Paid the fucking Penalty: >What is Kingdom Death: Monster? Monster is a board game about surviving in the darkness. You play a bunch of cavemen stuck inside the world of the Kingdom Death, a setting full of freaky (and sometimes psycho-sexual) monsters.
This game has 3 phases. 1. You hunt down monsters for resources 2. Fight them 3. Return to your settlement with the goods Your goal is to arm your survivors and grow your settlement over 25-30 'lantern years', overcoming the odds that are against you.
A maximum of 25-30 sessions are expected for a successful campaign. Shorter campaigns will be available in 2019-2020.
Should I be getting 2 weapon xp per quarry hunt or 1? the reward is 1, but do I also get one for wounding with the weapon?
Zachary Peterson
Fucking idiot, you get one if you caused a wound
Chase Perry
Then I don't understand how it's possible to get mastery if level 2 quarries give 2 hunt xp and you're only getting 1 weapon xp, you'll retire before you get to mastery
Isaac King
I get his confusion though, as it is kind of stupid to list Weapon proficiency under monster rewards but also list how to gain it elsewhere in the rules. It could have been written better.
Xavier Wright
>wrong field leave it to someone who isn't so retarded, newfag
Aiden Wright
Nightmare training.
Hudson Sanders
Is there any way to get gear off a dead survivor mid-showdown?
Jason Wright
At 16 population, kingsman level 1 doesn't seem to have any good reason to not just sacrifice 4 no-namers and lose my non-existant pottery?
Anthony Richardson
Second prologue survivor finished.
Juan Campbell
Then you'll have to face him at level 2 and 3 instead of 1 and 2 on their respective years.
John Bailey
could use some definition/shading imo good otherwise
Wyatt Lopez
Like my own body, i'm sure it looks better in the dark
Joshua Torres
Best TTS mod?
Xavier Walker
so i bought the resin model of the manhunter anyone have a pdf of the FA/HL/AI deck? i cant see myself buying the expansion after getting the resin model for myself and having extra bases for it
Dominic Anderson
Really enjoyed painting these.
Christian Richardson
If you wound at least once you are eligible to gain any number of hunt XP.
Henry Clark
Alexander Adams
Sweetie, ask your mom to read the rules for you.
Aiden Clark
^ makes no sense -you dont need to wound to gain hunt xp -you are never eligible for more then 1 weapon proficiency -you can only gain weapon proficiency if you wound at least once
your entire sentence makes no sense whatsoever and just jumbled together a few random words.
Jace Lewis
Oh I understand your confusion now, when I said Hunt XP I meant to say Weapon Proficiency.
Eli Russell
do you remove consequences when you lose an innovation?
Sebastian Green
also can you set up a survivor on the stone face?
Wyatt Perry
That's no longer true in 1.5. You now always fight the level listed on the Settlement sheet, with the exception of special cases such as heart flute.
Brayden Jenkins
No. Otherwise if you lost Language, you'd lose almost every innovation.
Carter Fisher
yes. so the very first innovation after you lose language would be to gain language and then rebuild the innovation deck with all consequences
but that might be to tedious and/or unintended
Thomas Lopez
from the innovation deck i mean
Aaron White
Oh whoops, was wondering why the other thread wasn't gaining traction. If anyone makes a new thread use the new info here:
Alexander Ross
ITT: People who have no idea what the rules are spouting off.
Liam Gonzalez
so respond to them and correct them senpai
Alexander Gonzalez
Thanks! In person the shading looks better, not sure what settings I have to use in the camera to show it more accurate.
Brody Collins
when i have a pickaxe or sickle and i cannot find the herb gathering or mineral gathering event in the event deck (because i randomly placed it on the hunt board) i just ignore placing it right ? and hope i come across it before showdown.
Henry Reyes
Well first of all you need to stop being retarded.
You don't shuffle Herb or Mineral with the standard hunt deck.
Justin Jenkins
they have the exact same back, why wouldnt i shuffle them with it. they are part of the standard hunt deck
Cameron Lewis
No, they really fucking don't have the same back.
