I've got some helmet-less heads from my death company and bangles tactical squad boxes; I wonder if they'd look alright on them.
Benjamin Gomez
Xth for Eldrad's weird anatomy in this picture.
Lincoln Davis
when will they learn
Anthony Ortiz
Does anyone have something similar to pic related that also includes CSM warbands?
Grayson Rogers
You could use Tempestus helmeted heads.
Camden Jenkins
does anybody still play 30k at your store or is it a dead game? I had to play a game with both of my armies tonight with a qt girl to get people interested in the hobby
Joseph Watson
Anyone here run Plague Drones with their DG? If so, any luck?
Nicholas Gray
The head is noticeably bigger than scout head.
Jeremiah Wood
Oh god I about lost my shit until I realized his arms are crossed. I was like, didn't know the Eldar are 1/2 fucking t-rex.
Chase Perez
What's really fucking me up is his leg. I can't tell if it's because of the coloring or perspective, but it looks like his knee is far lower than it should be.
Jordan Robinson
Who was the worst guard player you ever met?
Aiden Bell
It's the perspective and he is wearing an eldar dress.
Easton Rivera
wow not even a real swastika or battle flag
Brody Jackson
>Nazi themed >Green With?
Elijah Ramirez
Only met two, but I guess the guy who plays catachans over the guy who plays cadians by virtue of playing the shitter regiment.
Lincoln Brown
Do scouts use standard human sized heads? Would regular guardsman heads fit? What about Skitarii?
Aiden Evans
So far all of the guard players I've met have been fat spergs, surprisingly unlike a lot of other factions players. Kind of hard to choose.
Kayden Walker
No way, spess mareens have much larger empty heads than a real human hero
Thomas Ramirez
I found these. They're apparently regular marine heads that have been cut down slightly. The sergeant uses a baneblade commander head.
Hunter Hernandez
The one guy who paints like shit and whines. Best was a girl.
Elijah Cruz
Eldrad for #1 Waifu then.
Brandon Gutierrez
Dunno, but I did have Death company head and they look shit. you have to shave off some of the neck part (scout have no neck) so it's very easy to over-shave it.
If you had to use DC head, use the aiming pose, lean the head into the sniper rifle scope like they're aiming, it'll look less weird.
Luis Mitchell
Stop posting that creepy stalker pic. It's super fucking weird.
Owen Kelly
It's on her Twitter that's not that weird.
Christopher Stewart
Taking it off her twitter and repeatedly posting it here on Veeky Forums is weird.
Samuel Parker
Hard mode challenge accepted: 1/2 Emperor of Mankind in Terra-Imperialis Dreadthrone. The Golden Throne has been turned into a Knight sized Dreadnought. 750pts, 32 PL The Emperor of Mankind in Terra-Imperialis Dreadthrone is a single model armed with a Colossal Aquilla Talon with built in Lascannon, an Imperator-Ultimatus Chainsword, a shoulder mounted Redemptus Gatling Cannon, 2 underslung Flamestorm Cannons, 2 chest mounted Maelstrom Missile Launchers, and a wrist mounted Hurricane Bolter. M10" WS2+ BS2+ S10 T10 W20 A8 Ld 10 Sv2+
Collosal Aquilla Talon S+5 AP-3. Re-roll wounds. Culln's grab and shoot ability copypasted here but it's an auto D6 mortal wounds.
Imperator-Ultimatus Chainsword Sx2 AP-5. -1 to hit, may do a swipe like Morty at S User AP-3, 3 hit rolls per attack instead of 1.
Redemptus Gatling Cannon S8 AP-2 Heavy 10. Each hit roll of 6+ causes an additional automatic hit and each wound roll of 6+ causes a mortal wound, these automatic hits may not cause additional hits.
Maelstrom Missile Launchers S7 AP-1 Assault D6. If this weapon targets a unit with 10 or more models, roll 2D6 per shooting attack made with this weapon instead of D6.
Flamestorm Cannons, Lascannons, and Hurricane Bolters are self explanatory.
