Variation 1 with 3 RR or Variation 2 with the 2 RR. Is losing a Nurgle Warrior/Bloater that much of a hit for a 3rd RR?
James Williams
Yep. Any team defined by having at least a 0-4 s4 positional (in khemri's case s5) is severely hindered by not starting with as many of them as possible.
Samuel Lopez
In Nurgle's case though would the 3rd RR be actually a viable choice here?
Benjamin James
I forgot they had 70k rerolls.
It might, yea.
Personally variation 3 looks the most appealing to me as far as 3rr starts go, and then saving up for Warrior #4 and BoN after that.
But I've never played Nurgle before. BoN is a great piece but it does a decent job as a rookie even at mid-range TV (which is likely where you'd be buying it in the team's development with that startup), so it's not like a lot of other players where you want them earlier so they have more games to earn SPP in.
Jose Hill
Josiah Miller
>friend KO 7 of my players, injures one and kills another >manage to end the 8th tunr of the 2nd half on a draw
Thomas Roberts
What teams were you guys playing?
Ryan Brown
FUMBBL and (You) lied to me! Tossing team mates is the best thing ever, none of that "it's basically a free armor roll for your opponent". Over the course of 3 games I won all three by tossing Snotlings or Goblins. >Ogres vs Amazons >toss a ball carrying Snotling onto the enemy end zone twice >Ogres vs Amazons 2 Electric Boogaloo >toss a Snotling across half field after kickoff and run into the end zone The Amazon player had awful dodge rolls, but amazing passing rolls, too bad for him that he didn't manage to slip past my Snots. >Underworld vs Norse >keep my goblins huddled around my troll >continuous toss goblins at the enemy ball carrier >eventually get the ball myself >propell a goblin down half field and make a dash for the end zone >stall the enemy out by tossing goblins at his carrier
Josiah Morales
Good on you man.
Thomas Ortiz
Surprised you made it work but good stuff. I only throw for a 1 turner but if you can make it work fair play. I killed a Goblin as my troll fumbled (slammed) him into the turf just yesterday. Guess I need to work more on throwing.
Juan Baker
Rolled 1 (1d6)
Carter Young
Dedicated thrower/throwee is better than it seems, but if you're playing ogres you want sure hands and utterly expendable snotling screens. One ball ogre, one thrower of snotlings, and four regular brutes is the build I've always had most success with. Sometimes a backup sure hands if I'm lucky.
Camden Gray
Rolled 3, 2 = 5 (2d6)
Armor Roll
Cooper Flores
BB2 has a shit RNG algorithm so this is to be expected. The board game is actually fun, but the video game is filled with retarded shit Also >BB2 still has Wizards when the tabletop game removed em because they were bullshit
Oliver Stewart
To be fair my opponent was a high TV chaos Dwarf team.
Isaiah Robinson
You can look at the RNG after a match, and guess what?
RNG is within normal bounds.
Nolan Gomez
How does one play pro elves against dwarf team (both starting at 1 000 000) ?
Ethan Price
Dodge away. Make him overcommit go one sidd then switch and run. Dont try to bash.
Xavier Davis
Also I won.
Justin Cooper
What if he cage ?
Colton Howard
More games! I played a national championship against other ogre teams with much higher TV (NPC) to get some training in, won all 3, one by tossing a snot, two by using Morg 'n' Thorg to bash my way through. From there my luck ran out however. >Nurgle vs Orc = loss >Nurgle vs Skaven = loss >Ogre vs Chaos Dwarves = embarrassing loss, CD player didn't have a single attacker down roll and could freely spend his rerolls on dodges GFIs and ball handling >Ogre vs Skaven = loss >Ogre vs Orcs = loss People often put orcs and humans in the same average category, but I strongly disagree. Orcs are insanely strong, their only disadvantage is not having MB on their Black Orcs.
Anyways, I'm now considering to retire from Ogres for a while, even though I absolutely love these big dumbos, I'll be playing in an upcoming Cup against Skaven, Chaos, Amazons, Chaos Dwarves, Goblins and two undisclosed teams as of yet. It's kind of a dick move for the Skaven and CD players to pick such powerful teams despite the rest of the players agreeing to pick more mediocre teams, but you gotta deal with it. So I'm considering going either Norse, Nurgle, or Wood Elf and am experienced with all three. Which would you recommend?
