>your character gets captured, stripped of all their gear, put in an embarrassing outfit, and stuffed in a sturdy cage with wardings against powers
How does your character fare in this kind of situation?
>your character gets captured, stripped of all their gear, put in an embarrassing outfit, and stuffed in a sturdy cage with wardings against powers
How does your character fare in this kind of situation?
Other urls found in this thread:
They break out anyways.
Pretty well, actually. If she's in a cage she's safe from other people.
>putting the 8'4 brick shithouse in an embarrassing outfit
I almost want to see that
but he just breaks the cage, sturdy doesent quite cut it Im afraid
>put in an embarrassing outfit
Impossible, exhibitionism and public embarrassement are my character's magical realms. But I'd play along, just to see what kind of pervert our GM is.
She is going to do her best to distract her captors, while the rest of the party comes to her rescue.
My character is a 65 year old psyker lady in service to Inquistion. She will get out eventually, but she will be embarrased.
Step 1: Be best girl
Step 2: Take advantage of my enemies hubris and challenge them to a dual.
Step 3: Kick their ass because you're best girl.
Try to avoid getting raped/do nothing
You know, despite all the hate e-celebs give this show I was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt until this fucking arc.
>Some guy molests Kirito's gf's IN-GAME AVATAR
>Kirito acts like this is worse than KILLING LITERALLY THOUSANDS
My character is a Half-Orc Naturist Monk, therefore is actually annoyed that they are wearing any clothes at all. As such, they get naked and fuck shit up.
Happened to my character a few times, minus the embarrassing outfit
Said character was a rogue tho, so they just used sleight of hand
It's VR
It's basically rape
Chizeta only beats Fahren because its exports of delicious brown.
he starts go-go dancing and singing "stop the bus"
How's that worse than mass murder that runs into literally the thousands? Fucking Kirito more or less tells rapeface that he'll never be like Ayakaba. I hate to break Godwin's law, but this is pretty much "this guy in Da Club smacked my gf's ass, he isn't classy like Hitler was!"
>Half-Orc Monk
she is basically his wife at this point and it seems like everything in game feels real (except when it doesn't). I'm more upset that it was the laziest thing possible to build tension in the story.
He'd let his big, strong captors do anything they want to him, as he surely couldn't defeat them if he tried. Not that he'd want to
Most likely unleash an uninterrupted flow of curses, insults and threats until silenced, her captors flee the room or she's rescued.
Aside from that I'm really interested in seeing that scenario happen with my Deathwatch Space Wolves Long Fang. Probably involve Dark Angels robes somehow.
She tries to seduce a guard into sleeping with her so she can kill the guard with her bare hands and escape.
[s]Or the guards are too smart and she ends up resigning herself to her fate as she's tortured and brainwashed into becoming the female warden's personal sex slave.[/s]
>hueg half-orc barbarian moonlighting as a male stripper
Shame and physical pain are quite meaningless to her by now, as a priestess of Ilmater in a world conquered by Bane. She'll comply to her captor's will should escape by herself be impossible, and wait for her comrades.
She's a slave to party's ugly LE alchemist artificer gnome, who is obsessed over his property's safety, and slaves count as property. Slavery is to keep the priestess safe from the law, as it is the master's responsibility to "rehabilitate" the slave.
How much extreme pain is there in a world crashed by Bane?
Their captors get arrested for sexually abusing a minor. The law isn't kind to shotacons round these parts.
>When there are shitloads of CHA-based D&D feats that turn this into a benefit.
Well he's extremely persuasive, Highly resistant to pain and doesn't feel thirst or hunger so I guess he just waits it out until he can convince a guard to turn and release him.
>Play a Warforged Bard
>Have a pretty long designation serial number
>Just end up going by "Jukebox"
>Captured and dressed up
>Rivets redone
>Brass filigree inlaid once more
>That weird clicking noise in the shoulder joint sorted out and repaired
Jukebox does not wish to leave.
Because this time, it's... personal.
As much as the church of Bane and the standing (mostly elven) authorities wish to visit upon the people toiling under their draconian laws.
For example, all unrepenting "heretics" will be punished by torture until they either break or die.
I'm not sure what they are trying to accomplish here.
Par for the course for him really, he'd probably be a bit disappointed when the group rescues him, he's a hardcore sub
To be extremely charitable in how such statment might make a iota of sense, maybe kayaba has the benefit of doubt due to being clearly insane in some way?