Ryan Sanchez
This, it's weird as hell
Eli Diaz
2/2 Rules: God-Emperor of the Imperium of Man: If your army is Battle-Forged, you receive an additional 5 Command Points if the Emperor of Mankind is your Warlord. Enemy models that start or end their movement phase within 12" must subtract 2 from their Leadership value. Additionally, all friendly models, regardless of being able to draw line of sight with the Emperor of Mankind may use his leadership until he is removed from the board.
Master of Mankind: All friendly models with line of sight to the Emperor may re-roll rolls of 1 to hit and to wound. Friendly models within 6" may re-roll all failed to hit and to wound rolls as well as failed saving throws of 1.
Light of the Astronomican: The Emperor of Mankind and all friendly PSYKER models within 12" of him may add 2 to the result of psychic tests and deny the witch tests.
Hardened Alloy of the Golden Throne: The Emperor of Mankind has a 4+ Invulnerable save and ignores wounds he would otherwise suffer on a roll of 5+.
Catastrophic Explosion: If the Emperor of Mankind is reduced to 0 wounds, the Terra-Imperialis Dreadthrone suffers a catastrophic explosion and must fall back from the battlefield, roll a die for every unit within 6", on a 3+ the unit suffers D6 Mortal Wounds.
The Emperor of Mankind may attempt to manifest three psychic powers and attempt to deny three psychic powers. He knows the Smite psychic power and three powers from across any table available to codexes of the Imperium.
I didn't knew what to meme about so I just rolled with the waifu shit
Jackson Howard
Sounds about right for guys here. She's part of the hobby and cute and likes what they like. A dream girl for them.
Jonathan Evans
Think anyone would give me shit if I used one of these conversions as a base body, added a robot squiggoth head, and a battlewagon on the back to use as a counts as squiggoth, or would tournaments frown on that idea. It would actually be about an inch taller, but not as long.
Colton Robinson
I feel bad for mentioning her name when someone asked about who painted those bright orks and tzeentch things. Didn't realize that some legit creep ass motherfuckers would latch onto it.
Jayden Butler
I wouldn't, Squiggoths are tiny. However, if you're talking Gargantuan Squiggoth, then yeah you'd be hard pressed, those things are HUUUUUUGE.
Jackson Myers
Do you not know where we are friend? Autism isn't even just the norm, it's fucking distilled to its purest form and given life.
Elijah Perez
Thinking I'll just use my mecha squiggy head here.
Samuel Sullivan
>I didn't think people would latch onto a girl on Veeky Forums
Brody Green
I want to start collecting a Dark Eldar army. How hard are they to paint? The figures on the Games Workshop site look great but I'm not a very good painter so I'm worried my army is going to look like shit.
Michael Peterson
It's not like they are harassing her. It's weird but not awful. Not any weirder than falling for some kind of twitch the person.
Evan Moore
Oh? well shit I thought they were pretty small, ill never be able to afford what GW wants for one.
Elijah Rogers
They're one of the hardest armies to paint but if you take your time you'll be fine. If my retarded ass can paint them half decently you can too.
Leo Evans
Who is the best waifu and why is it Lelith Hesperax
Hunter James
Can you fuckers just try to not be so embarrassing?
It's bad enough having to explain my hobby to the normies.
Nicholas Young
Bruh, a Gargantuan Squiggoth is like, 14" long, they're called GARGANTUAN for a reason.
Mason Reed
I like Greyfax. She's grumpy and in denial and her waifu likes men. Greyfax is a tragic self hating waifu who needs proper love.
Noah Adams
Who gives a shit. It's a random slut who works at GW, defending her e-honor makes you look like a plebbitor
Ayden Wood
Why does it seem like Dark Eldar are getting more popular lately? They were one of the least popular armies for a long time.
Lucas Sullivan
It's like a board game where you build and paint the pieces. It's a nice creative outlet that let's me bond with other people.
Logan Peterson
because being a complete fag is increasingly "cool" these days. and peeps be bored of playing the same old, wanting a new different army for new edition etc.
Landon King
No - I mean when I take my GF to the FLGS and she complains that she's getting eye raped.
Zachary Brown
They've got some of the best GW models, what can I say? Posting my painting guide for any prospective Black Heart or copycat Kabal painters.
