I told you Azor was on Ixalan
Get ready to Return to the Return to Ravnica
I told you Azor was on Ixalan
Get ready to Return to the Return to Ravnica
Other urls found in this thread:
Elder Dinosaurs
New Legendaries
The End of Ixalan's Plot
No cleavage, no skin, no nothing. Meh.
Last spoiler for tonight
Why should the super-Catholic Joan of Arc figure of the vampire conquistadors show cleavage or skin? It makes as much sense as a slut wearing a burka.
Ooooh! Sweet looking
My body was always ready
Azor is going to be that Alaran sphinx that created etherium. Return to Alara involving a chaze with Tezzy soon (tm).
>"Gift" of Azor
>Praised by Azorius
>Spreads his "gifts" from Alara to Zendikar
>Embodiment of peace and balance
>Sets an expiry date on the guildpact
>Creates a civil war-era Jurassic Park death trap for planeswalkers
>Went from king of the multiverse to castaway
Next you'll tell me he broke Alara and set the Eldrazi onto Zendikar with his "gifts". Why else would he feel so ashamed as to strand himself on an island?
Any news on Ajani?
At least our obligatory bad red mythic phoenix will have good art this time.
Pretty hyped. Kumena's art especially is an interesting choice of composition for a legendary card. I like it.
this is garbage. not only did we get forced to sit through the shitty plots of return to zendikar, return to innistrad, and then kaladish, but also nothing gets accomplished? Really? Just fucking stop having a story.
Bolas wins. That was accomplished. He now has a weapon he can use to lock up Planeswalkers he doesn't like. The last three sets have been how Bolas's plan is coming together.
So now Bolas has
>A massive mummy army
>teleportation tech to send said mummy army to whatever plane he wants
>AND a ball of magic fire that locks planeswalkers into a single plane so that they are unable to get help/help other planes
The Avengers have really dropped the ball
>owl phoenix
Pretty much. Dominaria is gonna get its shit pushed in hard by big daddy Bolas.
I'm going to be so incredibly pissed if he winds up jobbing to the Jacetice league like the Eldrazi
I for one welcome out new dragon multiverse overlord
Everything will be worth it if the eternals invade dominaria via planar bridge armed with crazy Kaladesh equipment and wotc don't fuck it up.
Not going to get excited yet, but it could be cool.
Inb4 avengers still beat bolas and saves the day
Dinosaur god?
part of a 6 card elder dinosaur cycle. Hualti tames one of the 6 with her scaly animist powers and overthrows the merfolk Kumena to take control of the golden city
You mean 5, right?
No, 6
New Elder Dinos from Rivals
Previously spoiled elders from Rivals
>& good ol' Ghalta
6 dino cycle
no, 6
One for each color
What color(s) will that 6th dino be?
While the fact that Bolas keeps winning is a little interesting I can't help but ask how all of these plans of his are supposed to restore him to his pre-Mending power. Wasn't that his goal, more than multiversal domination?
Mono colored
He probably went "fuck it" and settled for domination
>Azor created the artifact
okay, but why?
Well, he's the autistic fucker who also made the Azorius. Presumably to be a planeswalker prison as killing them is near impossible pre-mending.
It sounds like there's something else on this plane that Azor didn't want to get out, but it doesn't seem likely that Rivals has the time to explore that.
Presumably cause he needed a plane to dump batshit walkers on and forget about them
But I guess Azor is the new "Everything walkers touch turns to shit" poster boy so...
why would you dump a walker there instead of killing them though? presumably you have them at your mercy when you shove them there
No, that doesn't make sense. He's been stuck on Ixalan ever since. No one knew about Ixalan's ability to act as a Planeswalker jail because the only way one could learn about it would be to get stuck there. Or be Bolas I guess.
He's on Dominaria eating Karn's hot greasy cummies. Who knows desu.
Blue is not the color of smart people in lore
No, I'm not saying it was a dumb thing to do. I'm saying it doesn't logically follow the story that's been told, particularly that part right there in the OP that says
>as well as preventing other Planeswalkers from carrying knowledge of this plane back out into the Multiverse
I...I was promised half gorgon babies
So much build up for nothing.
Wait, does this Jace memory thing means he's remembering EVERYTHING? Including stuff he previously erased like Vryn and such?
can't wait for bolas to put the gatewatch into detention.