Wyatt Diaz
Nurgle. Spread the plague for the plague god! Also Skaven and Chorfs hate them so you can act as a counterbalance to the other two.
Owen Bennett
Screen him and try to chip at the corners.
Carter Garcia
Rolled 6 (1d6)
Joseph Ward
Rolled 2 (1d6)
Luke Reyes
Were your Ogres damaged to the point of retirement or are you just tired of them?
Juan Turner
Cooper Ward
Rolled 6 (1d6)
Benjamin Brooks
Both? One Ogre died and I won't have the funds to replace him for quite a while, but for this new cup we'll be using fresh teams.
Alexander Barnes
Wow. How many games did your team play? Cause that is a brutal start.
Robert Long
Anyone mind critiquing my Vampire scheme? Besides them lacking skin colour, since I lack the paint, I am not sure if their trousers should stay or if the blue comes too strong in contrast.
Maybe black?
Landon Mitchell
Well, when a team shares the same color for their armors and their clothes, It doesn't look very good unless it's different tones. As your armors are being paint in red, I guess keeping the trousers blue would not be a problem
Are vampire teams fun? I never ried them
Lucas Wilson
they're pretty fun when you have quite a bit of development done on your vampires and your tv is higher. can do plays with hypnogaze that no other team can do. but very frustrating at first with all the bloodlust and unskilled vampires fucking up everything
James Myers
Vampires are fun but they are very hard to play. Besides stunty id say they are the hardest and in some cases harder than stunty.
It dependson your starting roster. 4 vampires is considered the best but I like 5. Bloodlust management is crucial.
Any suggestions on my team scheme besides tones? At least in regards to the vampires.
James Kelly
Vampire teams are pretty fun if you're happy to be completely fucked by your own team every so often.
And not "oh no my Ogre won't go where I want" foreplay, or "oh dear my chainsaw Goblin got blocked and now he's dead" lovemaking. We're talking "my best player, who is carrying the ball, is now totally out of position and has killed my last lineman" howling arsefucking.
Colton Cooper
What would you see as the best amount of vamps to use?
Kayden Carter
I like the colour scheme, but I'd add a splash of red to the thralls as they look a bit bland now.
Bentley Powell
does anyone have the updated chaos pact roster from bb2016?
Jayden Jenkins
Starting a league up soon locally using bb2016 rules
What do you guys think of this Chaos Renegade Team
Orc Goblin Skaven Dark Elf Troll Ogre Minotaur and 4 humans
2 RR and an Apo
1k even
Jayden Moore
>you pass your beer to your xerfriend in the bar and this skeever slaps your beer out of the air, your xerfriends ass, and runs you into the endzone
Dylan Long
>being this autistic
Leo Williams
Blood Bowl 2 lacks Chaos Renegades.
What else is it missing?
Dominic Bell
they're not adding in renegades, instead they added in a very old school variant allowing you to create mixed teams, they're pretty fun to smash against the AI in an eternal league but that's about it
Brody Collins
I want to create a themed match centered around the first game of blood bowl played in universe. Since Mungk, an orc, found the rules, and Roze-El, a dwarf, translated them, the first game is Orcs vs Dwarves. Mungk and Roze-El will be star players for their respective teams. I think I'm going to adjust the rules too so it better reflects a game where not everything is figured out yet. No referees, no bribes.
Anyone else made exhibition games? Any other iconic matchups in blood bowl history?
Kayden Baker
no I'm not gay
Jayden Lee
What do you think of my dwarf scheme ?
Lucas Brooks
Looking good so far.
Is Sure Feet wasted TV? Feel like if you're willing to GFI, you're already planning to use team rolls for it.
And does Pro work per player or only one pro can activate per turn?
Jaxson Anderson
Just got the core set, what physical book has the league and injury rules in it?
Dominic Thomas
once per player on pro
sure feet is only good on pieces that are going to be gfing a lot like one turners or maybe frenzy pieces or if you gave someone sprint i guess
Jackson Brown
Death Zones Season 1, or buy the Almanac which has both books together (plus the remaining Teams of Legend which was previously only available as a free .pdf and never printed to page).