>embarrassing outfit
so they remove his arcane tophat?
>How does your character fare
As the groups arcane trickster, I attempt to escape and do my thing, which is cause as much chaos as humanly possible.
>In a cage with warding against her powers
My character's a temperamental Fire witch. Sealing her magic powers takes away 99% of what she CAN do.
>Embarrassing costume
Would leaver her absolutely mortified.
So my charater would fare horribly.
Define this.
Antimagic in D&D.
Attempts to awkwardly seduce her captors, is very bad at it.
Realize that it's just a sturdy cage with wardings against powers and rules-lawyer reality to her will. Then stays in there, because she's too much of a coward to risk and escape on her own.
Sexe skeletal dance
Playing an exalted character I would have already had my anti-shaping defense activated prior to any of this. I then proceeded to walk right out of the cage and punch anyone involved in this situation straight to Hell.
They're held in one of the Yu-Shan punishment cages from Sidereals 1e that prevent Charm activation.
Depends on how much of a railroading fuck the GM is being. My character is strong enough to assure escape before capture in most situations that aren't built from the ground up to fuck him in particular, has abilities to ward off / survive surprise attacks and traps, and can function perfectly well without his equipment. If the GM wants to just invalidate all that and put me in a box with no way for me to use any power I have to escape, then I suppose they could. Then I would wish them a good game, grab my dice, and leave.
8ft tall 300+ pounds of muscle Goliath. He's just going to bend the bars and walk out. He feels no shame.
not entirely sure why they're not doing their best to cover up the massive burn scars, it's not the most attractive of sights
for the rest, start studying exactly what wards are on it and how to dispel them
My emotionless construct would probably appreciate the new duds, but once they decide to leave, they have 9 levels in Rogue. Not many locks or cages will hold her. After which, she picks up her sentient sword, murders anybody in her path, and walks off - usually leaving the party in a mad scramble to catch up.
My character is a Vampire berserker that walks around naked, whatever they make him wear is covering more than usual.
The... uh... incredibly strong, berserker centaur lizard with Wolverine-like extendable claw blades and a mouth like an alligator? The one from the hyper-aggressive warrior race whose bad reaction to captivity has been known to lead to paranoid delusions? The one who personally suffered paranoid delusions just from being cooped up in a small spaceship cabin for too long? The one who turned psychotic as a result and tried to murder his friends? That one?
It's going to be a really bad day for at least one person.
What's stopping her from saying "Fuck it I'm sucking dick to get of here" If she's a emotionless construct?
he would laugh heartily at the absurdity of the situation, and make a mental note to write this down in his tome of knowledge whenever he gets it back
You and me both.
Character 1 (Evil disney villain fire witch): grows 60 feet and crushes her captor beneath her fatty feet. Then she admires herself.
If she can't break out, she uses her wiles to ensnare them (by being obnoxious beyond belief) then when they're distracted she transforms into a mouse, hides behind cage bar, and waits. The moment they open the cage, she kills them all.
Character 2 (Aztec gunslinger jaguar shapeshifter- not shadowrun) Swear at them in Nahuatl and japanese for several minutes, then sits down and broods. Hopefully the kidnappers his wife always sends after him break him out later. And if he can't get ahold of his musket and wheellock pistols he'll be furious. If pushed, he swears a pact with his jaguar spirit to free himself, probably at terrible cost.
Wow that character is super shadowrun. I hadn't even realized. It's actually a 16th century post apocalyptic not-earth in which great empires inspired by historical nations got brutally destroyed by spirits, and now the survivors make deals with spirits to survive. I'm a plate armored gunslinging gunsmith Aztec jaguar warrior, whose spirit pact lets me shapeshift.
The party is my father in law teppo armed tengu-trained samurai, my brother-in-law japanese Landsknecht, and myself. My wife- their daughter/sister- is crazy and sends kidnappers after me so I can prove myself to her.
Time investment I guess.
He's a seven foot cannibal with a creepypasta tier body-type, and he normally wears nothing but a loincloth, so I'm not sure what they're trying to achieve here.
He would sit perfectly still so as to use as few calories as possible, and calmly wait for rescue or a chance to spring himself.
He's a tiny shota boi halfling who pretends he's a lot more powerful than he is
I think he's stuck.