All the info there is on that idea
God I hope she's playable as something other than vampire lifegain tribal
she hot
Wait, so Jace implores Vraska not to finish her mission and help Bolas, but then mind wipes her so that not only will she forget they were friends but also prevent her from receiving any punishment for considering defecting so that not only is all her character development undone but now she gets to be supremely successful as Bolas' agent AND allow Bolas to succeed after all the trouble of trying to stop him.
So that Jace can undo it later and hoist Bolas by his own petard, presumably.
Well not completing what bolas sent her to do is probably worse and it doesn't matter anyway
It'd be nice of Kozilek had lived up to his title, and his defeat had just been another butchered truth.
Getting his army from Amonkhet was only the very first public step.
He has much, much further to go yet. Shit, he probably has plans and moves and schemes enough to keep going for another decade of sets, minimum.
And if you read his HoD fight with the gatewatch, he's meticulous to a fault. I would assume he's taking his time doing everything to seal every hole in his plan no matter how insignificant.
I was hoping for some vampire waifu.
Back to /pol/ asshole.
>Why should the super-Catholic Joan of Arc figure of the vampire conquistadors show cleavage or skin?
Because something-something SJWs.
>Still no sign of New Phyrexia
>Everyone I don't like is from /pol/
Go back to faggotland faggot
white with a single black streak
just like mai waifu
how does someone play these and not immediately be banned from the group or targeted first in edh?
>You maniacs!
>You blew it up!
>Ah damn you!
>Damn you all to HELL!
(((Don't))) (((worry))) (((soy))), (((we))) (((see))) (((you)))
>You will never be as happy as Zetalpa is in this pic
Depends on the taste of your friends. Mine laugh at it, but accept it. It still doesn't help them get over their loss.
Im a bit sad about returning to Ravnica, I love the plane and it would suck if they ruin it with characters from outside the plane. The Guildpact will crumble soon anyway, let the civil war happen without outside forces help.The only good part will be seing the guilds new mechanics.
Is the second part of your post from 2010?
Oh look it's Ho-oh and Noctowl's lovechild.
I bet it's an over-costed piece-o-shit too like 4RRR.
>Firebirb, the phoenix
>Legendary Creature -- Owl Phoenix (xdddd)
>When firebirb enters the battlefield it deals 1 damage to target creature
>When firebirb dies, you may pay 3R and discard two cards. If you do put firebirb on top of your library.
>" - Jace"
I recognize those fakes
>Manta Leak
If this is real I'm going to burn my collection
>Rishadan Port
>Young Fogey
Great effort tho.
>Young Fogey
since some people seem to not know this
well it might be, who the fuck knows? the blind aternities are kinda eternally hyuge so he might be hiding around still. They'll bring back Eldrazis someday....someday...or Marit Lage either way im happy.
how did someone find the time and motivation to make all of these?
isn't implied that the other two eldrazi titans who had supposedly died are technically still alive?
Their physical form was just a projection of them from the blind eternities.
Nope. They pulled them in to Zendikar and used its supermana to blow them up
It's the power of a true autist.
>fire owl
I think it looks visually pretty cool, but thematically I am not on board.
Hopefully they have dope abilities like the green one, i'm hyped
The red one has lightning, so maybe it'l be able to turn cards into bolts
Legendary hydra dinosaur confirmed
can't wait for none of that shit to matter and get his plans blown up by the power of friendship 2.0 or some other retarded shit like that
>Siege Dino
Which is a dumb concept in the first place, because pulling their true form into a physical plane would be like trying to pull Azathoth to Earth. I doubt that any plane could physically contain any of the Titans in their fullest, and what they could contain would be a shit ton of reality bending tentacles filling every square centimetre of said plane.
Here's how wotc would do it
4/4 Legendary Creature - Elder Dinosaur
4R tap: "dino name" deals 2 damage to target creature
That's concerningly strong. Possibly even format warping. I can easily see that as a 4 of in vintage
Fucking cretins
Got any more? Wotc is slow with the spoilers this time around
>Poor Unfortunate Souls
>Siege Dino
So I get that these are jokes, but what are the odds that some of these (Explore, Dragon Fly, Time Warp) are actually legit? Will I ever get to play Parrot, Storm's Crew?