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Requesting for Secret Fantasy in a Modern day Setting CYOAs
What the fuck is this
this thread is shit abandon thread and go to the other one
Perfect for defense.
lol no.
>Thread question
Suck dick
>thread opens with 1 page wip
good job
anyway from the last thread. It's perfectly and scientifically possible that one gender could be smarter. And looking at history I would say it's men
Do you like magic?
AHH don't bring it in here
where did you get your facts from? If anything women are smarter as intelligence is carried in the X chromosome and we have two of them
Why would you post this. It easily ruins everything. Fuck you. Fuck you up the ass.
Clam thyne tiddy
Posting on behalf of the author.
Fuck off, dick licker.
If you don't want to be a cop, be a bounty hunter
Both Arcane and Geomancy appear to be the strongest.
>male - appealing: I am judging you
>female - appealing: girl power!
realy makes you think
are girls really superior or is she just full of shit?
what do you guys think?
Mad Science
Martial Arts
Mutation for moderate aptitude
Randomly selected power
This is just the first graph I could find on Google. This one only describes children and teenagers, and it's closer than I would have expected but it still follows the same pattern.
There's a similar one on the same page that describes adults, but both appear to have the same distribution. The shift in mean is much more apparent and comes closer to my 80% below 50% estimate (80% of the area under the curve for females comes before the mean for males, visual estimate)
fuck off
What about emotional smarts?
Cursed primary, mad science extra. No third category.
I'll be a vampire or something else (depends on what's available).
Well, being a woman is much more easy than being a man. Despite what you will hear from the left
Personal Ranking:
Magic > Spirits > Ki > Super Science > Psionics > Genetics
>Moderate Aptitude: Occultism
>Definite Access: Psionics
>Definite Access: Mutation
Objective Ranking:
Mutation > Mad Science = Occultism > Psionics = Martial Arts > Cursed
I plan on summoning an Eldritch waifu as soon as possible. Repostin muh build.
Oh you are a special kind of bitch
The kind you hate all the more because they are absolutely correct and you don't want them to be.
Did I just trigger you by telling almost all of your accomplishments in life were just people trying to get into your pants and that you aren't worth shit?
What common option do you never take in a CYOA?
Women don't "accomplish" things, they are just allowed to claim things as their own by the superior mankind out of pity or lust
>Be the Girl
I'm happy with my dick.
Be a guy.
>be the girl
I am happy with my +3 intelligence
>be the girl
I am happy with my physical superiority
You fool! You keep that when you switch, so switching gives you an effective +3 over your peers.
I feel like not all of these choices are equal
no you don't because women are inherently stupid
They are born that way, but you aren't born like them so it doesn't apply to you.
so you switch brains? gotcha
I love waifus
based on your own chart the difference between men and women is minuscule at 145/148 and effectively equal at 160/164. This would go against your point that men have statistically more geniuses than women. Additionally at most the IQ difference at any common point for men and women is maybe 4 points which could possibly mean something but likely doesn't. I'd also like to know the margin of error for this study, because I have seen polls go the other way, showing women to be more intelligent on average.
Real men fuck men
>because I have seen polls go the other way, showing women to be more intelligent on average.
stopped reading right there
There is in fact no irony to this. Two men going at it is the most masculine thing there is.
It's beyond masculine like a third gender that's divine
A friendly reminder that there are other boards for this shit
who the fuck is a5
At this point it isn't the content that's the problem, it's the shitposters.
An aspiring author who hardly ever posts about their own work except on the Discord but still managed to attract the ire of some schizoid lurker with something to prove
If this is the way we intend to treat content producers, maybe there's nothing left for anyone in /cyoag/
you'd have to be retarded not to take the no-reload-no-overheat-infinite-ammo flamethrower
How old is this one? The page count doesn't appear to list 2 of 2, but I've only seen these pages thus far.
Man most of us don't know what's going on with this 12 year old shitposter.
