>30k TACTICA & TIPS What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more pastebin.com/Tm2P4QLp
I'm starting an army of Ultrafriends, what do I need to know before I jump In?
Hunter Robinson
Everything's in the tactics if you want a complete explanation General advice is ultramarines benefit from small unit size and are generaly good at everything. They're surprisingly good at melee due to the exellent suzerain squad
Parker King
the epub for the new rulebook is fucked up
Asher Martinez
no your epub reader is fucked up. use Readium instead.
Alexander James
what said, with Readium it is nearly flawless (some spacing problems in the title sized fonts).
James Sanders
Wait, so is that 30k short set on Calth? I thought that planet only got fucked in the ass by Erebus and pals
Would be rad if its set on Armatura or Nuceria, but I guess it will be some bumfuck OC planet far away from the Primarchs for the sake of viewers not knowing the outcome
Cooper Cruz
Starting 30k with a friend we getting the Prospero set. Should I go with talons or Thousand sons
Grayson Bennett
I believe it's Armatura, because there is World Eaters and Word Bearers together when Calth was WB only
Cooper Miller
I'm getting back into painting and assembling my TS force. Here's my draft for tournament play, thoughts?
Magnus and the HQs go together and deep strike.
The veterans, other Sekhmet and the Castellax start on the board. The javelins and Lightning are in reserve.
I plan on doing a separate force for normal/non-WAAC, before anyone mentions Sekh/Vet/Magnus.
Chase Jones
How are people with proxying in HH? I know a lot of it is to show off resin crack from forgeworld but would anyone think it's suss to use chaos cultists as Adsecularis in a traitor mechanicum force?
Tyler Smith
Give them proper weapons and make them look more like servitors.
Samuel Ortiz
At least put some effort with a bit of greenstuff, maybe give them a backpack of sorts, and a different weapon.
Kayden Wright
Brody Collins
You don't have to go Thousand Sons, you can paint the generic units as any legion. But Ahriman is a Thousand Sons HQ, unless you put some solid conversion effort into him.
I'd rather recommend buying Betrayal at Calth, since you and your friend both get a decent starter force of the legions and can expand from there. The two HQs are generic too.
Unless you and your friend really wants to play Talons and Thousand Sons.
Logan Perez
*Kills your primarch* Nothing personal kid
Matthew Cooper
What do the coloured stripes at the top of the HH novel pockets mean?
Jace Howard
Pls, don't bring up this can of worms again.
Owen Edwards
>implying you could drop him 0/10 worst numbered mistake
Jacob Bennett
So it's unknown. Good job, BL
Dominic Reyes
>‘Then I will assist you.’ Revelation reached into the game box and His fingers reappeared holding a new piece, one never seen before. It was shaped like a jester of the most ancient days, complete with gormless expression. Real, tiny cap-bells tinkled as Revelation shook it. ‘This is you, Malcador. The Fool. I have used you for millennia to suit my own purposes and before the end I will discard you without a second thought.’
Isn't this the greatest interaction between these two?
Cameron Sanchez
Luis Bailey
The Board is set, Horus Heresy short story by Gav Thorpe
Jordan Edwards
From the Advent calendar right? Has it been shared?
Owen Nelson
How monopose are pic-related. I just wanna do a quick head swap for one of the IW set and was wondering if that's gonna be easy or a pain in the ass.
Christian Butler
Head swaps are never hard.
Isaac Cox
The bodies except arms are one big piece, but the heads are seperate on both of them. EggHeadMinatures.com has pictures of most or all of the bits if you want to look closer.
Ayden Foster
Zachary Butler
Cameron Cruz
If I want to start a HH Imperial Fists army would the Betrayal at Calth box be the best way to start?
Brayden Gray
If you want MkIV and Cataphractii armours, yes. This goes for all Legions.
Xavier Ramirez
Big E bad dad bad friend XDDDDDDDDDD
Justin Powell
you're a big lad
Grayson Sanders
Awesome, Thanks man
Joshua Cooper
It all depends on what list you're going for. But it's a good starting point yes.
Chase Gonzalez
>‘You exist only to further my ambitions, a callous on the toe of history and nothing more,’ said Revelation, not making the slightest sign that He had even listened to what Malcador had said. ‘You are just an invisible, nondescript foundation stone in the edifice that will be my undying glory. I have lied to you from the very first moment, and all that you believe of me, of the universe and mankind’s part in it, is fiction. I have manipulated you, abused you and I will toss you away without a single shred of care. One of my legionaries has more consideration for a bolt that he fires than I do for you, Malcador.’
Christopher Roberts
Lel, so emps don't give a fuck anymore
Colton Smith
Why does emps has to be such a massive autistic asscunt? You know, having alpha+ psyker at your disposal is pretty nifty instead of just fucking him bareback.
Alexander Martinez
Why are Emps and Malcador wasting time playing YuGiOh when Horus is hours away from kicking their door down?
Carter Bell
I'm assuming they're doing it through psychic powers (The Emperor does it several time in MoM), and basically no time passes when they do that.
Nathaniel Garcia
I miss the days when Emps bro'd it up with Horus, drank with Russ and wasn't a total douche. Making him a wanker kind of ruins the final battle with Horus somewhat.
Kevin Thomas
Nufluff really is worse. Though his humanizing moment with Corax in Deliverance Lost is a nice piece, even it it only makes the Emperor's character even more convoluted when you put it next to the rest of nufluff.
Ayden Ross
This is the point. He's now an inconsistent character. How can they align the Emperor as we've seen him in the last few appearances with the one who held back against his son because he believed he wasn't truly lost? Why would this guy care when a guardsmen/marine/custode get obliterated?
