Ideas, settings, characters, games, and whatever else you'll never get to try out, and why it'll never work
Ideas you'll never get to try
Ill start it off with a simple one. Ill never get to play an actual game of anything besides D&D because my friend group doesnt like to try new shit and I dont want to play with a bunch of strangers.
I want to do an exalted game where the recurring villain is an Abyssal who collects solar exaltations in magic lanterns, bringing them back to the neverborn for conversion to abyssals.
He treats the party like friends who don't know it yet, alternately helping them out and trying to kill them, figuring the better they are when he finally kills them the better they'll be on his side.
My group would never go for Exalted
I really REALLY want to run a game set in the Dragon Ball universe. I've talked it over with some guys, but I don't think anything will ever come of it.
This, but include D&D because no friend group.
me too, thanks
I just come to Veeky Forums and read storytimes. I'd try to find an online forum or something, but since I've never played anything really, despite owning the rulebooks and games for several I'm not sure I would have the experience.
A journey around the world, Magellan style
combined with the discovery of new continents and cultures
Most players seem to lack the patience for that sort of thing
I campaign that rips off the bioncal mythos, but every one is a fleshy human until the first time they get badly wounded and see the metal beneath.
>Everyone is a Sun Soul monk
In my warhamer fantasy campaign, my players will visit a new place every 3-5 sessions, fight bosses from different cultures and races, lizardmen, tomb kings, orks, chaos, everyone. Basically, I just want them to collect a bunch of cool artifacts together with their mercenary band. With artifacts collected, they unite Tilea and kickstart industrial revolution (For example, they will steal one of tomes of nagash that allows to binds souls to mechanism, allowing them to create sentient mechs, etc.)
Is that the Valley of the Wind?
That's Laputa.
Zettai Reido, because no translation exists ;_;
>I'm not sure I would have the experience.
You literally don't.
No beginner does.
Jump in the pool and learn to swim anyway.
You won't drown.
Also worried I'd end up flaking, as I am a carer and stay at home dad.
>Also worried I'd end up flaking
Ah, that is my boat.
I haven't run a session in years because I'd rather go gameless than flake once.
An ecalted game where the players are young terrestrials joining the Wyld Hunt and..... it's basically the movie Training Day.
Every time I try to pitch it I get 'can I play a Sidereal pretending to be a terrestrial?', or 'what do you mean I can't play a fae?' Or 'but **why** can't I play my lunar half-caste optimized for seduction and breeding?'
Seriously, screw players.
Are there any settings similar to the feeling you get when watching miyazaki (like in your picture)?
pecifically anceitn old ciivlisations overgrown, a setting with different technologies coexisting (swords and guns for example), the feeling of nostalgia, the adventure feel?
My health can sometimes be shitty or I'll go into supreme introvert mode, so I haven't been looking for a regular rp group because I don't want to flake out. I have a couple of solid rp buddies and that works. I just miss the big groups sometimes.
On-topic, I'd love to try some sort of court intrigue game. Especially if it had elements of a "city builder" in it, Darkest Dungeons style, where new options opened up based on the things you helped build.
I think a way that might be fun is to do it "Lords of Waterdeep" (boardgame) style where players would take on the role of a lord and contract out the adventuring to more expendable sub-characters, perhaps from a common pool. A session would start with the GM presenting possible missions and either outright or by private message clue the players in on information their respective lords might find of interest to them. A (possibly secret) vote on which mission is attempted. Then choosing hero characters from the pool to use for the adventure. Playing that way might let players take risks they wouldn't for a long-term game. And if they get particularly attached to a pool character, maybe they can hire them for their retinue.
I wish I could play a hunter x hunter themed RPG but most of my friends don't know anything about HXH other than "le rubber nen."
Currently playing a HxH game run by my buddy, with only myself and him having watched it in it's entirety, and a few other people only a few episodes in. The biggest hurdle there is is explaining the multiple facets of Nen to the initiated. If they have seen Yuyu Hakasho, use that as a jumping off point, since it's basically the same shit refined.
One approach you might do well to do is actually never refer to it as Hunter x Hunter. Go low fantasy heroics. Have them do the Hunter Exam early, or not. They either impress a Nen teacher, or survive a fight with one, or depending on how the system works, if they master a skill. From there they develop Nen, use the Tower of Heaven and Greed Island as guides on how and when to introduce more aspects of the Nen superpowers to them naturally. Since they know fuck all about HxH they'll think you're a damn genius.
>pecifically anceitn old ciivlisations overgrown, a setting with different technologies coexisting (swords and guns for example), the feeling of nostalgia, the adventure feel?
Not to my knowledge, which is precisely why I took it upon myself to make one like it. I've been working on setting pretty much derived from Shuna's Journey for couple of years.
The only problem is: nobody seem to actually want a setting like that.
nice that sounds amazing
I've always wanted to run a GTA style modern criminal campaign, with PCs starting out as low level criminals, doing small jobs like stealing cars and shit, and slowly climbing up the ladder, meeting important figures, getting more and more entangled into the whole power struggle between the gangs in the city and eventually probably completely changing the existing balance with their actions.
Unfortunately, there surprisingly seems to be little interest in a game like that though. Shame, since I have most of the basic plot practically ready to go if the day ever comes
Ive always wanted to play a character inspired by hercules but im not sure how id do it or if the other players in the group would even go for it
I'll never get to try out a Barbarian/Monk/Bard that inspires with a flurry of rageful kicks.
I just want to be part of an irl game, but I suck at math too much to do anything other than rules-lite, and everyone else either needs crunch as a foundational part of their personal metaphysics or can't gm - our last one literally went too schizo
I would love to be a player in an old school D&D/retroclone game, even playing the most boilerplate standard fantasy campaign. I would like to create a story with some friends rather than play out something that was arranged ahead of time.
My friends and I played stuff like that all the time after GTA 3 came out. Good times, but I don't think I'd enjoy it now.