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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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I desire a Space Hulk /jc/. Where in the galaxy should I best look for one, and how should I go about cleaning it out?
I think the Maelstrom is a known hot spot for space hulks, and you should definitely clear it out with shoggoths.
So, fight fleshy abominations with fleshy abominations?
You need something to get into all the nooks and crannies. A blob of digester nanomachines set to only devour organic matter could also do it, but that'll leave any annoying automated systems intact.
Get some space marines, sisters of battle, and just anything with power armor. Send them through with flamers.
You have a fair point.
That is the 40K way in a nutshell, yes.
Marvel jump
TOR jump when? I want to be the Inquisior and act like a better looking Sheev.
So I potentially have Killy, his girlfriend and a few ex-TOHA and DRF fellows following me around. We're about to hit Persona 5 and I'm scared what might happen when they awaken their Personas. Dunno what any of those will be, though. I've got some rough Arcanas figured out so far, though.
>Killy - The Fool or Chariot
>Cibo - ?
>Zouichi - The Fool or Emperor?
>Fuyu - Hermit?
>Kahdal - The Empress
>Nishu - Justice
>Shin - Lovers?
Dead Space has plenty of more low-key ones, and from the sounds of things, it'd be pretty similar to what a Terminator team would expect normally. You could also probably find a lot of them in Starcraft.
If you mean in 40k itself, though. I'd fully expect there to be loads of them surrounding the Eye of Terror, and additionally you should be able to locate them around Macragge and the wakes of other hive fleets.
And finally, flamers followed by cyclonic torpedoes. It's the only way to be sure.
Hey, speaking of 40k, I seem to recall a WIP of a AdMech jump being posted here at one point. Anyone got that?
Brutus is making one, though it most likely won't come out for quite a while. That being said, reminder to all Jumpers to kill the Sith Emperor as soon as possible. Aside from the fact that he's the leader of the Empire, that he's planning on conducting a ritual that will wipe out all life in the galaxy, and that he's basically Sheev-Nihilus, he's also the leader of ANOTHER secret empire that will conquer Sith and Republic alike after Dark Side Revan revives him. So taking him out will probably prevent their invasion, since he needs to be revived in order to be able to use that body after either you or the Hero of Tython kills him.
The TOR metaplot was god damn cancer
I just want to waifu sith Leeroy Jenkins
>the Hero of Tython
The wot now?
God I was reading up on that shit earlier after getting back into Kotor. That shits' just insultingly stupid.
A back up fucking empire holy shit my brain.
Wasn't that also the plot of Dark Empire?
I would give Cibo the Magician major arcana, owing to how she changes between forms and utilizes the technology ("magic") of the setting.
I would have given Kahdal best girl The Star but that's just me.
Here, but the author said they were going to re-work the cybernetics which might change a bunch of the perks.
Thank you kindly.
...mostly not. There was just a little bit of that kind of thing. The empire was just the mostly intact one that was already there.
>A back up fucking empire
On the other hand, that sounds like something I should look into as a Jumper.
>Against the odds, the rebels have won
>My fortresses lie in ruins, my cities burned and my planets scoured of life
>As enemies from all sides close in around me, I push a single button. Somewhere, eldritch lightning courses around living engines, and my entire empire flips upside-down
>The underground empire I've been building in secret promptly declares war on the rebels
>and my entire empire flips upside-down
>Cibo Magician
I'll admit that was my first thought, but she's actually the one to die versus her love interest, and she doesn't appear to have a huge ego or any maturity problems, unlike most people with the Magician Arcana.
>given Kahdal The Star
...I know this is Nihei we're talking about here, so things like 'happiness' are relative, but I don't recall Kahdal ever being a particularly happy individual.
Jumpers, tell me about your marriage rings. Did you opt for wards to defend your waifu? Telepathic bonds? Huge glittery rock to show she struck it big?
The Jedi Knight pc
I'm more thinking of how Kahdal tries to evacuate Ion away from Narein and Niarudi as a 'turning towards hope' kind of moment, but I might be wrong there.
Huh. I wonder if "Magos Temporal" would be a valid designation?
So smooth everyone on the same island as those two slipped.