Apologies, please have some Fun Stickers as an apology.
I just realized that Europeans make AWFUL cyoas
{Me} || 3 Str | 3 End | 3 Int | 3 Dex | 3 Nim | 3 Wea | 3 Wis | 3 Dip | 3 Cha
[Spec.: Weaponry] Grand Kingdom of Veria; the fairest land among them all.
{+5 Wis, +5 Cha} Battle; we all have our talents. Fighting was mine.
{+5 Wea, +5 Dip} Glory; I did not want to be an echo in history. I wanted to make history.
[-2] {+2 Str, +1 Nim} Slayer; I have never felt more complete than when holding a sword.
[-3] {+1 End, +1 Int, +1 Dex} Tactician; good plans account for everything. Great plans account for what happens when the good plans go awry.
[-3] {+3 End, +1 Nim} Aegis; some blows cannot be blocked or dodged, but must be taken. Knowing how to receive them makes all the difference.
[-4] {+2 Int, +2 Nim} Evoker; companionship comes in many form. It is a luxury deciding what forms.
[-4] {+4 End} Bulwark; I was a slow learner, fond of trial and error. It was painful, but like anything else you grow accustom to it over time.
[-3] {+2 End, +1 Int} Mender; the important thing was making sure to close the wounds. It would be embarrassing, bleeding out because you haven't realized you have been wounded.
[-3] {+1 Str, +1 Dex, +2 Nim} Twinhandle; you can be quick and strong, but if you are predictable then it is all for nothing.
[-3] {+1 Int, +2 Nim} Sleuth; understanding your obstacles is imperative to avoiding and overcoming them.
[-5] {+6 Str} Berserker; there is no better place for passion than the battlefield.
[-2] {+3 Dex} Deadeye; I was always a lucky shot. Not consistent, just lucky.
[-5] {+2 End, +2 Dex, +1 Int} Overcomer; my will has taken me to my farthest goals, and pushed me further still.
(+6 Wis, +4 Dip, +2 Cha)
>Champions (with 8 AP to spare)
[0] King Alzuar VII
[-1] Tirens
[-1] Ilidar
[-1] Bastara
[-3] Min'ara
[-3] Veveve
Final: 12 Str | 15 End | 9 Int | 10 Dex | 11 Nim | 8 Wea | 14 Wis | 12 Dip | 10 Cha
man, buncha women hating cock gobblers in this thread
yall fuckers worse then /trash/
{AN} || 4 Str | 6 End | 1 Int | 3 Dex | 1 Nim | 4 Wea | 3 Wis | 2 Dip | 3 Cha
[Spec.: Weaponry] Armored Citadel of Rudana; "Indeed, the fairest. Rudana, the sturdiest."
{+5 Wis, +5 Cha} Battle; "Ours."
{+5 Wea, +5 Dip} Glory; "And so we shall."
[+2] {+3 Str} Direfist; "Swords, shields, spears--extensions of oneself, but you cannot feel when the blade knicks and chips. When the wood splinters and an ax fissures. Your hands, on the other hand, are truly a part of you and can feel everything."
[+2] {+2 Dex, +1 Nim} Trickster; "Adapt or die. A lesson learned quickly or not at all on the battlefield."
[+2] {+2 Str, +1 End} Titan; "It is shameful to never realize the full potential of one's physiology. Doubly so to never put it to use."
[+4] {+2 End, +2 Nim} Beastwhisperer; "The wild attract the wilds."
[+6] {+6 Int} Enigma; "I was never one for conventional learning."
[+2] {+1 Int, +2 Dex} Miragecrafter; "Deception is perfectly fair in an unfair fight."
[+2] {+2 Dex, +1 Nim} Sniper; "Not often that I missed, you included. Of course, a mere arrow could not fell you, friend."
[+4] {+1 End, +3 Nim} Warhorse; "There were many beasts that made for fine mounts. Some of them could even be found outside of taverns."
