don't do the latter kind of weird, unless senator is by *itself* a military rank and senators are exclusively drawn from the armed forces. So I guess that's where... >Creyaht Dhamure from. By the way that is a really stereotypical dumb fancy name.
And then I guess I tried to think of what flower the uniform is like and I know you get white foxgloves and white tiger lilies and I think it is more like the latter, so I guess that's the name of her unit or corps or officer's club or military society or whatever the fuck. And she's probably a hardass who took elf ears trophies in the war and paints her lips with cochineal crushed from beetle-people children or some shit.
Austin Scott
>dumb fancy name *dumb fantasy name
Josiah Young
Man fug. Thanks for helping this dumbass thread. I tried to make the name somewhat fantasy-"Russian", but saying it to myself makes it sound retarded.
She's actually one of the more "fleshed out" ones, and I set her to be a former military officer, who faked everything about her service, like her unit, where she was, her kills, etc. and now she has to keep up the facade as far in as she is. She looks like a badass on the surface, and is probably competent in a fight, but has so much to lose if she's found out that that's where her spark comes from.
Wyatt Ross
Why y'all niggas always tryin' to get other people to do their work for them on this board? It didn't used to be like this, dawg.
Jacob White
Word, mi amigo negro. I started this thread for others to use as a worldbuilding experiment, but I realized that no one gives a fuck about people with preset names and faces, so that's where I failed.
Owen Morris
To be fair if you were asking for inspiration or 'I need an X for Y, what have you got?', I'd be more inclined to pitch random ideas, compared to the literal hundred of clips of whatever the doc was.
Elijah Myers
I'm going to sink this thread and write it off as a failure, thanks for at least letting me know my ideas were bad. Goodnight Veeky Forums.
Kayden Sullivan
Thanks for the nice picture at least.
Angel Smith
why is it nearly all women? Is this a jack off thing?
Dylan Wood
>taking nu/tg/pol/ seriously about anything You're an idiot.
Angel Cox
>Creyaht Dhamure >somewhat fantasy-"Russian" It's absolutely not anywhere near. Srsly, just open wikipedia and look for an article with some notable characters in desired culture history, and than shamelessly rob it for names. For example: -> Maria Trubnikova sounds suitable for that military lady, IMHO.
Hunter Bailey
Or use this site, which I consider one of the best for naming characters this one has much less of it, but sometimes you can find surnames that are unrelated to names, which is also useful.
Dylan Collins
>Creris, Necro-Mage Hopeful >163
>young (80-60ish) elf that was rescued by an old druid after her tribe was decimated by an orc invasion >he attempted to hasten her development in order to use her to manage a chuck of the forest he no longer was able to deal with alone >the forest was abandoned by the spirit that protected it and fell victim to the hordes of orcs who burnt and killed everything >his plan of rescuing young elves and educating them didn't work because they're too dumb, and now Creris thinks the druid is her mom or something >among the other things the druid entrusted with the well-being of the forest was a salvaged golem full of glitches and bugs, a young dragon that started its hibernation cycles a few centuries too early, a farmer who died before the first generation of trees even reached maturity, a werewolf who couldn't live anywhere but at least he'd be able to feed in the forest and be useful in protecting it against external dangers; this kind of useless rejects >so thinking he did a good job of assembling this team to guard and manage the forest in his absence, the druid set out to seek out other elves to repopulate the forest with, and hopefully also a nature god or a spirit that would accept to bring new life to the forest and defend it as their domain, only to find that the elf got lost outside the forest and went looking for him >such is life when you're a druid
why can't I save the pics though ?
David Campbell
Josiah Reyes
Try posting the pictures here if you want people do do write ups.
I usually don't have a problem coming up with backgrounds on the fly, I kinda suck at names though.
Juan Martin
This, I am not even sure how to save images from google docs, but I am sure images would allow Veeky Forums to do its magic better than link to google doc.
Daniel Diaz
>I am sure images would allow Veeky Forums to do its magic better than link to google doc. Ja. Veeky Forums might be creative, but it's also lazy. We get threads similar to this one all the time.