>Congratulations rebel scum you defeated my Galactic Empire
>Can you defeat my Pan-Galactic Empire though?
I think it actually would, if the Imperium only understood it's own time tech well enough. Some anons brought up a Dark Age tech ship that REVERSES CAUSALITY just to make sure it NEVER MISSES.
There's high tech, and then there's tech that would have some Necrons scratching their heads. Seriously, imagine how they'd to it given the ship's firepower is otherwise wholly Terran: It's like watching someone strapping a nuclear bomb to a baseball bat because they wanted it to hit harder.
>Some anons brought up a Dark Age tech ship that REVERSES CAUSALITY just to make sure it NEVER MISSES.
Just more evidence that 40k is the most retarded setting with the most retarded lore in any fiction.
>Reverses causality
>never misses
Does the ship look like this?
You mean Exalted?
Do you follow any of these guidelines, jumpers?
That would be a spear that reverses causality yet somehow always misses.
You mean Star Wars?
The problem with Gay Bulge is that it can be defeated by the metaphysical equivalent of a D20 AND having supernatural combat reaction time. This makes it a great weapon in an actual war, but an automatically hard countered one in a 7v7 duel to the death between powerful heroes from across space and time, many of whom became famous for their prowess at arms and fortune.
To this day, I still think Archer was talking out of his ass about it being better than the original Grungnir. After how much Divine Spirits have been wanked there is no way they are going to make Literally Odin's weapon job nearly as much.
They would one hundred percent make Odin job like a shittier Lancer, there's no fucking doubt.
Divinve Spirits summoned as servants don't tend to be to much more impressive then really awesome heroes summoned as servants.
Lancer is basically Irish Hercules summoned into his ideal class when he's swinging around Gae Bolg. It could very well be better then Gugnir.
A few, but none of those that detract from the fun of it.
The difference here is that Fate Luck Stat isn't something that exists in other settings, you can't just be better at avoiding shit like causality alteration in universes that are Nasu. If you brought any of the people who dodged Gae Bolg and leveraged similar weapons from other settings, the same thing would happen. The only difference is that in those weapon's home setting, they were king because no one had conceptual defenses.
It was only a B Rank NP though
Seriously, would Gungnir just be a C Rank NP in this narrative?
Also Cu Alter's attack with it against Karna proves what a failure as a certain kill weapon it is. Cu was buffed to high heaven. On paper, it's whole shtick of stabbing the heart no matter what should have made Karna's armor useless. And it STILL leaves him alive long enough to ALMOST KILL Cu with a counterattack powered by his literal dying breath.
Granted, GO seems to be trying to retcon Divinity into a raw powerlevel stat instead of the nebulous elemental weakness it used to be early on.
I doubt that. Putting aside that every Divine Spirit that isn't Medusa's useless sisters has been consistency shown to at LEAST be in the lower end of high tier Servant, they had Caster Cu solo Archer Alter, Medusa Alter and fucking Saber Alter (again, on his dying breath-though after she'd eaten her own swordbeam) with an Odin rune-powered NP.
I mean to be fair there's shit like Blazblue where people have made a science out of reverse engineering the weapons designed to kill a thing powerful enough to destroy the planet that exists outside causality.
Gugnir is better at the seek and destroy bit but doesn't have the instant kill function. It might be a higher rank but Archer at least believes combining always hit and always kill in reduced forms is better then either separate.
>Also Cu Alter's attack with it against Karna proves what a failure as a certain kill weapon it is. Cu was buffed to high heaven. On paper, it's whole shtick of stabbing the heart no matter what should have made Karna's armor useless. And it STILL leaves him alive long enough to ALMOST KILL Cu with a counterattack powered by his literal dying breath.
I mean on the other hand it kills Motherfucking Karna. The entire Mahabhatra is about how much Shit Went Down to get Karna in a position where they could cheat to kill him.
Dude it's fucking Karna. KARNA.
>Also Cu Alter's attack with it against Karna proves what a failure as a certain kill weapon it is. Cu was buffed to high heaven. On paper, it's whole shtick of stabbing the heart no matter what should have made Karna's armor useless.
