I need a way of legitimizing a purge of all the nobles aside from the royal family. The idea is that the country needs to make a transfer from a feudal empire to a more administratively run empire. The emperor has to initiate the pruge, and will obviously need to gain the favor of the lower citizens and the merchant class in order to maintain power. The nobles will have already taken some minor losses to their power before this point, but what legitimization and process would an emperor who does not want to share power with vassals?
Worldbuilding great purge
I'd love to answer, but first can you give us the gist of the nation's religion, and a quick rundown on the ruling dynasty's claim to the throne?
A religious purge. Brand them all as heretics and have the clergy create strong ties with the Emperor, in fact have the Emperor take on both the role of Emperor and NotPope.
Ivan the terrible in Russia did it, he took out all the boyars and centralized power entirely under his family
Seize the property of the nobles. Distribute estates and lands to the pasantry.
With no rent on lands or serfs to buoy their coffers, the nobles will quick lose money and authority to do anything.
Just started running something similar in a new campaign. Not only were all the nobles killed (except for one of the player characters), but so was most of the royalty, sans the crown prince, who is now the boy king.
Basically, all the neighbouring nations came together to wage an overwhelming war on a singular but wealthy nation in an attempt to balance trade negations and instate their own foreign policies as right of conquest. The nation in question controlled most of the trade routes between each kingdom, since they basically have to pass through their lands in order to reach any other kingdom, and had a monopoly on the salt mines on its northern shore, never mind being the only coastal nation on their part of the continent.
They let the young prince live so that they could effectively use him as a puppet authority. Otherwise, they destroyed or burned down every fief and estate on their way to the capital, which they also burned down for the most part.
The campaign is set a few years later. The player characters are all members of the king's privy council, with most of them sent by the kingdom's neighbouring "allies".
Deliberately go to war, lose, create a famine from lost resources, travel the countryside and rally the peasants by declaring you had no part in this and it's the nobles fault. Establish a force of middle-men to lead the peasants in terrorizing the nobility.
Cause a disaster (or act on a random one) and cockblock any nobility who try to do anything about it. Use your centralized power to neutralize the disaster yourself.
Use propaganda to get the peasants hating the nobles. Freeze their assets, don't accept their money, take their titles and redistribute their land.
A monotheistic religion that worships an enigmatic creator deity. The priests are firmly under the thumb of the emperor or their local lords. There is no central authority of the religion, but it the sect that this nation observes adheres to strict observances of saying prayers and attending services. There are two other sects of the religion that are practiced in other nations that are on and off allies of the empire.
The current royal family has been in power for about 210 years making them rather entrenched. They specifically avoid marrying any of the lordly class and either mary outside of the country for political reasons or just marries the middle class of commoners who show promise in fields of learning. The emperor who will be responsible is in his 30s but has only ruled for a few years. He is the second son (third child) of the previous emperor who strongarmed/backstabbed his way into being emperor (as it is custom). The inheritance system is designed to make the toughest and nastiest child of the previous emperor inherit, but the heir is chosen before the emperor is dead to try and avoid succession crisis.
Other notes:
The citizens of the empire are characterized by being stern, stubborn, and focus on community over personal gain. There is a dominant culture/ethnic group that has slowly been mixing/overpowering conquered populations (much like romanized regions of Europe).
>The citizens of the empire are characterized by being stern, stubborn, and focus on community over personal gain.
A purge could easily be justified as being over the corrupt (either real or manufactured) nature of the nobles. Since the citizens seem to be a least mildly nationalistic/loyal to the government have the nobility played up as a conniving "other" that is divorced from the "true" government controlled by the royalty.
Emperor went full Meiji on their asses. He was reduced to a figurehead before, and decided to allign with the merchant/industrial "revolutionaries" to modernize the country but steering it into the new direction without it being utterly destroyed in the process. In the end he should end more powerful, especially with the people, but also with the newfound "parliament".
Some nobles were smart enough to accept the changing times (and so decided to try this whole new capitalism thing: after all these merchants might lack taste but they're definitely upper crust as much as they are) before meeting Madame Guillotine, but not that many.
Works nicely with the religion thing, now that I read it. Emperor decides to make his branch of religion, more apt to commoners, and voilĂ .
In the real world, it was more common that, rather than purging all nobility, instead it was the dukes and magnates and high nobility that found themselves marginalized or weakened. The small-time nobles, and the unlanded gentry, would become increasingly important in a bureaucratic regime, and likely wouldn't notice that eventually they too would be replaced by the bourgeoisie.
Literally called the french revolution.
New capitalist bureaucrats take out royal families because their positions are inherited rather than bought.
>New capitalist bureaucrats take out royal families because their positions are inherited rather than bought.
Isn't that the opposite of what OP wanted though?
Replace the noble obligation to provide armed forces with an obligation to provide money for hiring armed forces. Install loyal commanders to these armed forces. Then demand something the nobles would never agree to. When they refuse, brand them as traitors and crush them with the army they paid for.
To make it easier, ally with a part of the nobility against the rest, then purge your former allies.
Make everybody and the nobles take exams. The government starts the same but the titles and estates are run by the highest scoring on the exams. The nobles become sponsored students of their estates (scholarships). Send into admin (heir), church or military. Try to maintain the estates titles as part of the new government to any uncooperative nobles look bad.
Easy, they tried to disturb the ecclesiastic descendant.
Step aside, Russian is coming through
He didn't killed all of them, only most powerfull ones, and transformed Duma (basically noble Senate) into political instrument without actual power
I would say Peter 1 did much more to nerf nobility, he made their manors noninheretible unless a noble would serve in army, only then he could get his family property
>what legitimization and process would an emperor who does not want to share power with vassals?
Why even need a legitimization ? Ivan sure didn't care about that. Is your emperor someone who isn't that evil and only wants to get rid of the cancer killing his empire ?
>I would say Peter 1 did much more to nerf nobility, he made their manors noninheretible unless a noble would serve in army, only then he could get his family property
not sure if based or cunty
>Seize the property of the nobles
It's treason, then. Wouldn't that end in a bloody civil war ?
The only example of this I can think of is the French revolution.
>I need a way of legitimizing a purge of all the nobles aside from the royal family.
>but what legitimization and process would an emperor who does not want to share power with vassals?
Due to various changes in the socio-economic climate, many commoners have become equally wealthy and powerful to the nobility, and have even taken over many of their military duties as men at arms. Nobles occupy the highest positions in both the military and the administration nevertheless, often less competently due to these positions being passed on by birth or by merit. This leads to great unrest among the wealthier commoners (bourgeois, or burghers if you're a pleb) with some instances of civil disturbance. Eventually, either because the bourgeois forces the hand of the monarch or because the monarch has anything resembling foresight, a constitution is drafted in which the law no longer acknowledges the privileges of the nobility. Naturally some nobles will seek to ally themselves with foreign powers in order to restore their old rights.
*by birth RATHER than by merit
Undergo massive economic and legal reforms in the interest of centralizing and standardizing - for the better prosperity of the economy and the people, of course. Never mind that this basically gives you an excuse to shit all over noble privileges.
Also - TAX REFORM. Centralize your tax agency and put it directly under the crown.
Also take a page from the Sun King and 'Invite' all of your nobles to dwell with you at court. Oh, you can't come? Well, send your family, we'd love to have them as guests. Aka, hostages. This separates them from their power bases, plus, hostages.
When the Nobles inevitably push back, go to the public who will benefit most from these reforms and paint yourself as a man struggling on the peoples behalf against a corrupt and intractable ossified nobility.