Juan Kelly
Can the kingsman be easily painted after assembling? Or are there parts that need attention before full assembly? Such as between the butcher's ass and cloak
Matthew Harris
You can always just dab some paint in those places. No one is going to be looking at them anyways.
Isaac Hill
This is Kingdom Death - people will take those miniatures and look at all their places. Some will touch them too.
Oliver Hughes
So is that a yes or a no?
Cameron Cruz
>Letting other people touch your minis
Jose Richardson
Why are you shuffling the hunt event deck, it's literally all the same card isn't it?
Austin Rivera
This is the reason why I prefer playing solo. Fuck people handling my painted models.
Aaron White
why would there be a deck if all card is the same? dont you have mineral and herb gathering in it?
Joshua Sanders
Not exactly an image of fear, but I'm pretty happy with how my antelope turned out.
How's it look?
Carter Myers
Okay for tabletop. And one extra point for not falling for the stone statue / OSL bullshit.
Brody Reyes
I did OSL for the prologue survivors, I like them and they have a special place in my heart now but I recognize they'd look better without it
If you pick them up they look pretty cool though.
Chase Garcia
> stone statue / OSL bullshit. what is this?
Bentley Moore
Lazy mode painting scheme for novices. Not bad per se, but overdone to hell and back.
Jace Roberts
Yeah but where are they getting OSL with the Antelope?
Easton Adams
I'd take statues any day over unpainted miniatures. No need to shame people if they're putting in the effort.
Isaac Green
>unpainted miniatures My campaign is progressing faster than I can paint my minis.
I'm going to have to find a substitute mini for the phoenix
Asher Butler
Go catch small birb and give small mustache Now you have Phoenix
Samuel Flores
The best / worst thing with KDM is how unique many of the Minis are. Have been looking around for alternative models to add some variation with very little luck for the quarries, haven't looked at nemisis's yet.
Nolan Anderson
You know what, that'd probably work.
Dominic Morales
No, you fucking don't.
There are promos and expansions that insert cards into the Hunt Event deck. If you're using those in your campaign, that's the only time you ever need to even use the Hunt Event deck, since all 20 cards instruct you to roll in the core hunt chart.
Jaxon Walker
but nobody has the manhunter HL and AI cards as a pdf? i could have sworn they were somewhere in a past thread
Connor Stewart
>You will never live in an absolute hellscape, but a hellscape where every member of the female sex is an almost naked H-cup and has hips twice the width of her waist
Benjamin Flores
For once its a trade-off.
William Garcia
>Implying I won't die upon waking up before I can get to grab the fleshy goodness
Levi Moore
Scripted v2. Also supposed to be updating to 1.5 soon.
so whom of you lovely anons want to give it a spin soon?
Cooper Morris
>so whom of you
Ayden Martin
So she can be in the game, but dead?
Hudson Baker
Yup, but you can raise the newborn girl who looks just like her...
Liam Adams
Dead general. Is everyone busy playing or what?
Carter Perez
I'm legit terrified to build my minis they seem really low quality plastic compared to the model kits I'm used to working with.
Zachary Miller
They're good quality polystyrene plastic, however they are quite delicate models. The material may be a little softer than you'd find on military model vehicles and such, but that's more to protect the thin bits from snapping than anything else.
Cooper Allen
can we get a repost of this? I'm just getting home now and will be home for the next few hours. Would like to grab if possible. Thanks
Juan Davis
I'm painting minis, but because I'm not an award winning artist nor doing anything cheeky, no one seems to care too much.
I've finished the White Lion and the Antelope, working on the butcher right now. I built a bunch of debris onto his base, which I want to make look is on fire, like a burned down fire pit. Literally watching agrellan earth dry right now so I can make the wood look like charcoal
Thomas Martin
Post pics
Carter Cox
Compared to what? As plastic kits go that I have put together over the last 25 odd years, these are high quality. Fiddly, indeed. But high quality. Comparable to the recent Necromunda plastics.
