>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list. mtgcommander.net
>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their decks strategy and card choices. tappedout.net
>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet. edhrec.com/
>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commanders color identity. manabasecrafter.com/
>Is there a boogeyman deck in your group? If it's not your deck, how do you best combat it? i play with a lot of different people. i've lost to meren and derreti a lot though.
experience counters are dumb.
Brody Collins
Sub question: since this user reminded me, and someone on gatherer was complaining about the mechanic on pic related.
How do you feel about all of the non-interactive mechanics they've been creeping into the game lately, like experience counters, energy and now very likely ascend. At least with monarch you have a way to be dethroned without someone else playing a card that names them monarch.
Camden Sullivan
Removing counters from players (which would interact with both experience and energy, as well as Infect) could show up the next time Phyrexia is relevant.
Henry King
any resource that cant be countered is dumb, planeswalkers get a pass kinda since it usually takes awhile to ult. energy didnt get to have anti energy mechanics despite ENERGY SUCKING GREMLINS on a plane of PURE ENERGY. experience counters were also a typical commander precon mistake, with the only strategy is "just make them not play their deck is based around doing lol, we also made a land to get around commander tax since people were complaining about that lol"
maybe next time in kaladesh, since anti energy was a discussed thing that didnt make it in. phrexia doesnt have to have all the good things, even though it would thematically cleaning up mirrodin.
Jason Kelly
They're aiming for the casual and commander audience with it. I don't mind it too much as long as it's not parasitic/backbreaking. It's a necessity for some resources (i.e. energy) since that can get out of hand like we've been seeing in standard.
Cooper Fisher
command beacon is a garbage card unless you play land based decks, which are shit.
Colton Perez
>Is there a boogeyman deck in your group? If it's not your deck, how do you best combat it?
My Ur-Dragon deck. It’s nothing amazing, it’s not like I’m using Scion of the Ur-Dragon or Ramos to combo out. It just plays big dumb dragons quickly, that’s it. But I guess big dragons are scary enough on their own.
Owen Cooper
>command beacon is a garbage card bitch, please. you only need it once.
my main complaint is wizards yet again making it easier to play your commander. tucking was revised to sell commander precons, plain and simple.
Caleb Cox
Pretty sure tucking was revised because it's inconsistent with other rules.
ie chaos warp was a mistake and easy, simple answers are only for blue brainlets and sometimes white, but who in their right mind plays white without blue? have fun against derevi now, fuckers :^)
Levi Brooks
Marath doesn't get grave pact and sacrifice fun stuff, Ghave doesn't get mana echos/purphoros, and Prossh doesn't have the strategy of actually pumping up and swinging with tokens. Trying to decide which of those would be most fun for me instead of building all three.
Joshua Morris
>dat flavor text on M10 Goblin Chieftain >Goblin Deathraiders >the entirety of RKF's Goblin War Drums Goblins used to be baller. God damn shame what happened.
William Gray
Literally the best Magic artist. There is none better. I have never seen a bad piece from him.
Hunter Lopez
>gitrog monster >shit
Robert Johnson
>and now very likely ascend But you can interact with that. Just destroy the permanents before he has 10 of them.
Adam Wood
Removal is for try-hard spikes.
Christopher Ross
Stop bitching a buy a Karn
David Moore
There are a lot of insanely good land commanders my g. Titania smiles at you behind an army of 5/3 dickslappers
Jose Ortiz
if i proliferate the counter, i can kill multiple players at once, right?
would a proliferated counter start at 5 or the number the current counter is at?
i can't find any rulings besides the vague "it doesn't do what you want" on maro's blog, which only seems to say that you can't change what the number is through proliferation.
Jose Russell
Who is the most "fun" artifact based commander?
Brandon Phillips
last time we got art like this was alara.
also lorywn goblins are dope. uggo cute buggers that are friendly, despite the RB stereotyping we see now.
Jason Martin
The counter is not on any numbers and does not move. It does nothing.
Mason Rivera
ah, gotcha. so he'd have an extra doom counter, but the counter wouldn't have a number.
makes sense.
Parker Gomez
proliferate will make another counter, but not on a number since baron specifies where it goes on etb and not otherwise. Baron Von Count is trigger based, not counter based like you think.
you want multiple etb trigger to get more counters where you want them, BUT you can trigger the countdown faster to skip a number and resulting player destroy with strionic resonator and the like.
Isaiah Gonzalez
>destroy target player
Dylan Brooks
Goblin tiddy
Jaxon Phillips
Any voltron deck, since most everyone in the group wants to play "soft ally for the sake of time", it's usually a wrap by turn 4-6.