I feel like you don't really know what a fucking invincible horror movie monster Karna was in the original mythology.
Still makes Gay Bulge look like weak shit.
It's technically two B rank NPs, which might actually make it better then A rank in some ways. Gungnir could be A rank and still weaker then Gae Bolg because Gae Bolg is basically B+.
It really doesn't.
It did its job though, Karna surviving is representative of how fucking badass he is, not a credit to how weak Gae Bolg is.
Man what point of it actually accomplishing the task of killing Karna do you not understand?
Okay you make a GOOD point but. Someone should really just give him an A-rank stat in "I'm Motherfucking Karna" or something because at this point he's flat out embarrassing Servants with how innocently mediocre his statblock says he is, and how broken he actually is. Like, on paper he has what it takes to be a REALLY good psychologist, the obligatory gud hero riding skill, the obligatory god hero divinity ((skill)) and some sort of fire reskin of Arturia's lifehack.
There are Servants with skills hyped to be from getting blessings from goddesses and being impossibly good at killing gods and literally Battle Continuation that are less good at beating everyone on the battlefield in a straight fight than Karna.
It's almost as if real power levels don't exist in Nasuland, and that even stat blocks are completely meaningless.
It's all bullshit.
Karna literally has a skill to de-hype his stats. It's called Uncronwed Arms Mastery.
The real place to look for him being the most hype is the NP line up.
He has an ever escalating series of explosions and the armor of LOLnope
It's almost as if big parts of the first visual novel were dedicated to exploring how various heroic powers and myths interacted instead of just throwing out increasingly big numbers.
1. They don't get helmets. They do get cool hats.
2. No.
3. No. They get a luxury cell.
4. Yes.
5. Yes.
6. No.
7. It depends on the hero.
8. Why am I getting married?
9. Yes.
10. No.
11. Yes.
12. I'm pretty sure a Waddle Dee counts for that.
13. Sometimes I let minions think they killed people when I know damn well they didn't because it's more fun that way.
14. No.
15. No.
16. I generally don't tell people I'm going to kill them until I'm actually prepared to do it.
17. Yes.
18. No.
19. No.
21. Yes.
22. I use protection before I jam it in.
23. Yes.
24. Yes.
25. No.
26. I can just clone people.
27. Yes.
28. Yes.
29. No.
30. I usually hire these people.
31. ??? Is this a thing?
32. Yes.
33. Yes, except for certain hand chosen minions.
34. Yyyyyyyno.
35. Yes.
36. Yes.
37. Yes.
38. No.
39. Yes.
40. No.
41. Yes.
42. Yes.
43. Yes.
44. No.
45. Yes.
46. No.
47. I like to show up while he's still a callow youth, soundly beat him up, and then escape while laughing, leaving him to think about the experience.
48. Yes.
49. I usually send a hyper-competent robot after it.
50. But compatibility is so convenient...
51. It's a luxury cell, so yes.
52. I usually build my own castles, although sometimes they are overtop existing castles.
53. Why am I getting married??
54. I usually don't strike such bargains unless I can reliably destroy the demon.
55. Yes.
56. No, but if you can't aim you aren't allowed to have guns.
57. Yes.
58. I toss off a one-liner while running.
59. No comment.
60. Yes.
61. The answer is, "Because it's fun."
62. Yes.
63. No. Compact trash is used for matter conversion.
65. I don't label my maps and I use non-euclidean geometry whenever possible.
66. No.
67. They're instructed to investigate and then start ratcheting up the threat levels exponentially if people start disappearing.
68. Yes.
69. No to the first, yes to others.
Running out of characters, so I'm done.
>8. Why am I getting married?
You accidentally kidnapped the dragon who was kidnapping the princess and rolled with it.
... I'm okay with this!
Pure konata, right there.
>armor of LOLnope
Which is in itself a downgrade from the myth, where he's literally invulnerable until he gives up his skin-armor to Indra posing as a beggar.
Man, FUCK Rama
I agree.
I mean have you even seen him?
I Do not want to consider my jumper a "evil" overlord So much as a Inhumanly moral antagonist leader, but yes I follow it to a T, and memorization of it in its entirety is required for promotion above Sgt. in my army. lack of genre awareness kills.