Jeremiah Stewart
I hope Lord Borak returns in the next Death Zone.
Hudson Kelly
What is so great about Borak?
>block, +ST, Dirty Player, Mighty Blow He's a super overpriced Chaos Warrior.
Carter Morgan
He was a great comddic character in-verse who ran his osn agony uncle column. Also despige his price he is a surprisingly decent compliment to a chaos team. 5 chaos warriors is nothing to scoff at.
Hudson Taylor
>cyanide tries to play off all these varied chainsaw wielders as Nobbla
I actually assumed the chainsaw star players all had the same statline with different visuals.
Couldn't have been farther from the truth. Fun fact. Chainsaw wielders are not burdened with No Hands despite what you'd assume.
John Perry
Its a shame the stars are so hit or miss. At least Ugroth is the safest as if he doesnt break his armour he doesnt get a turn over. Shame too he is banned in the fluff.
Josiah Hall
>get so used to vampires gaze I can no longer mount a defence with any other team
Help me /bbg/
Owen Wood
So guys, my friend and I played the boardgame version of Blood Bowl with cards and it was fun as fuck, and I'm sorta interested in the actual game.
I played Skaven and Ogre Kingdoms back in Fantasy, how do each of these play in the game? Just after a basic rundown of the wacky shit they can get up to.
John Evans
How does the FW one compare to the Puppetswar one? I don't like the orange-black coat on the official, but that's not a fault of the sculpt.
And how do y'all feel about using non-GW players in general?
Lucas Butler
Skaven are squishy and depend on using their linerats to protect their gutter runners and open gaps with yiur stormvermin. They are decent at the start but become amazing later.
Ogres are among tge worst teams in the game in terms of winning but they are insanely fun. You get up to 6 ogres and while you may not score and your ogres go dumb, they can utterly rip and tear other teans apart.
Non GW models are fine in pretty much all circles. When GW dunked official support tons of 3rd parties rose up and have built a nice foundation before Bb2016.
Noah Perez
Anyone got any particular Star Players they love or hate?
I used to love the chainsaw stars but I quickly came to realize they end up suiciding or getting one shotted more than I like.
Liam Green
Ripper, Ugroth, Wilhelm, and Luthor Von Drakenborg
Andrew Hill
I guess you like them? Any fun stories?
Bentley Diaz
>told Undead top tier >play them in BB2 >doing ok, got positive record >at 1500+ TV >run into a 1300+ TV Vamp team >has Ag5 blodger, another blodger, dodge vamp and rookie vamp >he starts as kicker >hypno gazes open my formation >robs the ball and scores >new offense >robs ball and scores again >lose 0-4
I am not even mad. Just how am I meant to fight Vampires? That Ag5 Vampire was untouchable and he barely bloodlusted at all.
Oliver Jackson
Kill everything but the vampires. When he bloodlusts, he both has a turnover and the vampire gets taken off the pitch for the drive.
Lincoln Richardson
Lucas Sullivan
you should have a bench as undead so just step on both vampires and thralls when they go down.
Levi Allen
I know the general strategy and tactic vs Vampires but this was something I wasn't expecting. Also the lack of bloodlusts. He literally ran through me with his Vampires and once he got the ball my zombies and mummies were tied up. So were my Wights so it was uphill -2d vs blodge. Just crazy.
I don't even think it was bad luck except the lack of bloodlusts. If I boxed he gazed then smacked my ghoul with his Ag5 Vampire. It also had tackle to boot. He let his thralls mark my mummies and zombies and even my wights while the Vampires would either run through or around to gang up on my ghoul duo ball carriers.
If I screened he would gaze and run in and surround me. Just nuts.
Elijah Sanchez
I had a 3 man bench and I lost 4 players to getting caught by the ref and he injured my blodge ghoul.
Isaiah Kelly
Gabriel White
New Lizardmen models when?
Hunter Cox
Might be sooner than you think
Isaac Lee
6, thralls are faggots Make sure to get rerolls
Christian Parker
Still waiting for my Almanac to come in, but is there any need for physical cheerleader and doctor models? Thinking about ordering converting some but if they arnt needed may hold off till my team comes in.