Lucas Howard
Rolled 11 (1d20)
Jason Bennett
Rolled 1 (1d20)
Connor Stewart
Rolled 2 (1d20)
Mason Hughes
>2nd Legion >ERROR #CDIV file not found >11th Legion >-CENSORED- by Imperial decree What does this mean?
Cooper Torres
Rolled 15 (1d20)
Ayden James
Rolled 2 (1d20)
Probably means IInd was -REDACTED- so hard not even their -REDACTION- was recorded.
Christopher Wright
your legion tactics and rites of war are mediocre but your characters and special units are some of the best in the game
Brody Perry
Rolled 19 (1d20)
The First it is then!
Jose Lewis
Rolled 3 (1d4)
Evan Morales
Rolled 2 (1d5)
Anthony Young
Rerolling. Not a huge Death Guard fan
Ethan Adams
Rolled 9 (1d20)
Kevin Flores
Rolled 17 (1d20)
Samuel Parker
What would happen if the 30k series was competently written, from a fluff standpoint?
Xavier Cox
Rolled 5 (1d20)
NL please
Jace Hughes
It would be better, but I liked the mystery from not knowing exactly what happened
Adrian Rogers
We would get retards that would ask "What would happen if the 30k series was completely written, from a crunch standpoint?"
Jack Collins
Power armour only protects 66% of the time.
Grayson Davis
Nicholas Martin
It's all end in a very touching way though.
>‘I win…’ croaked the Sigillite, but as he returned his attention to the board to place the King of Hearts, there was another piece occupying the space he had to take. The Fool. ‘In ancient days, the Fool could say anything to anyone – in theory, at least,’ Revelation said. He smiled and warmth flooded through Malcador to see the expression, but then both the smile and his moment of hope faded. ‘It was the Fool’s task to remind kings and queens that they were mortal, and weak, and not above any other. In the parlance of a later time they existed to speak truth to power, to defy authority and, most importantly, puncture tyranny.’
Having read more of the story now, it seems the Emperor was intentionally riling up Malcador so he could get his mindset more in line with Horus. I.e user using quotes out of context.
Alexander Williams
To quote some faggot from le reddit :^) >This was not the unreliable narrator bullshit. This short was a tasty trailer of what we will see in the Battle of Terra. Namely, a confrontation between Sanguinius and Angron. The Khan will abandon his position together with Dorne to protect the people suffering. The Traitor Primarchs will fight among each other.
Kevin Sanchez
Yes, it also quite amusing seeing how each primarchs represent by each pieces.
Michael Jenkins
Probably just the Emperor manipulating his emotions again. Sociopaths tend to do that.
Jason Butler
I think 30k staying with 7th is dumb but I hold a large exception for Zone Mortalis, which is the apex of 3rd-7th edition gameplay.
Christopher Turner
Sorry bud, its ded I'm afraid.
Bentley Ward
Well as Laurie put it, what makes you think that Bill King short story will remain the description of the final battle at all?
Mason James
Redpill me on Ravenwing Protocol, /hhg/. It seems super sweet.
Andrew Perry
>you can't trust old lore, it's no longer canon, replaced by current lore >you can't trust current lore, it's no longer canon, replaced by future lore
I love this man. More franchises need this levels of autism at their helm.
Owen Rogers
You will love LoL now. He's running that deep and immersive MOBA lore we all love and cherish.
Thank you Goldberg!
Isaiah Barnes
>covenant of death
Jacob Gonzalez
I'm aware of it. I am already playing Dark Angels, I just don't know which -wing I want to dedicate the most to.
Luke Gonzalez
Do you have this quote? I need to hear it from the horse's mouth.
Joshua Rogers
Rolled 12 (1d20)
Ian Thompson
Might explain why I enjoy donating blood so much.
Asher Garcia
Rolled 4 (1d20)
Nicholas Jackson
Is Solar Auxilia a dick move, or a welcome break from constant marines?
Mason Baker
Solar Auxilia are cool and severely underplayed.
Aaron Adams
I don't think there is a lot of Solar Aux, so go for it. I'm building an allied detachment myself, because the models are amazing.
Landon Gomez
Carson Sullivan
Opinions on all the minor armies? I'm thinking of branching out since I'm getting bored with painting Bolter boys, but my club doesn't have any one who plays the side armies for me to judge.
Asher Russell
Semi-related, there's also this from one of the novel afterwords. If that really was the original aim of the BL series, then it's not really a surprise the novels have ended up the way they are.
Jace Long
Would you say they're "subverting expectations"?
William Garcia
If nothing else they have at least subverted my expectations.
Julian Rodriguez
I wanna run Blackshields but play them as Orphans of War and potentially start them as an allied force.
Does anyone here have any experience running them? I’d like to try my hand at one of the less popular armies.
Levi Perry
For Alan Bligh, we remember. Keep on keeping on /30k/.
Hunter Taylor
Rolled 17 (1d20)
It is. The monetary cost is bitter though.
Ian Myers
My entire playgroup is using recasters so that cuts down the cost quite a lot, I am just debating what I want to work towards while waiting for Angelus to release.
Ryan Reyes
What was the big-ass trident-shaped ship that Lorgar used to breath Calth's defenses, a Glorianna was it?
Isaac Wood
Are we being trolled?
Lucas Sanders
Anyone here play Alpha Legion i have Autilon Skorr 5 lernean terminators 40 marines with extra ccw 3 rhinos 3 sicaran battle tanks and a contemptor dred what should i add anyone got strategy advice i have been getting my shit pushed in mostly though i did beat my local night lord player by way of Alpha Legion fuckery