Gavin Smith
Julian Cooper
please do something other than "generic black armour with grey highlights".
Camden Baker
When everyone went index they were equally shit like everyone else, now with codex armies they're again shit but at least not as shit like back in 7th ed
Carson Evans
Oh yeah it's a horrible environment for women. We have a few in the store and they only survive because they are ugly and know how to shit talk. Pretty girls should never be brought around.
Dominic Edwards
As a shit painter, I find em pretty damned hard. I can't get an even edge highlight for shit. However, they wind up looking acceptable just because the models are cool, and with it being a generally dark colour scheme it hides a few of my mistakes.
Brandon Walker
I'm going to attempt to paint them the same way they look on the GW website. Black with green highlights
Tyler Jackson
that's on you.
if you took your meds, "she" and you would be doing just fine. and the wouldn't be any issues.
Eli Campbell
Hmm well the design I have in mind looks to be about 15 inches long, mabye If I put him on a mound of junk for height it will be about right.
Aaron Diaz
Anyone have a reasonable estimate on how long it usually takes for a temporarily out of stock item to be restocked online?
Been wanting Ravagers for over a month now.
Jack Thompson
>he brought his girlfriend to a gathering of single men What were you thinking?
Nolan Parker
Right here, user.
Cameron Harris
Wyatt Scott
Thanks for that user, saved.
Daniel Brown
Just maybe, be sure to bulk it out, and above all else just have a cool looking conversion. As long as it looks convincing, and is the same size, I don't think anyone will be too mad.
Adrian Myers
>the kind of manchild that plays with grimdark dolls
Alexander Myers
Wouldn't hurt to check out GW painting guide of DE in the WIP general OP. Its called raiders of Commorragh.
Jaxon Brooks
>grimdark No way, gue'la
Nicholas King
I like the happy blue dudes
Wyatt Edwards
Anyone ever used/seen Aetaos'rau'keres on the tabletop and is he the kind of ungodly rape machine he should be for 1.5k points?
Daniel Price
Curious, but for anyone who has read about the strange Blood Pact machines in Gaunts Ghosts, were some of them similar to the Umbaran warmachines from Clone Wars?
I notice the Guardsmen going up against the "Stumble Guns" faired about as well as the Clones engaging the Umbaran Mobile Cannons.
I mean who wants to play the Dark Brooding faction right?
Levi Nguyen
you should tell her not to flatter herself so much.
Charles Moore
Me me me me me!
Hunter Myers
>dark brooding >not playing the objectively best, true neutral faction
Grayson Stewart
I want to play both.
Jeremiah Harris
Will that be too dark/black to be used as Dark Angels color scheme?
Jeremiah Roberts
Someone help me decide a color scheme for my gsc's. I picked up the battle force box today and remembers that I didn't have a scheme in mind yet. I was thinking something like a bone colored carapace though I don't know what to do for the edge highlights or the skin color
Alexander Allen
Duncan has a few videos on different Kabalites that show very easy painting techniques to use for any DE force. Also those minis are basically screaming for a drybrush
Mason Morgan
I wanted to get some good Line of sight blocking terrain, and had the idea of grabbing two "Shrine of The Aquila" kits and making one big ol' box with them.
Any other ideas?
Carson Richardson
You can make some Hills with just some Styrafoam or some building with Foamboard.
Noah Richardson
>fate of mankind >have any measurable effect on the fate of the galaxy you have a sense of humour, mon'keigh gue'la
Jackson Russell
can I cum in your mouth
Henry Jackson
I was talking about the Tyranids ya elven shitter
Nathaniel Perry
I've got plenty of hills, and i wouldn't mind having some terrain for a city based board.
But i'll make more hills anyway.
John Murphy
I was really hopeful when the BA codex came out but the more I look at building lists for them the more I start to think that they aren't that good.
Yeah, I'm going to get off at least one alpha strike charge but what then? If your army can kill marines, then BA aren't really any different.
Eli Price
Why the Elder, a dying race, seems to have infinite amount of population when Craftworlds get destroyed left and right?
Ethan Brown
What's the best defense for alpha strikes?
Samuel Diaz
ask the dark kin and pray to whatever is your god she (or he) dont bite it off