Mason Long
Couple of guys at my LGS are talking about running a league Dubs pick my race if the plan comes to fruition, I really can't pick one
Logan Wright
Grayson James
Jose Scott
Cheerleaders and other coaching staff minis are not compulsory and purely for show.
Brody Harris
Tiny bit of touching up on vamps. Any feedback appreciated.
Connor Cook
Cameron Cooper
Jeremiah James
already february cover? the fuck?
Brayden Ramirez
Dylan Wood
Alexander Wright
they look kinda randomly painted, also imo you should first experiment on a single model before risking to fug up all the models why are there so many spots uncovered by paint? try to thin the colors a bit, how big is the brush you're using? color scheme look nice tho, painting skill needs a bit of improvement, nothing a couple of test minis would not be able to solve, though
Asher Walker
No offense, but strip all of that off and start over.
First and foremost, thin your paints. I can see the brush strokes on the cape. Also, you are probably trying to use one or two brushes for all this and 'make it work' which doesn't work. Either you're using brushes too big for this, or your tips are fucked.
Don't rush. Use thinner coats. Make sure you've got a point on your brush tips.
For real though, start over.
Justin Wood
Anything that isn't a player is for funsies. Like the coach model, apo's, necromancer, cheer leaders, refs, etc.
Brandon Thomas
>strip all of that off and start over
That would be a bit too time consuming for my taste but ya I will try to revise over with what I can. It had been a while since I got back into the painting thing but ya, I thought the image made them look rough but the feedback confirms they just look rough in general.
>why are there so many spots uncovered in paint
The thralls were kind of a quick job and I didn't have any colour which I felt was satisfying for their colour.
> Also, you are probably trying to use one or two brushes for all this and 'make it work' which doesn't work.
I guess my brush is too big. I think it was the normal sized but admittedly I was dipping my brush in a bit far. I could have done a lot better in thinning them.
I do feel the Vampires (sans the cape one) turned out alright though.
>For real though, start over.
Is there a better method of stripping which doesn't involve dipping them all into a huge dub of liquid for hours?
Thanks for the feedback regardless.
Jackson Long
>I felt was satisfying for their colour
Meant to say satisfying for the colour of their skin.
Matthew Wilson
>too time consuming This hobby takes a lot of patience. Both in setup and play. Less so than most, but you still have to paint.
Ultimately, if you're happy with how they turned out, they're your mini's. As another user said, just do your whole color scheme on one until you're confident with how it looks.
Just watch a few videos on how to properly paint mini's on youtube. There's tons of them.
>is there a way to strip without dipping them for hours? Well, yea, but I'd imagine you're not looking to invest in an ultrasonic cleaner. Degreaser works really well but it may soften your mini's so I wouldn't use it unless you have more experience. The safest and cheapest way will be to buy a cheap toothbrush and a gallon of super clean(usually in automotive next to simple green). Put them in a tupperware with it over night and scrape the paint the next morning. You don't really need an all night soak, but most people would do that because it reduces the amount of scrubbing you'll do.
I strip my teams regularly, starting over isn't a bad thing. I'd buy a set of detail brushes at walmart(like 4 bucks for a pack) or a hobby shop before trying to do more and properly thinning your paints will help tremendously.
Oliver Long
Would just respraying them be a possibility? Honestly some of the miniatures I painted before I was much better at my thinning just looking at them, I got a great Chaos Warrior staring at me who actually looks more fluid than layered.
If respraying won't work I think I may just try to work with what I got. Obviously there is a fair few issues which even to my untrained eye I can see, but still. Least the team colour seems to be alright.
Isaiah Bell
>And how do y'all feel about using non-GW players in general?
so long as they look good I'm down, but that mino looks shit
Connor Hughes
watch a least one tutorial before attempting to paint
Jayden Hill
Guess I will try to respray them so.
Robert Richardson
no nigga no, bathe them in super-clean you can only respray if you painted the first layer in thin coats
Asher Foster
Doesn't super-clean leave them with a really strong and bad smell?
I actually can't believe I messed up so badly on the paint thinning. I was wondering why things were turning out so iffy.