Glissa the traitor
Aiden Howard
>destroy target player
Angel Gutierrez
nice. so a baron that entered with a panharmonicon in play would let me destroy two players at once?
Brayden Thompson
honestly the only reason i got mizzix
Nicholas Murphy
Wow, never seen that art up close but she is kinda cute for a goblin. Kinda. She still doesn't hold a candle up to facesitting mommy though.
Hunter Evans
yeah, but a resonate would only trigger once to move one of them, but you are probably going for the one big three player kill.
personally, im working on using him to mostly exploit the dash mechanic in addition to etbs/triggers. thinking with cost reducers and cloudstone currio i could fire it off faster while also having an aggro backup plan like haze of rage. the HARDEST part is finding low cost cards that have 5 in them at instant speed. there are the few cards that have all five numbers, but i want instant speed to pull off the kill when its my turn again.
Ryan Stewart
Is there a way to build Queen Facesit that isn't control/pillowfort? That resting bitch face compels me to build her.
Nolan Evans
Parker Fisher
dark hair and eyes suit her better
Isaiah Morgan
That looks a lot worse. She isn't dressed for that coloration.
Jaxson Garcia
Looks like shit.
Matthew Martinez
She's a card advantage engine in the command zone. She accommodates literally any kind of strategy you could possibly want to pull off in Mardu colors. She just tends to be thematically ideal for a pillowfort/control strategy.
Grayson Reyes
Is storm the vault worth it for 9 bucks? The new rivals of ixalan card that flips into tolarian-lite. Just worried it will be like Itlimoc and go down to 5 bucks max or spike like hostage taker/scarab god.
William Nelson
you do not deserve to play femdom queen.
Colton Wilson
It'll probably go down in price, until someone breaks it in standard. I think it'll go down to 4/5.
Jaxon Cooper
Blake Russell
What is a decent and fun to play Wizard tribal deck for multiplayer?
Isaac Hill
Prime Speaker Zegana with Master Biomancer, Zameck Guildmage, Sage of Fables, and Fathom Mage Become muscle wizards
Jeremiah Young
Wizard precon Eminence grill
Lincoln Turner
So an artbook leak confirmed Azor as the creator of the Immortal Sun and also mentioned that to create it, he had to give up his spark. So presumably, that means he's going to be a creature and not a planeswalker. Who here is hype for Azor as a commander? I for one am ready to become the law.
Eli Anderson
Link/upload the leak? If he's an interesting commander sure. Same with the Minotaur.
Juan Collins
Angrath is still a planeswalker.
Caleb Mitchell
Here's the relevant page.
Eli Carter
Opinions on Vela?
Parker Peterson
Nice, another Sphnix general would be cool, especially if it's good.
For any RB EDH deck then as part of the 99.
Dominic Powell
I'm pretty sure people only ever want to build her because of the art. She's an incredibly boring card.
Eli Lewis
>Thread question My friend and I both built Narset. Mine is much more cancerous so I don't play her unless the group feels like watching me play solitaire while they go and smoke until I declare victory
Isaac King
hes gonna be detain on crack, aint he?
Leo Wright
Can Veeky Forums figure out how I (top player, playing next) won before the end of my next turn?
Xavier Ortiz
This UI is so bad ... honestly not even feeling like making an attempt lol
Camden Sanchez
I hope so because detain felt so underused.
Blake Sullivan
She seems all right but I never played her or seen anyone play her but the concepts look good.
Gabriel Rogers
This. Couldn't give a shit if I can't even read all the card names, much less see the art.
Chase Cooper
i made a bant turbo slime/lavina deck years ago. it made so many people salty because conjurers closet with acidic slime and lavina was pretty much lockdown gg.
Adam Martin
But you can...
The board is much larger in a 2p game, aslo. I like Trice it because it costs absolutely nothing, I can brew whatever I feel like, games fire quickly, and ultimately the lack of rule enforcement makes it feel more like playing real magic and it makes you sharper as you have to watch for mistakes on your opponent's part.
Tyler Taylor
Pity his website is broken. Would like to buy some art from him.
Joseph Jones
Just because you're used to that shit UI doesn't mean everyone is ...
Liam Taylor
I know they are like all bad but the level up cards usually have 4-5 different numbers on them so that might work.
Owen Gutierrez
>that feel when no idea what deck I want to make next
Gabriel Ortiz
It doesn't translate well in a capture. We can't hover over cards, look through hands/graveyards like you can on the client. Just can't be bothered to figure out what the fuck is going on, user.
