Everything is Mooning

Everyone is smug and comfy right now, but they don't realize it's every coin which is up and up at the moment.

The real question is, who's going to keep mooning and who's going to be left holding bags?

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Verge is down

It'll probably keep going up until mid 2018. We'll all make big gains while bitcoin dies and goes down in dominance under 10% probably since there's altcoins that are better.

>every coin is up
>trading in fiat
you're going to be the one with bags

USD is more stable than BTC and I don't see BTC as the 'gold standard'.

pls be my gf i'll purify you you'l never smoke again

bitcoin is a shitcoin but it is nowhere near dying

She have a tattoo on her head? I have mooned all week.

Who is this lovely lady?

Bitcoin is dying, look at its dominance, peoplare are literally selling loads of it for altcoins. People don't want bitcoin anymore.


enjoy scrolling through the last 3 years of her life and seeing the visible degradation of a human being


Oh boy...

Over the course of a year, every coin is worth more at the end than the beginning. Even the worst shitcoins. The secret is to fucking hold.


Losing dominance != falling in fiat value over the long term

It's been exposed as a SHIT coin.

It won't die completely since it was the first coin.

However, the reason BTC survived was because the majority of BTC holders were libertarian types who believed in the idea of de-centralized currency. The climate is changing fast in crypto, and the normie-invasion is happening. We are already heavily feeling the invasion of these normies, but I suspect there will be even more to come.

I've been looking at her feed and the people who react/like her stuff.. They're all fucked up drug-abusing, tattooed, depressed, nasty degenerates. At the same time they worship this state they're in and blame Trump for everything? Looking at these "people" depresses me as well. Right wing death squads now

when the deathsquads cum can i have toopoor to pump cummies into instead of killing her

She's probably fucking this nigger right here

Are you sure?

ew yucky

Don’t worry the only bags i actually have proper stake in aren’t - SALT and ICX. Are there any other coins you’d like me to make go sideways/down?