>Use my magic to create a wireless communicator.
>Contact my ship
>tell my ship to drop drop-pods full of war robots
>summon lockpicks and start picking the lock.
That's my magical realm, which is awful since I would be trying so hard not to reveal it, most of my characters would die of shame and try to escape.
...sans my halfling lady Bard (she was captured, took about a sec to escape and stole the BBG magical stuff in the process, laughing all the way) and my human Warlock would probably just be amused by the entire thing.
Be confused as to why anyone would attempt this with a paunchy Dwarf, then set about defending his "back entrance", just in case.
How do you do that without your gear or powers?
>Male(male) lizardfolk paladin who unerringly seeks to push his own understanding of justice upon the world, also is incapable of reading the room and is always screaming battle-cries at random passersby
>Embarrassing outfit?
He'd probably tear the clothes off, because he doesn't like wearing clothes. Clothes are cloth prisons, which is unjust!
I’m a robot with a nanomachine factory in my chest.
If they just got rid of my gear I’d die.
How do you block nanobots?
Nanomachines are rather weak to fire, microwaves, heat, and other nanomachines that eat them.
If they really can block my powers completely, then I’d just wait until my ship gets worried and starts looking for me.
He would be very confused but welcoming to new experiences.
Is this specifically a bidcage? This is important.
My character would either
>Try making enough people in the room laugh to gain their trust and seem otherwise like small fry, afterwards making suggestions that if she can leave the cage, she'll do other things, such as perform better comedy, etc.
>Same tactic, but in opposite. Tell really shitty jokes loud enough and long enough to where keeping her as a hostage isn't worth it anymore.
>If the familiar is locked in the cage too, include him in on it.
>If the familiar is not in the cage, he can get help in the meantime.
>Also, highly skilled bluff checks. Such as saying "Hey, can you get me out of here? The prisoner escaped and replaced me in here. We have to catch them!"
She's his wife, dude. That's literally all it takes. Thousands of people? Who cares, he's probably the kind of fag that's always posting >It's happening on /pol/ when he isnt goofing off on /g/. Thousands of people is a statistic. Maybe say, "Oh, that sucks." Then get on with his day. Kind of like how you reacted to the last mass shooting, or major civilian death in the middle east. End of the day, people are vain self centered assholes, and only truly react when things they personally care about are threatened.
That said, it was an incredibly poorly written arc (like the rest of the show, I guess) and could have been much better executed.
Name them. For future reference.
>Warforged Bard
Are you Kikaider?
>Playing a cyborg
But my body is my gear? Are they just going to put my brain,heart and burn victim face in a sexy maid outfit?
Probably use some sort of software to override your control, making you into organs bolted to a life support bed shaped like a body.
Then probably shove you in a closet or something, not like you can move your robocop tin ass.
Depends on if the bars ward against all powers or just powers aimed at them.
>campaign hopper
If it's all powers, he's screwed.
If it's just aimed powers, he can just transform into one of the larger monstrosities and bust out of the cage through sheer pressure alone.
>JJBA character:
If it's all powers, she'll just force the bars aside enough to squeeze through.
If it's only aimed powers, she'll try to bust out by filling the cage with smaller, Stand-generated cages until the outer cage gives way and she can dispell the created cages.
Either way, she's probably keeping the outfit for a wrestling gimmick.
Autozam is faggot country
You posted this in the wrong thread OP. Here you go:
>embarrassing outfit
My character is a not!Landsknecht who loves showing off, how are you going to embarrass him? If you put him in something skimpy he'd probably just start flexing and bragging about his scars.
Well, if the ass-slapper is an edgelord who wishes he was Hitler, telling him he'll never be as classy or as infamous as Hitler is a decent way to try and tilt the dude. Not even defending SAO since it's garbage, but it's still a decent strategy for smack talk
"No matter, left her leave. If I leave her naked, she has no choice but to stay."
>Monkey King looking Druid with no quarterstaff, no wildshape, no druid magic, just his wits, and an embarrassing monkey suit
I monkey around until either the guards or my friends come get me.
Like said, investment of time. She is a very 'the only way out is through' kind of character. That and an aforementioned sentient sword who may or may not be urging her to do things.
haha jokes on you, I am a fighter so I have no magic anyways *bends bars apart with 20 strength*
That's where you called quits? MC and first villain sharing a connection was already kinda-shorta foreshadowed in S1.