Nathaniel Allen
If you've played on any virtual mtg client you should be able to pick it up no prob. I actually really like the flow in cockatrice and the ability to point at shit. Pointing feels good.
Also it's not buggy like mtgo and very forgiving if you fuck up. Well that depends on the player I guess. The community can be pretty salty and each user has the ability to personally block/ban at will. It's funny though when kids lose to your meme decks then block you. And most people are either chill or just there for "tiers"
tl;dr just beause you can't into something doesn't mean it's objectively bad
Carter Brooks
No need to shill it bud, it just doesn't translate well to a still screenshot and I'm busting your balls about it cause it's 3am
Omnath Locus of Coolade is pretty fucking awesome when playing Multiplayer. People always forget how powerful he is once he's up and running.
Nathaniel Mitchell
>because it costs absolutely nothing
Cock is love, cock is life
Samuel Nelson
I want to try to make a boardstate where nobody can win or lose. Something like giving every player platinum angel and darksteel forge with hexproof.
What's the best nobody can win/lose combo and what commander would facilitate it
Jackson Ortiz
grusella using plat angel and that demon that prevents losing
Dylan Rodriguez
gobs have wider asses and bigger tiddies due to their low height and center of gravity. its a scientific fact.
plus they come in bulk.
Tyler Green
oh wow I didn't even think of that. That's actually really easy to pull off too.
Alexander Nelson
Impact Tremors or Warstorm Surge?
One does pitiful damage, but is cheap and can be played ASAP, the other does more damage but I can't use it until much later because it's 6 cmc.
Jordan Reyes
Pandemonium to throw a free for all bitchfest?
It really depends if you're generation a thousand tokens or playing huge creatures. If you're in RGx Sekki goes inf with Surge btw.
Jace Williams
Enduring Ideal Dovescape Night Of Soul's Betrayal O Rings or Purph Nodes as needed
Play Oloro or Zur
David Sullivan
Tokens from Edgar Markov, so that clarifies the situation. I should have mentioned that. I'm not so great generating a ton of tokens, but I can do some heavy lifting between Impact Tremors, and Blood Artist/Falkenrath Noble when I sac the tokens to Ashnod's Altar, so I don't have to go as big on one of my X spells.
I might save Warstorm Surge for if Rivals of Ixalan has enough big dinosaurs to justify making a Mayael deck.
Charles Torres
If your group plays a reasonable suite of removal, then 6+cmc enchantments that do nothing the turn they come down are just going to be a lost turn.
Otherwise, pick weenies OR fatties and run the one that matches. Don't spread too thin.
Nolan Evans
You want Tremors, maaaaybe Pandemonium if you're feeling cheeky then. There's a vampire that drains on a vampire ETB too if I'm not mistaken.
Anthony Walker
is purphoros not in their? if you gameplan is tokens you get in damage about and get to pump dudes.
Leo Ross
Impact Tremors is superior then because of Eminence from Markov.
Matthew Stewart
I want to play a commander deck that works like a toolbox and can try to deal with most things that comes out, what should I go with?
Josiah Bell
Juan Hughes
Think he'll be U/W or just mono color? Hopefully its not tribalshit and an interesting effect
Robert Gutierrez
It should be fucking UR since he's the namesake of the Azorius guild, ideally he has something to do with something like detain, because they wouldn't be able to reuse detain in the set unless they did for the Vampire side, or anything else that deals with locking things down.
Isaiah Perry
>F cup >H cup
Chase Collins
*UW, it's newrly 5am here.
Grayson Brown
It's this time of the thread again.
Post a picture describing your favorite/most played/most recently played deck and other anons will try to guess what deck or commander is it.
I'll begin with something easy.
Jace Richardson
He's more expensive than I'm in the mood for, and my plan is to sac the tokens for mana. If any Theros god, Erebos for a worse Greed effect, or better, Athreos so I can potentially sac and recast non-token creatures.
Sebastian Lopez
Are any of the zombie tribal commanders enjoyable to play?
Aaron Moore
>Thread question Isamaru.
We have a very political, very battlecruiserish table, so mauling them with doggo is "unfair".
Aaron Reed
yeah true, youd want the draw or psuedo reanimator more. tokens is more like brownie points while the real vamps and aristocrats are the meat and potatoes.
Noah Morgan
>it's time for the smash smash song I will never not be mad
Kayden Richardson
Anyone got that pic from the last thread with queen face sit? The what I played/expected/got? It might help this user a bit