Is that why you sterilised those schoolgirls?
one schoolgirl and no it was because she Tried to Drug the other schoolgirl shows he would have sex with her, which is rape which is how I usually treat rape.
Didn’t the JK Hero just wound him enough that he had to jump bodies? I liked the Imperial Agent’s storyline the best, it was like James Bond in SPAAACCEE!
Best Companions. I mean you have a sociopathic mercenary who loves explosions, then you have a were-rakghoul healer, a cute underling, and a psychotic killer fembot, and an alien insect hiveminded poet.
She was a schoolgirl in an anime for perverts. Besides, it's not rape if their pupils turn into hearts.
Also, did you have a stroke while typing that out?
He types with a text to speech program.
Why, though? Does it have something to do with why his psychiatrist keeps telling him not to come here?
I have a fine motor disorder ,my Hands can't work a keyboard
Enough with the Bancho shit already. Post builds, waifu art, whatever.
Jump !)XX: The Mummy
Age: 20
Starting Location: Cairo, Egypt
Background: Drop In (Free)
“Have You No Respect For The Dead?” (Free)
“I Lie to Everybody! What Makes You So Special?” (Free)
Another Useless Trinket (100)
“It’s Not Worth Your Life!” “Yes, it is!” (100)
“Bloody Good Show, Chaps!” (200)
“Soon After, Mummies Were Found In Peru.” (300)
Call to Adventure (200)
“There’s Something Incredibly Romantic About Vanquishing The Undead.” (200)
“There is a Fine Line Between Coincidence and Fate.” (400)
“No Harm Ever Came From Opening a Sarcophagus.” (100)
Weapons (50)
Dapper Suit (Free)
Items Allowance (+150)
Treasure Map (& Key) (x4) (400)
Companion Allowance (+200)
Adventurous Academic (Import LC) (200)
Extended Stay (Free)
The Animated Series (Free)
Dark Universe (Free)
Bad CGI (+100)
“Here We Go Again!” (+100)
I Hate Bugs! (+200)
Mummy Magnet (+200)
The Mummy Returns (+300)
You still haven't acknowledged the fact that posting here is having severe effects on your mental health, banchô. I buli you, only because I love you, and don't want you to do any harm to yourself, physical or mental. Also because you're a toxic individual that drives away everyone you interact with, and I want you to stop doing that in the only Veeky Forums thread I actually visit on a regular basis. Preferably anywhere.
but all my builds break da ruurs
What perks could protect from the danger of the Artful Temple That Was Not? Would the Independent Manifestation skill suffice?
Also, given that Avalon already is the bastard child of Wolverine and Reimu's ability to float above reality, what would it look like as a Grand NP?
>Jump 91 - Hellboy
Age: 2,396-years-old
Origin: Mythical Creature (Vampire)
Allegiance: No Allegiance
Perks: (+300 Supernatural Powers-Only CP)
-Occultist (Free)
-Longevity (Free)
-Magic Smithing
-Horrible Will
-Dark Magic
-Altered Physiology - Vampiric (-300)
The Bazaar:
-Strange Cuisine (Free)
-Stylish Robes (Free)
-Baby Ogdru Jahad (Free)
-Old Friend - Ayako Mitsuzuri
-Assassin - Shirou Emiya
-Supernatural Pet - Marsh the Maskeraith
-Companion Import (300 CP)
-Connected Lives (+300) - Ayako
-”Mmm. Nachos.” (+100)
Marsh the Maskeraith (Supernatural Pet)
-Red Right Hand (Mask); Ectoplasmic Being; Natural Weapons (Claws)
Ayako Mitsuzuri (Old Friend)
-Longevity; Glamour; The Long Perspective; Magical Royalty
-Strange Body: Animalistic (Fish); Prehensile Tongue; Environmental Adaptations
Shirou Emiya (Assassin)
-Basic Procedure, Rules, and Direction; Silent Assassin; Warrior Prince
-Elvish Weapon (Sword)
Mordred Emiya:
-Origin: Human
-Allegiance: None
-Have Courage (Free); Occultist (Free); Good, Solid Word; Pure of Heart; What Makes a Man, a Man?