The true wtf of arc 2 is the tentacle rape monsters.
>be scientist with no regards for other humans
>get into shady job for cutting edge research on manipulating the human mind
>employer expects me to work while hooked up to the device we want to use to manipulate minds
>have to be in a god damn mmo for work
>have to be disgusting tentacle slug monster while I'm on duty
>actually need to work virtual computers with my tentacles instead of a god damn normal office job
>my coworkers are all the same tentacle slug monster
>my coworker is totally up for tentacle raping that underage girl that walked into our virtual office
>tfw he wants me to join in
Just imagine the job interview for these guys. Daily office madness at evil megacorp would make for both a better story and a campaign than the actual SAO.
Because Kirito sees Kayaba as a good game designer, meaning he saw the deaths as ultimately fair, since no encounter was meant as a 'fuck you' but a test of skill with high stakes.
>I have actively used this as a thing in a campaign
>Said player character made multiple escape attempts
>get drunk during dm session
>next session character is somehow bound and gagged in the cage over a pit of deep water
>ask what the fuck happened
>group said I made the kidnappers sick of her shit and decided to put her in a bond death trap
I'm not sure if I should stop drinking or kep drinking
Maybe you should stop forcing your fetish on your players instead
How else do you keep a captive, I honestly can't say without putting them in a fucking bind or in a cell/cage. Also said character was based of pic related, so technically not my magical realm
>Sturdy cage with wardings against powers.
Well last time I checked retard strength wasn't a power, so he breaks the cage. He then takes off the clothes, they're too restrictive.
>Hating on Shawntey
Kill yourself and then think about what you just said and then kill yourself again
He dances, of course.
>i enjoy shantae unironically
>i don't really like half genie hero as much as pirate's curse
Let's see. one is a PL 9 magical girl, the other is a PL 6 super hero with access to PL X powers.
It would get... complicated for the PL 9 magical girl, especially if there were any onlookers and she couldn't safely skyrocket her hate at her favored enemies. She also stands a good chance at simply escaping the cage or breaking it, despite it being sturdy.
The PL 6 superhero is a minor-level reality-bender of the fate/luck persuasion. No one, opponents included, will ever know if this is just another result of her powers. And it definitely isn't warded nearly well enough to stop her access to PL X reality-bending. ...she's also likely to just wait it out, curiously watching whatever is happening, depending on the actions of those around her, and just happily accepting the situation as normal and expected.
Teleports away
Aoe stuns everyone in the room
Scoops out eyeballs with a spoon
Teleports back to the party with new swag threads
OK, Bea’s powers are shooting guns, flying TIEs and repressing her sexuality. Removing gear takes care of the first two, with the third warded she’ll eventually run into someone with enough of a musclegirl fetish that her lousy interpersonal skills don’t nix the deal.
Also she’ll realize she’s pretty gay. Normally she doesn’t relax enough to think about sex without enough booze that she won’t remember who she shagged.
If that romance doesn’t lead to sweet liberty, wherever she’s kept will eventually develop a specops Stormtrooper infestation.
I don't have her character sheet with me right now, but I'd say she's pretty much okay.
She's on good footing with her Goddess, and was even given the half-celestial template. If she can't pray her way out of the cage, that +4 STR will come in handy.
Very poorly
The armour he is wearing is actually his skin... So you've just put a flayed hell knight in a cage, but he's a kinky mofo so he's going to kinda like it.
He probably could summon his sword and break the cage eventually.
Bearmode dwarf muder-crusader-hobo in funny outfit.
Nothing but a constant ring as he attempts to break out.
Depends who put him there, and why. If it's an attractive woman who wants him as her concubine, he'll start practicing his exotic dancing, use his high Charisma to charm his new mistress, secretly hope she'll "punish" him by making him wear nothing at all, and secretly hope he never gets rescued.
Commit suicide
>The gods be damn, why have you been sucking so much dick lately?
>The sword said it was a good idea....
>How well versed are you with C++ and Java? We do sometimes run into old scripts that need to be updated to modern languages.
I'm very well versed in both, I started to write code with Java back when I first started programming. I have sample programs of both available on request.
>Very well. Last question, are you certain you won't change your mind about tentacles?
... Fuckit, rent is due in two weeks, just give me the damn job already.