How did the Black Ships carry hundreds or thousands blanks at a time when they were being gathered without their Warp Drives and Navigators failing to operate?
What happens to a large concentration of Blanks inside the warp?
How did the Black Ships carry hundreds or thousands blanks at a time when they were being gathered without their Warp Drives and Navigators failing to operate?
What happens to a large concentration of Blanks inside the warp?
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Technically ships never actually enter the warp, they project a bubble of realspace around them. So nothing.
which is the point. if they can't open a hole into the warp for their bubble to enter, how would they get anywhere?
Why couldn't they open the hole? The hole is opened outside the ship, which is way outside of the blanks' effective radius.
>which is way outside of the blanks' effective radius.
On the one, it was said that such a high concentration of Blanks all in one small place was creating a literal "shadow in the warp" that blotted out the Astronomican and Psyker abilities, both of which are absolutely vital to Navigators.
On the other, the presence of the Blanks themselves could suppress the Warp Drive within the ship from functioning. None theleast even if it manages to work, they could end up fucking with the Gellar Field as well (though with so many blanks aboard that might not be so bad. . .)
>they could end up fucking with the Gellar Field
Does ice fuck with a freezer?
Blackships hold psykers not blanks.
Watchers of the Thrones went into it with the Sisters of Silence ships, apparently they only have a few blanks on each ship and they do have navigators and astropaths that can barely function and normally hang out in their core chambers.
They also really hate the Sisters who don't blame them for it.
I'm talking about the specific instance during the Great Crusade when Blanks in such large numbers were found and brought to Terra.
>Great Crusade Era
>When the Sisters of Silence first captured and transported large numbers of Untouchables back to Terra during the Great Crusade, humanity had its first disturbing revelation of the potency of these strange mutants. As large groups of Pariahs were brought to Terra, they began to cast a shadow in the Warp, blocking out the Astronomican, the vital psychic beacon used to guide starships to the far reaches of the Imperium.
Actually yes, in the wrong place. That is to say, anywhere near the components which generate cold rather than where the cold should be.
>The Sisters operated the Adeptus Astra Telepathica's infamous Black Ships, which ranged the galaxy following behind the Great Crusade's Expeditionary Fleets in search of rogue psykers to capture or expunge, seeking to collect and carry them back to Terra where they would be tested and their eventual fate decided.
Lead me to believe that these Blanks were being carried within those same vessels en masse. Black ship or not.
I think they just spread them out across the massive numbers of ships around. Blanks and untouchables are still less common then psykers and actually less dangerous.
The League of Blackships is fucking huge man, its a combination of a psychic lifeline and specialized war fleet against psychic abominations that supplies Terra from the million worlds of the Imperium.
In fact thats how I believe they fixed the Terra shadowing in the first place. By just moving them off world to like the Culeux Temple planet or the Sister of Silence enclaves which were scattered throughout the galaxy.
I was under the impression they just opted to kill as many of them as possible and the sisters and few remaining unknown blanks are all thats left.
>large concentrations of blanks
You'd have to have a bunch of them concentrated in one place, more than 10 or 20. Eisenhorn bums around with at least a dozen on his ships sometimes and it doesn't seem to impact travel at all. A sister of silence ship might be more difficult but I think your best bet is to insulate the navigators, astropaths and warp / gellar drives.
You would need an absolute shitton of blanks to do that. Most imperial starships are several kilometres long and blanks only affect things in the immediate vicinity.
>blanks only affect things in the immediate vicinity.
True, but when 2 or more Blanks have their fields of effect overlapping, it multiplies the range, sometimes greatly so. So 2 blanks in close proximity may affect a much larger area than maybe even 5 or 6 blanks carefully spread out.
There exists tech capable of regulating Blank fields so those may have been used around the crucial areas(Navigators' chambers and warp drives). The rest of the psykers were likely told to suck it up. Problems may have started when all those blanks from every corner of the Empirium were gathered in one place and their fields started overlapping.
They're a resource, and not an especially dangerous one as long as you don't stick them next to the Astronomican - whack them on an asteroid fort in the ass-end of cold space and use a psyker's heebie-jeebies as a divining rod for where it is and you'll be fine
Why doesn't the imperium just gather every single blank in the galaxy, put them on a ship, and fly it directly into the eye of terror?
Wait fuck... that doesn't exist anymore does it.
It's 40k, don't try to think much just accept how things are
The Imperium in 30k was on the verge of developing what might have been an entire Blank Army with its own weaponry had the Imperium citizens not had a hissy fit.
>t Mortarion
The navigators are inside isolated compartments. As long as the Sisters don't go too close to those, there shouldn't be a problem. I'd assume the Black Ships are intelligently designed enough so the Sisters don't have to go near it when doing their thing.
Well then just don't put Blanks in the wrong place aboard the ship.
The grey knights alone go through about one million psykers before somebody makes it through the trials to become a full on knight. Every branch of the imperial military need them, plus psykers being the only method for FTL communication and the emperor needing a shitload fed to him every day mean that they are an extremely valuable resource.
>The grey knights alone go through about one million psykers before somebody makes it through the trials
Pretty sure you don't have a source on that.
No, that sounds about consistent with the retardation surrounding the grey niggers.
>Implying Earth isn't an entire planet of Blanks which is why we haven't been discovered yet.
>Grey Niggers
So sand people?
>Earth is entirely filled with Blanks
>7 Billion blanks
>As a result our solar system looks like an empty space to everyone else
>Psykers are driven mad even getting close to us
That's kind of neat, actually.
I'm at work, so the best I can do is point at this:
>The creation of a Grey Knight is an expensive undertaking, even more so than the creation of a standard Astartes: it is said that only one in every one million Aspirants will ascend to the rank of a full Battle-Brother of the Chapter.
Pretty sure I can accept I was wrong.
No worries. I'm a GK player and I'm the first to say that the number is just stupidly high, unless they are counting everyone that dies on the black ships before even reaching Titan.
If my math is correct I think it works out to about 3 650 000 000 psykers the last ten thousand years. Which is a huge number, but the Imperium is also really big and they collect psykers from everywhere. On the other hand, potential Space Marine recruits are already pretty rare, and even more so when it comes to potential recruits who are also psykers. Maybe the Grey Knights are why there are so few Librarians in most other Chapters.