-Stylish Robes (Free); Candy Bars - Butterfinger (Free); Occult Texts
-Origin: Human
-Allegiance: BPRD
-Have Courage (Free); Bureaucratic Nightmare (Free); Pure of Heart; It’s a Hoax!; What Makes a Man, a Man?
-Candy Bars - Kit-Kat (Free); Uniform (Free); Garbage Truck (import The GET-BLOODY-GOIN’); Vulcan Grenades
-Origin: Mythical Creature
-Allegiance: Thule Society
-Longevity (Free); Climb the Ranks (Free); Magic Smithing; Strange Body (Wings; Environmental Adaptation - High-Altitude Storm Clouds)
-Strange Cuisine (Free); Coat of Iron (Free); Goblin Forge
Andre of Astora:
-Origin: Human
-Allegiance: None
-Occultist (Free); Have Courage (Free); Magic Smithing
-Candy Bars - Three Musketeers (Free); Map to Troll Market; Dining Cart; Six Pack & Cigars
-Origin: Mythical Creature
-Allegiance: Magical Races
-Longevity (Free); The Long Perspective (Free); Warrior Princess; Hidden Kingdom; Elemental Blood (Fire); Natural Weapons (Horns); Wings
-Strange Cuisine (Free); Map to Troll Market
Misato Katsuragi:
-Origin: Human
-Allegiance: BPRD
-Have Courage (Free); Bureaucratic Nightmare (Free); Gadgeteer; Good, Solid Word; Pure of Heart
-Uniform (Free); Candy Bar - Krunch (Free); Six Pack & Cigars; Reliquaries of St. Dionysus; Stylish Robes
Sarah Blackwing:
-Origin: Freak
-Allegiance: BPRD
-Bureaucratic Nightmare (Free); I Am In Control (Free); She’s Just Acting Out; All Us Freaks Have Is Each Other; You Should Be Running; Regeneration
-Six Pack & Cigars (Free); Uniform (Free)
Unassailable Tower of the Adamant Soul from Mortals Gauntlet should do the trick. I'd mention the capstone boosted Heart of the Sun from the Solars jump, but that would be wanking by proxy Exalted's untouchable golden boys, and no offence to the jumpmakers but FUCK anything that reinforces Solar supremacy
So, last thread I asked about good starting locations in Generic Creepypasta, and I was looking more for fictional or supernatural locations, as opposed to general creepy places. So far I have Alden.
I highly doubt you can’t peck and hunt keys even if you can’t type normally. That would be a lot faster and better that your speech to text.
> and I was looking more for fictional or supernatural locations, as opposed to general creepy places.
I'm not quite sure what you're asking. Are you asking to start in places that don't exist...?
Like... Atlantis, maybe? Or the continent of Mu?
I'm here to drop another jump.
Who's ready to start a revolution?
Hell no.
Sorry,l should clarify this.
I'm looking for locations of creepypastas, preferably in places that don't actually exist irl. Fake towns are good, places like Atlantis are not
Does that make sense? Sorry if it doesn't
Im not trying to pay a debt I am trying to buy a debt. Like a fae.
I rather be a right wing death squad member.
To those of you who bought an EX rank noble phantasm, what does it do?
Black Clover jump when, Clover?
Mhmm. Thanks. Trying to catch up on last thread were I decided to sleep like a fool.
Gotta agree with Why is there no way to kill all the liberals instead?
>Liberal Crime Squad
This cannot be an actual thing.
>One search later
>It is a thing.
...where do you people find these things?
The first thing that comes to mind is the Merchant perk "Dark Contract" from Ravenloft jump.
Hmm, that would be a 0CP drawback where all the politics are flipped around, right? I'll have to find some way to write it but that would do it.
I'm sorry, I don't know what that's about.
So in your opinion Shards are omniptent, yeah? May I ask what your definition of "omnipotence" is?
San fran, California
No, it's Clover who is autistic here. He has no argument at all for what he's doing.
>Liberal Crime Squad is a game
The Wizard Jump when?
>Inb4 Power Glove is OP.
And who is the one getting offended to the point of screeching.
That's right.
It's you.
Fix Elantris first.