[+7] {+3 Str, +2 End, +1 Dex} Legend; "My reputation precedes me even now. You truly are my oldest and truest friend."
[+6] {+2 Str, +2 Int, +2 Dex} Dreadsoul; "I myself wonder whether my coming was a prophetic one. I suppose that has yet to be decided."
(+4 Cha)
[0] Zarisi
[+3] Even
[+1] Lesseli
[+3] Azumias
[+3] Ender
[+3] Gart
Final: 15 Str | 12 End | 11 Int | 12 Dex | 9 Nim | 9 Wea | 8 Wis | 7 Dip | 12 Cha
And so the great contest between 2 legendary warriors begins.
At least men don’t have to live in constant fear of rape.
They live in constant fear of being falsely accused of it
angel, calm down
>Be the LITTLE girl
maybe turning into a woman just like in my japanese comics is fetishistic for me, but i aint into kids
alternatively, "here's a thing that allows you to travel to a medieval fantasy world with no way of returning back"
>casually glance at some of the character profiles since I haven't seen this one before
>spot 5 grammatical mistakes in less than 3 paragraphs
Never change, Italics.
Anything that lets me meddle with time and space shenanigans that might destroy reality. I am not touching that. Also, genderswaps and on way ticket to another timeline or planet. I like it here on my timeline. I have friends who I can share my adventures' stories with
Yeah right.
You calm down!
Any variation of "Be the girl", "customize your waifu" or "you get your golden goose, but the whole world dies as a result."
non-neet detected.
Rolled 29, 30, 26, 19, 20 = 124 (5d30)
I mean, id go ki but for fun ill roll mutations.
I think in order i'd be
Magic>Super Science>Psionics>Ki>Genetics>Spirits
not anymore!
i went back in time and sneezed on caesar
now the qing dynasty rules africa and the aztecs conquered great britain
Why do I get a 90ish vibes from this cyoa?
i bet oliver twist is simply wild now
Three questions.
1 and 2: When and where did this sudden burst of shitposting begin? I mean, there has always been shitposting in these threads, but these new levels are absurd.
3: I knew Angel was lesbian but was she always THIS much of a manhater? I've only heard of her via reputation, desu, and I did not realize the extent of this... anger, for the lack of a better term.
don't do this
Rolled 23, 8 = 31 (2d30)
Jesus, 3 x Immortal, Danger Sense and the ability to drain life on touch.
I might try and re-roll 2 of the immortals, unless it somehow compounds somehow?
cherry blossom
Pink lightning
shooting star
Dream Catcher
Unarmed. Keep the gloves.
I'm gonna choke out each and every one of those honking motherfuckers. When I'm done I'm going to drag their corpses back up to Canada where they fucking belong.
It seems a handful of some real toxic shitters have roosted here quite recently.
Also, that's not angel. Trust me.
anyone have the time stop chill zone cyoa?
i didn't save it last thread
This is true and for a good reason. A guy can end up in prison for 10 years and more with just a woman claiming he raped her without any evidence.
Are you fucking blind?
and close enought mate
>room type
other manor with surrounding village and environment
>entrance metho
power gem
>items 15
Auto ck
Jam session
Gaymen Piisii
the rest
Stronk gear
fully loaded
Veeky Forums as heck
>extras 17
Redesign 2
Inter bot 9001 1
Lasting effects 5
Realit convert 7
Hq Hq 8
Charm cognition 9
/d/ enchant 10
Aether orchestra 11
flower child 13
data center 14
machine learning 16
size up size down 17
rate drunk cyoa /cyoa/
Witch, School is In
I don't know about you, but I name my CYOAs so that they stand out for poor anons like
Requesting anything regarding an Occultist Pursuit of Immortality. Esoteric symbolism and elements would be appreciated.
I hope such a thing exists.
>Type: Witch
>Elemental Spell: Fire
>Perk: School's In