Ian Gonzalez
What kind of ideas do you guys have for basing? Currently I'm using cork board to make ledges and cutting out faces from the stone base inserts to fit on the base where the cork isn't and filling the rest with grit/sand. Sometimes I'll put a lantern on the ground if it's not in the survivors hand/attached to them. A couple skulls here and there. I'll put down some grass tufts after they're painted. I want to do more to vary the bases but I have no idea what else I could do. Looking for ideas/suggestions. I'm not hand enough to sculpt anything myself or bother with making my own molds.
Evan Campbell
Antelope is up thread Lion didn't turn out the best but it's good for actual use on the table. I might do another layer of drybrushing on the coat.
James Gutierrez
Get some blue stuff and make an impression of the plastic face bases, then use that to mold green stuff (basically stamp the green stuff) and that way you can have patches of face on larger model bases, and then fill the area with larger faces (like those from Scibor), textured paint, and perhaps some textured crackle medium (GW does those latter two rather well I feel).
Daniel Carter
I build mostly gunpla and the occasional kotobukiya kit. I think I'm mostly put off by how these fit together on top of being super soft plastic. It's way different from what I'm used to.
I'm pretty much entirely new to miniatures like this and I feel like I went to far immediately with KDM.
Matthew Parker
Ok that makes sense. Gunpla has the advantage of snap fitting thanks to the harder plastic. But the plastic and build style of KDM is the standard of GW, Wyrd, Warlord and others.
Brandon Phillips
Industrial appearance versus organic, they can probably use harder plastic variants for gunpla models, since they're all sharp angles and such.
Julian Campbell
Evan Powell
Though I get a ton of image loading errors with that. Am I just being daft?
Chase Hernandez
>holiday punups still not sold out D E A D G A M E
Gabriel Bell
What kind of errors? Most of them should be through Steam.
Aaron Cruz
As much as I love burning money buying Poot's stuff, I still couldn't justify grabbing two minis that'd equal $90 with shipping.
OP was an idiot and put the title in the name field, so the thread isn't as easily searchable.
To be more specific, you want the product Oyumaru, which is what bluestuff is a overpriced repackaging from. Oyumaru is a reusable material great for making pressmolds for many things, including bases and bits.
Oliver Taylor
The hell is that supposed to mean?
Parker Ross
Use Fade's mini to represent her child.
Carson Walker
>Drybrushing the coat No, please don't. Drybrushing doesn't work well on flat areas. One technique that will look good in the high areas is glazing. Your antelope is OK kinda thick paint but the scheme is nice. I'm not a fan of the Lion tho.
Kevin Evans
Hey. Um. Can you reupload this?
Luke Price
ok senpai you gain 1 weapon proficiency per hunt if you wound with the weapon , but the're other ways to gain weapon proficiency later on in the game other than hunting later on in the game
David Morales
nope, you cant even trade gear on the hunt either
Jayden Fisher
ok friendless loser
Jaxon Taylor
Hey if you want to play my game so bad bring some cardboard markers or something with you, my models are not for that.
Dylan Peterson
>thread isn't as easily searchable just go into catalog press f3 and type kingdom death. How do you normally find these threads?
Ryder Cruz
lol i did that when i first got the game since i played it the day i got it. I used token to represent the players and a base insert flipped upside down for the monster
Matthew Butler
>One of our initial survivors is still around >3 xp from retiring >Just has to do one more hunt to become a master bow woman and hit Age 4 >maximum courage >1 short of maximum understanding >On way back from slaughtering a White Lion >Prepping to send four people to their deaths against The Hand >Settlement Event >Murder
Oliver Reyes
Is that your first time? If somebody already has Marrow Hunger he can be nominated as either perpetrator or a victim.
Isaac Perez
Yes, and no, I have no idea what Marrow Hunger is
What stings is my friend and I said "woah, we had this settlement event [Cracks in the Ground] last LY, draw a new one."
Landon Nguyen
Hey bro pass that fig over here.
Grayson Reed
>Hey bro, here's how you play this awesome game I love and just spent $400 on >Just when you handle the minis, grab them by their base >Grab them by their base to move them >Only touch their base >They are fragile, stop touching them by the body, grab them by the base >Only touch the base! >*grabs survivor by the body, slams it down and snaps it in half* I almost through him out of my house